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Baby dolls...

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I'm just curious if your little girls (or boys) like baby dolls.


My oldest dd never got into dolls too much. She had a few. I have a cute picture of her nursing her baby doll Abby when she was about 4. She had a few barbies but never got much into them either (she did love Polly Pockets though :001_smile: ).


With my youngest dd, I bought her some really cute baby dolls when she was younger. But, they just sat there....rarely played with. I needed the room so I boxed them up and.....I have no idea where dh stored them (of course...he doesn't know where they are either :glare: ). Well.....now dd is almost 8 and all of a sudden she is interested in baby dolls (grandma gave her a few barbies recently and she sometimes plays with those, but not much). She wants her baby dolls out of storage and I can't find them. :eek: Today I stopped at a garage sale and there was a cute baby doll with a bag of stuff for $2.00. I bought that and dd was just thrilled. She's been playing with that doll all day and all evening.


I guess I am just curious if your dd's were just becoming interested in dolls at the end of age 7....or were they outgrowing their dolls by then? I mean...I don't care if she wants to play with dolls. I was just kind of thinking *to myself*..."NOW you want to play with the dolls???" :D


While we are on the topic...what about your ds's? Do they play with baby dolls? I don't think my son ever did (I didn't have anything against it)...he just loved his Pooh bear so much. When my sister was married to her first husband, their son was not allowed to play with dolls (her dh's strict rule). Now she's remarried and has to new little boys. I recently sent her a bunch of stuff....including a cute boy baby doll. I hope this dh will let them play with it.

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I don't have a son, but if I did, we don't have anything against boys playing with baby dolls. I think DH wouldn't be real happy if he played with BARBIE dolls though. xD


My DD is 4, nearly 5. She NEVER plays with her baby doll. She only has one because I noticed straight away she didn't have any interest in it. I really tried to get her excited about babys, but she wants me to have a REAL baby. I told her the other day, lets look at toys! And she said okay and got on my lap to look at toys on the computer. First thing that popped up was baby dolls and she said, "Naw, not those!" And I said, "Don't you like baby dolls?" And she said, "I love MINE. But I don't want to look at those ones." LOL :p She is more into animals, ballerinas, blocks, and coloring.

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I don't have a son, but if I did, we don't have anything against boys playing with baby dolls. I think DH wouldn't be real happy if he played with BARBIE dolls though. xD


My DD is 4, nearly 5. She NEVER plays with her baby doll. She only has one because I noticed straight away she didn't have any interest in it. I really tried to get her excited about babys, but she wants me to have a REAL baby. I told her the other day, lets look at toys! And she said okay and got on my lap to look at toys on the computer. First thing that popped up was baby dolls and she said, "Naw, not those!" And I said, "Don't you like baby dolls?" And she said, "I love MINE. But I don't want to look at those ones." LOL :p She is more into animals, ballerinas, blocks, and coloring.


Awww...cute. I wonder if she'll end up changing her mind in a couple of years like my dd did. It just seems backwards to me though. Seems like your dd's age would be the age they would love baby dolls and that by the time they are my dd's age they would have outgrown that.

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My older boys collected beanie babies when they were younger and had some stuffed animals that they were seriously attached too. My 2 oldest girls are not terribly into dolls or stuffies. Go figure!


My youngest dd is nutso about baby dolls and little people, not stuffed animals so much. But today whe I suggested she take her babies outside for a walk she did.not.want.to!! Kind of shocked me. But baby brother was running to get them and screaming for her to help him "git babies" "git babies" I think he just likes to push the strollers personally. He'll push his sippy cup around for hours. :D


ETA: Oh, I meant to say that now that my older girls have a little sister who LOVES to play with baby dolls I've seen them warm up to the idea. It's like it didn't really come naturally to them, like it certainly does to her, but once they saw how it was done they can play babies. It's not their passion but I've seen them engage a bit more in that arena in the last year. Maybe your dd saw some other girls playing babies and now she knows what that looks like she's going to give it a try.

