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?? Momma Cat delivering for the first time . . . (warning, sensitive info.)

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it has taken her all night (she was in obvious labor yesterday morning, fluid was leaking at 5:30 pm yesterday, still no kittens at midnight). When I checked on her around 6 this morning, she had two, but one was gone - she was laying on it. She had cleaned it up well; I think she must have just squished it.


Anyway, is it normal for her to only have two kittens? Could she have more at this point or do you think she's done? Do I need to worry about the lone kitten getting too cold when momma is away for awhile?


Oh the drama! :willy_nilly:


By the way, she was a stray - I didn't ask for this! But I couldn't 'not' take care of her, kwim?

Edited by IrresistibleGrace
clarification, sorta :)
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Does anyone know anything that can help? My kiddos are asking me questions and I don't know how to answer them. I don't know if I should be concerned or reassure them that everything is fine.


BTW - her belly is still fairly enlarged and hard as a rock, but I don't necessarily feel any 'lumps' inside there.



Thanks in advance for anything. Even if it's just telling me to :chillpill:, the cat can take care of herself!

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When my kitty had kittens, she was only in distress for a few hours. She started showing signs of being in distress around 11 in the morning, and by 6 pm (same day) all her kittens were born. She had four (it was her first heat and first litter).


I really do think this is kind of worrisome. I sat by our kitty for the first two deliveries, which came very close together (within about 30 minutes) but then she rested for a while (15 or 30 minutes) before delivering the 3rd kitten, and rested again (30 or 45 minutes, tops) before delivering the 4th. Her belly was soft again pretty much right away.


I know that's not what you want to hear, but I really think she might need some medical attention at this point. I'd call the animal shelter or animal control in your city/town and ask them if they know of a vet willing to help a stray cat who has stalled in labor, preferrably at a low cost.


I have no idea what they'll need to do at this point, but it does sound like she needs help.


As for the kitten keeping warm while momma cat is away....? Why is she away?? She shouldn't really be leaving the kittens so soon. You might need to keep a very close eye on her/the kitten for warmth, feeding, etc.


I would also make sure your kids know to peek with their eyes, but not touch with their hands and give momma cat some space. Too much human handling of the kitten(s) will make the momma move them at best and abandon them at worst. I know it's tempting, but we kept ours in a closed room for the first week, allowing only small peeks.


*note: this was my first and only experience with a laboring momma kitty, so I'm by no means an expert at all*

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This does seem like a very long labor. Also, I've never known a cat to smother one of their kittens.


If she's a stray, you might try the local SPCA. They may take her, kitten and all. Just don't ask what happens when you leave. Ironically, around here anyway, SPCA is no longer no kill.

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I'd prolly take her & the kittens (both) right to the nearest animal hospital, as this doesn't sound right to me - I've NEVER known a veterinarian to turn away an animal in distress because the person didn't have cash on hand. (Given that she's a stray that you've been helping, they might not even expect you to pay anything - there are often funds for this through various community organizations, shelters, etc.)


I'd take her and worry about the money thing later.

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This does seem like a very long labor. Also, I've never known a cat to smother one of their kittens.


If she's a stray, you might try the local SPCA. They may take her, kitten and all. Just don't ask what happens when you leave. Ironically, around here anyway, SPCA is no longer no kill.


For what it's worth, it will likely be extremely tough to find any no-kill shelter to take in this cat or her kitten(s). They are simply overwhelmed, and as long as you can care for the cat, that is probably best.


My son and I found a cat about three years ago who seemed desperate for attention and just the sweetest thing. We were already at our limit of two (because we rent), but we could not bring ourselves to leave her there.


We brought her home and very soon noticed she was very pregnant.


I began calling everyone I could find, begging someone to take care of her. We adopted both of our cats from a local rescue, and they were the first people we called. Everyone kept telling me there was no room at the inn. I could have taken her to the county "shelter," but they euthanize regularly.


