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And now the neighbor issue...

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Isn't there ALWAYS a neighbor issue? Since I've got internet tonight w/out littles running around, I figured it was time for this detail.


There's this lady across the street. (At what point do we say "lady" instead of "girl"? She's on that line, so that both sound inappropriate.) Mom's told me about her: she's SO nice, SO sweet, SO happy. All. The. Time.


Well, really, that's enough for me right there: I only make friends w/ grumpy people. It's unfortunate, perhaps, but really cheerful people? Who can take them?


But she was outside, & dd wanted to go meet her, & so, reluctantly, I took my shy self over there w/ my very social daughter.


This lady. She homeschools. The only other time I had a hs'er so close was in seminary. But I'm a glass-half-empty gal, so I know what this means: Abeka. I ask. I even ask sort-of rudely, telling her that one can tell a lot about a person by their answer. Sonlight. Not officially yet, but she's leaning that direction. If I could fit in a mold, my mold would be Sonlight-shaped, so I'm hesitantly excited.


She said Mom told her we were looking for AWANAS, & she loves it & goes. Even offered to take some/all of my kids if we didn't have a car that night. She offered to let us wash clothes at her house, spend the night, use her wifi, keep our kids. All while smiling with ridiculously beautiful teeth.


She homebirths & offered her mw's #, iron pills (which I never did get back in TX), etc.


Then she told me her dh is in school working on a BA in poli-sci, & that's when I knew: she's not real, she's a stalker, trying to be US, trying to lull us into a false sense of security & friendship for whatever malicious purposes she has. One simply does not meet people that much like us *ever* much less across the street from my mom & SMILING.


That's when she said the magic phrase: "I told your mom we were going to be friends whether you like it or not--I'm going to come over & force myself on you." Well, now that I type it out, that part DOES sound kind-of stalkerish, but my best friend is my best friend MAINLY because she said this exact sentence to me the first time we met & then followed through. Otherwise, I'd keep my blinds closed & stick to my hermit cave.


There was one thing still nagging at me, though--have you SEEN my mom's house? (Because if you're crazy, too, I want to know up front.) She just grinned politely & repeated her previous offers. I think I'm in love.


Of course, all of this would be so much better if she actually HAD kids.


Ok, ok, she does. It's just that they're all 4 & under. In fact, her oldest two are the same ages as my youngest two. But my 8yo commented that she'd couldn't *believe* how much she liked another 4yo. "I mean, of course I like Abby--she's my sister! But I didn't expect to like *another* 4yo so much!" :lol:


Given all of that, though, this is the lady who brought dinner to my mom every night the week of her surgery, took her to the hospital, follow-up appt, etc. If I don't get along well w/ cheerful people, I KNOW I can't be friends w/ a saint.


But...darnit, I really like her anyway. I might be forced to be a better person so we can be friends despite her superior character. :glare: I guess as long as I can complain about the potential improvement in my character, I'll be ok. ;)

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Wow, she sounds like she might just be the silver lining in this colossal thundercloud! Well, that and your dh being able to breathe.




I've wondered more than once if she was really one of you guys in disguise. Well...out of disguise, actually. :lol:

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I haven't commented, but have been following along with all your issues. And praying every step of the way.


I'm glad that it seems you've met someone that can be some kind of support for you.


This lady does seem kind of stalker-ish, if it wasn't for the fact that she homeschools. Homeschoolers can't be stalkers, right? :lol:

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That's when she said the magic phrase: "I told your mom we were going to be friends whether you like it or not--I'm going to come over & force myself on you." Well, now that I type it out, that part DOES sound kind-of stalkerish, but my best friend is my best friend MAINLY because she said this exact sentence to me the first time we met & then followed through. Otherwise, I'd keep my blinds closed & stick to my hermit cave.


That's how I got my best friend! Except that I was the creepy 13-year-old stalker who announced that I was going to make her be my best friend whether she liked it or not.:lol: She thanked me again for this when I saw her in June. I hope this works out well for you!

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That's how I got my best friend! Except that I was the creepy 13-year-old stalker who announced that I was going to make her be my best friend whether she liked it or not.:lol: She thanked me again for this when I saw her in June. I hope this works out well for you!


Yeah, I got to see the other lady who said that to me on our way to CO this week. Her friendship MADE seminary worth it. And that says a lot.


Is it terrible if that makes me even more leery of this lady? As in, if someone this good lives across the street, what am I in for now???? :lol:

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I love you Aubrey!! :grouphug:


I relate to how you feel. People like that scare me too! OTOH, maybe she, down deep, is like you (and me) and someone told her that classic line "Well, to have a friend, you have to *BE* a friend" and she just went a bit overboard? LOL!


