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What is your earliest memory of a news event that made national headlines?

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I think the earliest event I remember was Apollo 13. I was about 3 and had woken up from a nap and toddled down to the living room where my mom was watching TV. She told me to be quiet and watch, that what was happening was really important and I needed to remember it. Only I don't remember the event. Just the house and the room (that's how I know I was about 3). A search of significant events yields Apollo 13, which fits the time frame and would have been something that glued my mom to the TV like that.

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Reagan's defeat of Pres. Carter in 1980. My father, a true party man at the time, was absolutely giddy.


The next thing I remember on the news was the Challenger explosion in 86. We watched it in class that morning and had a moment of silence.


Then the Iran-Contra scandal, also in 86.

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I remember watching the moon landing. Later I remember the Apollo 13 splashdown - I remember it taking longer than the previous summer and thought that was weird, but I wasn't told anything unusual was going on. I would have been five. I wasn't very exposed to the news. (and at grandma's I *really* tried to say away from the TV. Bully for Lawarence Welk. oh, even today I want to cringe in pain. . .quick, run away . . . .)


Many of the events from Vietnam blend together, but I do remember the tanks at the draft stations, and enough reports of bombings that I thought thunder was invisible bombs being dropped by invisible helicopters. the one thing that stands out is the picture of the stark naked burned screaming/crying girl on the cover of the paper running away from her village after it was mistakenly napalmed. It's a famous photo for those that are younger.

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The disaster at Tenerief airport (two jumbo jets collided on runway)


I remember that, and reading stories about the survivors afterwards. there's one woman's face right afterwards as she wandered around the grass that still sticks in my head. I'm always surprised to see it NOT referenced when talking about the biggest air crashes. TWO 747's crashing into each other is big (KLM and I-don't-remember) It's a miracle as many walked away as did.

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Probably the Reagan/Mondale presidential election, as well as Los Angeles hosting the 1984 Olympic Games. I was 8 years old.


I also remember the last episode of M*A*S*H being aired, as my brother was a huge fan. I was 7 yrs old.



Gosh, now that you mention it, I was sort of aware of the 84 Olympics. I definitely remember Mary Lou Retton! I would have been 6.

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The hostages in Iran. I had several photographs of my great-grandmother vacationing in Iran, and I couldn't figure out why she would visit such a place!


I have earlier memories of my parents watching the news about Vietnam, but they tried to shield us from most of it.

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Me, too! I wonder if I seem young to you (my first news event was Carter being elected).


Yes, you do. I was in college when Carter was elected (1976). I was also working for the USDA, 6th floor of the South Building on Independence Avenue. I remember coming to work on the first day of summer in 1978 to a stifling hot building. In an effort to make a statement about conserving energy during the "energy crisis," Carter had issued an order that there was to be no air conditioning in federal buildings (at least the ones that had windows). We had fans in the transom windows but the humidity was a killer. A co-worker and I were retyping the Federal Travel Regulations and had gotten to the proofreading part. One of us read while the other checked for accuracy. It was so stinking hot we both fell sound asleep. I'm not sure that's what Carter intended, but I'm pretty sure productivity went way down while he was in office.:D


I got to vote for Reagan for my first presidential election. (I was only 17 when Carter won.)


I'm thinking the Iranian Hostage Crisis was 1979 or so because as soon as Reagan got into office they were released.


My 12yo daughter was born the day of the Columbine massacre. I woke up to the news coverage being broadcast on the TV in my hospital room.

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I well remember the Kennedy era, even JFK's campaign and victory in 1960. I was in the 1st grade at the time, and was jumping up and down in circles while arm in arm with a friend when we heard it. That's my first real news memory.


In the 4th grade I remember our teacher bustling into the classroom (her high heels clicking on the floor as she was running), to tell us our president had been shot and killed. They wheeled a TV into our room so we could watch the reports together. Later on in 1968, when I was up late watching TV during the summer, I saw RFK's assassination live.


I also remember listening/watching the Chet Huntley-David Brinkley news reports on NBC back in those days. Everything was in B&W back then too, and my family only had one TV station (NBC).




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Several pages back I said it was the Israeli Olympic track team being taken hostage but, after lunch I remembered watching the news during the Vietnam War. They had pull-down maps back then and the news was reported several days after it actually happened.


My dad was there and my sister and I watched the news every night to "see where Daddy was" and to make sure his plane hadn't gone down over enemy territory. I tend to block that out of my memory because it was such a difficult year. I was 4 and then turned 5 near Christmas.


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Several pages back I said it was the Israeli Olympic track team being taken hostage


You've mentioned it this way twice now, and I'm curious, is that all you remember about it? Were you shielded enough that you didn't know then that they were killed? Because that is the first time I ever knew about the concept of murder. My parents didn't manage to shield me from that part.

