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Trying again-liberal homeschoolers

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Unless something happened in the wee hours, there was nothing in that thread that warranted deletion.

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I reviewed that deletion this morning. It did go very political very quickly, with politician's names and political parties both criticized and praised. Those of you who've been around for a while KNOW why this is a problem on this board.


The moderators had also just taken down two threads from the other side of the spectrum that did the same thing...the deletion appeared fair to me.


You're welcome to try again.



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The position we've taken is that discussions that veer into either condemning or praising specific political parties, candidates FOR specific political parties, OR political issues IF those issues are framed as Republican vs. Democrat, etc., will always come down.


We put this policy into place during the last election. It's worked fairly well because it forces people to talk ideas and policies instead of using political shorthand.


The debates about Ken Ham don't violate those rules. Discussions of liberal homeschooling don't violate those rules--until they go Democrat vs. Republican, which that thread did in a big way at the end.


I do wish you'd try again and encourage people to chime in without violating those rules. Which, I do realize, aren't perfect, but seem to be the best way to encourage discussion while avoiding bashing and abuse.


Hope this makes sense.



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I've never understood the homeschooling/politics connection that seems to be so prominent on this board… or maybe it's actually homeschooling/religion/politics, a three way thing… I don't know.. :tongue_smilie:


edit: and I don't say this with any ill intentions, just an observation :)

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Do you know that there are some texting and web applications you can buy that will prevent you from sending or posting any messages between 10 PM and 6 AM?


A lot of people have regrets in the morning. :D




:lol:I think that is HILARIOUS! I probably need one with a 2 hour delay for all the time, though.

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Do you know that there are some texting and web applications you can buy that will prevent you from sending or posting any messages between 10 PM and 6 AM?


A lot of people have regrets in the morning. :D




I have so many thoughts on how that could be useful for my entire life. It reminds me of an old "Calvin and Hobbes' strip: Calvin: My life could use a rewind and delete button. Hobes: and volume control!


Anyway, we are a progressive homeschooling family.

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Do you know that there are some texting and web applications you can buy that will prevent you from sending or posting any messages between 10 PM and 6 AM?


A lot of people have regrets in the morning. :D




Ah yes, and there's one that makes you do a series of math problems before being allowed to send any email in between specified hours. :D


It also reminds me of a friend who, under the influence of medication, adopted a dog and attempted to purchase a houseboat in the middle of the night. Her husband had to put a similar program on their home computer. :lol:


Edited to add: http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2008/10/new-in-labs-stop-sending-mail-you-later.html

Edited by Wabi Sabi
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I really need one that keeps the computer off during school hours.

Check Leechblock. I was content...


... until I figured out that I can bypass it by opening those same pages in Internet Explorer LOL. It only works for Mozilla... but you may try to pretend otherwise. :tongue_smilie:

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Okay--going out on a limb here and asking what a liberal homeschooler is?


Maybe I'm one--I've never thought about it before.


A homeschooler who generally supports socially and/or financially liberal political policies. Which, in the US, tends to mean a pro-marriage equality, pro-equal rights, pro-choice sort of stance.


In some areas such a beast is pretty normal. In others, they're a vast minority, and it can get a bit isolating.

Edited by ocelotmom
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The position we've taken is that discussions that veer into either condemning or praising specific political parties, candidates FOR specific political parties, OR political issues IF those issues are framed as Republican vs. Democrat, etc., will always come down.


We put this policy into place during the last election. It's worked fairly well because it forces people to talk ideas and policies instead of using political shorthand.


The debates about Ken Ham don't violate those rules. Discussions of liberal homeschooling don't violate those rules--until they go Democrat vs. Republican, which that thread did in a big way at the end.


I do wish you'd try again and encourage people to chime in without violating those rules. Which, I do realize, aren't perfect, but seem to be the best way to encourage discussion while avoiding bashing and abuse.


Hope this makes sense.