Edited by silliness7
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My dd is 9 and isn't interested in dolls. When she was 18 months to about 3 years old, she played with dolls a lot and loved to pretend to nurse them. But she lost interest after that and doesn't care for them now. She does LOVE stuffed animals though and plays with them a lot, and she loves to sew clothes for them and dress them up, but not dolls, just animals.


As a little girl, I loved dolls. I have memories of my dolls from age 4 on and believe I played with them through at least 4th grade.


None of my sons have been interested in dolls, though we have no problem with them playing with them. They will play with other things of dd's, like Littlest pet Shop.

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I was never into baby dolls, but my girls love dolls. My oldest outgrew them around 8, but my 11 & 8 yo girls still love to play with them. They just got new dolls the other day that they bought with their hard earned money. All three girls still like American Girls, Barbies, and Loving Family. Even my son has a couple of dolls he sometimes plays with. He likes to push them in the stroller or shopping cart. He also likes to play with this one Barbie of dd's that he's fond of for some reason (but only when the big girls are playing). I've always provided toys of both genders for my kids to play with. My girls played with cars and trains too.

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When dd1 was born, for the first few months, ds would nurse his baby doll whenever I nursed dd.


And that, my friends, is pretty much the extent of doll playing that's happened in my house so far with all three of my children...unless you count stuffed animals and non-baby doll items (no Barbies at all, though ds went through a period where he liked Rescue Heroes). DD2's favorite stuffed animal is a plushy wolf cub, and about six months ago, she went through a period where she made (with paper) diapers, a baby carrier (like a Baby Bjorn), clothing, food, bottles, etc., for her stuff animals. Both of my girls love those small Schleich and Toob plastic animals, but that, of course, is just not the same.


(Dd1 used to agree - reluctantly - to play with her friend's American Girl dolls, but when I asked if she wanted one, she looked at me as if I'd lost my mind. Same thing happened when dd2 was making baby-like items for stuff animals - of course she did not want a doll! :rolleyes:)


OH! WAIT! Dd1 once asked for a Baby Alive doll when she was 5yo. Santa brought her one, and she played with it (by which I mean she 'fed' it) for about 2 days, after which she declared that this was just too much work and not very fun at all, and never touched the doll again. I donated the doll a short while later. :lol:

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Santa brought her one, and she played with it (by which I mean she 'fed' it) for about 2 days, after which she declared that this was just too much work and not very fun at all, and never touched the doll again. I donated the doll a short while later. :lol:






Awww...cute. I wonder if she'll end up changing her mind in a couple of years like my dd did. It just seems backwards to me though. Seems like your dd's age would be the age they would love baby dolls and that by the time they are my dd's age they would have outgrown that.


I bet if I ever get pregnant she will show some interest, i just don't know if it will last. LOL BTW I -JUST- remembered. My husbands little cousin was about 8 years old when she met our DD who was 1 year old. She was suddenly obsessed with babies and asked her mom if she could have one, but her mom told her she was too old to be playing with baby dolls. :(

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1ds was incredibly gentle with real babies even as a two/three yo - to the point I had people ask me what I did to teach him to be so gentle - nothing. He came that way.


3ds will occasionally play with some lifelike baby dolls (one's 17", the other is 20") left over from my college graduate girls. (I kept them around for visiting small children). He has wanted new clothes for them, he has told me what their gender is (one's a boy, one's a girl), he'll wrap them in blankets becasue they're cold, he'll hold them or have me hold them, buckles them in the car, he'll even pretend to nurse them. He doesn't usually spend lots of time with them, but he plays with them.


He's also really into battleships, destroyers, PT boats, fighter jets, and star destroyers. If you ask him about them, prepare to hear more than you ever wanted to know. (he's no longer allowed to tell me - he has to talk to dad.) he doesn't want to write, but he can draw incredible ships.