Finally, we found a rescue organization that took pity on us and her. We made a donation substantial enough to cover the vet bills for the cat and her babies, and they found space for her in one of their foster homes. I saw her kittens several months later at a local adoption event. As it turned out, the family who had fostered the mom was reluctant to let her go and was considering keeping her permanently. (I told you she was sweet.)


Anyway, it was an eye-opening and extremely upsetting experience for us. Now, when we see stray and feral cats, we feel so helpless knowing we cannot do enough to save them all.


In the OP's position, I would probably call a few vets and explain your situation. It's not your cat (although you may have trouble convincing them of that), but you want to help. You might find someone willing to treat her at no cost to you if you're willing to give her a temporary home.


Of course, after that you'd still need to find homes for her and the kittens (assuming you can't or don't want to keep them). But it might be a start.


My heart just breaks for all of these animals. I wish we were doing better by them all.

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Our wayward kitty just had her second litter a week ago and delivered 6, but her first litter was just 1. It can have to do with how many times she was impregnated while she was in heat. Cats can deliver a litter of kittens from several fathers because they ovulate as a result of stimulation rather than ovulating on a regular cycle.


With this most recent litter, our kitty was obviously agitated and looking for a nesting place at least two days prior to delivery. Once her water broke, she had all 6 in about two hours, but her belly was quite large all of that day. If you remember from human labor, nursing helps cause the uterus to return to size, so it should be considerably smaller in the next day or two. Since she only has one nursing, it may take longer than with a larger litter.


I would make sure that there is a warm blanket kind of wadded up where she is nesting that the kitten can curl up against when mom is out eating and resting. She will definitely move the kitten if there is too much activity. My kids want to look and touch quite a bit, and momma has already moved these twice. Also, she needs to free feed as much and as often as she likes while lactating.


I wouldn't worry too much about the fact that she smothered one of them. It's sad, but happens. I think it's good for children to realize that the animal kingdom is not what they often see depicted in storybooks and cartoons. The cycle of life does involve some ugly stuff, and as it is appropriate, this is okay for kids to be made aware of. Some animals do this accidentally; many (particularly rabbits) kill and eat their babies.


You might post on your local Craigslist or Freecycle that you will have a cat and kitten available in about 8 weeks. It's not likely to find someone to take them at this point, and probably best to let her nest in familiar surroundings. Cats attach more to their place than to their people; moving her at this point could be agitating.


Good luck,


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You guys are so awesome! Thank you for caring about my family and this poor momma cat. :001_smile:


Now for an (abbreviated) update - as I was trying to obtain lunch for my brood I noticed momma cat very upset, not with her one living baby, and quite restless. Upon further investigation I discovered she was attempting to deliver a breech kitten, in the middle of the wide open space, and I knew she was 'looking' for help. So I left my 7yo to feed lunch to the other 3 children (please don't call the authorities) and I led momma cat back to her birthing box (she seemed happy to see me) and helped her deliver the breech baby. (In other words, I pulled it out. Probably not the proper way to do it but I sensed the need to hurry.) She VERY QUICKLY delivered 3 more kittens. They must have been lined up, ready to come. She was (and is still) weak and exhausted. But so far all 5 of the living kittens are cleaned up and attempting to nurse. The one that was breech and the last one to be born seem to be the weakest. I won't be surprised if they don't survive but we're hoping for the best!


Thanks again for your concern and comments. I may still call a vet and see if there is anything special I should do for momma cat. She has had a very hard labor and delivery.

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You guys are so awesome! Thank you for caring about my family and this poor momma cat. :001_smile:


Now for an (abbreviated) update - as I was trying to obtain lunch for my brood I noticed momma cat very upset, not with her one living baby, and quite restless. Upon further investigation I discovered she was attempting to deliver a breech kitten, in the middle of the wide open space, and I knew she was 'looking' for help. So I left my 7yo to feed lunch to the other 3 children (please don't call the authorities) and I led momma cat back to her birthing box (she seemed happy to see me) and helped her deliver the breech baby. (In other words, I pulled it out. Probably not the proper way to do it but I sensed the need to hurry.) She VERY QUICKLY delivered 3 more kittens. They must have been lined up, ready to come. She was (and is still) weak and exhausted. But so far all 5 of the living kittens are cleaned up and attempting to nurse. The one that was breech and the last one to be born seem to be the weakest. I won't be surprised if they don't survive but we're hoping for the best!


