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Hunger Games movie!!!!

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I don't know who Jennifer Lawrence is, but she doesn't look anything like the Katniss that lives in my head.




Or the Katniss the author describes in the book.


But, I suppose with a spray tan and a dye job...


(I think I read that the author helped choose the cast members - did anyone else read that or am I just making that up? I'm not sure.)

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I'm not convinced about Katniss and Gale (though I'm willing to wait until I see them in character and not looking glamorous), but I like the choice for Peeta. I imagine him as a shortish, stocky, wrestler type, and the actor looks about as short and stocky as Hollywood is going to permit for a romantic lead.


But they'd better not mess with Haymitch or Cinna.

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If they switched those two guys, it would be more like how I saw the characters, though I imagined Gale to have more Native American characteristics. Isn't it funny how vividly we see book characters? So far, I haven't liked *any* of the actors they've cast for this movie.


I think they did well with Peeta, and okay with Gale. I really envisioned Gale as more strikingly handsome, though.


I don't know who Jennifer Lawrence is, but she doesn't look anything like the Katniss that lives in my head.




Or the Katniss the author describes in the book.


But, I suppose with a spray tan and a dye job...


(I think I read that the author helped choose the cast members - did anyone else read that or am I just making that up? I'm not sure.)


I am squinting my eyes and trying to picture her as a brunette. They really have to make her a brunette. I have a thing about the hair color being right. I am still not over the fact that the (though otherwise perfect) girl they chose to be Lucy in Narnia did not have glowing golden curls.:glare:


I'm not convinced about Katniss and Gale (though I'm willing to wait until I see them in character and not looking glamorous), but I like the choice for Peeta. I imagine him as a shortish, stocky, wrestler type, and the actor looks about as short and stocky as Hollywood is going to permit for a romantic lead.


But they'd better not mess with Haymitch or Cinna.


Especially Cinna. He's got to be just right. Who do you see in these roles, if you were casting?


If Annie Potts were younger, she'd be the perfect what's her name (you know, their publicity gal).


I expect major changes from the book, especially Mockingjay. The American theatergoing public just can't handle hopeless endings (JMO, of course, of both the public and the book's ending).

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I sort of pictured Peeta as a little more "pretty" than that.....you know, softer features, etc. I always pictured him as someone that didn't look like much of a tough guy.


As for Katniss, yeah, I hope they dye her hair and make her more "average" looking. Like someone else mentioned, I definitely picked her as more of the "girl next door" type.


I think they picked Gale pretty well. I pictured him as rugged, tough, tanned, etc. That guy does the rugged look pretty well.


Who have the chosen for Haymitch? I looked around for the official casting for him and didn't see anything. I know they were considering House (Hugh Laurie) and a few others. I think that House would be PERFECT for the role of Haymitch.


I can't wait to see this movie, but I'll probably be let down as I usually am. I read Harry Potter and then saw the movie and thought it was horrible. It was missing so many chunks of time.

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I don't trust Hollywood. They'll screw it up somehow. :glare: That girl looks nothing like the Katniss I imagined. Peeta I always pictured blonde, but I honestly don't remember how he was described.


I think they should have cast these girls:



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I think when you see pictures of her not all glammed-up (because she sure cleans up nice!) she makes a pretty decent Katniss:






Love the castings for Peeta and Gale, even though Peeta was supposed to be a blonde - I think this guy captures that "aw, shucks" persona perfectly. And Gale is supposed to be a big, strong, hunky dude - so whoever this is looks the part.


(sidenote: I do feel ancient, though. I have no idea who any of these people are... :001_huh: )


Now they just need to cast Alec Baldwin as Haymitch and I'm happy. :lol:

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I don't trust Hollywood. They'll screw it up somehow. :glare: That girl looks nothing like the Katniss I imagined. Peeta I always pictured blonde, but I honestly don't remember how he was described.


I think they should have cast these girls:





Wow! They did an excellent job! I agree with you.

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whoever this is looks the part.


