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I am really getting tired of having headaches so frequently -

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I have been taking Wal-Mart brand headache medicine for them which sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. I think some of it could be allergy related. I have tried Wal-Mart (can you tell where I work?) brand allergy medicine and Claritin. Both medicines make me dizzy, sleepy, or nauceous. :ack2:

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have you detoxified your house some? Honestly, for me, using "green" cleaners and hygeine products (first bought, then some homemade) made a HUGE difference in the number of migraines and headaches I get. You might try food allergy options also, but though I know it'd be GOOD for me to eliminate certain foods, I'm just not that cool.



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coffee (to treat, not prevent)

wine (to treat, not prevent)

mint oil on forehead/temple (to treat not prevent)

magnesium (daily to prevent)

going to bed and getting up at the same time every day

watch diet, no spikes in blood sugar


daily exercise besides houeswork

seriously cleaning the house

change household products (cleaners, detergents, shampoo, etc)

removing all carpeting

close windows, get air cleaner

raw, local honey (some say it helps pollen allergies)

dust mite proof piilow cover and mattress cover

wash sheets daily (on hot with bleach or vinegar to kill mites, and just

more to get rid of pollen)


from DR


allergy testing

prescription allergy meds

serious migraine meds

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I was getting a lot of headaches and totally cut out caffeine. I drink a LOT Of Diet Coke so this was no small thing. The headaches immediately disappeared. After about a week I added it back in but in lesser quantities and haven't had the headaches return.


Also, sometimes you can have "rebound" headaches from taking headache meds. Maybe try not taking them for a few days.

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Everyone has already said what my suggestions would be.


I will add, that I only found out I had allergies, because I was getting headaches. This was when I was in high school. Around the same time every day I would get a headache. It would start out similarly to how my migraines would, but just never progressed like migraines do. I went through new migraine meds, an eye exam (where the very cute optometrist informed me that I was 20/20+ and didn't even need reading glasses, lol). I don't remember how exactly, but we finally went to my mom's ear nose and throat doctor who informed me that I had allergies. I had NO other typical allergy symptoms, but after starting the prescription he gave me, my headaches went away.

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Initial list was thorough. Careful of wine, though. Sometimes red wine can actually give headaches due to nitrates. Lots of water and switch to Advil or Motrin (my preference)/


Hope you feel better soon.


Yup- a few sips of red wine can give me a doozy of a headache. A full glass makes me queasy, too. more than that - migraine.

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Boy you have had lots of good advice. I will say that if you are having headaches all the time, and not just seasonal, then you have something wrong. It is your body's warning light going off. Don't just pull the wire ( by taking a pain pill) so it will stop flashing, find out the cause and fix the real problem. It usually exposure to a toxin or a deficiency .

My ds used to have migrains all the time till he started taking calcium. Many folks get headaches from aspertame and MSG, but don't be fooled, msg is listed under many names. To learn most of these names go to msgmyth.com

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I have been taking Wal-Mart brand headache medicine for them which sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. I think some of it could be allergy related. I have tried Wal-Mart (can you tell where I work?) brand allergy medicine and Claritin. Both medicines make me dizzy, sleepy, or nauceous. :ack2:


Some people who take analgesics regularly ("Wal-mart brand headache medicine) get a rolling "rebound" headache. This can be as infrequent a use as 3 times a week, but most people are taking something daily. I have seen patients admitted to the hospital to tide them through the pain of getting off tylenol, aspirin, motrin, etc.

Just a thought.

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Check out the book "Heal Your Headaches" by a neurologist. It has great explanations of how headaches are triggered & has an extensive list of environmental triggers that can be avoided to help minimize headaches. I have cut way back on such triggers (wasn't able to completely cut out everything suggested due to my low will power ;o) & my headaches are much, much better under control. Many, but not all of the triggers have been listed by other posters. I think you'd really find the book helpful.




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Check out the book "Heal Your Headaches" by a neurologist. It has great explanations of how headaches are triggered & has an extensive list of environmental triggers that can be avoided to help minimize headaches. I have cut way back on such triggers (wasn't able to completely cut out everything suggested due to my low will power ;o) & my headaches are much, much better under control. Many, but not all of the triggers have been listed by other posters. I think you'd really find the book helpful.





