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A brief note from the floor at BookExpoAmerica

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He is a bit sassy in that cover photo.


It actually sounds like an interesting book.


Showing a little leg, huh? :lol: I bet he'd love the hive.


That's quite a tongue twister. :lol:


We could shorten it to Kult. I belong to a Kult....you mean a cult? .....No, a Kult? ......What's a Kult?......Why I am so glad you asked?:lol::lol:

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"Excuse me, Sir, may I take your picture? I'm the Overmind of a very popular homeschooling message board, and well...men in kilts have quite the following among homeschooling mothers. And to think...people are worried about socialization...."




Love the pic.

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"Excuse me, Sir, may I take your picture? I'm the Overmind of a very popular homeschooling message board, and well...men in kilts have quite the following among homeschooling mothers. And to think...people are worried about socialization...."


Love the subtitle of the book..."Whatever blows up your kilt" :lol:

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Methinks SWB has been reading some of the threads here. :D


Now we're in trouble. As penance, we will read the works of Sir Walter Scott.


And really, to show our appreciation we all ought to buy a copy of Mr. Channon's book.

Edited by Susan in TN
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