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Has anyone seen this? Unbelievable...

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Okay, so I don't really ever start threads, but I'm in such disbelief over this, I just wanted to bring it to the hive.


I guess this woman has been in the news before, but I've missed it. I'm actually speechless.


And to think, my soon-to-be 7 year-old wants a new Hello Kitty from Build-a-Bear and a camera. Guess she didn't know about asking for boobs...



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It's her daughter and the environment they live in. I don't agree with them, but how is that different than the American parents that buy their 5yo dd's padded swimsuit tops so they look like b00ks, or g-string undies?


Anyway, there are a lot of years between now and when the girl is 16 and can use that voucher however she wants. My question is, what does the mom do for a living to be able to afford all that?!?

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My question is, what does the mom do for a living to be able to afford all that?!?


The article says that she is "more than capable" of paying for the lavish party "thanks to a lucrative business she runs organizing plastic surgery and swinging parties and writing erotic novels."


Somehow I had missed that on the first read. Wow. Organizing swinging parties...she just oozes class.



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Why would a child ask for something she can't even get for several years? If I gave my kids something and said here's your bday present! You can't use it for 9 years. Enjoy! They'd be bummed.

Of course, I doubt they know what a boob job is so they'd probably be bummed out over getting one for their bday anyhow. So, Whatever. Sounds weird. Barbie mom? The mom looks nothing like a barbie.

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Poor little girl. Look at the 2nd photo....looks like she gets her eyebrows done too (they don't look natural).


"...posing and pouting for photos". Pouting?? Sheesh...what are they teaching these little girls??


As for Barbie Mom...she looks like her own boobs are sadly sagging.

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Have we so soon forgotten the My Baby Needs Botox fiasco?


Part of me thinks this is all a publicity stunt for the mother's business? At least I hope so for Poppy's sake. But even if it's just a stunt, that doesn't seem like a very healthy environment to grow up in, observing that according to your mom plastic surgery is necessary and you aren't beautiful and special just the way you are.

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I wonder if this is going to turn out to be a paid for hype story like the one about the little girl getting botox. That turned out to be a hoax - the mom was just paid to lie by the newspaper or whatever.


I thought the woman CLAIMED she was paid because she was getting so much grief about it. Not sure I believe anyone would pay her to do that. If she's theoretically crazy enough to do it as a paid stunt, she's probably crazy enough to have come up with it on her own.

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I thought the woman CLAIMED she was paid because she was getting so much grief about it. Not sure I believe anyone would pay her to do that. If she's theoretically crazy enough to do it as a paid stunt, she's probably crazy enough to have come up with it on her own.


I guess that's true. The Sun newspaper claims she wasn't paid. UCLA hospital says there's no evidence the child received botox injections. So, the story was a hoax. Apparently Good Morning America didn't pay her for appearing but they paid for photograph rights (I think it said "less than $10,000").

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