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Freaking Neighbours!

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We have an apple tree in our back yard, against the fence.


When we came home yesterday, it was immediately obvious that someone, one of our neighbours, decided to help themselves, and completely picked clean half the tree.


I suppose I should be 'grateful' that they didn't come into the yard and clean the whole tree off, just restrained themselves to what's hanging over the fence, but I'm seriously ticked off.


Normally, I do enough apple sauce and apple butter to provide for my family for the winter. There's diddly left at all, not that we can reach, so now my family is going to go without b/c of selfish stealing jerks in my neighbourhood. :cursing:

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We have an apple tree in our back yard, against the fence.


When we came home yesterday, it was immediately obvious that someone, one of our neighbours, decided to help themselves, and completely picked clean half the tree.


I suppose I should be 'grateful' that they didn't come into the yard and clean the whole tree off, just restrained themselves to what's hanging over the fence, but I'm seriously ticked off.


Normally, I do enough apple sauce and apple butter to provide for my family for the winter. There's diddly left at all, not that we can reach, so now my family is going to go without b/c of selfish stealing jerks in my neighbourhood. :cursing:


Our lemon tree hangs over into the neighbor's yard, and I always assumed they could pick the lemons on their side if they wanted to. It sounds like your neighbors went overboard though--very rude. I'd be bummed too.

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Nope, not in their yard. Into a walk way. Nobody's yard.


The condo board won't allow us to prune the tree, and won't do it themselves either.


We're responsible to keep all the fallen apples cleaned up, etc, so I honestly don't see how its a free for all for anything they can reach from the other side of the fence, its not like anyone picks up the fallen apples, just us.


How hard is it to ASK someone if you can pick from their apple tree?


Its the total clearance of half the tree that just completely ticks me off. We get all the work from it, but others just take.

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Wait. The branches are hanging over the fence into their yard? Then I'd say they're entitled to the apples.
That's certainly the convention (and I believe the law) around here.



Nope, not in their yard. Into a walk way.

Ah. That's a bit different. I'd be inclined to bring it up to the condo board, as it hardly seems fair that you should be responsible for the maintenance of a community tree. ;)

Edited by nmoira
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The tree is in our fenced yard. The apples that were picked are accessible from outside the fence, so they didn't technically tresspass.


At our condo association once you step outside your front step, it's all "common use." Kindness and decency dictate that you don't walk up people's front walks and start cutting their flowers but legally, no one owned anything outside the walls of their home.


The condo was only the unit itself. All property technically belongs to the assocation.


I love our condo because of the city life but I do take a huge sigh of relief when we come back up here because those are MY darn trees. :grouphug:


And we have/had some real wing dings for neighbors. People would get MAD if the kids walked on the grass because, "It's not meant to be smooshed down!" :glare:

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But if it hangs over the common use walkway, then the branches hanging out there are for 'common use'.


As for you having to clean up after it, it's your tree.


If the neighbor's tree branches hang into my yard, and I don't trim them and they fall on my roof, then it's my problem. But they own the actual tree. If the tree falls on my roof, then it's their problem too.


So you own the tree, but by living in a condo, you've agreed to their rules, and they can make up any stupid rules they want. So they don't want to pay to clean up the common area so they just write it into the rules, justifying that it's YOUR tree.


Would have been nice to be asked, but if they are in the common area, they really don't have to.

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I caught my neighbor boy doing the same thing to the people who live behind us. They have 3 apple trees lined up against the back of their property. This boy and his friend were grabbing the apples and then usuing them to throw at each other and at my house. I tore into them pretty good for a)stealing and b) hitting my house with them.


The grown man next door has been coming onto my property and stealing my raspberries (and I have caught him twice telling his guests to help themselves, that I don't mind). Umm, yes I do very much mind. I use those berries to make jam and freeze whatever is left. I am not growing them in my yard for them to come in and take them. I only have a chicken wire fence between my house and their's. No back fence, so he is coming around that fence and into my backyard to help himself. He doesn't even wait until I am gone, he will do it while I am in the room looking out the window that overlooks my backyard.

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So cleaning up common area is our responsibility, but anyone can clear off the tree.


Geez, I can't WAIT to get out of the city.


Seems kind of crazy. I'd be inclined to very politely inquire of your neighbors about the picked apples. Be super-friendly (that is if you want them to leave you next year's crop anyway) and say how your kids were SO sad and disappointed that half the tree was picked and they had so looked forward to helping make apple butter, etc. I don't think too many people would do it again if you killed them with kindness and a little sob story involving heartbroken kids.

