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Am I the only one...

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Same here. Besides from not wanting too much *out there*, I would not have the time to follow up on all the stuff on Facebook. This board is the only interactive medium I use online, other than personal e-mails.

I am quite happy that way. I have a lot of other interests.

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I'm not on FB.


I've logged on to my sister's account to check it out, but I really can't stand the layout/style of pages on FB (for one thing). Mostly, it just doesn't interest me & seems like a huge time suck, imo. (Ducking now... to avoid all the avid FB fans...).


I keep up w/ friends & family in other ways so I don't feel a need to join FB.

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Yep! You are! :) :lol:


Just kidding. I don't use it a lot but I do enjoy it most of the time. A cousin I hadn't seen in years has an account with a fake name ("AB in Texas" type name) and she doesn't use her name at all. She is only connected to who she wants to be and it seems brilliant to me. She's not "out there" for all to see. If you didn't know her handle, you simply wouldn't find her.

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Yep! You are! :) :lol:


Just kidding. I don't use it a lot but I do enjoy it most of the time. A cousin I hadn't seen in years has an account with a fake name ("AB in Texas" type name) and she doesn't use her name at all. She is only connected to who she wants to be and it seems brilliant to me. She's not "out there" for all to see. If you didn't know her handle, you simply wouldn't find her.


If I ever considered it, this is likely what I would do.

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I'm on there anonymously too. It's a good way for me to keep up with friends / family without individual emails, etc. I am unsearchable and only linked to immediate friends and family. Friends of friends cannot see anything I post or find me via friends - the only way to find me is if I contact the person.

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No time for FB! Email, homeschool stuff (esp the WTM boards) and practical things like recipes, maps & directions etc. take all the computer time I have.


I choose to spend my time with people IRL! ;)


Besides, by the time I figure it out, there will be something new, so I'll just wait and jump in when my kids are older and there is no escape! :D

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No. I tell people that I like to maintain an air of mystery.


I don't like the whole 'public square' aspect of FB. I like having relationships with actual people. And I like having some control over those relationships. I have some homeschooling friends, some non-homeschooling friends, family, old friends, etc, etc. Each of those groups gets a part of me. There is very little that I would want shared with all of them. And, from looking at my husband's FB page (he is expected to have one for his job) there is a whole lot about other people that I don't want to know.


If I want to be friends with you, then I will be friends with you. If I haven't seen fit to track you down after 20 years then I guess I don't want to be your friend. And I see no reason to tell you about what I had for dinner.

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Guest jab300

I got on for a while after my older brother convinced me it was the best thing on earth lol. Found a lot of old school friends, even someone we served with overseas. But honestly, I don't care what score some old gradeschool boyfriend gets on mafia wars or whatever, or that dh's cousin wants me to do something on their farm. So I bailed.

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Guest jab300



If I want to be friends with you, then I will be friends with you. If I haven't seen fit to track you down after 20 years then I guess I don't want to be your friend. And I see no reason to tell you about what I had for dinner.



Well said!:iagree:

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...that doesn't use Facebook?


I'm just too chicken to put myself (and my personal info) out there like that. I have an account that I activate & then deactivate again because I just can't do it! Is it just me or are there others? :bigear:

I do FB. I don't put a lot of personal anything on it. I use it to connect with many relatives that I wouldn't have much contact with. I share scripture and what it means to me and I try to use it as a means of encouragement to those that need that.


FB really is what you want it to be.:001_smile:

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I love fb! I love that I can keep up with SO MANY people in such a short amount of time. I used to be one that said "If I wanted to keep in touch with people, I would." But lots of friendships have kindof died out just because of distance or whatever.. and I'm actually glad to have reconnected with them. One girl I wasn't really very good friends with in college (we were sorority sisters) but now we have kids literally within weeks of each other and we're both homeschooling! She lives too far away to do anything together, but we have had great convos and she's shared some cool activities with me. Also, it's been a great way to get to know people in the town that we've moved to. I've had quite a few playdates with people where I or they have posted "Anybody want to go to the park (zoo, whatever)" It's a lot easier than calling 25 people and can be done at the last minute. Just because you have a fb account does NOT mean that all your info is out there- it's still only what you choose to share. (If you were fb friends with my dh, but not me.....you might not even know that we had our youngest!- he doesn't post statuses very often!)

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I've gone back and forth on FB - had an account with a few friends, deleted it, started it up again and had no friends for a long time by choice, then added a few, and now it feels like it's spiraling out of control. Maybe I'm just an unsocial person, but I really can't keep up with other people's stuff...it feels like too much for my brain to handle.