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I was very young (maybe 4) when they walked on the moon! I didn't really see it on tv, but during the time it was being broadcast live, my dad took me outside to see the moon so I would connect the importance of the news story. Alll I can really remember is squinting and telling him I couldn't see any people!


The next news things I seem to remember is a somber faced person who seemed to talk and talk for what seemed like a few days - later I learned it had to be Watergate. (only because the footage on Mr. Holland's Opus movie triggered the memory)

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OK, I didn't feel old until someone mentioned OJ and the white Bronco! Wow!! :)


My first news memory is Elvis' death. I was 7.


Oh, wait:


"I remember a lot about the Bicentennial and Nadia Comanichi (sp?) earning 10s at the Olympics. Both would have been 1976."


I remember the bicentennial and Nadia Comanichi too!! I was 6!



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I vaguely remember the 84 Summer Olympics but the first big news story I remember is the Challenger explosion. I was 8. We were actually home from school that day because of the icy conditions and that was what caused the explosion, the ice around the O rings if I remember correctly. Then I remember Prince Andrew and Fergie's wedding which I think was the same year. Of course, Baby Jessica the next year which was a big deal to me. Also the Iran-Contra hearings which ruined my summer because I couldn't watch my soaps. I remember Tianamen Square vividly because it happened on my birthday. I think I was late in starting to remember things that were happening around the world or even pop culture things but when I started to remember I remembered a whole whole lot. My 15 year old is oblivious to it all regardless of what I do to try to enlighten her. I asked her what her first big news story was and she couldn't answer me. I figured she would rememeber 9/11. She was a month shy of 6 when that occured.

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I remember John Lennon dying and Reagan being elected.


Both of these. I was 9. I specifically remember asking my mom about Reagan's election: "But, but... he's an ACTOR! Does he KNOW anything about being president?" I didn't know he'd been governor, and was outraged. Outraged, I tell you!

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I remember my mom crying and telling me that Elvis had died, but I don't remember it being on the "news."


I would say that the first thing I remember watching on the news, was the Iran Hostage Crisis. I remember sitting in front of the tv, watching video of them...I think sending Christmas messages to their families???

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The Challenger Explosion!


:glare: I was in college. Skipping class, and had the TV on.


As some of you know, I now teach in a private school. Last year, I taught a lot of history. When I got to "history" that I've lived though, I felt OLD.

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Elvis's death. I was 4 (almost 5) years old and my mother's soap opera was interrupted by "breaking news".


I was three when he died. My mom was a huge fan and was so upset over his death that I remember my Aunt coming to get my brothers and I because she couldn't take of care of us that day. I have vague memories of the coverage of his funeral.

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:glare: I was in college. Skipping class, and had the TV on.


As some of you know, I now teach in a private school. Last year, I taught a lot of history. When I got to "history" that I've lived though, I felt OLD.

I was in college when the Challenger exploded as well. At that particular time I was in a tiled room in a state mental hospital, doing my mental health rotation. Clients were milling around begging for cigarettes, and the other nursing students and myself stood in horror watching the news report. None of the clients seemed to even notice or give a hoot.


My first memory of a televised new event was of the first man walking on the moon. I actually stepped outside to see if I could see him. LOL I was newly 4 year years old.

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I was very young (maybe 4) when they walked on the moon! I didn't really see it on tv, but during the time it was being broadcast live, my dad took me outside to see the moon so I would connect the importance of the news story. Alll I can really remember is squinting and telling him I couldn't see any people!


The next news things I seem to remember is a somber faced person who seemed to talk and talk for what seemed like a few days - later I learned it had to be Watergate. (only because the footage on Mr. Holland's Opus movie triggered the memory)


We must be about the same age. Watergate was next for me too. At the time I was very confused about what it entailed. I honestly thought it had something to do with flooding. :lol:

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I was 5 when Elvis died. That's the first big news story I remember.

I was 10 and remember that one well.


My earliest memory of a major news event was of Watergate. I was around 7, and I remember being mad that cartoons weren't on in the afternoon because of the news coverage.

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I don't know my own, but my sister was born in Sept. of '61 and she remembers JFK's death. She would have been 2 years and 2 months old!!! She remembers how upset our parents were. My dh said that really shows you the power of emotions.

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What I recall noticing and hearing as a child was the Iran Hostage Crisis. I didn't know what it meant, but I knew that every night, the talking head guy on TV would say the number of days the hostages had been held. Was it Walter Kronkite? I'm not sure. But he would always begin the newscast by saying, "Today is the 148th day of the Iran Hostage Crisis..." or whatever day it was and I always thought, "What does that mean?"

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I kind of remember watching the OJ chase on tv, but my real first memory was the OKC bombing. I was 10 and we lived 30 miles from the building that was bombed and I was siting at my kitchen table when the bomb went off and our lights and table shook and I remember thinking it was an earthquake. Then when we heard about the bombing, they hadn't caught the bomber yet and I remember being so scared that he might be hiding out in our house! We went and seen the sight and my dad worked on a crane that helped with rescue efforts. I was so scared for such a long time after that.

