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Quickly - Why is Mr. Popper's Penguins rated PG?

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My 5 yo dd was invited to see this movie with a friend of hers. My dd is VERY sensitive to scary (and she's scared of a LOT in movies - basically anything with any suspense). Is this movie scary in any way?


And, I've read this book. Why can't it be rated G?


They are supposed to leave in 1/2 hour.

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No real violence.


One of the penguins ("Bitey") is occasionally shown biting people's fingers, but it is purely meant as comedy.


A man is locked inside a freezer for a short period of time.


In one scene, Mr. Popper binds a man's hands with an animal-capturing net, then jerks the net back and forth causing the man to hit himself.




1 use of ****, 1 use of hell, 2 uses of fricken, One use "butt" by a walking pedestrian, and one incoplete use of the word, ****, uncompleted




Several people are seen socially drinking wine/champagne at a classy business party.


One character notes that she "doesn't do drugs" when referring to a popular Beatles song.




No frightening or intense scenes

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Go to pluggedin.com and they will describe the scary scenes for the movie:




Scroll down to where it says, "violent content".


Just looked it up this afternoon on pluggedin bc my dc were invited today as well. As soon as I heard Jim Carey was in it, I was pretty certain it would be inappropriate for us. The language and sexual content kept us from seeing it. Everyone is different, my sister was taking my 6 yo nephew to see it today.

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My 5 yo dd was invited to see this movie with a friend of hers. My dd is VERY sensitive to scary (and she's scared of a LOT in movies - basically anything with any suspense). Is this movie scary in any way?


And, I've read this book. Why can't it be rated G?


They are supposed to leave in 1/2 hour.


What I've seen of the movie has nothing to do with the book - other than it contains penguins and the main character's last name is Popper.

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What I've seen of the movie has nothing to do with the book - other than it contains penguins and the main character's last name is Popper.


My girls were so excited when they heard about this movie. They loved the book. As soon as I saw Jim Carrey starring in it, I knew it would be ruined! It was a perfectly lovely story. After reading the Plugged In review, we will be skipping it too. I can't stand potty humor. :001_rolleyes: So irritating!

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What I've seen of the movie has nothing to do with the book - other than it contains penguins and the main character's last name is Popper.


My girls were so excited when they heard about this movie. They loved the book. As soon as I saw Jim Carrey starring in it, I knew it would be ruined! It was a perfectly lovely story. After reading the Plugged In review, we will be skipping it too. I can't stand potty humor. :001_rolleyes: So irritating!


:iagree: Very annoying!!

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What I've seen of the movie has nothing to do with the book - other than it contains penguins and the main character's last name is Popper.


:iagree: We saw it this weekend. I thought it was very tame, and there was nothing scary. It was also nothing like the book other than that there were penguins in it.



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Thank you all. We didn't let her see the movie. Actually, it looks VERY sweet, but it was 30 minutes away and dd does NOT do well in a car. AND, she was VERY tired tonight and fell asleep at 7 pm. So, we made the right decision.


That said, I can't wait to read her the book. AND, I look forward to it coming out on DVD so I can see it with her. This summer, we've been reading various fairy tales. The older boys are LOVING the differences in the books and the Grimm's Fairy Tales. Meg is upset by the differences! I'd rather she hear the book first!!!

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Just looked it up this afternoon on pluggedin bc my dc were invited today as well. As soon as I heard Jim Carey was in it, I was pretty certain it would be inappropriate for us. The language and sexual content kept us from seeing it. Everyone is different, my sister was taking my 6 yo nephew to see it today.


Not only all of the foregoing, but what I gather from the reviews is that the film and the book share the title and a bunch of penguins, and practically nothing else.


I'm disappointed, as I was glad when I first heard of the film project.

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We saw it. I usually check pluggedinonline but I didn't this time.


I consider myself pretty conservative about movies. I expected some penguin poop jokes and of course there were some.


I actually was pleasantly surprised by how mild it was. I did pick up on the use of the word "frickin".


I expected to hate it because it has nothing to do with the book (which we love) and I don't like Jim Carrey. I didn't hate it and that is probably high praise given those 2 big strikes against it.


Maybe it is a good thing I didn't read up on it before I went. Apparently the sexual references went right over my head, too :confused:

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What I've seen of the movie has nothing to do with the book - other than it contains penguins and the main character's last name is Popper.



:iagree: I'm annoyed with the whole thing. It is a sweet book that my children have enjoyed. All the previews seem to have nothing at all to do with the actual storyline. Jim Carey? Really???? :confused::ack2:

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It is insane that they couldn't make this a G movie :cursing:. Hollywood stinks!


:iagree: I couldn't agree more. It comes down to money -- they want to attract as much of the market as they can. But they did such a great job with Nemo and CARS. That should have taught them something.



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My DD is very sensitive to people or animals getting hurt. There is an egg that doesn't hatch. My DD did fine with the movie. There is some questionable language, most of which will go by a little kid if they aren't used to hearing it. The reviews were accurate. It is nothing like the book, except there is a man named Popper and there are Penguins and that is where the similarities end. It is a funny movie.

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I am really disappointed that it is nothing like the book. We have that book on our shelf as one (of many) great novels that I plan to read to my kids. When I saw that a movie was coming out about it, I was really excited. I thought it would be fun to go ahead and read that book next, and then see the movie.

Now, I'm not so excited...:glare:

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