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Neither of my dds were really into dolls. My oldest dd loved My Little Pony and my youngest dd was into Fisher Price Sweet Streets. :)


My son has loved Legos, and still has a huge city layout in his room. He was also very into Fisher Price Imaginext. He got into Playmobil around age 11 and collected many sets that he played with for about 2 years.

Edited by Night Elf
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I have 4 girls and interestingly enough neither has ever been very interested in playing with baby dolls, except for around the times we added a new baby to our family, but even that wore off after a week or so! My oldest has recently rediscovered her American Girls because she's trying out hairstyles. But mine just seem to really enjoy roleplaying with tinier things, especially Littlest Pet Shops. They have had barbies, the barbie house, corvette, clothes & furniture, but she never "took" around here either, maybe the clothes were just too difficult to put on or they just were'nt happy with the lack in variety in how she looked. I don't think it really matters, but I must add that my girls are also currently into catching frogs and lizards, riding their skateboards, building with Legos and anything arty (drawing, coloring & painting).

Edited by rocketgirl
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I don't have a son, but if I did, we don't have anything against boys playing with baby dolls. I think DH wouldn't be real happy if he played with BARBIE dolls though. xD


I walked in on my son once when he was 6 or 7. HE was on the top bunk of their bunkbeds hiding his face in the blankets. I tried to figure out what was was wrong and finally found the Barbie he was playing with. Poor little guy was horribly embarrassed. We had a talk and he was VERY relieved to learn it was nothing to be embarrassed about. :)


I think he showed more interest in baby dolls then my daughter but neither were very keen on them.

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My DD was very much into baby dolls when she was younger. She is 9 but will still occasionally play with the baby dolls, except that usually, at this point, they are props in a pretend game, rather than her "playing house" like she used to. (Now she mostly plays with her 18" girl dolls instead.)


My boys have played with dolls some. Not to the extent that DD did, but they'll cuddle and rock and put the dolls in slings. They're also likely to play with stuffed animals and do the doll stuff with them. They mostly prefer the real babies though (my 6yo oldest son, the least interested in baby dolls of the bunch, is the best with the newborn).

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My girls have never really liked dolls much BUT they dress and play school, etc with stuffed animals which amounts to the same thing I guess. They mostly played with sibs rather than objects. I think all my boys tried to nurse a stuffed animal at some point but concentrated more on running, swinging and building for play.

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Out of my 3, 2 have played with baby dolls consistently since they were little. Many people guess that would obviously be my 2 girls but it's dd7 and ds6. They both nursed the babies when they were toddlers, they constantly take care of the dolls and include them in our school time, etc. My oldest has an American Girl Doll that she saved up for but I think she was more motivated to do that because her siblings both love dolls and she wanted to be included. She has never really been into dolls.

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My dd was 7 before she really started playing with dolls, but she had one doll that stayed in her bed and wasn't to be touched except by her from about 2yo until 10yo. It now sits on a shelf. Ages 7-9 were her prime doll playing years, fueled somewhat by having a baby brother so she would imitate me. Now at almost 12, she and her bff will play with their American Girl dolls when they are together, but not much otherwise.

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I began playing with baby dolls at about her age. I didn't stop until I was almost 13. I gave all my baby toys away (baby dolls, baby carrier, pram, play pen, etc.) when I was newly 12 and soon regretted it. We found an abandoned baby doll outside of our house a few weeks later and I was so happy.


I remember my parents bought me a baby doll for my 11th birthday and I loved it!

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I began playing with baby dolls at about her age. I didn't stop until I was almost 13. I gave all my baby toys away (baby dolls, baby carrier, pram, play pen, etc.) when I was newly 12 and soon regretted it. We found an abandoned baby doll outside of our house a few weeks later and I was so happy.


I remember my parents bought me a baby doll for my 11th birthday and I loved it!


I played with baby dolls forever too - I had a hoard of baby dolls for years! My newly 7 yo daughter is into her American Girls right now, but still pulls out her baby dolls sometimes.

