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s/o The Anti-Monarchist thread for those who think the Royals should be Throne Out

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:chillpill: pqr :chillpill: :)



Even Spycar knows it's none of his "bloody business." Now if his silliness isn't silly enough for you, may I recommend one of the "What's your Royal name?" threads?





I will stay away from those threads thanks.


It is simply that attacks on a lady who has devoted her life to her country and always done her duty irk me.

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I'm not sure what "earn their keep" entails. King George VI's moral leadership during WW II?


George VI was a leading player in the appeasement of Adolf Hitler at Munich, an act that was cowardly, one that seriously played into the hand of the Nazis, sold out the Czechoslovaks and made the eventual war in Europe that much more difficult.


That is, of course, air-brushed out of history. As is his role in urging suppression of Jewish emigration from Nazi Germany before the war.


His brother Edward, whose abdication lead to George's ascending to the throne, was an open and vocal Nazi sympathizer.


Nice moral leadership. What a family!


I won't mention Harry's dressing up for a party in Nazi regalia. Oops, I did.







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Lady Bootsie-Dickerson, I think you ought to reword your previous post where you mention that YOU bake scones - lest someone here thinks you do the actual work yourself instead of your cook, parlormaid and bootboy. Tsk, tsk, tsk - careful Lady Bootsie-Dickerson!


But she does cook them herself. The magic ingredient is tequila so she doesn't trust her servants to do it.




Lady...Rosie, you should really not divulge such secrets on a public board. Now Lady Bootsie-Dickerson finds herself in a somewhat delicately compromised position...more tsk, tsk, tsk!



Lady Emma Mumi-Adolf-Kirsch :lol:


Don't you think that's a bit hypocritical, coming from someone who keeps her "secret" ingredient in her name?




Mad Dowager Duchess Scamp-Thompson


Good grief, I take a few hours to go to HomeGoods so I can stage the kitchen and I come back and the cat has been let out of the bag.


Actually, I am going to bake the scones myself -- I desperately want the AGA to experience the royal wedding in this way -- it came from so very far away to take up residence here, I don't want to ignore its roots.


My secret ingredient is, however, kahlua and skyy vodka. ;) And not a drop goes in the scones. It all goes to me. Which may not be advisable with the meds I am taking for Lyme's but BLIMEY, it's been a tough couple of years and I'm going to indulge!




Lady Madelaine Bootsie-Dickerson

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George VI was a leading player in the appeasement of Adolf Hitler at Munich, an act that was cowardly, one that seriously played into the hand of the Nazis, sold out the Czechoslovaks and made the eventual war in Europe that much more difficult.


That is, of course, air-brushed out of history. As is his role in urging suppression of Jewish emigration from Nazi Germany before the war.


His brother Edward, whose abdication lead to George's ascending to the throne, was an open and vocal Nazi sympathizer.


Nice moral leadership. What a family!


I won't mention Harry's dressing up for a party in Nazi regalia. Oops, I did.








Edward abdicated, and would not have been a good king. I disagree about George. My grandparents were in London during the blitz. My eldest Uncle was evacuated with his school, my two aunties were evacuated to Cornwall. My Nan, Grandad and their baby, my youngest uncle stayed in London with their shop. They drove to churches in the countryside at night when there was petrol, they slept in tube stations, and sometimes in the shop. One night while they were in their shop it was bombed. They were lucky to get out of it with scrapes and bruises and some glass in my Nan's eye. However they lost EVERYTHING! A lot of people did, people who could flee London and the cities did. George, his wife Elizabeth, and his 2 daughters stayed in London with their people. They could have gone somewhere safe and they didn't. Princess Elizabeth (as she was at the time) drove ambulances around London and served in whatever way she could. She was out there on the streets getting dirty and helping out.


Harry has served 77 days in the front line of Afghanistan. He was pulled out as some media coverage released his location and it would have made a huge target of his whole squad.


Queen Elizabeth the II is an amazing woman. Her mother was lovely too. I was riding a tube in London when the announcement came that she had passed, and pretty much everyone started to tear up. It might seem like nothing to you, but a lot of the royal family is truly loved.