Thank you for being so REAL.


You remain in my prayers.

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Isn't there ALWAYS a neighbor issue? Since I've got internet tonight w/out littles running around, I figured it was time for this detail.


There's this lady across the street. (At what point do we say "lady" instead of "girl"? She's on that line, so that both sound inappropriate.) Mom's told me about her: she's SO nice, SO sweet, SO happy. All. The. Time.


Well, really, that's enough for me right there: I only make friends w/ grumpy people. It's unfortunate, perhaps, but really cheerful people? Who can take them?


But she was outside, & dd wanted to go meet her, & so, reluctantly, I took my shy self over there w/ my very social daughter.


This lady. She homeschools. The only other time I had a hs'er so close was in seminary. But I'm a glass-half-empty gal, so I know what this means: Abeka. I ask. I even ask sort-of rudely, telling her that one can tell a lot about a person by their answer. Sonlight. Not officially yet, but she's leaning that direction. If I could fit in a mold, my mold would be Sonlight-shaped, so I'm hesitantly excited.


She said Mom told her we were looking for AWANAS, & she loves it & goes. Even offered to take some/all of my kids if we didn't have a car that night. She offered to let us wash clothes at her house, spend the night, use her wifi, keep our kids. All while smiling with ridiculously beautiful teeth.


She homebirths & offered her mw's #, iron pills (which I never did get back in TX), etc.


Then she told me her dh is in school working on a BA in poli-sci, & that's when I knew: she's not real, she's a stalker, trying to be US, trying to lull us into a false sense of security & friendship for whatever malicious purposes she has. One simply does not meet people that much like us *ever* much less across the street from my mom & SMILING.


That's when she said the magic phrase: "I told your mom we were going to be friends whether you like it or not--I'm going to come over & force myself on you." Well, now that I type it out, that part DOES sound kind-of stalkerish, but my best friend is my best friend MAINLY because she said this exact sentence to me the first time we met & then followed through. Otherwise, I'd keep my blinds closed & stick to my hermit cave.


There was one thing still nagging at me, though--have you SEEN my mom's house? (Because if you're crazy, too, I want to know up front.) She just grinned politely & repeated her previous offers. I think I'm in love.


Of course, all of this would be so much better if she actually HAD kids.


Ok, ok, she does. It's just that they're all 4 & under. In fact, her oldest two are the same ages as my youngest two. But my 8yo commented that she'd couldn't *believe* how much she liked another 4yo. "I mean, of course I like Abby--she's my sister! But I didn't expect to like *another* 4yo so much!" :lol:


Given all of that, though, this is the lady who brought dinner to my mom every night the week of her surgery, took her to the hospital, follow-up appt, etc. If I don't get along well w/ cheerful people, I KNOW I can't be friends w/ a saint.


But...darnit, I really like her anyway. I might be forced to be a better person so we can be friends despite her superior character. :glare: I guess as long as I can complain about the potential improvement in my character, I'll be ok. ;)



Run, Aubrey! Run!!!!! :lol:


Same thing happened to me a year ago - exactly one year ago! I went to a meeting with the 'Board' to interview for their co-op. I am NOT a joiner! I am NOT NOT NOT a joiner! I prefer to sit with my traumatic worldview (fancy way to say glass half-full) alone with the blinds drawn and everyone tip toeing silently around the house (we don't want anyone to know we are here).


We interviewed with the cop-op. I LIKED these five women. My kids LIKED their kids (my kids like everyone's kids though). We left the meting and walked to our car. My kids asked hopefully: 'Are we going to join this group?' (you could hear the tone in their voice that they were dreading my usual answer which would always be: 'No, this is not the group for us.' They were shocked (good thing they were seat belted in) when I answered: "Guys, I think we've found the group for us." Cheers from them. SHOCK and DISBELIEF from DH when we told him that night. 'I have GOT to meet this group,' he responded.


Fast forward: It is one year later. We have FRIENDS! Really, we have FRIENDS! Families (three of them) on whom I can call if I am in a bind or not in a bind and we just want to get together. Families who have become part of our daily lives. Not acquaintainces -- FRIENDS! Families with whom we sit on a Monday night and order pizzas and say prayers and talk and laugh and have such a great time that we canot wait to do it again.


My older daughters are mystified -- my mom and my sister and my sister's husband think I am making it all up.


So, take it from me, it can happen. Baby steps would be my advice so that you are in control (THAT was key for me). My other piece of advice would be not to wait as long as I did.

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I am a cup always filling up and I have to say I was taking offense, at first...as much as those like you do not get these like me..it is the same vice/versatile....

I have actually had people say, "you genuinely are this happy, aren't you?"