I appreciate your explanation, even I disagree with your approach. I think that politics, by its very nature and whether one uses the words "Democrat" or "Republican" is bound, in a free-speaking society, to lead to discussions, sometimes heated. And regardless of whether specific discussion of political parties is allowed or not, even IDEAS get people very, very hot under the collar. I guess in the end, I'm unclear on what it is the prohibition on mentioning particular political parties is mean to prevent: heated discussion? hurt feelings? divisiveness? I think in any free-speaking society that will happen on occasion, regardless. After all, most people know that when you start talking gay and transgender rights, pro-choice, and religious freedom you're not talking about conservative Christian Republicans. ;) That's why the drawing of any line, in my opinion, is going to backfire.


Of course, this is only my opinion, and I will bow out of the discussion at this point.

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We're never going to wipe out all heated discussion on the boards. :) I am anxious, though, to avoid making this board a place where people campaign for particular candidates. And we've seen too much of that in the past.


Your point is taken, though, and we'll continue to see if we can figure out a better way to address it.



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A homeschooler who generally supports socially and/or financially liberal political policies. Which, in the US, tends to mean a pro-marriage equality, pro-equal rights, pro-choice sort of stance.


In some areas such a beast is pretty normal. In others, they're a vast minority, and it can get a bit isolating.



Okay, I'm not a liberal homeschooler according to that defination---but I'm in a minority in my neck of the woods!


I do feel pretty liberal compared to many Christian homeschoolers I run into though I consider myself Christian--most do not consider me a Christian.

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I would say I am personally conservative but socially liberal...does that make sense? I also believe my personal conservative values are mine alone and don't need to be regulated or forced onto others. So...I think I fit in better with liberals!


I also enjoy and appreciate "heated" discussions where each party presents a respectful (if passionate) and well-defended viewpoint.


Although "heated" can often devolve into malicious and individually attacking, I don't believe it has to.

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Yes that makes sense to me. Although I want to see certain things, I don't necessarily need them for myself nor want them for myself. They just seem like the right and fair thing.

Yes. I'm sure there are exceptions, but I get the impression that most people here are not actually interested in supporting same-sex marriage for their own sake.

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Okay, I'm not a liberal homeschooler according to that defination---but I'm in a minority in my neck of the woods!


I do feel pretty liberal compared to many Christian homeschoolers I run into though I consider myself Christian--most do not consider me a Christian.


You know, that really bugs me. Not you, but that people tell others what they are or what they believe. Sorry if this is OT, but someone recently told me my opinion and upbringing mean nothing because I was not Orthodox. Not even someone from my religion. It really floored and insulted me. :grouphug:

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I would say I am personally conservative but socially liberal...does that make sense? I also believe my personal conservative values are mine alone and don't need to be regulated or forced onto others. So...I think I fit in better with liberals!


I also enjoy and appreciate "heated" discussions where each party presents a respectful (if passionate) and well-defended viewpoint.


Although "heated" can often devolve into malicious and individually attacking, I don't believe it has to.


Hey, are you my twin? I had the feeling that no one else ever felt like this...:w00t: :seeya:

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I'm being completely sincere, so understand that as you read.


I'm curious about the need to label one's type of homeschooling. I've seen that a lot on the boards lately and don't get it. I mean, does it matter? If you're happy and content with your personal choice, is there a need to say I'm a [insert label here] homeschooler? I honestly couldn't label us as anything but secular. I don't know what other type we could be (liberal, progressive, conservative, etc) because I have ideals and opinions that often agree with one or more of all the types. Don't hs families have enough to contend with from the non-hs community?

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I'm being completely sincere, so understand that as you read.


I'm curious about the need to label one's type of homeschooling. I've seen that a lot on the boards lately and don't get it. I mean, does it matter? If you're happy and content with your personal choice, is there a need to say I'm a [insert label here] homeschooler? I honestly couldn't label us as anything but secular. I don't know what other type we could be (liberal, progressive, conservative, etc) because I have ideals and opinions that often agree with one or more of all the types. Don't hs families have enough to contend with from the non-hs community?