(sidenote: I do feel ancient, though. I have no idea who any of these people are... :001_huh: )


Now they just need to cast Alec Baldwin as Haymitch and I'm happy. :lol:


Alec Baldwin...:lol:


You might know Peeta. Josh Hutcherson was in Journey to the Center of the Earth and Bridge to Teribithia. The other guy was in The Last Song movie with Mylie Cyrus (haven't seen it, just read he was).


My dd is a huge Hunger Games fan, and writes a lot of fan fiction. She's currently rewriting Mockingjay because she didn't like the way some things were handled. I showed her a picture of Hugh Laurie, and she said he's exactly as she pictured Haymitch.

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Alec Baldwin...:lol:


You might know Peeta. Josh Hutcherson was in Journey to the Center of the Earth and Bridge to Teribithia. The other guy was in The Last Song movie with Mylie Cyrus (haven't seen it, just read he was).


My dd is a huge Hunger Games fan, and writes a lot of fan fiction. She's currently rewriting Mockingjay because she didn't like the way some things were handled. I showed her a picture of Hugh Laurie, and she said he's exactly as she pictured Haymitch.


Okay - I DO know Peeta, then! I feel very modern all of a sudden.


Hugh Laurie would be fine as Haymitch - but he won't bring the crAYzy that Alec would bring to the role. :D Maybe David Hasselhoff would work too....


(um, totally kidding... :hat: although now, just watch... they'll cast someone insane and campy. Maybe they'll hire Charlie Sheen for the part! :smilielol5:)

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Watch the trailer from another movie she's been in and you'll like her even better as the pick for Katniss.


Winter's Bone


DD was much happier about the pick after seeing that.


The characters don't look like I expected, but they rarely do. As long as they don't ruin the story itself, I can live with characters looking different.

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Watch the trailer from another movie she's been in and you'll like her even better as the pick for Katniss.


Winter's Bone


DD was much happier about the pick after seeing that.


The characters don't look like I expected, but they rarely do. As long as they don't ruin the story itself, I can live with characters looking different.


Thanks, that did help. She does gritty extremely well and that's what Katniss needs.

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Watch the trailer from another movie she's been in and you'll like her even better as the pick for Katniss.


Winter's Bone


DD was much happier about the pick after seeing that.


The characters don't look like I expected, but they rarely do. As long as they don't ruin the story itself, I can live with characters looking different.


Thanks for posting that. I can tell dd is happier after seeing it, although, she's proceeding cautiously!

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Okay - I DO know Peeta, then! I feel very modern all of a sudden.


Hugh Laurie would be fine as Haymitch - but he won't bring the crAYzy that Alec would bring to the role. :D Maybe David Hasselhoff would work too....


(um, totally kidding... :hat: although now, just watch... they'll cast someone insane and campy. Maybe they'll hire Charlie Sheen for the part! :smilielol5:)


Okay, you are going to think I'm nuts, but David Hasselhoff was actually the first image that ppped in my mind re Haymitch. I am absolutely NOT a Hoff fan, and think that would be terrible casting, but he does have that.... pathetic?....air about him. Just sayin'...

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I always thought that Peeta would be kinda "soft" being the baker's son and all. I think the guys look right.


I didn't think the actress for Katniss looked "right" until I saw the pictures another poster linked--showing her not all glammed up. That looks more like the Katniss I pictured.


Hugh Laurie for Haymitch? I always pictured Haymitch as being bigger. Not so skinny. And American, with an American gruffness vs the British snark.

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Watch the trailer from another movie she's been in and you'll like her even better as the pick for Katniss.


Winter's Bone


DD was much happier about the pick after seeing that.


The characters don't look like I expected, but they rarely do. As long as they don't ruin the story itself, I can live with characters looking different.


Now I want to see Winter's Bone too! I think she'll be perfect for Katniss. And I love everyone's suggestions for Haymitch! I think I am the only one that pictured an overweight, blading sleazeball. I think I had Billy Bob Thorton in my head.