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George VI was a leading player in the appeasement of Adolf Hitler at Munich, an act that was cowardly, one that seriously played into the hand of the Nazis, sold out the Czechoslovaks and made the eventual war in Europe that much more difficult.


That is, of course, air-brushed out of history. As is his role in urging suppression of Jewish emigration from Nazi Germany before the war.


His brother Edward, whose abdication lead to George's ascending to the throne, was an open and vocal Nazi sympathizer.


Nice moral leadership. What a family!


I won't mention Harry's dressing up for a party in Nazi regalia. Oops, I did.




Thank you so much for sharing your views on a bunch of historical personages and a tactless young man, who, being alive, has had time to grow up a bit! As you are no doubt aware, focusing on the negatives of people and their ideas does not paint a more truthful picture of the people and the time period they lived in than the "happy history" version does. Now, shall I point out that having embarrassing relatives is something we all suffer from, and is not something we can be held directly responsible for and how hindsight has 20/20 vision? Or shall we go straight to comparing bean dip recipes?



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You can say what you like. We have freedom of speech here too, y'know.


I think they might be able to deny my citizenship request on the grounds of poor character. Not sure if wanting to abolish the monarchy qualifies? I am sure that I don't stir my tea the way the queen likes (not to mention that I prefer coffee) and I also say "toilet" instead of "lavatory" so the queen would certainly say I'm of poor character.


But thanks for reminding me about that whole freedom of speech thing - I shall exercise it on citizenship by voting for a republic, should the opportunity arise!:D

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But thanks for reminding me about that whole freedom of speech thing - I shall exercise it on citizenship by voting for a republic, should the opportunity arise!:D



That won't happen for at least another generation, I shouldn't think!


Anyway, I'm sure the queen won't personally veto your getting citizenship, since it isn't any of her business. But I'm sure she understand cultural relevance and respects us well enough that our using words like "loo" instead of "lavatory" won't affect her doing her duty towards us.





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Thank you so much for sharing your views on a bunch of historical personages and a tactless young man, who, being alive, has had time to grow up a bit! As you are no doubt aware, focusing on the negatives of people and their ideas does not paint a more truthful picture of the people and the time period they lived in than the "happy history" version does. Now, shall I point out that having embarrassing relatives is something we all suffer from, and is not something we can be held directly responsible for and how hindsight has 20/20 vision? Or shall we go straight to comparing bean dip recipes?




I love you, Rosie. Truly I do.

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As a cool aside...Did you other Commonwealthers realize we can go to the UK and vote in their national elections? I either just learned this or just re-learned this.



Nope I did not know this - but I probably should start voting in my own elections before I start voting in other countries :o


(Ducking and running for cover before other Aussies start making it known that voting is compulsory here)

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Edward abdicated, and would not have been a good king.


No question about that.


I disagree about George. My grandparents were in London during the blitz. My eldest Uncle was evacuated with his school, my two aunties were evacuated to Cornwall. My Nan, Grandad and their baby, my youngest uncle stayed in London with their shop. They drove to churches in the countryside at night when there was petrol, they slept in tube stations, and sometimes in the shop. One night while they were in their shop it was bombed. They were lucky to get out of it with scrapes and bruises and some glass in my Nan's eye. However they lost EVERYTHING! A lot of people did, people who could flee London and the cities did. George, his wife Elizabeth, and his 2 daughters stayed in London with their people. They could have gone somewhere safe and they didn't. Princess Elizabeth (as she was at the time) drove ambulances around London and served in whatever way she could. She was out there on the streets getting dirty and helping out.


Never-the-less, George did not stand up to Hitler when it would have counted. Instead he threw in with those who supported the appeasement of Hitler at Munich and the betrayal of the Czechs. And he invited Chamberlain back to the palace with a public spectacle celebrating the Munich sellout on the balcony, which was a total breach of protocol. This was when his courage as a statesman was most needed, and he failed.


Harry has served 77 days in the front line of Afghanistan. He was pulled out as some media coverage released his location and it would have made a huge target of his whole squad.


