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s/o Singapore, which components do YOU use :)


Which components do you use, and by the way, which edition?  

  1. 1. Which components do you use, and by the way, which edition?

    • Textbook
    • Workbook
    • Extra Practice book
    • Intensive Practice book
    • Challenging Word Problems
    • HIG (either edition)
    • Teacher Manual
    • Tests
    • we use the Standard edition for our textbook
    • we use the US edition for our textbook

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Since the question was asked, and I'm curious myself, I thought we might as well do a poll. :D You may vote for as many choices as you wish. Be patient - it's going to take me a minute to make the poll. ETA: sorry, there wasn't room for "other," so if there's an other, feel free to post :)


ETA: if you use the Answer Key instead of purchasing HIG/TM, please share!

Edited by wapiti
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I got to check off almost everything, hehe. For 1A/B we used the Standards edition: HIG, Textbook, Workbook. Although we probably didn't need it, we used the Extra Practice two units behind. We're using the IP (US edition) and CWP both about 1/2 to 3/4 level behind.


For 2A/B, we are adding the Tests as scheduled.

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We have been using:


Textbook, Workbook, HIGs (Standards Edition)

Intensive Practice (US Edition)

CWPs (Old OOP Edition)


I am about to order the level 3 materials and think I will add "Brain Math" and the "Math Express" strategies books.



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I'm just curious why more people don't use the tests. Can anyone comment? I can understand not using the tests in levels 1&2 but what about higher levels.



I don't know. I plan on using the tests next year (3th grade), because I feel that it is beneficial to get used to taking tests, especially with math.

That said, if my dd finds it very stressful or there are other problems, I might back down a bit.

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We use Horizons as our main program. My kids benefit from a spiral approach and Horizons seems to meet the needs but as far as conceptual and mental maths Singapore is superior. So we also use the workbooks from Singapore. It has been a miracle as it helped my son to process abstract concepts and mental maths principles.

This year we will be adding the Chalanging word problems.

So we will be using the Workbooks and CWP along with the Answer Keys.

We are using level 2 and level 4 for a 3rd and 5th grader. When we took then out of school in South Africa we realized that they were at least one year behind. My daughter has used Singapore Standard Edition at her school level 2 for third grade.

Edited by sands1978
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I'm just curious why more people don't use the tests. Can anyone comment? I can understand not using the tests in levels 1&2 but what about higher levels.


I use the Reviews in the workbook as tests. That's been working fine up until now, if we get to a point that I think we'll need to do re-tests as we get into the next level, then I'll purchase them.

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I buy the textbook and workbook. For some levels, I buy the Intensive Practice workbook. I bought the HiG for level 3b and never opened it, so the HiGs always end up being a waste of money for me. I do like having the answers in case I need them, but I haven't gotten to the point where I didn't know the answer to one of their problems.


Oh, the IP workbook for level 2b is GOOD. That helped us a lot. That's always a rough level for them to get thru, for some reason. :thumbup1:

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I'm just curious why more people don't use the tests. Can anyone comment? I can understand not using the tests in levels 1&2 but what about higher levels.




I use the reviews in the text for tests. We don't do much from the texts anyway, just a quick overview, and that way I don't have to buy or keep track of anything else ;)

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I'm just curious why more people don't use the tests. Can anyone comment? I can understand not using the tests in levels 1&2 but what about higher levels.


I plan on starting the tests at 9 or 10. Right now kiddo is rather perfectionistic, and I don't want to make school a downer for him, yet. He'll have to get used to it, but my Mommy-sense tells me now quite yet.

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We're currently using "Thinking Mathematics" which is a different Singapore method text/workbook, but with US edition IG/CWP. We used Standards for 1a-2b, but DD likes the page layout and pictures in Thinking Mathematics better (and that the workbooks lie FLAT). We may have to switch back for 4a-4b, since the books are out of print and hard to find, and if so, will go back to Standards.

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I'm just curious why more people don't use the tests. Can anyone comment? I can understand not using the tests in levels 1&2 but what about higher levels.


I use US edition and I wasn't aware there were new test booklets until I started looking into Standards.


I use (US Ed):





CWP (old OOP ones)

and occasionally the IP books


I use EP because dd needed the extra work to cement the skills. The IPs, while useful, were often just too hard for her since she's not mathematically inclined. She found the extra challenge frustrating rather than helpful. I use them for the topics that she doesn't find as difficult.

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We also just picked up Math Express Speed Maths Strategies 2 for this year.


As for why people aren't using the tests, I don't think many homeschoolers need to use "tests", as they already have a good idea how their child is doing. Also, the Workbook has a very nice review at the end. There were two review parts in the books we used, so one could use one as "extra practice" and one as a test - thus killing two birds with one stone. I just got everything as I like to check everything out for myself.