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My eldest, a son, was given a Cabbage Patch doll one Christmas by my Grandma. He promptly named it, "Mike" and carried it everywhere. I still have Mike (my eldest is 19 and in the Navy).


Diva was kinda 'meh' about dolls. Loved them when she was tiny (say 2 yo) but it wasn't a long term thing.


Tazzie, not a doll guy.


Princess, at almost 5, is dolly obsessed. She's always been attracted to babies, and I've no doubt that having a little brother on the way has furthered this. She goes through phases...some wks, she ignores them, other times they're swaddled and go everywhere with her.

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My dd6 has always had an interest in baby dolls. However my dd8 didn't really care much for dolls but stuffed animals instead...but when she turned 7 it was like a magic number because she asked for a specific baby doll for christmas and LOVES that doll still at 8. My ds2 loves dolls too.

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Dd14 loved her dolls.. baby dolls, feeding dolls, do-their-hair dolls, barbie dolls, bratz dolls, skateboarding dolls, my scene dolls, polly pocket dolls, dolls that peed out holes in their plastic butts, dolls that played tinny music, dolls that sang together when you stuck their hands against each others, dolls that cried mama mama mama until they drove you mad, dolls dolls and more dolls.


I snagged a couple of bratz at a yard sale a few months ago and gave them to her as a joke.. she was sitting on the couch the other day doing their hair. :p

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K started playing with dolls around 7 too, but she has American Girl Dolls. The dolls are aimed at the pre-teen set (8-11) and though expensive, have good values and clothes that are age appropriate. K has a couple historical dolls, and one that is a just like you doll that wears modern clothing that she can buy matching outfits for. She reads all the historical books associated with her dolls, and AG also carries books that help girls deal with their changing bodies and emotions.

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I'm surprised how many of us have dd's that really never are/were big into dolls.


When I was young I really loved dolls. I had tons of Barbie dolls, cars, apartment, clothes, you name it. I also had one huge stuffed Holly Hobbie doll. It was so big that my little sister could wear the bonnet, dress, and bloomers (I wish I still had that doll! I remember when I got her. My brother and I had to wait in the car while mom and dad went in the store to shop. When they came out my dad was carrying this huge Holly Hobbie!)! I can still remember playing that I was at church and had a crying baby. I'd have to quietly get up and take the baby to the back so as not to dirsturb anyone else (the dolls and I were the only ones there). :lol: :001_rolleyes:


My husbands little cousin was about 8 years old when she met our DD who was 1 year old. She was suddenly obsessed with babies and asked her mom if she could have one, but her mom told her she was too old to be playing with baby dolls. :(


Oh, that's sad. If I would have told my dd that she would have been heartbroken!


I walked in on my son once when he was 6 or 7. HE was on the top bunk of their bunkbeds hiding his face in the blankets. I tried to figure out what was was wrong and finally found the Barbie he was playing with. Poor little guy was horribly embarrassed. We had a talk and he was VERY relieved to learn it was nothing to be embarrassed about. :)


I think he showed more interest in baby dolls then my daughter but neither were very keen on them.


Oh, how cute!


My dd was 7 before she really started playing with dolls, but she had one doll that stayed in her bed and wasn't to be touched except by her from about 2yo until 10yo. It now sits on a shelf. Ages 7-9 were her prime doll playing years, fueled somewhat by having a baby brother so she would imitate me. Now at almost 12, she and her bff will play with their American Girl dolls when they are together, but not much otherwise.


My dd6 has always had an interest in baby dolls. However my dd8 didn't really care much for dolls but stuffed animals instead...but when she turned 7 it was like a magic number because she asked for a specific baby doll for christmas and LOVES that doll still at 8. My ds2 loves dolls too.


Good to hear. I'm glad that it's not unusual to be this age and just starting to have an interest in dolls.


I began playing with baby dolls at about her age. I didn't stop until I was almost 13. I gave all my baby toys away (baby dolls, baby carrier, pram, play pen, etc.) when I was newly 12 and soon regretted it. We found an abandoned baby doll outside of our house a few weeks later and I was so happy.