He was also caught on tape calling people "Pakis" and "rag-heads."


Queen Elizabeth the II is an amazing woman. Her mother was lovely too. I was riding a tube in London when the announcement came that she had passed, and pretty much everyone started to tear up. It might seem like nothing to you, but a lot of the royal family is truly loved.




The Queen Mum always seemed like a lovely woman. Hopefully no one shatters my illusions :tongue_smilie:



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Prince Phillip (the Queen's husband) is something else.


A few of his choice comments from the "Duke of Hazard: The Wit and Wisdom of Prince Philip."


• During a state visit to China in 1986, the duke told a group of British students: “If you stay here much longer, you’ll all be slitty-eyed.”


• Another jab to the Chinese came at a World Wildlife Fund dinner: “If it swims and it’s not a submarine, the Chinese will eat it.”*


• To an Australian Aborigine he met in 2002, Philip asked: “Still throwing spears?”


• When a Kenyan woman gave Philip a gift, he was perplexed at her appearance. “You’re a woman, aren’t you?” he asked.


• When he met Lord Taylor of Warwick, who is black and comes from Birmingham, “And what exotic part of the world do you come from?”


• When he saw an old-fashioned fuse box in a factory near Edinburgh, the duke said: “It looks as if it was put in by an Indian.”


• When he met a group of deaf people in Cardiff in1999, Philip referred to the school’s steel band: “Deaf? If you are near there, no wonder you are deaf.”


• “Aren’t most of you descended from pirates?” Philip asked someone from the Cayman Islands in 1994.


• When he met the president of Nigeria, who was dressed in a traditional robe, Philip said: “You look like you’re ready for bed!”


And when he met President Obama Prince Phillip asked the President if he could tell other world leaders apart. Good grief. What a family!



Edited by Spy Car
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• Another jab to the Chinese came at a World Wildlife Fund dinner: “If it swims and it’s not a submarine, the Chinese will eat it.â€*



"If it's got four legs and isn't a table, Cantonese will eat it."


Prince Philip is a throw-back to a less sensitive era. He should not say the things he says, but I take no more notice than I did when my aged Texas in-laws accidentally talked about 'n@*gers'. It was the vocabulary of their youth and sometimes it just pops out.



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:iagree: :iagree: :iagree: and with everything you have said.


I used to be crazy about the royals. Have become much more jaded.

Will be watching the wedding since my dc are into it, but will laughing a lot also. :lol:


For your pleasure a few more "laughs" from Prince Phillip:


Are you Indian or Pakistani? I can never tell the difference between you chaps.

--at a Washington Embassy reception for Commonwealth members


How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to pass the test?

--to Scottish driving instructor


If a cricketer, for example, suddenly decided to go into a school and batter a lot of people to death with a cricket bat, which he could do very easily, I mean, are you going to ban cricket bats? (clearly he's not very bright or much of a deep thinker)

-- amid calls to ban firearms after the Dunblane shootings



"If it doesn't fart or eat hay, she isn't interested." -- Description of his daughter, Princess Anne.



"We go into the red next year. . . . I shall probably have to give up polo." -- Comment on U.S. television in 1969 about the Royal Family's finances.


"Do you know they're now producing eating dogs for anorexics?" -- Said to a blind woman with a guide dog.


"It looks like a tart's boudoir." -- Comment on seeing plans for the Duchess of York's house.


"Reichskanzler." -- Using Hitler's title to address German chancellor Helmut Kohl.


"Of course, the problem with London is the tourists. They cause the congestion. They block the streets. If we could just stop tourism, we could stop the congestion."-- Proposal for solving London's traffic problems.


"So you managed to get here without having your knickers blown off." -- Said to a farmer's wife from Northern Ireland visiting London for a charity event.


"I thought it was against the law these days for a woman to solicit." -- Said to a woman solicitor in a reception line.


"It's a pleasure to be in a country that isn't ruled by its people." -- Said to Paraguayan dictator Alfredo Stroessner.


"What are you doing here?"

-- Greeting former Times editor William Rees-Mogg as he arrives at Buckingham Palace as an invited dinner guest.