Yes, yes, yes! I learned a lot from this book, and I second it with MUCHO GUSTO (said in a Stitch voice from Lilo & Stitch)!


I'm sorry you're suffering. I don't know much about migraines, but after I read this book I understood a little more. It helped me with my headaches. I still get them, but now I know more about dealing with them.


I can't remember who recommended this book, but I know it was someone on these boards. Thank you again, whoever you are! (I'm terrible with names. That's why I need all the word association and visual cues to help with my memory.)


Anyway, it sounds like you've been dealing with this for quite a while and you've probably read about migraines ad nauseam, but in case you haven't here it is:


Heal Your Headache


Feel better soon!

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You need to be careful with the Tylenol type meds. They really affect your liver. Taking it everyday probably means that you have a build up in your liver. I don't know if that causes headaches, but it's not good for your liver.


Also, if your headaches are across the front of your forehead they are probably stomach related.


I would also second the opinion that they are allergy related. Have you tried the Zyrtec, Walgreen's has a generic availiable.

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Because that makes a difference in how you treat them. If it is tension then you will have to work on lowering your stress. Exercising can help as well as a chiropractor especially one who does muscle work. A message therapist can help too.


If it is migraines it will help to figure out what your triggers are. Presciption meds may be neccesary.


Sinus headaches require treatment of the sinus problems. Maybe you have a sinus infection or you might need a prescription allergy med.


BCP can be a trigger for the first two kinds of headaches. Dehydration can cause headaches as well.


If you don't find relief soon, I would consider a visit to the dr. Good luck with this.

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In addition to the other great suggestions, I would recommend having your blood pressure checked.


It is often said that hypertension has no symptoms, but I don't find that to be the case. Frequent headaches (for which OTC meds occasionally give relief) are an indicator that my BP is on the rise.

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The one thing I would ask (I don't think I saw in the earlier posts) have you always had them, or is this new? I suffered from awful headaches from my teens till just a couple years ago. It was hormones!


I wish I had done more (seen a neurologist) as I lost so much time to them.. often days in bed. They did get better after I had my kids and then went away, like magic, after hitting 40. I would see someone to rule out any of the possible causes. It's just not worth losing time with your family, and to live in pain. :grouphug:

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I have been taking Wal-Mart brand headache medicine for them which sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. I think some of it could be allergy related. I have tried Wal-Mart (can you tell where I work?) brand allergy medicine and Claritin. Both medicines make me dizzy, sleepy, or nauceous. :ack2:


alot of good stretching exercises for the neck and shoulders. Sometimes tension headaches can feel like a sinus one so do try these things. If your headaches don't go away, at least the side effects are only good ones. The best way to find out if your headaches are muscle tension related is to take a muscle relaxer only. No pain meds, no allergy meds. If it works, now you know and can work on prevention.


1. Slide your chin back but don't tilt your head down or bend your neck down. Think of it as sliding in a drawer. It is a very small stretch. Hold for 5 good breaths. Do this a couple of times, throughout the day. You can do this when you feel a headache coming on, it can stop it the headache before it gets agoing.


2. Stand with your fingers pointing to the ground. Look straight and then tilt the ear to the shoulder. Hold for 5 breaths. Turn your neck so you are looking at your armpit. Hold for 5 breaths. Then turn your neck to look at the ceiling. Hold for 5 breaths. Repeat on the other side.


3. Yoga eagle pose - do each side for 30 seconds, twice.

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For headaches that are not hormones or tension, and can't clear with normal pain relievers, I usually take a decongentant on the theory that maybe I have sinus congestion. This usually works! I have been surprised to learn through experience that I can get sinus congestion without nasel congestion. So I take Sudafed, and it goes away.


The other thing that I would add is that I am very careful about not putting pressure on the back of my neck. I don't wear very tight collars nor do it wear heavy necklaces. I find that when I do, sometimes I tense up my neck all day to support or resist them, and give myself a doozy of a tension headache that takes a long time to unwind. I've tried to consciously relax my neck to prevent this, but for me that does not work.