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Seems kind of crazy. I'd be inclined to very politely inquire of your neighbors about the picked apples. Be super-friendly (that is if you want them to leave you next year's crop anyway) and say how your kids were SO sad and disappointed that half the tree was picked and they had so looked forward to helping make apple butter, etc. I don't think too many people would do it again if you killed them with kindness a little sob story involving heartbroken kids.

Problem is, I don't know who did it. There are 2 neighbours that have asked previous years but they've never cleared off the tree. There are new neighbours though that I honestly figure had a hand in it from other things that have happened.


It could have been 1, or all 3. I just don't know.


I honestly feel like whoever did it, regardless of 'common space' are jerks to have picked half the tree clean. I mean, common, really? Without so much as the courtesy of asking?


I can't wait to be in a situation where stuff on my property is MINE, and I don't have to worry about things being taken/stolen.


We've had Princess' tricycle stolen, for pity sakes. And other bikes. And bottles Diva was collecting for the returns.


This is just one more bs situation, imo.


Hate the city. Hate, hate, hate it.

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So cleaning up common area is our responsibility, but anyone can clear off the tree.




It is when a condo board wants to write the rules that way. That's life in places like condos and HOA.


And most of the time with condos and things you only really "own" at most 3 feet around your house. You get use of the yard attached, and it sells with your house property, but really the condo board has control over it.

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I caught my neighbor boy doing the same thing to the people who live behind us. They have 3 apple trees lined up against the back of their property. This boy and his friend were grabbing the apples and then usuing them to throw at each other and at my house. I tore into them pretty good for a)stealing and b) hitting my house with them.


The grown man next door has been coming onto my property and stealing my raspberries (and I have caught him twice telling his guests to help themselves, that I don't mind). Umm, yes I do very much mind. I use those berries to make jam and freeze whatever is left. I am not growing them in my yard for them to come in and take them. I only have a chicken wire fence between my house and their's. No back fence, so he is coming around that fence and into my backyard to help himself. He doesn't even wait until I am gone, he will do it while I am in the room looking out the window that overlooks my backyard.


That would make me CRAZY! We rented a house out in the country where it had raspberry bushes, fruit trees and walnut trees. I woke up a couple of times early in the morning to find strangers in my yard picking nuts and fruit. Apparently the homeowner gave them permission. We asked him to stop doing that or at least ask us first. After all, when you rent a house, use of the yard comes with it! I can't believe a neighbor would just presume to help himself to your raspberries! I'd stake a dog out there or put up an electric fence. :) Or you could install some kind of speaker and blare loud alarm sounds whenever he steps foot in your yard. This could be fun....:D

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That would make me CRAZY! We rented a house out in the country where it had raspberry bushes, fruit trees and walnut trees. I woke up a couple of times early in the morning to find strangers in my yard picking nuts and fruit. Apparently the homeowner gave them permission. We asked him to stop doing that or at least ask us first. After all, when you rent a house, use of the yard comes with it! I can't believe a neighbor would just presume to help himself to your raspberries! I'd stake a dog out there or put up an electric fence. :) Or you could install some kind of speaker and blare loud alarm sounds whenever he steps foot in your yard. This could be fun....:D


If this was a rental and the homeowners gave permission it would be one thing, but I OWN this house and all that came with it. They never ask just help themselves and tell their friends to do the same. Trust me I have thought about getting a big dog. Between this guy, the brat next door and the bully issues (though after having the 1 boy sent to court twice last year, there has been very little of it around my house this summer, and the kids have been having a fairly good summer, every once in a while though 1-3 of the bullies will follow ds around when he is out riding his bike and call him names. They don't go any further than that because they know I will not hesitate in involving the police.) What I need is a robotic big dog. One to guard the yard without all the actual care and attention a real one needs. Either that or I need to build a good fence, but that is going to have to wait another year before I can afford to do that.

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If it hangs over their property line they are legally entitled to take the apples and even to cut the tree back.


Look on the bright side, they didn't butcher or kill the tree by cutting it incorrectly. You might look into hiring a good arborist to trim the tree so that it will grow predominantly on your side of the fence. We did this with one of our trees so that the neighbor wouldn't be burdened with picking up leaves and excess shade etc.


ok...just figured out that it is overhanging a common area and the assn won't let you prune. That is CRAZY! I'd be so mad at the assn and I'd prune anyway and dare them to do anything about it. ;)

Edited by 2cents
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If it hangs over their property line they are legally entitled to take the apples and even to cut the tree back.


