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How early is too early to call?

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She e-mailed you, so you knew she was up, and then she got upset when you called immediately after? yeah, I think it's her problem, not yours. I usually don't call anyone before 9, but the reason you don't call early in the morning is because someone might be asleep. If you KNOW she's up, it's entirely different.

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I usually try not to call before 8, and that seems to be the time most people wait to call me. This morning I received an email from a neighbor this morning at 7:50 wanting to know if she could pick up one of my dds for an activity at 8:30. I was on my way out the door and was afraid she would miss a return email, so I called her. My dh sleeps during the day and just finished an 18 hour shift. I REALLY didn't want him woken up from the doorbell ringing. I assumed because I knew she was awake that it would be okay, but it wasn't. She was kind of snippy and asked me if I knew what time it was. This is an elderly lady who lives alone, so it's not like I woke anyone up. This same sweet lady has also called me numerous times at 8 - 8:15. This seem weird to anyone else? What's your rule for morning phone calls?


Wow. If she emailed you at 7:50am, then I don't see why she would be upset by a phone call at that time, especially if she lives alone (aka no one else to wake up).


I know that it really depends upon the person. Elderly relatives on my husband's side don't like phone calls before 10am, even if they are already up. On my side, people are generally fine with phone calls at 8am. I have a friend that I know I can call at 1am in the morning and friends that know they can call me ANYTIME, even if it's just to jabber at 3am (if I can't talk at that time, then I'll either not answer or I'll just tell them).


I was also taught that it is rude (as a general rule) to call past 9pm (and I try to avoid calling people past 8pm...unless it's one of my insomniac friends and we want to jabber).

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I follow the 9 AM to 9 PM rule, unless I KNOW it's fine to call outside those times.


If I had just gotten a text or email, I would have assumed it was fine and called.


9am-9pm is what I follow as a general rule. If there is an activity scheduled for in the morning and I need to call, I would call as early as 8am only because I would assume the person was up and getting ready to be at the activity.


The other exception would be if I need to call a very close friend. I have sometimes called after 9pm if it's important or concerning something first thing the next day.


I don't think you did anything wrong. She obviously had to be up and getting ready to leave if she was planning on going somewhere at 8:30am. I would have done the same.

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I call any time after 8am. The entire business world is awake by that point. IMO, If you don't want to be disturbed that early, have your answering machine on and your phone off.


I will call before that time if I know you are all up such as calling my friend at 7:30am to ask if she wants to meet at Starbucks after she drops her boys at school.


I don't call anyone after 8pm, because I don't want to be called after that time.

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It's just weird that she seemed upset that you called, and yet it was only 40 minutes before time to be at your house to pick up your kid! Wouldn't she have been even more upset if you'd called at 8:15 to tell her whether or not it was ok?


I know which of my friends are earlybirds and which aren't so my 'call time' varies depending on who I'm calling.

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She e-mailed you, so you knew she was up, and then she got upset when you called immediately after? yeah, I think it's her problem, not yours. I usually don't call anyone before 9, but the reason you don't call early in the morning is because someone might be asleep. If you KNOW she's up, it's entirely different.


Plus she was going to be at your house within the half hour? So she'd be up and getting ready to go, I'd hope.

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I usually try not to call before 8, and that seems to be the time most people wait to call me. This morning I received an email from a neighbor at 7:50 wanting to know if she could pick up one of my dds for an activity at 8:30. I was on my way out the door and was afraid she would miss a return email, so I called her. My dh sleeps during the day and just finished an 18 hour shift. I REALLY didn't want him woken up from the doorbell ringing. I assumed because I knew she was awake that it would be okay, but it wasn't. She was kind of snippy and asked me if I knew what time it was. This is an elderly lady who lives alone, so it's not like I woke anyone up. This same sweet lady has also called me numerous times at 8 - 8:15. This seem weird to anyone else? What's your rule for morning phone calls?



eta: I only call people that early who I know it's okay. If it was someone I didn't know well, I would wait until 9. I never call people past 8 pm.


I try to wait as long after 8 as I can.


It's possible the phone startled her. I know I often get irritated at the phone ringing, even if I've told someone to call me.

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Weekday: 9 - 9:30.

Weekend: 10 - 9:30.


I'm thinking (after reading this), that I shouldn't call people past 9p.m., unless I know them very well and they're ok with 9:30.


I wonder how many people I've irritated by calling at 9:20 pm.? I usually call that late just to give some quick info, not to settle in for a chat, however.

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I try not to call before 10 A.M. or after 9 P.M., except in rare instances when I know someone has a different schedule than those times accomodate.


It would have been nice if the woman had said in her e-mail that she would prefer you reply to it instead of calling. She could have said that she'd check her e-mail at a certain time for your reply. And you could've told her that your husband was sleeping, and you'd have your dd be outside by 8:25 ready to go so as not to disturb him!

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That's the thing, there was no prior plans made. Her email was the first I heard about her wanting to take dd this morning. We already had plans and were on our way out the door, so I wouldn't have been here to interfere with the doorbell ringing. I'm assuming it's just a matter of etiquette on her part, and now I can put her on my list of people to NOT call any ealier. Definitely will use email next time. ;)


Gotcha. Tricky situation, for sure!

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