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I started w/ tb & wb only. Around 3rd g, I bought the answer key for speed. About 4th, I bought the hig because people here said it was important. I've been buying them ever since, but I still haven't *used* them. :001_huh:


We started using CWP & IP around 3rd grade, too. I started out w/ the US Ed back in 2005-ish & have continued that w/ the bigs, but there's a big enough age gap between dds that I've started selling my US eds. When 4yo is old enough, I will begin replacing those US eds w/ Standards. Not a huge deal--we mainly just needed the $ for new curric this year, but I've always...kind-of wondered if I should do that, since Standards Ed is supposed to be ever so slightly better. :tongue_smilie::lol:

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I voted for text, wkbk, ip, cwp. . . but, we only use the ip and cwp periodically, not all books, all levels". Typically, we use two years worth of ip during the six years of sm, and I have just added cwp for my dd who just finished level four because she loves word problems and wanted more for fun over the summer. I don't think either ip or cwp are essential.

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I'm just curious why more people don't use the tests. Can anyone comment? I can understand not using the tests in levels 1&2 but what about higher levels.


When we started PM-1 about 8 years ago, no tests were available in the PM series; so, I didn't check off "tests" in the poll. However, I separately purchased other Singapore Math test books...Federal Test Papers for Primary Mathematics (for mid-terms & finals), My Pals Are Here! Tests (for unit tests), Ace It! Maths Test Papers. They don't exactly match up with the sequence of topics in the PM series, so it was a bit awkward to use. I'm sure the Standards Edition Tests is much easier to use with the corresponding Standards series.


I gave tests starting in PM-1 and up through PM-6. I didn't give tests for any other subject in 1st grade; I figured some math tests should be okay.



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I use the Reviews along with the Practice A, B, etc in the TB for our tests. She doesn't get any help from me and she has to work hard to be accurate on her paper. I feel like I don't need any more testing than that.


We use the Standards TB, WB, HIG and CW (1/2 level behind). I wanted to do the IP, but felt it was overkill. We add in games and mental math so spend a full hour daily on math. (We don't go fast around here). Adding the IP for additional practice/challenge would really throw us off our rhythm.

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Well, I use the 3rd edition because I inherited the textbooks from a friend.


So, I use the workbooks, textbook and HIG. This year, my son just finished 5th grade, I added in the CWP. But, I am using them from a much earlier year. I think it is 3rd grade. My son is ripping through the book now that school is over. I know it's not really challenging for him but I really, really, need him to get the form down. It has actually been a good choice.

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I'm just curious why more people don't use the tests. Can anyone comment? I can understand not using the tests in levels 1&2 but what about higher levels.


We use the tests! I did not use them for levels 1 and 2, but for 3a and up, we have used them. Not sure why they aren't used more. I feel the tests books are better than the extra practice books. Perhaps it is because the tests books are more expensive than the EP books?


ETA: Forgot to add that we use: HIG, TB, WB, IP, CWP (old edition), Tests and occasionally EP. We use the IP and CWP one topic behind.

Edited by amsunshine
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What is this 'Olympiad math trainer'? Is it from Singapore or another company? Link?


I bought mine from Singapore. I have only level 2,4 and 5. It is by Terry Chew.




Here is another very good one by the same author:


Edited by SneguochkaL
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Where can I get the tests? I have been using the IP as the "test", but I'd like to take a look at the actual tests. If you've used them, are they worth it?


It might be worth it if you want to do a timed test (like 45 min. or 1 hour) where it says how many points each problem is worth. But otherwise, you'd be just as well off using the Textbook or Workbook, or even the IP, though the IP is a higher level of difficulty than the TB or WB. The IPs have a mid-year review or something like that at the end of each book, which is set up much like the tests we've used (My Pals Are Here series and Federal Test Papers). And on these, I'm pretty sure that getting 75% or more correct is considered an A. I think the Federal Test Papers series is out of print, at least in the U.S., and I don't know where you could find My Pals Are Here.


For the Standards Edition tests, the percentages are probably more like the U.S. system, where 90% is an A. I think they're about the same level of difficulty as the problems in the Workbook & Textbook. Singaporemath.com carries the Standards Edition tests.



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We use the Standards edition.




Extra Practice


CWP (old out of date versions)


I find the tests to be great review. We don't complete everyone and sometimes even work from the former level to review. I also really appreciate the option of using a specific skill or comprehensive test.

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Textbook, workbook, tests. Had HIG for first...what a waste of my money. The only time I was looking for any guidance was with the money towards the end of 1B, and they had nothing for me...


We'll add CWP for 3A/B...and maybe a HIG again at that point? I have no idea what I was thinking ordering that for first grade math! LOL


I only use some of the tests, and plan to use the rest for my ds as he cycles through. :)

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It might be worth it if you want to do a timed test (like 45 min. or 1 hour) where it says how many points each problem is worth. But otherwise, you'd be just as well off using the Textbook or Workbook, or even the IP, though the IP is a higher level of difficulty than the TB or WB. The IPs have a mid-year review or something like that at the end of each book, which is set up much like the tests we've used (My Pals Are Here series and Federal Test Papers). And on these, I'm pretty sure that getting 75% or more correct is considered an A. I think the Federal Test Papers series is out of print, at least in the U.S., and I don't know where you could find My Pals Are Here.


For the Standards Edition tests, the percentages are probably more like the U.S. system, where 90% is an A. I think they're about the same level of difficulty as the problems in the Workbook & Textbook. Singaporemath.com carries the Standards Edition tests.




Thanks so much Karen! :001_smile:

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