God has given you Both to each other, I am fairly certain she needs your friendship as much as you need hers!


Embrace the blessings! So happy to hear sunshine coming your way!

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The first time I met one of my very best friends she called me on the phone, said she had called a local homeschool group and they had given her my number, she just moved in a few houses down from me and she was coming over right then to meet me. A few minutes later she knocked on the door. That was in 1999. We have been the best of friends ever since, despite the fact that she's moved to North Carolina, Florida and Arizona over the years (her husband is a Marine).


All that to say, I hope you have found a similar kindred spirit. :grouphug:

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Run, Aubrey! Run!!!!! :lol:


Same thing happened to me a year ago - exactly one year ago! I went to a meeting with the 'Board' to interview for their co-op. I am NOT a joiner! I am NOT NOT NOT a joiner! I prefer to sit with my traumatic worldview (fancy way to say glass half-full) alone with the blinds drawn and everyone tip toeing silently around the house (we don't want anyone to know we are here).


We interviewed with the cop-op. I LIKED these five women. My kids LIKED their kids (my kids like everyone's kids though). We left the meting and walked to our car. My kids asked hopefully: 'Are we going to join this group?' (you could hear the tone in their voice that they were dreading my usual answer which would always be: 'No, this is not the group for us.' They were shocked (good thing they were seat belted in) when I answered: "Guys, I think we've found the group for us." Cheers from them. SHOCK and DISBELIEF from DH when we told him that night. 'I have GOT to meet this group,' he responded.


Fast forward: It is one year later. We have FRIENDS! Really, we have FRIENDS! Families (three of them) on whom I can call if I am in a bind or not in a bind and we just want to get together. Families who have become part of our daily lives. Not acquaintainces -- FRIENDS! Families with whom we sit on a Monday night and order pizzas and say prayers and talk and laugh and have such a great time that we canot wait to do it again.


My older daughters are mystified -- my mom and my sister and my sister's husband think I am making it all up.


So, take it from me, it can happen. Baby steps would be my advice so that you are in control (THAT was key for me). My other piece of advice would be not to wait as long as I did.


5 at once? I'm waiting for the other shoe to fall. ;)

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I am a cup always filling up and I have to say I was taking offense, at first...as much as those like you do not get these like me..it is the same vice/versatile....

I have actually had people say, "you genuinely are this happy, aren't you?"


God has given you Both to each other, I am fairly certain she needs your friendship as much as you need hers!


Embrace the blessings! So happy to hear sunshine coming your way!


Oh, shoot. Don't take me that seriously, please! I'm just making fun of *myself.* I've got a friend who describes herself similarly, but it's really not true--she's reasonably upbeat. And before that, my maid of honor was a girl who never saw bad in anything or anyone. I think I grumble about those people mostly because they make me look bad.



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She probably heard of you from your mom and has been eagerly awaiting your arrival - sounds like her kids are younger so she is hoping you will be the more experienced fount of homeschooling wisdom!!! Of course she is making overtures to be your friend!!! Another homeschooler on the block!


This is a good thing! A helpful, nice, friendly neighbor is a good thing to have! One who also homeschools - priceless! :-)

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Isn't there ALWAYS a neighbor issue? Since I've got internet tonight w/out littles running around, I figured it was time for this detail.


There's this lady across the street. (At what point do we say "lady" instead of "girl"? She's on that line, so that both sound inappropriate.) Mom's told me about her: she's SO nice, SO sweet, SO happy. All. The. Time.


Well, really, that's enough for me right there: I only make friends w/ grumpy people. It's unfortunate, perhaps, but really cheerful people? Who can take them?


But she was outside, & dd wanted to go meet her, & so, reluctantly, I took my shy self over there w/ my very social daughter.


This lady. She homeschools. The only other time I had a hs'er so close was in seminary. But I'm a glass-half-empty gal, so I know what this means: Abeka. I ask. I even ask sort-of rudely, telling her that one can tell a lot about a person by their answer. Sonlight. Not officially yet, but she's leaning that direction. If I could fit in a mold, my mold would be Sonlight-shaped, so I'm hesitantly excited.


She said Mom told her we were looking for AWANAS, & she loves it & goes. Even offered to take some/all of my kids if we didn't have a car that night. She offered to let us wash clothes at her house, spend the night, use her wifi, keep our kids. All while smiling with ridiculously beautiful teeth.


She homebirths & offered her mw's #, iron pills (which I never did get back in TX), etc.


Then she told me her dh is in school working on a BA in poli-sci, & that's when I knew: she's not real, she's a stalker, trying to be US, trying to lull us into a false sense of security & friendship for whatever malicious purposes she has. One simply does not meet people that much like us *ever* much less across the street from my mom & SMILING.