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I don't remember which of these came first, so one of these: Princess Diana's death, Clinton's impeachment, and the refugees in..Bosnia? I was 8 the year Diana died.


I was alive when the Oklahoma City bombing happened, but I was shielded from any mention of it.


Yep, I'm a young'un. :)

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(and, as an aside, I'm feeling very old reading these other posts!)


You and me both, Ria.


The first thing I thought of that I remember with any clarity is the Watergate hearings. I remember my parents watching the proceedings on TV all of that summer. (I was 8.)


I also vividly remember watching Richard Nixon's resignation speech the following year. We were on vacation and in a motel room watching on a tiny TV screen.


I also remember the Sylmar earthquake of 1971, but that's because I lived in the San Fernando Valley at the time. So, I'm not sure that's fair for the purposes of this question (too personal?).

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The Challenger shuttle explosion and the Iran-Contra affair. I was born in '77, so I'm guessing I was 9-10ish. I think Carter was president when I was born, but the first president I remember is Ronald Reagan. And I mostly remember the Ronald Reagan puppet in that video by Phil Collins and Genesis :D

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My very first news memory is of the death of Elvis. I was in preschool, and while I didn't know who he was then, I could tell it was a big deal.


Other news memories:

Mondale/Ferraro (remember being at a rally)

Reagan's assassination attempt (2nd grade)

Princess Di's Wedding and William's Birth (and from then on, I was hooked on all things royal)

Challenger (7th grade, I think - watched it at school)

Michael Jackson's hair catching on fire (can't remember what grade)

Iran Contra Affair (junior high)

Baby Jessica (cannot recall my age then)


Berlin Wall coming down (high school)

First Gulf War (high school)

OKC Federal bldg attack (college - I was scared to death my uncle may have been in the bldg at the time)

Some crazy Waco TX wackos but I don't remember all the details or when it happened

Princess Diana's death



Other Shuttle Explosion upon re-entry

John John and Carolyn Kennedy's deaths

Ongoing Gulf War (a loved one was one of the first in, so I was glued to the news until he finally came home)

Earthquakes in China, Haiti, and New Zealand

William and Kate's wedding

Japan's Tsunami

Last Shuttle flight and landing

US budget crisis

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Princess Diana's Wedding...I was born in 1978, so I was only 3 at the time, but I still remember watching her walk in the church and down the aisle with that enormously long train and thinking, "That's what a princess looks like."


The Challenger Explosion when I was in 2nd grade would have been #2. That was more traumatic than anything. All of our 2nd grade teachers burst into sobs and tears...the students didn't know what to do :001_huh:

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This makes me feel old. DH and I had our first date on the night Princess Diana died. We saw Men in Black and went for ice cream, and when he brought me home, my mom was up watching the news coverage.


I was at the bar and all the tv's were showing the news coverage of it. It was very weird watching something like that, while dance music is blaring in the background. Though no one was actually dancing anymore at that point.

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Columbine 1999. I was 11. I vaguely remember the Oklahoma City Bombing as well, 1995 7 years old. Mostly I remember that because my family is from Oklahoma and so my parents were really upset about it. I knew it was a bad thing and was upset that my parents were upset. But the Columbine shooting was the first news story I remember hearing that I was terribly upset about.


Oh gosh, I was pregnant with my 2nd when Columbine happened. I remember turning to my husband and trying to convince him that we should homeschool because of it. (I had been wanting to since i was pg with #1 but my husband was completely against it). I was in grade 12 when Oklahoma city bombing happened.

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I well remember the Kennedy era, even JFK's campaign and victory in 1960. I was in the 1st grade at the time, and was jumping up and down in circles while arm in arm with a friend when we heard it. That's my first real news memory.





My mom was only 1 year old when that happened! Though I think my dad would have been in gr 1 at that time.

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Well, I'm really old---I remember Kennedy's assasination; I was 8. I remember the funeral, with the riderless horse.


My mom was only 4 when this happened, my dad would have been 9. I never really think about people on this board being the same age or older than my parents. After all my parents already have 5 grandkids, and their youngest child is turning 28 next month. I have been guilty of assuming everyone was within 10 years of my own age on here, just because we are all educating our kids kwim

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My mom was only 4 when this happened, my dad would have been 9. I never really think about people on this board being the same age or older than my parents. After all my parents already have 5 grandkids, and their youngest child is turning 28 next month. I have been guilty of assuming everyone was within 10 years of my own age on here, just because we are all educating our kids kwim



Me too! But if your mom was 4 when JFK was assassinated, that makes me only 1 year younger than your mother! Ack! :ack2:

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