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Now I want to see Winter's Bone too! I think she'll be perfect for Katniss. And I love everyone's suggestions for Haymitch! I think I am the only one that pictured an overweight, blading sleazeball. I think I had Billy Bob Thorton in my head.


Billy Bob would be great for the role too! :D


Oooooh - what about Kevin Spacey... or Matthew McConaughey (he can pull off the drunken sleazeball pretty effectively)...


I think a lot of actors could pull off Haymitch pretty well.

Edited by orangearrow
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If they switched those two guys, it would be more like how I saw the characters, though I imagined Gale to have more Native American characteristics. Isn't it funny how vividly we see book characters? So far, I haven't liked *any* of the actors they've cast for this movie.


I don't know who Jennifer Lawrence is, but she doesn't look anything like the Katniss that lives in my head.




I agree. Peeta is supposed to be a blond strong man bc he contrasted nicely against Katniss petite and dark form. Kale is supposed to be tall, dark, and slender yet rugged.

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Now I want to see Winter's Bone too! I think she'll be perfect for Katniss. And I love everyone's suggestions for Haymitch! I think I am the only one that pictured an overweight, blading sleazeball. I think I had Billy Bob Thorton in my head.



I pictured the same kind of guy although I kept thinking of a Gary Busey type of man.


I'm glad Rhonda posted that link - I feel happier about their choice for Katniss now. And I want to see Winter's Bone, too!!

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Bill Murray for Haymitch.


And as a really weird thought........you know the guy who does the interviews of the tributes? Everytime I read about him I saw Loren from "Angel". And I think with the descriptions of the make up those folks he wear he would just fit right in.




But I just read that he has died of heart failure at 33. Sad.

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Yay! Here is a link to the actors cast as Peeta and Gale. I hope they don't ruin the story. Now to wait until March 23, 2012.


My oldest, who has actually read the books, hates the cast. She says they have the males backward. Well, actually, Hutcherson shouldn't even be there.

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I'm afraid I saw a Gary Busey type for Hamitch, too.


I'm trying to wrap my brain around Alec Baldwin, because I love him, but it's not working for me.


I don't watch a lot of TV or see nearly as many movies as I used to. So, most of the folks I envision when I think of the characters are probably too old for the roles.


And Andy Hallett (Lorne) would have been wonderful in that role, but he died several years ago, sadly. He wasn't how the character was described, but it definitely would have worked.

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Bill Murray for Haymitch.


And as a really weird thought........you know the guy who does the interviews of the tributes? Everytime I read about him I saw Loren from "Angel". And I think with the descriptions of the make up those folks he wear he would just fit right in.




But I just read that he has died of heart failure at 33. Sad.


I always pictured that interviewer as Lorne! It's tragic that Andy Hallett isn't around anymore. He would have been perfect for that part.

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I don't watch a lot of TV or see nearly as many movies as I used to. So, most of the folks I envision when I think of the characters are probably too old for the roles.



Me, too!


So I'm the only one who saw President Snow as a Gary Busey type?

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For Haymitch, I kinda like Kiefer Sutherland, but he's a bit too pretty in all the pics I can find of him online. Needs to be scrunged up a bit and they'd need to at least make him look like he has a bit of a gut. They could work with him though. I think he's got enough rough-around-the-edges to pull it off.

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For Haymitch, I kinda like Kiefer Sutherland, but he's a bit too pretty in all the pics I can find of him online. Needs to be scrunged up a bit and they'd need to at least make him look like he has a bit of a gut. They could work with him though. I think he's got enough rough-around-the-edges to pull it off.


I quite like that idea. I've always imagined Haymitch to have been attractive as a young man (which, as Katniss points out, can be helpful in the Games). Kiefer could definitely pull off the dissipated, disillusioned middle-aged guy.


Or maybe Paul Gross? He'd have to be scrunged, as well, but he really knows how to bring that On The Verge temperament. He does sardonic quite beautifully.


Have I left out any more pretty Canadians capable of appearing slightly unhinged? :)

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