"What about Tom Jones? He's made a million and he's a bloody awful singer." -- Response to a comment at a small-business lunch about how difficult it is in Britain to get rich (the previous night, Tom Jones had sung before the Prince at a Royal Variety Performance).



"Everybody was saying we must have more leisure. Now they are complaining they are unemployed." -- Comment during the depth of a recession in Britain in 1981.



"We don't come here for our health. We can think of other ways of enjoying ourselves." -- Said on a visit to Canada.



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Nope I did not know this - but I probably should start voting in my own elections before I start voting in other countries :o


(Ducking and running for cover before other Aussies start making it known that voting is compulsory here)


The catch for us outside of the UK though is that we have to actually be IN the UK to vote. :)

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Some things are funny... and some things are REALLY funny.


I reread his last sentence keeping in mind his position as forever-heir-to-the-throne. Pretty witty in that light. :)


Honestly the whole thing just seems like one of those ridiculous conversation giddy lovers can get into. One gets silly, the other gets sillier...Just a shame it got leaked. The rest of us have the luxury of forgetting those exchanges.

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For your pleasure a few more "laughs" from Prince Phillip:


Are you Indian or Pakistani? I can never tell the difference between you chaps.

--at a Washington Embassy reception for Commonwealth members


How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to pass the test?

--to Scottish driving instructor


If a cricketer, for example, suddenly decided to go into a school and batter a lot of people to death with a cricket bat, which he could do very easily, I mean, are you going to ban cricket bats? (clearly he's not very bright or much of a deep thinker)

-- amid calls to ban firearms after the Dunblane shootings



"If it doesn't fart or eat hay, she isn't interested." -- Description of his daughter, Princess Anne.



"We go into the red next year. . . . I shall probably have to give up polo." -- Comment on U.S. television in 1969 about the Royal Family's finances.


"Do you know they're now producing eating dogs for anorexics?" -- Said to a blind woman with a guide dog.


"It looks like a tart's boudoir." -- Comment on seeing plans for the Duchess of York's house.


"Reichskanzler." -- Using Hitler's title to address German chancellor Helmut Kohl.


"Of course, the problem with London is the tourists. They cause the congestion. They block the streets. If we could just stop tourism, we could stop the congestion."-- Proposal for solving London's traffic problems.


"So you managed to get here without having your knickers blown off." -- Said to a farmer's wife from Northern Ireland visiting London for a charity event.


"I thought it was against the law these days for a woman to solicit." -- Said to a woman solicitor in a reception line.


"It's a pleasure to be in a country that isn't ruled by its people." -- Said to Paraguayan dictator Alfredo Stroessner.


"What are you doing here?"

-- Greeting former Times editor William Rees-Mogg as he arrives at Buckingham Palace as an invited dinner guest.



"What about Tom Jones? He's made a million and he's a bloody awful singer." -- Response to a comment at a small-business lunch about how difficult it is in Britain to get rich (the previous night, Tom Jones had sung before the Prince at a Royal Variety Performance).



"Everybody was saying we must have more leisure. Now they are complaining they are unemployed." -- Comment during the depth of a recession in Britain in 1981.



"We don't come here for our health. We can think of other ways of enjoying ourselves." -- Said on a visit to Canada.




:lol: He reminds me of my grandfathers! <3 Totally inappropriate but hilarious none the less.

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Well, I'm Presbyterian, so the idea that the Monarchy thinks they head the church....


For Christ's Crown and Covenant! :001_smile:



I don't think it is meant in an "I'm the Pope of EVERYONE" kind of way, lol. As if the woman doesn't have enough responsibilities without trying on those robes!




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Ask me and I'd say just having a figurehead separate from the elected leader is immensely valuable. It leaves room for our political leaders to just be humans, to get on with politial affairs and to be free of much of the sentiment and unquestioning adoration that I sometimes see dumped on American presidents.


Interesting point, and perhaps this is why I don't have sentiment for prime ministers and presidents. As I said, logically I don't think we need a monarchy, but I haven't been able to totally shake off the sentiment.