I didn't see "liberal homeschooler" as labeling my type of homeschooling, but rather labeling myself as two things: liberal and a homeschooler. If "liberal" were meant to modify "homeschooler," then I would probably *not* be a liberal homeschooler - I'd take that to mean something more like being unschooly.

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I'm curious about the need to label one's type of homeschooling. I've seen that a lot on the boards lately and don't get it. I mean, does it matter? If you're happy and content with your personal choice, is there a need to say I'm a [insert label here] homeschooler? I honestly couldn't label us as anything but secular. I don't know what other type we could be (liberal, progressive, conservative, etc) because I have ideals and opinions that often agree with one or more of all the types. Don't hs families have enough to contend with from the non-hs community?


Because a lot of people around here have shaky self esteem and need to know there are people here who aren't going to fling more mud at them.



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financially liberal in what ways? What if we are financially/fiscally conservative on some things but agree with more liberal social spending?


What if I am pro equal rights but pro life?


I think I am just an oddity.




A homeschooler who generally supports socially and/or financially liberal political policies. Which, in the US, tends to mean a pro-marriage equality, pro-equal rights, pro-choice sort of stance.


In some areas such a beast is pretty normal. In others, they're a vast minority, and it can get a bit isolating.

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I'm being completely sincere, so understand that as you read.


I'm curious about the need to label one's type of homeschooling. I've seen that a lot on the boards lately and don't get it. I mean, does it matter? If you're happy and content with your personal choice, is there a need to say I'm a [insert label here] homeschooler? I honestly couldn't label us as anything but secular. I don't know what other type we could be (liberal, progressive, conservative, etc) because I have ideals and opinions that often agree with one or more of all the types. Don't hs families have enough to contend with from the non-hs community?


As I see it, it's not about labeling the homeschooling, it's about rejecting the labels put out that all homeschoolers are this way or that. There is a general perception that most homeschoolers are religious and conservative, or that group is the only one that counts and should be catered to.


This leads to somewhat liberal homeschoolers, or those that may be conservative but don't fit the common mold, feeling left out or unrepresented. I thought the OP was just opening the door to say, there are more of out there than you think!

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I think I understand your question and it is a good one. I am only going to answer for myself, ok?


I don't label my homeschooling while I do it. I do get asked by the world how I homeschool.


Where i live, secular homeschooler equals (in many brains) unschooler. And I am secular and NOT an unschooler. It goes the other way as well, using any sort of planned schooling must mean (to some brains) that I am of a particular religious bent.


Sometimes it gets a bit lonely. It has it's own challenges. It is nice to have someone to talk to about those particular challenges. I have much more in common with my local LEAH group but I cannot join because I am required to sign a statement of faith. I won't do that.


And I often feel very outnumbered on this board. I am not saying I AM outnumbered, ok? I am describing my experience. I respect that others feel differently and have a different experience.


For example, the current 'kerfuffle' has me confused. Young earth? Old Earth? Whatever. I have no idea what that is about. I do understand what old earth and young earth means but I cannot believe that the people in those groups actually consider themselves to be radically different. I see what appears to be a battle of millimeters. It certainly don't seem worth all the energy expanded. But, I can see that it means quite a lot to the people involved.


So, I doubt that I have done a good job answering your question. And I bet I have written something here to get this thread deleted. It is not my intention in any way.


Mostly, as I watch people taking sides about something I do not understand or really care about, it feels reassuring to know I am not the only one watching in wonder.

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financially liberal in what ways? What if we are financially/fiscally conservative on some things but agree with more liberal social spending?


What if I am pro equal rights but pro life?


I think I am just an oddity.



That's what the "generally" was for. It's a continuum, not a black or white thing.

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