Look on the bright side, they didn't butcher or kill the tree by cutting it incorrectly. You might look into hiring a good arborist to trim the tree so that it will grow predominantly on your side of the fence. We did this with one of our trees so that the neighbor wouldn't be burdened with picking up leaves and excess shade etc.


ok...just figured out that it is overhanging a common area and the assn won't let you prune. That is CRAZY! I'd be so mad at the assn and I'd prune anyway and dare them to do anything about it. ;)


It might not be healthy for the tree to prune all the overhanging branches. Of course I don't know for sure, b/c I am not living there.


I'd bet it'd be a pretty strange looking apple tree, though, if it was cut so nothing overhangs the fence. Imp said they picked half the tree clean.

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We used to live next to neighbors who had a fence with an apple tree in their yard that hung over the fence and dropped apples into our yard.


Call me crazy, but I felt like it was their tree-not mine. We might have used good apples that fell on the ground on our side, but that was it. I wouldn't have dreamed of picking apples without asking first. I think it would be rude to do otherwise.


I have no idea of condo living. I think it would probably be ok for them to pick a few apples, but half the tree? That's going a little too far, I think.

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Where I live, you can actually go online and find maps that detail where fruit trees hang over into public space (sidewalks, etc.) so that you can go and glean free fruit. But, at least here, you can only pick what hangs over the fence.


I suppose the laws would be different in a condo, though.

Edited by Britomart
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Hmmm...gently....if they only picked the part that was overhanging the fence, I would not say they did anything untoward. If they went past the fence line with their picking, then I would consider that inappropriate.


The thing about it is they waited until they left town. That it just underhanded in my opinion and feels more like stealing to me. Why not just go ask about them first? Sorry you're out the apples OP. :grouphug:

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The thing about it is they waited until they left town. That it just underhanded in my opinion and feels more like stealing to me. Why not just go ask about them first? Sorry you're out the apples OP. :grouphug:

That's def part of it.


and maybe I'm totally unreasonable, but I just couldn't imagine helping myself to someone's fruit tree, even if part of it *is* hanging over the fence. Ask, that's one thing...but to haul a ladder over and clear off half the tree? And yes, they would have had to use a ladder...that's just rude, imo.

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Is it possible that the condo board/committee had someone clean up and told them to get any fruit from that side, so it would make a mess,etc. It kind of sounds like that if a ladder was involved.

Nope. We've been here 5 yrs. That's never happened.


ETA: With this condo board, they'd also send you a letter, warning you that they were going to take action, and would charge you for the time it took to clean it up, etc.

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But if it hangs over the common use walkway, then the branches hanging out there are for 'common use'.


As for you having to clean up after it, it's your tree.


If the neighbor's tree branches hang into my yard, and I don't trim them and they fall on my roof, then it's my problem. But they own the actual tree. If the tree falls on my roof, then it's their problem too.


So you own the tree, but by living in a condo, you've agreed to their rules, and they can make up any stupid rules they want. So they don't want to pay to clean up the common area so they just write it into the rules, justifying that it's YOUR tree.


Would have been nice to be asked, but if they are in the common area, they really don't have to.


:iagree: It really stinks that they took everything--that's just weird. Fruits in the commons are for everybody--we see lots of people picking the wild berries that grow on the side of the road (town land) and on the greenways but no one ever takes very much.


Its also possible that the condo association just hired someone to pick the fruit in the common area to keep the unpicked fruit from creating a hazard in the walkway or donated it to a food bank.

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:iagree: It really stinks that they took everything--that's just weird. Fruits in the commons are for everybody--we see lots of people picking the wild berries that grow on the side of the road (town land) and on the greenways but no one ever takes very much.


Its also possible that the condo association just hired someone to pick the fruit in the common area to keep the unpicked fruit from creating a hazard in the walkway or donated it to a food bank.

Nope, like I said, the condo assoc would send us a warning letter first, and then bill us for it. Def not them.

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That's a pretty bold move on your neighbors part. Even IF, it is legal for them to take them, A. They probably don't know that, and B. You would think if they did know that then at the very least since it grows in your yard that they should at least ask first.

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I understand that is the law and all. Just went through something a while back, neighbors tree fell in parents yard my parents had to pay to have it hauled off. Stupid stupid!! Anyway, it is common decency. Someones yard is their yard. If it is in their yard it should be respected as theirs. I don't care what the law says because the majority of them were made forever ago or just plain dumb. It is a matter of thinking of other peoples feelings!


We have no apple tree in our yard sorry but we have pecans if you care to drive here and pick them in a month or so! Your right Imp city is crummy. I didn't even realize how crummy till I moved way out here. So sorry for you and your little ones trike too.

