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Nope, I didn't do it...

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I was caught by by ds/11 sitting in the garage sampling the Lindor Chocolates and listening to the CARS. Darn that loud radio. I don't know what surprised him more my listening to loud music or eating most of the chocolate. It was probably the music.:lol::lol::lol:

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Nope, and none of us have ever done anything like that either.


And I have never sent my children outside to play so that I could make shrimp salad just for myself either!!!:D


Nor have I in order to eat ice cream straight from the carton.:Angel_anim:

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I don't know how that bowl of yummy banana pudding ended up with just a few spoonfuls on the bottom...the yummy banana pudding I made with sweetened condensed milk and whipping cream...nope, not I...must've been the new dog, the rascal, yeah, that's it...

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Oh, Pam, do you love hot pepper jelly, too? My dh has a friend who has a little cottage industry making pepper based condiments (jellies, sauces)... his pepper jellies are the best I've ever tasted! PM me your mailing address and I'll send you a jar. Serious.



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I love hot pepper jelly too. There is a place near Intercourse, PA that has realllllly good hot pepper jelly! And you walk around inside the store and you can sample pretty much every kind of jelly and jam that they sell.

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I don't know what happened to the bag of peanut M and Ms. I don't know who opened it. I don't know what that sound was that sounded like Mom was making something in the kitchen. I don't know why an empty bowl is beside the computer.


Everyone knows food must stay in the kitchen!


Who did that?

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You people have stooped to an all time low!


You would never catch me hiding cookies in the laundry room and opening the package while that washing machine is running so on one hears the crinckling noise.


And I certainly never sent my children for a bike ride while I made brownies!;)

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Is there something wrong with squirting Reddi Whip directly into your mouth? The whole can even? Isn't that what it's for? Reddi Whip does not last five minutes in this house. Well, unless it's to be used later.;) (I did not just type that! How'd that get there?) It does freak my MIL and SIL out, though. The kids and I will do it in front of them and laugh as they squeal and say how gross it is. Hey, as long as no one's mouth touches the nozzle, it's all good.

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and that wasn't ME digging the little dehydrated marshmallows outta the cereal......


at our previous house, we had a corner pantry w/ a real door on it.


dh went into the kitchen, opened the pantry door to get something, STOPPED dead in his tracks when he saw me standing there in the dark eating dry hot chocolate mix outta the container, quietly grabbed what he was originally looking for, and closed the door.


that was probably the smartest thing he's ever done :D

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store, I promise you, I did not buy a package of creme horns, eat several on the way home, and then hide the rest under my bathroom sink to be enjoyed for a quiet personal breakfast before church.


Nor, when questioned about possible evidence, did I lie. Nope. Not before church. :D



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If, nobody actually saw me open the peanut butter jar, scoop a spoonful out and stick the spoonful into the bag of chocolate chips, thereby making my own bite sized, or rather, spoon sized peanut butter cup and then shoving the whole spoonful into my mouth, then it must not have really happened. Right? Kind of like that "if a tree falls in the forest and nobody is there to hear it" thing. So, naturally, it never happened. I have no clue why that chocolate chip bag would have been so violently ripped open by someone's teeth. :D

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