As a cool aside...Did you other Commonwealthers realize we can go to the UK and vote in their national elections? I either just learned this or just re-learned this.


I had NO idea of this!!!! Of course, now that I'm a dual citizen with the US, too, I can't vote in the UK and still be able to vote here at the same time, but I wish I'd known that when I had only one citizenship. Tell me, is it all citizens of the commonwealth or only those with parents from the UK?



I also say "toilet" instead of "lavatory" so the queen would certainly say I'm of poor character.



In Canada you find toilets in washrooms, so perahaps we Canadians must all be of poor character, or esle washroom counts as being polite. (we used to joke about Americans calling them restrooms and about British people calling them WCs):D

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As you are no doubt aware, focusing on the negatives of people and their ideas does not paint a more truthful picture of the people and the time period they lived in than the "happy history" version does. Now, shall I point out that having embarrassing relatives is something we all suffer from, and is not something we can be held directly responsible for and how hindsight has 20/20 vision? Or shall we go straight to comparing bean dip recipes?



well, not being a fan of bean dip, I would offer that not everyone's embarrassing family members have had as negative an impact on the lives of *millions* as Spy Car has pointed out. I hardly see him writing an entire history about the family [which is where the 'more truthful' part would come in], but he did specifically start a thread to take a more critical look at the Royal Family. The Royal Family suffers [by default] for deliberately setting themselves up to be judged by bloodline, which is why those relatives *do* matter. And another reason that some of us are fine w/ seeing it go the way of the dodo. ;)


May I suggest starting a different thread if the focus of this one is bothersome?

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I find it absolutely unbelievable that Americans ( who aren't even in the Commonwealth) want to dethrone the queen... I am completely speechless. It isn't YOUR country.


Really, sometimes some of you display the worst stereotyped behaviour of Americans who are trying to control the world.


We learned from the best :D



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I find it absolutely unbelievable that Americans ( who aren't even in the Commonwealth) want to dethrone the queen... I am completely speechless. It isn't YOUR country.


Really, sometimes some of you display the worst stereotyped behaviour of Americans who are trying to control the world.

Well, I'm a dual Canadian/UK citizen, and I say boot her. :D
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I pointed out that they have experience & our last king was British. He insisted that that was un-American. But of course, the silly man seems to think he can *elect* a king. :lol:


But, but I thought you didn't vote for a king...you have to wait for the Lady of the Lake to hold Excalibur aloft from the lake to the right person. Or did Monty Python mislead me? :001_huh: Again? :glare:


In all seriousness, as an American, I know I have no say.

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Eh...if the Brits like their royalty let them keep them. I just wish we weren't subjected to non-stop media coverage of every little to-do they put on. A blurb is plenty for me.

Really I have nothing against the royal family and the little bit I know of the queen herself has earned my respect. As someone else pointed out we all have relatives who we can be proud of, and those whose branch on the family tree we'd like to chop off.

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Well, I'm Presbyterian, so the idea that the Monarchy thinks they head the church....


For Christ's Crown and Covenant! :001_smile:


It's a symbolic position in the Church of England. They don't think they head the captital "C" Church (Christianity in general) but that specific church of Anglicanism. The title Defender of the Faith reflects that role although there's talk of dropping the "the" to reflect, I suppose, the fact that England isn't really as universally Anglican as it once was.


They don't serve the same role for Episcopals however as that's the Church of Scotland and though they serve some sort of role there they don't head it.


The actually working head of the church is the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams (the dude with the deep voice and enourmous eyebrows that married the royal couple). But again, he's not a Pope figure. He's one heck of a speaker though and a very interesting thinker on matters of faith. But still, just an ordinary man.

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Dh recently suggested that a monarchy would be the perfect solution to our own political woes on this side of the pond. He asked me who would make a good American King.


I suggested that...William, is that his name?...has a little brother who might like the job, but dh got all up in arms about a British king. :confused:


I pointed out that they have experience & our last king was British. He insisted that that was un-American. But of course, the silly man seems to think he can *elect* a king. :lol:


Hasn't this sort of been done before? I still haven't figured out which box holds my English history books, but I thought that William and Mary and the Hanoverians were selected rather than being strictly heirs of the previous monarch.

