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I don't care who you are, I don't want to see pictures of you working out. I don't care if your daughter took them, there are some things that should not be for the whole world to see. I also don't need to see pictures of you sunbathing. I especially don't want to be ambushed by the above pictures when I am looking at cute pictures of your children, whom I love


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Ok. What's wrong with working out pictures?


My good friend goes for a run at crazy early a.m. every morning with some friends and they post pictures or it all the time. I'm not offended. I am glad she is enjoying herself and staying in shape and enjoying herself while she does it. Why would I be upset over it?

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Ok. What's wrong with working out pictures?


My good friend goes for a run at crazy early a.m. every morning with some friends and they post pictures or it all the time. I'm not offended. I am glad she is enjoying herself and staying in shape and enjoying herself while she does it. Why would I be upset over it?


There is a difference between jogging with friends pictures and pictures of you, by yourself, working out in your living room wearing a sports bra and shorts...


Mostly it is the shock of seeing them all mixed in together

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Also, dear Facebook friends, I do not want to see photos of you sticking your chest out in every photo that you post....just because you've had a boob job.


I have a friend that does this!


Dear Friend,


Why are you posting bikini pictures of yourself at 3 a.m.(taken in your bathroom mirror with you holding the camera, no less)? And why do you caption these pics with thoughts like, "Ugh! I really need to lose ten pounds!" and "I soooo look like crap here!" What's up with that???

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And, stop taking pictures of yourself, duck face!!! Why?


I have a relative who must take a picture of herself with her phone *every* time she gets a glimpse of her reflection. In public bathrooms, department store dressing rooms, random office windows downtown...



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I have a friend that does this!


Dear Friend,


Why are you posting bikini pictures of yourself at 3 a.m.(taken in your bathroom mirror with you holding the camera, no less)? And why do you caption these pics with thoughts like, "Ugh! I really need to lose ten pounds!" and "I soooo look like crap here!" What's up with that???


Fishing for compliments?

"Shut Up, Bikini Girl! I wish I looked that good in a bikini!"

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Fishing for compliments?

"Shut Up, Bikini Girl! I wish I looked that good in a bikini!"


It's really sort of creepy because the comments that she gets are from her teenage daughter's male friends. They'll comment that she looks hot or use the word MILF and she'll respond, "Awww, you're so sweet!"


Not. cool.

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And, stop taking pictures of yourself, duck face!!! Why?


If I can't resist the urge to leave this comment on a friend's duck face picture, can I blame it on menopause?


I'll be sure to add something like, "Bless your heart!"

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It's really sort of creepy because the comments that she gets are from her teenage daughter's male friends. They'll comment that she looks hot or use the word MILF and she'll respond, "Awww, you're so sweet!"


Not. cool.





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Dear Facebook,


I know you are going through a divorce. You have posted every stinking detail about it. You even took pictures of the divorce papers you were served. Do you seriously have posted to take boob shots and post them all over FB? And we don't all need to know who you are sleeping with right now. Thanks.

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Yeah, isn't having a boob job supposed to negate the need to stick your chest out?!?! ;). :lol:


Didn't you know that the added weight of upgraded girls places an undue strain on the back, causing one to arch her back unnaturally and poke her butt out? Sometimes the strain is so uncomfortable that she even purses her lips together awkwardly (what some refer to as "duck face"). There seems to be some correlation between flash photography and this uncomfortable condition.

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Yea. What the heck is that duck face???? Why????


Because they're self-conscious and don't think they're pretty and would rather try to make you laugh then let you realize that they aren't pretty.


(Of course, young women almost always are pretty, but most of them don't know that, and duck face is the visual equivalent of nervous laughter.)

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Didn't you know that the added weight of upgraded girls places an undue strain on the back, causing one to arch her back unnaturally and poke her butt out? Sometimes the strain is so uncomfortable that she even purses her lips together awkwardly (what some refer to as "duck face"). There seems to be some correlation between flash photography and this uncomfortable condition.




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Also, dear Facebook friends, I do not want to see photos of you sticking your chest out in every photo that you post....just because you've had a boob job.


I'm sick of teenage girls with their boobs out AND their tongue out. What is up with that? Also the sexy face in about 200 pictures that they took of themselves in the bathroom mirror. These girls have parents as their fb friends, what is wrong that the mom is not making them take these down?

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Also the sexy face in about 200 pictures that they took of themselves in the bathroom mirror.


No kidding - what is it with the bathroom mirror pics?

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I must be a little older than most of you, b/c my friends don't post that stuff, but what irritates me is the pictures that look like a flip book. You know, the kind that show 1400 pictures of their child where they just held down the shutter to get continuous shots. And they posted E.V.E.R.Y single one!! I don't need to see 1400 almost-identical photos of your child! Post ONE or TWO from that moment!!!!

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I have a friend that does this!


Dear Friend,


Why are you posting bikini pictures of yourself at 3 a.m.(taken in your bathroom mirror with you holding the camera, no less)? And why do you caption these pics with thoughts like, "Ugh! I really need to lose ten pounds!" and "I soooo look like crap here!" What's up with that???



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This thread is cracking me up ~ and reminding me yet again that no, I have no desire to climb aboard the FB bandwagon.:D


Oh, come on, Colleen! You know you want a little duck face! :lol:


Hunter and I are happy to make your day complete. Quack.



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Aside from my boob job "friend", I also have a friend that posts about every. single. body ache. that. she. has. All the time! Each day (and sometimes several times a day) I read....my sore throat is back....I wish this cough would go away....the sinuses are acting up again....my back has a twinge....SERIOUSLY???!!!!! I'm sorry you are not feeling well, but we all get sick sometimes! By the way you post, it seems like you are sick all the time!

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Oh the dreaded DUCK FACE! I hate it. Every teen and tween I have on my fb page has at least 1 picture with the stupid duck face. It drives me bonkers.


I can't tell you how many of my fb friends have posted themselves sunbathing recently in suits that are NOT flattering to their bodies. It is a feat to get me to even wear a swimsuit to the pool...much less to take a picture of it...and then to post it somewhere for others to see??? Never!

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Also Dear Facebook: Please remember that EVERYONE of your 500+ friends reads your posts! Not just the one crush you have...ie:

"i am so happy you are mine"

"i hate you today"

"thinking of only you"

or this actual post: So f###ing pissed! Stop saying you love me and then all u do is use me!!!!!!! Clean up ur own ****, I'm done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Seriously!! We do not want inside your private conversations! :ack2:

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Sometimes I wonder what I was thinking when I joined FB. Unfortunately, it's the best way to keep in touch with several people, so I don't want to deactivate my account. However, I make good use of the block feature! :001_smile:


I am a low-drama person. However, being a woman, I need to get my drama fix. Enter Facebook.

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I have a neice-in-law (if that's the correct term for your nephew's wife) that does the chest thrust/hip twist/duck face on EVERY picture she is EVER in.... Someone must have told her that contorting her entire body in that particular way made her look even more like a toothpick. Don't get me wrong, I really like the girl as a person.... but I can't stand her photo-op pose!

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Also Dear Facebook: Please remember that EVERYONE of your 500+ friends reads your posts! Not just the one crush you have...ie:

"i am so happy you are mine"

"i hate you today"

"thinking of only you"

or this actual post: So f###ing pissed! Stop saying you love me and then all u do is use me!!!!!!! Clean up ur own ****, I'm done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Seriously!! We do not want inside your private conversations! :ack2:


Agreed. Especially when the person you're so upset with is your dh. Really, really mature.

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