Thanks again for your concern and comments. I may still call a vet and see if there is anything special I should do for momma cat. She has had a very hard labor and delivery.




HOORAY FOR YOU!!!! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


Yay you! Yay Momma cat!



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For what it's worth, it will likely be extremely tough to find any no-kill shelter to take in this cat or her kitten(s). They are simply overwhelmed, and as long as you can care for the cat, that is probably best.


My son and I found a cat about three years ago who seemed desperate for attention and just the sweetest thing. We were already at our limit of two (because we rent), but we could not bring ourselves to leave her there.


We brought her home and very soon noticed she was very pregnant.


I began calling everyone I could find, begging someone to take care of her. We adopted both of our cats from a local rescue, and they were the first people we called. Everyone kept telling me there was no room at the inn. I could have taken her to the county "shelter," but they euthanize regularly.


Finally, we found a rescue organization that took pity on us and her. We made a donation substantial enough to cover the vet bills for the cat and her babies, and they found space for her in one of their foster homes. I saw her kittens several months later at a local adoption event. As it turned out, the family who had fostered the mom was reluctant to let her go and was considering keeping her permanently. (I told you she was sweet.)


Anyway, it was an eye-opening and extremely upsetting experience for us. Now, when we see stray and feral cats, we feel so helpless knowing we cannot do enough to save them all.


In the OP's position, I would probably call a few vets and explain your situation. It's not your cat (although you may have trouble convincing them of that), but you want to help. You might find someone willing to treat her at no cost to you if you're willing to give her a temporary home.


Of course, after that you'd still need to find homes for her and the kittens (assuming you can't or don't want to keep them). But it might be a start.


My heart just breaks for all of these animals. I wish we were doing better by them all.

:grouphug: Me too.

You guys are so awesome! Thank you for caring about my family and this poor momma cat. :001_smile:


Now for an (abbreviated) update - as I was trying to obtain lunch for my brood I noticed momma cat very upset, not with her one living baby, and quite restless. Upon further investigation I discovered she was attempting to deliver a breech kitten, in the middle of the wide open space, and I knew she was 'looking' for help. So I left my 7yo to feed lunch to the other 3 children (please don't call the authorities) and I led momma cat back to her birthing box (she seemed happy to see me) and helped her deliver the breech baby. (In other words, I pulled it out. Probably not the proper way to do it but I sensed the need to hurry.) She VERY QUICKLY delivered 3 more kittens. They must have been lined up, ready to come. She was (and is still) weak and exhausted. But so far all 5 of the living kittens are cleaned up and attempting to nurse. The one that was breech and the last one to be born seem to be the weakest. I won't be surprised if they don't survive but we're hoping for the best!


Thanks again for your concern and comments. I may still call a vet and see if there is anything special I should do for momma cat. She has had a very hard labor and delivery.


Oh, and I've btdt, I'm pretty sure that's how you fix a breech kitty birth ;) If it's not, then at least I know it works and they live.


I'm so GLAD it turned out alright.

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You guys are so awesome! Thank you for caring about my family and this poor momma cat. :001_smile:


Now for an (abbreviated) update - as I was trying to obtain lunch for my brood I noticed momma cat very upset, not with her one living baby, and quite restless. Upon further investigation I discovered she was attempting to deliver a breech kitten, in the middle of the wide open space, and I knew she was 'looking' for help. So I left my 7yo to feed lunch to the other 3 children (please don't call the authorities) and I led momma cat back to her birthing box (she seemed happy to see me) and helped her deliver the breech baby. (In other words, I pulled it out. Probably not the proper way to do it but I sensed the need to hurry.) She VERY QUICKLY delivered 3 more kittens. They must have been lined up, ready to come. She was (and is still) weak and exhausted. But so far all 5 of the living kittens are cleaned up and attempting to nurse. The one that was breech and the last one to be born seem to be the weakest. I won't be surprised if they don't survive but we're hoping for the best!