That's when she said the magic phrase: "I told your mom we were going to be friends whether you like it or not--I'm going to come over & force myself on you." Well, now that I type it out, that part DOES sound kind-of stalkerish, but my best friend is my best friend MAINLY because she said this exact sentence to me the first time we met & then followed through. Otherwise, I'd keep my blinds closed & stick to my hermit cave.


There was one thing still nagging at me, though--have you SEEN my mom's house? (Because if you're crazy, too, I want to know up front.) She just grinned politely & repeated her previous offers. I think I'm in love.


Of course, all of this would be so much better if she actually HAD kids.


Ok, ok, she does. It's just that they're all 4 & under. In fact, her oldest two are the same ages as my youngest two. But my 8yo commented that she'd couldn't *believe* how much she liked another 4yo. "I mean, of course I like Abby--she's my sister! But I didn't expect to like *another* 4yo so much!" :lol:


Given all of that, though, this is the lady who brought dinner to my mom every night the week of her surgery, took her to the hospital, follow-up appt, etc. If I don't get along well w/ cheerful people, I KNOW I can't be friends w/ a saint.


But...darnit, I really like her anyway. I might be forced to be a better person so we can be friends despite her superior character. :glare: I guess as long as I can complain about the potential improvement in my character, I'll be ok. ;)


:grouphug: I sure like you, Aubrey. and your Abeka comment made me laugh out loud.


I really hope the neighbor becomes a good friend to you.

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That's when she said the magic phrase: "I told your mom we were going to be friends whether you like it or not--I'm going to come over & force myself on you." Well, now that I type it out, that part DOES sound kind-of stalkerish,


Sounds like she already knows your mom well. ;) And wants to rescue you.


Wow, that's really nice.


Is she on this board???!

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:grouphug: I sure like you, Aubrey. and your Abeka comment made me laugh out loud.


I really hope the neighbor becomes a good friend to you.


I deleted the Abeka comment several times--I hope I didn't offend anyone w/ that. I do have a friend who uses Abeka, & we love ea other, but we don't ask ea other for hs advice.

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Sounds like she already knows your mom well. ;) And wants to rescue you.


Wow, that's really nice.


Is she on this board???!


I was going to tell her about this place, but then I thought I'd better wait until I'm done talking about her behind her back. EEK!

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I deleted the Abeka comment several times--I hope I didn't offend anyone w/ that. I do have a friend who uses Abeka, & we love ea other, but we don't ask ea other for hs advice.


I wasn't offended. :001_smile: I have used Abeka here and there and my sil uses it exclusively. We don't ask each other for advice, either.

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Whew, what a relief. After reading the thread about your arrival at your mom's I was nervous about reading this thread. I thought, "What else could possibly go wrong?"


My mother often says that she moved clear across the country just to meet one of her best friends. She did not like living in Minnesota, and she and her husband were only there for 2 years (moved from Oregon for a job), but the woman she moved next door to was like her mental twin: They both loved to knit, liked to cook, read the same books, had the same sense of humor. They've been friends for...gosh, 18 years now?


:grouphug: I hope it's the same for you, that this is the beginning of a special friendship.



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Whew, what a relief. After reading the thread about your arrival at your mom's I was nervous about reading this thread. I thought, "What else could possibly go wrong?"


My mother often says that she moved clear across the country just to meet one of her best friends. She did not like living in Minnesota, and she and her husband were only there for 2 years (moved from Oregon for a job), but the woman she moved next door to was like her mental twin: They both loved to knit, liked to cook, read the same books, had the same sense of humor. They've been friends for...gosh, 18 years now?


:grouphug: I hope it's the same for you, that this is the beginning of a special friendship.




Our house is on the market right now so that we can move to the same town where the women in that co-op live. We are now a 45-90 minute drive depending on traffic and we are there almost every day of the week.


Our move doesn't seem so 'far' now.:)

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I am so sorry to hear about this! Hmmmph. Well, guess you are going to have to suck it up and take one for the neighborhood. This lady has to have ONE friend in the world and I guess it is your turn.




(btw we started homeschooling because of a nice neighbor across the street LOL )


Glad there is a little spot of joy on your journey.

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There's this lady across the street. (At what point do we say "lady" instead of "girl"? )

Can't you just say "young woman"? :001_smile:

But...darnit, I really like her anyway. I might be forced to be a better person so we can be friends despite her superior character. :glare: I guess as long as I can complain about the potential improvement in my character, I'll be ok. ;)

I'm cautiously excited for you. :D (I'm only cautious because you seem to be, lol.)

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