I remember my parents bought me a baby doll for my 11th birthday and I loved it!


Dd14 loved her dolls.. baby dolls, feeding dolls, do-their-hair dolls, barbie dolls, bratz dolls, skateboarding dolls, my scene dolls, polly pocket dolls, dolls that peed out holes in their plastic butts, dolls that played tinny music, dolls that sang together when you stuck their hands against each others, dolls that cried mama mama mama until they drove you mad, dolls dolls and more dolls.


I snagged a couple of bratz at a yard sale a few months ago and gave them to her as a joke.. she was sitting on the couch the other day doing their hair. :p


I played with dolls for a looooonnnng time too. In fact, I first met my dh when my mom hired a cleaning company to clean our carpets. It was my future dh who was the carpet cleaner. I didn't know until he got there that the furniture was to be moved in all the rooms. I was horrified because I still had my Barbies under my bed. I was 15. :ohmy: I didn't really play with them much by then...but I hadn't been quite ready to give them to my younger sisters yet. Well....that day I did. I told them to go get their Barbies out from under my bed. :smilielol5:

Edited by ~AprilMay~
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Both my boys had baby dolls. They carried them around and loved them. My youngest also did eyebrow raising stuff like tie them up and bury them. LOL My oldest gave them up around 8, my youngest is holding on just a bit longer. He doesn't play with them, but he likes to know they are still around.

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ODD was not much into the baby dolls, but she always loved dolls. Starting as a toddler she had favorite stuffed animals that she did everything with. Yes, she nursed many when I had little sis :) She loved pollys too, and liked Barbies ok, but didn't really play with the Barbies. By age 7 she wanted her first American Girl doll, and then they did everything together. The doll does school with her. She reads to her, etc. She also still loves her Webkinz.


Ydd loves all dolls. She especially loves dressing and undressing them, making beds (?) and building houses out of blocks for them. She now has an A.G. and webkinz and plays Barbies constantly. She has one baby doll that she got for her bday that she can put diapers on and put to bed. She really liked it when she got it, but seemed to go back to her A.G. and Barbies and ones she can dress and undress pretty quickly.


So not a lot of babies, but lots of dolls around here. I don't anticipate it ending anytime soon. Many of my dds' much older friends still love A.G.s I played with dolls until much older too. I think I got my last barbie when I was 12, the same time that I was beginning to ask for walkmans and such. I kept certain dolls on my bed until I was married :)

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Our boys didn't have any baby dolls around but a Bob the Builder doll. They loved it especially when a new baby was in the house. We didn't have nay against it. It teaches them love and how to take care of babies.


Our little girls have loved babies from 8 months and on. Our youngest who is just 14 months loves any baby doll she can get her hands on. Holds them, kisses them, hugs and even rocks them. Our 5 year old still loves her dolls so much.

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I'm surprised how many of us have dd's that really never are/were big into dolls.




With the massive variety available in toys now I'm not suprised. There is just so many other things for them to get into now especially with parents being more liberal about girls playing with boys toys and vise versa. ;)

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My two ds have a baby doll each that was a gift from their father for their first birthday. They both love them and play with them - sort of off and on they come into heavy use, going everything and being involved in all the pretend games, then disappearing for a few months. They turn 7 next month, but they still play with them this way. They're relatively rough with the baby dolls, and like to spin them around and drag them by their little pointy caps. But they also build block houses for them and throw little faux birthday parties for them and the like.

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Both of my little ones are heavy on the doll play. DS begged for the Bitty Twin set that looked like him & his sister for Christmas this year. We got the set (gave one to each of them) and made them trunk-style beds for them that can hold the clothes I sewed for each doll, and 8 months later the interest is still strong. In fact, the only things from last Christmas that are still in play every single day are DS's Leapster Explorer, DD's nursery set (play pen, high chair, and stroller), and those 2 dolls with their accessories.

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