Thanks again for your concern and comments. I may still call a vet and see if there is anything special I should do for momma cat. She has had a very hard labor and delivery.


Whew! I am relieved to hear this good news! It's a good thing you saw momma kitty's distress and were able to help. I hope breech kitten and #5 will be okay, and that momma kitty will be too. You had quite an experience today! Hooray for you!

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Thanks again for your concern and comments. I may still call a vet and see if there is anything special I should do for momma cat. She has had a very hard labor and delivery.


Dietwise it would be good to feed her kitten food while she's nursing.

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You guys are so awesome! Thank you for caring about my family and this poor momma cat. :001_smile:


Now for an (abbreviated) update - as I was trying to obtain lunch for my brood I noticed momma cat very upset, not with her one living baby, and quite restless. Upon further investigation I discovered she was attempting to deliver a breech kitten, in the middle of the wide open space, and I knew she was 'looking' for help. So I left my 7yo to feed lunch to the other 3 children (please don't call the authorities) and I led momma cat back to her birthing box (she seemed happy to see me) and helped her deliver the breech baby. (In other words, I pulled it out. Probably not the proper way to do it but I sensed the need to hurry.) She VERY QUICKLY delivered 3 more kittens. They must have been lined up, ready to come. She was (and is still) weak and exhausted. But so far all 5 of the living kittens are cleaned up and attempting to nurse. The one that was breech and the last one to be born seem to be the weakest. I won't be surprised if they don't survive but we're hoping for the best!


Thanks again for your concern and comments. I may still call a vet and see if there is anything special I should do for momma cat. She has had a very hard labor and delivery.



Wow! Good job! I hope they all make it. We need a hopeful smiley.






Oh, and one more thing...... I waaaant oooone! I dislike puppies, but I loooove kittens (& big kitties, too). What state are you in? :auto: :D

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Oh, and one more thing...... I waaaant oooone! I dislike puppies, but I loooove kittens (& big kitties, too). What state are you in? :auto: :D

I wish you were closer to me, because I have the perfect kitten for you. 6 mos old, has all its shots and has been spayed. Very sweet.

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:lurk5: for updates. I hope they're all okay!



Hooray!!! Checked on momma and babies this morning - they're all doing great! Momma cat was up and eating and being her usual sweet self. My oldest dd and I took that opportunity to check on each kitten individually and guess what . . .



. . . there are 8 kittens! I know it sounds crazy, but true. As I checked in on them last night I thought it looked like a bigger 'blob' of fur crawling around her belly, but I didn't want to mess with them too much and disturb them. So apparently, after the super fast delivery of the 3 yesterday following the breech baby, she had 3 more when I wasn't looking! Momma cat is smokey gray and so is EVERY ONE of the babies. A little hard to tell them apart. :D


Anyway, so far momma and all 8 babies are well.


Anyone want a kitten?:blink:

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Hooray!!! Checked on momma and babies this morning - they're all doing great! Momma cat was up and eating and being her usual sweet self. My oldest dd and I took that opportunity to check on each kitten individually and guess what . . .



. . . there are 8 kittens! I know it sounds crazy, but true. As I checked in on them last night I thought it looked like a bigger 'blob' of fur crawling around her belly, but I didn't want to mess with them too much and disturb them. So apparently, after the super fast delivery of the 3 yesterday following the breech baby, she had 3 more when I wasn't looking! Momma cat is smokey gray and so is EVERY ONE of the babies. A little hard to tell them apart. :D


Anyway, so far momma and all 8 babies are well.


Anyone want a kitten?:blink:


How sweet. The cat we lost last week was smoky gray. He was the sweetest kitty in the world. Enjoy them.

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Hooray!!! Checked on momma and babies this morning - they're all doing great! Momma cat was up and eating and being her usual sweet self. My oldest dd and I took that opportunity to check on each kitten individually and guess what . . .



