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When I try to shop Border's Liquidation Sale...

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I don't think I've ever seen an actual liquidation sale. Stores will advertise it, but then I walk in and things are the same price...maybe a couple dollars cheaper. This happened to a Blockbuster store that was closing. I was hoping to find cheap movies. Nope, still $20. I walked out.

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Usually true in my experience also ... though years ago there was a liquidation sale at an educational toy store in a local mall, where they were literally selling the actual shelving as well as anything left on them. I snagged a fantastic Playmobil siege tower for a few dollars. I half expected to see people unscrewing the light fixtures, throwing some cash on the counter, and walking out.

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Usually true in my experience also ... though years ago there was a liquidation sale at an educational toy store in a local mall, where they were literally selling the actual shelving as well as anything left on them. I snagged a fantastic Playmobil siege tower for a few dollars. I half expected to see people unscrewing the light fixtures, throwing some cash on the counter, and walking out.


This has been my experience as well. I've never purchased anything at a corporate liquidation sale. I have, very unfortunately, scored big bargains at mom and pop stores going out of business....this always pains me. At one store, we tried to pay more...sort of like a donation to the proprietor, but they wouldn't let us because the bank was getting it all. Sigh...very sad.


Anyway, I would not expect to get good bargains at Border's liquidation. For one thing, they probably already have an offer of % on the dollar for merchandise from a liquidation company who will part it out for profit. This is very common. Because they know they are guaranteed to get "x" they don't discount very deeply.



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I hit a liquidation sale for Borders a couple of months ago within a week of them closing. I found some pretty good bargains at that time. It was kind of slim pickings, but if you found something that interested you it was cheap. I had the same luck with Circuit City (I believe) years ago. I think I was in there within 2 or 3 days before they closed.

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Just got home from our local Borders. Dh and I happened to be at the mall, and I had read that today was the first day. it was an actual liquidation of their stock, not like other sales i have seen. Magazines and greeting cards were 40% off, and books were 10-40%, depending on category.


Are they selling any fixtures yet?


We went to a chain furniture/appliance store during the last days of their local liquidation, looking for a certain stove. 30-40% off, no delivery, no returns/warranty, and still more expensive than anywhere else. Good grief.

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The Borders in our area closed a few months ago and I went in several times during the liquidation sale. At first they had a great selection but the prices weren't really down. I happened to think to stop by after a few weeks and it turned out that everything was .99 and buy 3 get 3 free (I think). The selection was somewhat limited but we were able to find around 20 books and paid next to nothing! Most of them I never would have paid full price for and my kids had so much fun! It was the last day the store was open, so maybe they could give you that date if you have one closing near you.


Also, they were selling the fixtures but one guy was complaining because they hadn't told him to bring his own screwdriver to take the shelf apart.

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I don't think I've ever seen an actual liquidation sale. Stores will advertise it, but then I walk in and things are the same price...maybe a couple dollars cheaper. This happened to a Blockbuster store that was closing. I was hoping to find cheap movies. Nope, still $20. I walked out.


I went to one for Circuit City. All I remember is a nearly empty box of paper clips from someone's desk that they wanted like $2 for.

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Just came back from Borders. I'll pass for now. Only 10% off today. Bargain of the day went to the sign on the bathroom doors:


"Bathrooms closed. Try Amazon.com"




I'd rather use Amazon.com's bathrooms - because they're my own! :lol:

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The sale is not online. Only in the stores.


Not in the stores either. I went there today to get rid of some gift cards before the store disappears.


Most of the store wasn't on sale AT ALL.


A bunch of stuff was 10% off.


A few things were 20% off.


Blu-Ray DVDs were 40% off. Didn't see anything else at 40% off.


AND - they said my Educator card is no longer valid. So I couldn't even get my normal 20% off, only 10% off with my Border's Plus membership (don't ask why I ever bothered to get that...). So I paid more than normal at a "going out of business" sale. :glare: I wouldn't have bought anything if I didn't have to use up the gift cards...


AND - they shut the cafe!!! It's blazingly hot here today, so I thought we'd head down there, have a bit to eat/drink, and get some work done in the cafe as well as using up the gift cards.


