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A series of Unfortunate Events....opinions please

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My daughter read them when she was 7 and enjoyed them. We've all really, really enjoyed them as audiobooks, read by Tim Curry, though!


Are you looking for something specific?


(also, if you can see nowhere from your back yard, by are not in the middle, does that put you on the far edge of nowhere?)


Eta: I would not recommend them for particularly sensitive child. Someone meets an untimely death in each one.

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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I really wanted to like them. I thought the idea was clever. My daughter thought they were fabulous and would tell me some of the stories, which I thought were great. But when I decided to read one aloud to her, I couldn't stand the writing. Bleh.


The movie was fun, though. (How's that for a reversal? Usually, I like a book better than the movie!)



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(also, if you can see nowhere from your back yard, by are not in the middle, does that put you on the far edge of nowhere?)




yes actually, we are on the edge of nowhere....most of the time it is very nice...except for when I want to go shopping at a Kohls....or even shopping just about anywhere...have to drive way too far. sigh....oh well.

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We started listening to the audio cd's from the library. We're on book 6 right now. All my kids love them.


I like the mini vocabulary lessons when the narrator digresses and tells you what an expression mean or what a word in that context is supposed to be saying.


I was a little hesitant because of the "unfortunate" stories included. But when I listen to my kids talking about the story line together they're not focusing on that emotional piece they focus on the adventures and the funny anecdotes through out the story line.


It's good fun. But if you're not one that'd take your kids to a relative's funeral you might want to preview first.



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They are dark, ironic, funny melodrama. We love them.


witty, difficult words (which are explained), appealing to kids, but not written down to kid level.




I've noticed more than a few reluctant reader male 4th graders chuckling over them, once they figure out the genre.


Exactly! My ds liked Horrible Harry in third grade, but was totally immersed in the Baudelaires through fourth grade. These books were the first he ever read out loud to me, trying to make me laugh. He quoted phrases from the books. I love the series because it turned ds from a semi-reluctant reader (I had almost given up hope) into an avid reader.


I'd say, give them a try. But do read them in order.

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I have mixed emotions about this series.


I read all of one and bits of others. I found them well written and amusing.


However, I also found the light sarcasm towards truly horrific events was very off-putting. It was okay with me to joke about making an engine from scratch while hurtling down a mountain, but not okay to joke about small children losing their parents.


In the end, I decided I didn't want to teach my children to be so flippant about such awful things.

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I LOVED them! They are a little too dark for my oldest right now, but I plan on sharing them with her in the future.
Me, too! My oldest doesn't like fantasy, and my second isn't ready yet, but I loved them, have them all, and hope the kids will like them one day.


I want to know where the illustrator, Brett Helquist, went to High School and when he graduated. He's from my hometown, Orem, Utah. Wouldn't it be weird if I knew him?

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I thought ds would like them, but he only got about halfway through the first book. He said it was too sad, and he didn't think it would get any better. He even showed me where it said in the very beginning that the story did not have a happy ending.

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I guess I'm odd one out - I thought they were a bit naff and my DS didn't like them either. He was too busy being outraged that anyone would be that horrible to other people to get a lot out of them.



No the odd one, we didn't like them either. We slogged through all of them but it was boring. Same thing in every book. Kids go somewhere, Olaf finds them in disguise, no one notices (seriously?), kids run off. All through 12 books. Ugh, the last one was worse. Seemed disjointed and not really related to the other books.


Dd had the entire set, she sold it. She never sells books.

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Paperbackswap has a lot of these listed right now. Audiobooks too!


I just got books 7-13 as a surprise for my kids since we won't be able to finish the audiobooks because we're moving away from this nice big library.



And....maybe they'll read them now that they've started the series and love it.

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