. . . there are 8 kittens! I know it sounds crazy, but true. As I checked in on them last night I thought it looked like a bigger 'blob' of fur crawling around her belly, but I didn't want to mess with them too much and disturb them. So apparently, after the super fast delivery of the 3 yesterday following the breech baby, she had 3 more when I wasn't looking! Momma cat is smokey gray and so is EVERY ONE of the babies. A little hard to tell them apart. :D


Anyway, so far momma and all 8 babies are well.


Anyone want a kitten?:blink:


Wow! Good thing you were able to help her with the breech birth, or it could have been a really terrible tragedy! I'm glad everyone is doing well :)


I'd love a new kitten, but I'm up in MI.

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Hooray!!! Checked on momma and babies this morning - they're all doing great! Momma cat was up and eating and being her usual sweet self. My oldest dd and I took that opportunity to check on each kitten individually and guess what . . .



. . . there are 8 kittens! I know it sounds crazy, but true. As I checked in on them last night I thought it looked like a bigger 'blob' of fur crawling around her belly, but I didn't want to mess with them too much and disturb them. So apparently, after the super fast delivery of the 3 yesterday following the breech baby, she had 3 more when I wasn't looking! Momma cat is smokey gray and so is EVERY ONE of the babies. A little hard to tell them apart. :D


Anyway, so far momma and all 8 babies are well.





Anyone want a kitten?:blink:


HECK no. :glare: You want our foster cat? She's spayed. ;) :tongue_smilie:

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How sweet. The cat we lost last week was smoky gray. He was the sweetest kitty in the world. Enjoy them.


Nakia I know that no cat can ever replace a lost loved one, but the antics of two of these little ones would sure help to give you a great distraction. You'd have a couple of months to prepare ... :)


I.Grace, you've done an awesome job caring for your cat and her kitties. : )

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Nakia I know that no cat can ever replace a lost loved one' date=' but the antics of two of these little ones would sure help to give you a great distraction. You'd have a couple of months to prepare ... :)


I.Grace, you've done an awesome job caring for your cat and her kitties. : )[/quote']


:) Although I love love love kittens, we still have 4 cats, two of which are less than a year old. We *might* get another kitten later, but for now, we have decided not to. I did get a twinge when I read that there were 8 little gray kitties.

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Nine kittens! Geesh. I love cats, but DH has banned them. I told him if I am ever a widow I WILL have a cat.


We have a dog and I cannot even get another of those out of him. Our neighbor fosters dogs and we help some when she has to work late or cannot get home as much as she would like. The endless parade of cute puppies is gut-wrenching for me. I would take them all.

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You guys are so awesome! Thank you for caring about my family and this poor momma cat. :001_smile:


Now for an (abbreviated) update - as I was trying to obtain lunch for my brood I noticed momma cat very upset, not with her one living baby, and quite restless. Upon further investigation I discovered she was attempting to deliver a breech kitten, in the middle of the wide open space, and I knew she was 'looking' for help. So I left my 7yo to feed lunch to the other 3 children (please don't call the authorities) and I led momma cat back to her birthing box (she seemed happy to see me) and helped her deliver the breech baby. (In other words, I pulled it out. Probably not the proper way to do it but I sensed the need to hurry.) She VERY QUICKLY delivered 3 more kittens. They must have been lined up, ready to come. She was (and is still) weak and exhausted. But so far all 5 of the living kittens are cleaned up and attempting to nurse. The one that was breech and the last one to be born seem to be the weakest. I won't be surprised if they don't survive but we're hoping for the best!


Thanks again for your concern and comments. I may still call a vet and see if there is anything special I should do for momma cat. She has had a very hard labor and delivery.


I'm totally impressed!!! You did great! The only thing I've 'delivered' in a cat has been a string. My crazy cat ate some yarn and lucky for us, I was able to slooooowly pull it out. You should be very proud of yourself and that is a lucky kitty mom! :hurray::hurray::hurray:

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