We ended up so hungry we had to leave early and find alternate air-conditioning. The store was packed. It was over 100º and humid outside. They could have raked in the cash selling cold drinks. And this is the kind of stupidity that caused them to go out of business. :glare:

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I hit a liquidation sale for Borders a couple of months ago within a week of them closing. I found some pretty good bargains at that time. It was kind of slim pickings, but if you found something that interested you it was cheap. I had the same luck with Circuit City (I believe) years ago. I think I was in there within 2 or 3 days before they closed.

All of the Borders, except one, has already closed. I did find some good deals, especially right at the end. I found a really expensive book to help with social situations, that is good for kids on the Autism Spectrum. That was 60% which made it a great deal.


The final weekend, everything was 90% off. It was definitely slim pickings, but I still found some fabulous deals. I will be checking them out. The children's books seems to go very quickly.

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Are they selling any fixtures yet?


We went to a chain furniture/appliance store during the last days of their local liquidation, looking for a certain stove. 30-40% off, no delivery, no returns/warranty, and still more expensive than anywhere else. Good grief.


Not yet.


It sounds like we have a better sale than most. We had a lot of 20-40% off books. I'm waiting a bit longer, because history/classics were only 20%. In a few days, I'm going to take my book list for the year in there and see what I can find.

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I went there yesterday. I had a basket full of science kits. I pulled out my iphone and started scanning to check prices on Amazon and just about everything was cheaper. History/Social Studies and Animals were 30% off. Just about everything else was 10% off. I did luck out and got a huge Smithsonian Animals Encyclopedia, regularly $20 with 30% off. It is beautiful! I found a Norse Mythology book (30%) for studying for the NME.


I had the same problem when the liquidation people took over Linens N Things, everything was still overpriced.

Of course it's cheaper at Amazon; they don't have the overhead that Borders has had. This is why they are going out of business. They can't compete with Amazon.

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When our Borders went out it seemed the best sales were in the history section. Literature and history and a few other categories got down to 60% before they were too picked over.


My dad and I went several time, which was good for me, because he bought. :D

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I get that, but I would think that if they were holding a liquidation sale they might have it discounted a bit more than 10%. Their regular sales were more than 10%.


:iagree: I got 20% off any old day of the week with my Educator card, which they have now suspended during the liquidation. So it actually costs me more to shop during their liquidation sale than when they were in business? That's nuts.


If they really wanted to earn some money, they would've left the café open during the sale...

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The cafe is closed because they don't own the cafes. The cafes are independent contractors or something akin to that. I am sure the cafes got out the moment they could. Borders didn't get the money anyway so it doesn't matter to them.


Keep your eyes open, our Borders closed a while ago but the cafe reopened and is very nice.


The bathrooms are closed because they prob fired the cleaning person, or it is stuffed full of boxes or they don't want to pay the extra $$ for the water, or the security system has been sold and they don't want people taking stuff in the bathrooms.


It isn't that they don't know it is inconvenient, they just have different priorities now.


They will sell most of their warehouse stock to Amazon, so no need to have an online sale.

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I went in yesterday then promptly left when everything we wanted was only 10% off. I have my eye on an expensive French cookbook, but it only went down $5 :glare:


Our Borders is being taken over by Books-a-million, so maybe they will get the truly good deals? I'm glad we'll still have a bookstore, but I wanted some true bargains.



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Well, it is a bummer that stuff isn't awesome prices yet, and will probably be picked over by the time it is really on sale...but I don't think everyone realizes that it isn't BORDERS making the pricing choices. It's the liquidators. The liquidation company bought Borders (and its inventory, etc). The liq. are hiring the Borders employees to work the sales. The Cafe here closed when they ran out of supplies (the cafe employees here are Borders employees; they switched to book side when the cafe closed). Obviously the liquidation company wants to make as much as they can, that's why they bought the company.


Anyhow, my younger brother works at one (was in the cafe) and that is where my info comes from. So all that to say, yes it's a bummer they are going out of business; yes, it is their own fault to a certain degree (although some of it is just the way our culture/economy is headed); yes, it would be nice if the discounts were deeper already, etc...but, please be nice/understanding to the employees, it isn't their fault, they are working their rear's off (my bro said it's like black friday on drugs), and they are losing their jobs too.

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At our local Borders, when they were advertising up to 60% off, the eReaders were discounted 50%. The display itself was a mess - none of the trial units were charged, boxes everywhere but there were units in stock. So if you already knew what you wanted, that would have been a good deal.

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