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I'm not on FB.


I've logged on to my sister's account to check it out, but I really can't stand the layout/style of pages on FB (for one thing). Mostly, it just doesn't interest me & seems like a huge time suck, imo. (Ducking now... to avoid all the avid FB fans...).


I keep up w/ friends & family in other ways so I don't feel a need to join FB.


This is pretty much me, too. Just not my thing.

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I'm not on Facebook, nor do I have any interest.

I try to avoid family issues (dysfunctional family) and have no desire to keep in contact with high school classmates.

My dad gave me his log-in information last year so I could view family photos he posts. I really don't like the format, nor the idea of 'putting it all out there.'

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Now I don't feel so alone! I set the privacy settings so that most people couldn't see things but FB still tracks where I go (?!), it takes so much time learning how to do everything & my "wall" gets loaded up with crazy quizzes & inappropriate friend of a friend comments. :glare: I'm sure there's solutions to all of this but I don't have time, energy or desire to figure it all out!

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Glad to know I wasn't the only one. I read dh's when he's logged on, and I can't believe some of the pointless stuff people put on there. "Going grocery shopping/I just got home/I just put the stuff away/..."


I know I will eventually get one, but I'm not in a hurry. If you really want to talk to me, you know where I am! :)

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Oh!! I am even worse than that! I will post pix (or commmentary) re my garden! I have uploaded pix showing the lettuce etc available at the local organic farm! I have even posted instructions about canning tomatoes and where to store! LOL My favorites posts to read are about the basics. :)



Glad to know I wasn't the only one. I read dh's when he's logged on, and I can't believe some of the pointless stuff people put on there. "Going grocery shopping/I just got home/I just put the stuff away/..."

! :)

Edited by LibraryLover
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Do you know, I've never even looked at Facebook at all.


I know of friends and family who are on there, but really can't be bothered to find out how to look them up.


I'm probably quite an extreme introvert. I'm not all that interested in most people's lives, and I love my own anonymity. One of the things I most love about going on holiday is being somewhere where no-one at all knows me. The idea of being on Facebook, and having my entire life and soul displayed for the whole world to see, brings me out in a cold sweat.





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Nope, no Facebook here.


I had an account way back when it was actually cool and not mainstream, when you had to have a .edu email address to sign up. It wasn't much fun once my friends started relying on FB to contact each other ... did they forget my phone number or something? They would say things like "Oh, I wanted to invite you to come eat with us last night! But you weren't online." Ummm ... CALL ME. Or since we're hip young folks, text me, even. Don't leave me out because I'm not online. :confused:


So I stopped. Now what bothers me is contests, giveaways and the like. I'll go to a favorite blog and read "Win that shiny expensive curriculum you've been drooling over!" and think "Ooh, yay!". But when I read the rest of the post, you have to Like them on Facebook to enter. :glare:

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I almost got a Facebook account once to get a coupon from a business, then I read the terms and decided not to. I am a rule follower and didn't want to have issues with getting the account deleted because of using a fake name. I don't want my real info out there. (Every 6 months I google the names of everyone in my family to see what kind of info pops up. I also do an image search. So far nothing. I want to keep it that way.)


I also hate it that so many business require their customers to be on Facebook in order to receive a discount. So I lose out on the discount, and sometimes I will just shop somewhere else because I get annoyed by that.

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Well, this is what I find amusing. What makes you think that you have to put your information out there? You can enroll with a nickname, fake address, and a disposable email account. You do not have to share your profile either. :)


I don't even claim my family, LOL. I do use my nickname and last name. I post photos on occassion and delete them when done. I do not have a full life-history photo album either.


What I think is cute ... how many of you blog? Do you have a public blog? You are out there. You are out there on this forum too, public view. It is the level at which you choose to disclose personal information that makes the difference.


How much you share is always up to you. Keep that in mind. There are those individuals that tweet and post to the extreme and you can find every intimate detail.


I, if I am lucky and have time but certainly anyone else with skill, can find you based on your ip address and a photo that you show from your mobile device. :) You are never anonymous. You are just another number, ip and mac address.


Now, get a fake facebook name and go play frontierville with me! LOL


Edit: Addiction comes in all forms. You cannot blame a program or web app for someone not talking to you or taking care of their home. It just as easily could have been drinking or drugs. They could be shopaholics too. It just so happens to be a game, and the devotion to it and fake friends is revealing that there are deeper problems - perhaps feelings of isolation and low self esteem.

Edited by ChrissySC
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