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I would post a "lovely" sign that says how the apple tree is owned and is not for residents (without permission)... I mean I see where a kid might grab one as they are walking by but the whole side? Insanely rude! you might even write on the sign how you would like them kindly returned (i am only half joking)

next year I would put one of those tree nets around the tree with a lock on it just to prove a point....

This was rude and done on purpose and I can't stand how rude people are now... One of the main reasons we moved far away from people...

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You all have me convinced! I've been toying with planting a couple of apple trees in the front yard but thoughts of kids using them as projectiles or neighbors using them for free fruit have been worrying me. After reading this thread, I guess my worries are valid. :glare: I really wanted those apple trees too. But there isn't enough room in the backyard for 2 more trees plus a garden and there is no way a garden can go in the front. Pooh!

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That really sucks! I used to have a neighbor that had 2 peach trees that hung over our shared fence. I sooo wanted to pick some peaches, but wouldn't do it becuase it was their tree, and I would have been riddled w/ guilt. Even after they told us we could pick all we wanted (even on their side), it didn't feel right.

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:grouphug: I'm sorry your stock has been stolen:glare:.



btw...Locally our law states that if it's hanging in your yard it's yours. Do you have a law on the books there. I'm sure they'll help themselves next year, but maybe you could head them off.





We have an apple tree in our back yard, against the fence.


When we came home yesterday, it was immediately obvious that someone, one of our neighbours, decided to help themselves, and completely picked clean half the tree.


I suppose I should be 'grateful' that they didn't come into the yard and clean the whole tree off, just restrained themselves to what's hanging over the fence, but I'm seriously ticked off.


Normally, I do enough apple sauce and apple butter to provide for my family for the winter. There's diddly left at all, not that we can reach, so now my family is going to go without b/c of selfish stealing jerks in my neighbourhood. :cursing:

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If it were up to me, and if this was going to be a 'from now on' issue, I'd have the tree cut down.


Its not worth the work and hassle when we don't get to benefit from it.


That must be a massive tree that you'd get so many apples from it. It'd probably cost an arm and a leg to cut down.

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I understand that is the law and all. Just went through something a while back, neighbors tree fell in parents yard my parents had to pay to have it hauled off. Stupid stupid!!


We live in a thickly treed (wooded?) neighborhood. Lots and lots of oak tree, pine trees, etc. I try to maintain the trees in my yard but sometimes nature doesn't work according to plan. We had one of our large oaks fall during a hurricane and one of the branches poked a hole in our neighbor's roof. Dh went over in the middle of the storm to help them put a tarp up to prevent water damage but in the end they and their insurance were responsible for the repairs. That's how the insurance etc works. Weirdly enough one of their trees fell and crushed a different neighbor's boat ... I guess it is just luck of the draw and acts of nature.:glare:


I try to be a reasonable person I have obvious dead branches or trees removed but you can't always tell. One year I had a healthy tree removed because my other neighbor was afraid of it (it leaned over his son's bedroom) he split the cost.


Of course in the OP's case there is a huge difference between accidents you can't control and just plain rude behavior. I would expect a few apples on the 'public' side to be picked but not to have half the tree cleared out.

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You all have me convinced! I've been toying with planting a couple of apple trees in the front yard but thoughts of kids using them as projectiles or neighbors using them for free fruit have been worrying me. After reading this thread, I guess my worries are valid. :glare: I really wanted those apple trees too. But there isn't enough room in the backyard for 2 more trees plus a garden and there is no way a garden can go in the front. Pooh!


Your front yard is your front yard. If the tree, branches, fruit, etc would be all in your yard (not overhanging) you shouldn't let random stories discourage you.

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That must be a massive tree that you'd get so many apples from it. It'd probably cost an arm and a leg to cut down.

Its very tall, taller than the roof, or close. And since we're not allowed to prune, and the assoc won't prune, we get bombed by apples that you can't possibly get at without a cherry picker for at least a month, if not more. Its like clusters of grapes up there.


And b/c out yard is all interlocking brick, they smash to smithereens when they land.


Its a very full tree.

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Its very tall, taller than the roof, or close. And since we're not allowed to prune, and the assoc won't prune, we get bombed by apples that you can't possibly get at without a cherry picker for at least a month, if not more. Its like clusters of grapes up there.


And b/c out yard is all interlocking brick, they smash to smithereens when they land.


Its a very full tree.


But can't you prune for health reasons -- the health of the tree, I mean.

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