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What's the youngest baby you've flown with?

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Dd just found out that her dh may deploy when the baby is 2 months old. However, he would get several weeks of leave that he'd take before leaving to come home and see his family.


This would mean that they could potentially fly with the baby at 4-5 weeks. Has anyone else had experience with this at such a young age? How was it?

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We flew home with DD4 when she was 5 days old. I had an emergency C-Section while we were traveling. She was 5 weeks early and spent 3 days in the NICU. Two days after that, we headed home. We bought an infant car seat (my DH had to go out and get one while I was in the hospital) and she slept there through the flight. I held her for take-off and landing, but I'd just had a C-section and couldn't hold her through the whole flight. She did great. We were so thankful to be home.;)

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I flew with my dd when she was 4 weeks old and the plane broke and we had to turn around and go back and get on another plane. She ended up having colic really bad at about three months (the only one of my kids that did) but I don't know that that was related. She didn't even wake up during all the plane changing, and flying and landing and taking off.

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Forgot to say that DD13 flew at 4 weeks and then again at 6 weeks, and DS3 flew at 7 weeks and then again at 4 mos. Neither of them had any issues, either! I nursed during take-off and landing to reduce ear pain, and we knew each time that there were no current ear infections that could cause problems.

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I flew with Hobbes when he was four weeks old. We did a round-the-world trip to see the grandparents. He was fine - slept a lot, spent a lot of time at the breast. I was pretty tired.... I took a car seat on board so he could sleep comfortably and safely - we bought him a seat.



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My sister flew out for my brother's wedding from the UK to South Africa (about 9 hrs) with my nephew when he was just 2 weeks old and back home again at 6 weeks.

The biggest stress was getting his passport in time. His passport photo was taken on the way home from the hospital :001_smile:

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I flew with Hobbes when he was four weeks old. We did a round-the-world trip to see the grandparents. He was fine - slept a lot, spent a lot of time at the breast. I was pretty tired.... I took a car seat on board so he could sleep comfortably and safely - we bought him a seat.


I would add it is easier to travel at this age than at 15 months! We did fine. Easiest trip.

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I flew with DD when she was 4 weeks old so my Grandfather could meet her, since he was in poor health. We flew again at 8 weeks for his funeral. It was easy, the 2 year old was far more trouble then the newborn. I love flying with babies before they are 6 months or so, since they are so easy and happy to sit snuggled with Mommy.

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I flew when my son was just 8 weeks. It was a red eye so he slept a lot and I nursed a lot :-) The Air Marshall next to me even got up so I could change him since this plane had no baby change thing in the bathroom. I had to pay for the seat to hold the car seat carrier. Best purchase I made so he could sleep and I could try to sleep :tongue_smilie:

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I'm just impressed that some of you ladies were up to flying with 4-day olds!!


I'm not sure if paying for him a seat will be an option, but she and her husband, and possibly me, will be flying with the baby, so we can help with the holding (though not the nursing) of the baby. :tongue_smilie:


The issue is, they also have a dog that has to be flown over so that is a cost issue as well, and it's not cheap! If they charge full price for the baby a seat, I am sure it will put them too far over budget.


I know it'll be easier flying with an infant than a toddler, but I was just wondering about one that tiny. I'm sure changing all those breastfed poops on the plane will be fun!

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Just double check that the airline doesn't have any restrictions on the baby's age. For example: http://www.southwest.com/html/customer-service/family/children-pol.html - southwest requires a medical release for babies under 14 days old.


It doesn't sound like the baby will be THAT young, but it will be important to know so that you can have the proper documentation in hand.


As an FYI, I often found that booking tickets for babies and toddlers online and looking at adult fares resulted in lower costs than asking for infant fares. Infant fares are often just a percentage off the FULL fare (not any of those internet special fares available on the airline website), so buying them an "adult" ticket can be cheaper than an infant ticket.

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I flew with dd when she was 10 weeks old (Vermont - Majuro, Marshall Islands) We knew we'd be flying when dd was a few weeks old before she was born. My dr told me that a newborn baby was usually able to fly long before the new mom was ready. Dd was a little darling on that trip. We flew back to Vermont when she was 13 months old for my sister's wedding. She was not quite as delightful a traveling companion as a toddler :tongue_smilie:


We moved from NZ to Fiji when ds#1 was 4 months old & dd was 2 1/2 yrs. They both did well on that trip.



---have the baby nurse during take-off & landings, as well as any turbulant times.

---bring a change of clothing for everyone + 2-3 more changes than you think you'll need for the baby. Dd went through 3 changes on the HNL-Majuro flight alone due to those runny newborn diapers.

---If a bassinet seat is available, reserve it now. I traveled Fiji to Vermont when dd was 4yo & ds#1 was just a few days short of 2yo. Ds#1 was less than 20#s & tiny, so I was able to get the bassinette seat for him. This allowed me to eat/rest/ect. while he slept.

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Babies are the best to fly with. LOL

Make sure she either nurses, bottle feeds or takes a pacifier with her. This being because of the altitude they'll be at and it pops their ears. Some adults have this issue but babies have it.

Other then that easy peasy.

My youngest was 9 months old when we flew. She mainly nursed or slept the entire time.

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I flew with a six week old (baby #2), but it was a short flight (about 45 minutes). He blew out his diaper on his clothes while we were in line to board so I had to change him on a blanket on the floor, but that was the worst of it. I nursed during take off and landing.


I flew with baby #1 on a three hour flight when she was 3 1/2 months old. Again, I nursed on take off and landing and I recall being in an aisle seat during the flight back. It was not too bad. On the flight to my destination, the baby kicked over a drink. I was in a middle seat (Don't recommend this.) An elderly man next to me was very gracious, but a middle aged business traveler on the other side was very rude. It was a hard experience as a young mother.


The worst experience of my life has been flying with toddlers. They won't sit still. I let one of mindego through my wallet and mess with my credit cards during the flight just to keep her settled.:001_huh:


ETA: I also flew with littlest dd on an Angel Flight for medical treatment from Texas to Iowa when she was 3 months old. She was in a carseat and did very well.

Edited by texasmama
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3 weeks - for my sister's wedding. And, she was born via c-section. And I had to travel by myself with her.


It was completely miserable. It was way too much for me (I knew it would be everyone insisted that I could do it). ~ 2 Flights each way, changing planes, and did I mention I was all by myself....By the time I got back home I was really sick.

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I flew with my daughter at 2 1/2 months from NH to CA for my brothers wedding. If I had to do it again, I would definitely buy her a seat. Between turbulance and a very hard landing I barely hung on to her. Otherwise, there where no problems. She traveled great. By the last leg of the trip I was a nervous wreck from holding on to her for dear life.

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