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I find it absolutely unbelievable that Americans ( who aren't even in the Commonwealth) want to dethrone the queen... I am completely speechless. It isn't YOUR country.


Really, sometimes some of you display the worst stereotyped behaviour of Americans who are trying to control the world.


apparently not entirely speechless... ;)


I'm betting that we all *want* certain things that we have *no right* to actually carry out....


thus venting frustrations and planning hypotheticals.


Thank God for discussion boards, lol.


eta: I thought the topic of the thread was pretty obvious in its purpose.

Edited by MischiefManaged
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I find it absolutely unbelievable that Americans ( who aren't even in the Commonwealth) want to dethrone the queen... I am completely speechless. It isn't YOUR country.


Really, sometimes some of you display the worst stereotyped behaviour of Americans who are trying to control the world.




I think Americans' suggesting what "should" be done, rather than limiting themselves to discussing what "could" be done (for example the likelihood and obstacles to Charles' being skipped as a discussion of another countries' political system) is no more savory than when British notables chose to tell US voters whom they should elect as president (And the Guardian piece about it featured a link so readers could get the address of Ohio voters to send their own letters).


I think our opinion on the monarchy was aptly expressed long ago. If the current subjects don't share our opinion, that is no issue of ours.


There are flaws in many systems of government and there are many shades of representational political systems (Constitutional Monarchy, Parliamentarianism, our Bicameral Republic). They are natural outgrowths of decades if not centuries of political and social negotiation and evolution. Kicking out one leg any system isn't going to just leave the rest of the political table standing as if nothing had happened.


[Though it is rather amusing to watch Bill get called a stereotypical American.]

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eta: I thought the topic of the thread was pretty obvious in its purpose.


Spycar started a controversial thread deliberately, knowing there would be people here disagreeing. I think he's man enough to cop a few fingers shaken at him, a few "mind your own businesses" and a "you're being silly, try and make a decent argument, why don't you?" He needs a bit of argument now and then to keep him from getting bored between maths threads.


I don't care what Bill thinks of the British monarchy, but I feel morally bound to defend them against gross inaccuracies like "they're not even British." How bizarre. An Australian with a shred of patriotism... Really, anyone who thinks they can post controversial topics on here and only hear themselves talk is expecting the impossible.


Are you going to come and defend us when we start a thread titled "Anti-American thread for those who think America is a Crazy, Mad Place?" I think if I did that, there'd be a lot of people here who'd think themselves entitled to kick my butt so you'd be busy. If I started a thread like that, I would probably get banned.




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Spycar started a controversial thread deliberately, knowing there would be people here disagreeing.


I don't care what Bill thinks of the British monarchy, but I feel morally bound to defend them against gross inaccuracies like "they're not even British." ... Really, anyone who thinks they can post controversial topics on here and only hear themselves talk is expecting the impossible.


Are you going to come and defend us when we start a thread titled "Anti-American thread for those who think America is a Crazy, Mad Place?" I think if I did that, there'd be a lot of people here who'd think themselves entitled to kick my butt so you'd be busy. If I started a thread like that, I would probably get banned.


you betcha!!!


I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.... even if you are a crazy Australian not even on American soil. ;)


heh heh heh....:D


see? we really are crazy. :lol:


just make sure you let me know when you start that thread so i can take the day off........lol....


and of course he started a controversial thread... but what do the rules say about that?


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you betcha!!!


I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.... even if you are a crazy Australian not even on American soil. ;)


Very sweet of you, but it will be unnecessary for you to take a day off to defend my right to say things I have no right to say. Nowhere more public than pm's between the members of the International Association of OMG Those Americans Stress Me anyway. :tongue_smilie:



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Very sweet of you, but it will be unnecessary for you to take a day off to defend my right to say things I have no right to say. Nowhere more public than pm's between the members of the International Association of OMG Those Americans Stress Me anyway. :tongue_smilie:



on the contrary, over here in the good ol' US of A, you *do* have the right to say it.;)


but happy PM'ing.....:lol:

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