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S/O Birth Order - Did you marry the same?

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I am the middle child. My brother is 4 years older than I and my sister 13 year younger.


DH is the youngest. His sister is 6 years older and his brother is 5 years older.


My brother is the eldest and he was BOSSY when we were growing up. He thought of himself as "in charge". He's been married twice and he has never had one iota of leadership quality in the marriage. He is a total push-over and completely walked upon. His second wife has made it her life mission to dethrone him and trash any self-confidence he has and he puts up with it. He is an eternal peace maker which is supposedly not characteristic of firstborns and I'm the second born and the leader of the three of us.



According to the Birth Order Book, though, you're a first-born, as you are the first-born daughter. :-)

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I'm the youngest and dh is the oldest. We each bring a unique perspective to parenting. When they squabble I immediately think the oldest is at fault-he must be bugging his sister. Dh immediately thinks dd is at fault as the youngest must be doing something to bother the oldest.

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I'm the oldest of three girls and my husband is the youngest (brother 1.5 years older so a true youngest). I do think personality plays into things too. It's not just birth order. Some people are born conflict avoiders or very laid back personality wise for example while others are born natural directors with the bossy stuff that goes with it.


I've wondered how twins fit with birth order. One would think birth order (by minutes) wouldn't matter with twins. It can't as it's family structure. Therefore, you would think both would be middle like or something but that doesn't seem to be the case in the twins I know. In our case my minutes early first born really does act like the first born/older brother and his twin definitely isn't--he acts more like a middle. In their case I really think it's personality.

Edited by sbgrace
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I'm a firstborn married to a youngest. I always have to run around picking up socks.


Yeah, I broke my own rule about not partnering up with a youngest. He has his good points, but I'm convinced he'd be perfect if he'd been the oldest. He would really, truly understand that socks don't belong unpaired on the floor!!!!!!




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I am an oldest married to a middle with youngest boy tendencies. He is the youngest of 3 boys but the middle of 5. He tends to try to compete with me but I, of course, always think I should win. :tongue_smilie: He is a great facilitator and listener.

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DH and I are both the second...I am the second of three and he is the second of four...


ETA: I was the second girl and he was the second boy...His siblings are closer in age, but my sister is seven years older and my brother is seven years younger...

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Dh & I are both oldest kids--he's oldest of 2 boys; I'm oldest of a mix.


I've read that oldest girls should only marry oldest boys, but oldest boys can marry girls who fell at any point in the birth order. I think the idea is that an oldest girl is more likely to end up playing mom to a boy who's used to being mothered.


I think that can vary, depending on things like age difference, but it seems like a good general rule to me. :)

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Dh & I are both oldest kids--he's oldest of 2 boys; I'm oldest of a mix.


I've read that oldest girls should only marry oldest boys, but oldest boys can marry girls who fell at any point in the birth order. I think the idea is that an oldest girl is more likely to end up playing mom to a boy who's used to being mothered.


:iagree: We are living this scenario. Eh. It's not ideal, but we are making it work.

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