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Just one last suggestion for you. I had headaches all through my teen years and well into my adult years. I took so much Tylenol that I eventually developed a tolerance. I discovered these Tempur-pedic pillows at a Brookstone years ago, and my DH got me one for my birthday, and it eliminated 90% of my headaches, simply by adjusting the position of my neck, shoulders, back, and even jaw while I sleep. Occasionally I've had to sleep on a regular pillow in the past few years, and I've woken with a splitting neck/shoulder/headache nearly every single time. Might be worth a look. You can buy them much cheaper from resellers on eBay.

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I have been taking Wal-Mart brand headache medicine for them which sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. I think some of it could be allergy related. I have tried Wal-Mart (can you tell where I work?) brand allergy medicine and Claritin. Both medicines make me dizzy, sleepy, or nauceous. :ack2:


I've only read the first page of responses, but *my* frequent and reoccuring headaches and/or migraines that didn't go away with OTC meds turned out to be related to my high blood pressure. (My migraines didn't even go away with prescription migraine meds, which really shouldn't have been prescribed in the first place... but that's a whole other story.)


Coffee and too much caffiene GIVES me headaches. I've had to cut it almost completely out; that's a fantastic thing for me, as I was drinking 3 liters of Coke a day. (Yes, 3 liters. No, not joking. Yes, I've lost weight as a fantastic "side effect." LOL)


Other symptoms:

For a while, a single cup of regular coffee would cause my vision to go dark.

My hands would "get fat" (swell) after about 10-15 minutes of walking, even through Wal-Mart, even if my hands had been "up" and on the basket.

My head itched. A lot. Sounds nuts, but it's true. Still happens to me (even though I'm on meds) after vigorous activity. My chest and face turn red, and my head itches like crazy. So do my palms and the bottoms of my feet.



You can do a few trial runs of blood pressure testing at the automatic thing in supermarkets. If it reads high, once or a few times, time to see a doc! (And cut out salt/sodium, increase water, and consider adding garlic, calcium, and magnesium to your diet!)





Another thought:

Have you had your vision checked? Need glasses? Need a new prescription on your lenses/contacts?

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I've only read the first page of responses, but *my* frequent and reoccuring headaches and/or migraines that didn't go away with OTC meds turned out to be related to my high blood pressure. (My migraines didn't even go away with prescription migraine meds, which really shouldn't have been prescribed in the first place... but that's a whole other story.)


Coffee and too much caffiene GIVES me headaches. I've had to cut it almost completely out; that's a fantastic thing for me, as I was drinking 3 liters of Coke a day. (Yes, 3 liters. No, not joking. Yes, I've lost weight as a fantastic "side effect." LOL)


Other symptoms:

For a while, a single cup of regular coffee would cause my vision to go dark.

My hands would "get fat" (swell) after about 10-15 minutes of walking, even through Wal-Mart, even if my hands had been "up" and on the basket.

My head itched. A lot. Sounds nuts, but it's true. Still happens to me (even though I'm on meds) after vigorous activity. My chest and face turn red, and my head itches like crazy. So do my palms and the bottoms of my feet.



You can do a few trial runs of blood pressure testing at the automatic thing in supermarkets. If it reads high, once or a few times, time to see a doc! (And cut out salt/sodium, increase water, and consider adding garlic, calcium, and magnesium to your diet!)





Another thought:

Have you had your vision checked? Need glasses? Need a new prescription on your lenses/contacts?


I know I don't have high blood pressure and I very rarely drink caffeine. It could be the vision thing though. I haven't had my eyes checked in a very long time. Thanks for the suggestion.

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I didn't read through all the posts, so I don't know if this has been asked and if it's been discussed yet, but when I saw this I just had to write. I used to have a lot of headaches too. I also had a lot of filled cavities in my mouth. I'm 44 and had a whole bunch of those silver fillings. When I finally went to the dentist after many years of not having insurance, I was told that my silver fillings needed to be redone because they were falling apart. As soon as my fillings were replaced with the kind that look like your teeth, I noticed that I stopped getting headaches, except for the allergy kind. I definitly get different kinds of headaches, and the one kind stopped, and they were the worst. Hope this helps.



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I just wanted to add that I am a long time glasses wearer... part of the cause of my headaches about a year ago were the scratches on my glasses and needing a new prescription. Just upping the Rx a little was enough to curb the daily headaches that I was getting.


You got some really good advice here!

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