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A complete distortion of my words

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Someone on one of these threads said that SWB would have to have proof that it caused harm. Other than that, I'm not sure what the legalities are. :confused:
Yes, the basics of a defamation action are

(1) false statement

(2) that causes harm.

For a public figure, you've also got

(3) with specific intent (a pretty high threshold).


Just because I'm curious, could someone outline for me, specifically, what the false statement(s) are that KH is alleged to have made? Nasty, obnoxious, objectionable, etc. isn't enough: I mean objectively false statement (not opinion) that has caused harm to SWB's reputation. I'm not asking as a rhetorical question, but only because I'm now curious about the legalities myself.

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Yes, the basics of a defamation action are

(1) false statement

(2) that causes harm.

For a public figure, you've also got

(3) with specific intent (a pretty high threshold).


Just because I'm curious, could someone outline for me, specifically, what the false statement(s) are that KH is alleged to have made? Nasty, obnoxious, objectionable, etc. isn't enough: I mean objectively false statement (not opinion) that has caused harm to SWB's reputation. I'm not asking as a rhetorical question, but only because I'm now curious about the legalities myself.


One specific false claim he made was that she is affiliated with Biologos. She has no connection with them at all. While that in itself isn't necessarily a smear, he said it with the intent to discredit her.

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I hope everyone has actually READ Susan's blog post. It is very, very good. I just read it *again*...very slowly...the distortion is even more shocking to me. I think that people are *scanning* or *speed reading*, rather than finding a quiet spot and r.e.a.d.i.n.g. Not saying this means everyone will *agree* after reading it...but that you will at least *get her*.


Yes. I think the content of the review is relevant as this is what seems to have raised Mr. Ham's hackles in the first place. It is not as if the article is discussing the nocturnal habits of the piranha or something. The content is relevant. And challenging to the official "paradigm" of looking at scripture. In my opinion.


Obviously I don't condone Ham's response, but the book and its review could definitely ruffle some feathers, especially if one does not read the book/review in its entire context.



Team Susan! :party:

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I have lost track while I was out of all the questions and remarks thrown my way. I guess I will just give up. The original poster to this thread was DR. Bauer. She asked that people read her entire review of I&I (which I did) and stated that Ken Ham distorted/ took her words out of context. Since she started the thread about the book review (and the misconceptions about it all over the web), I thought it was fine to ask her a question about her review. I had no hidden motives. I am simply a mom of 4, in my first year of homeschooling, trying to gather information about the viewpoints held by people that promote classical education, as I do think that (their viewpoints) matters. Do I think for myself? Yes. Do I ultimately make the decision about a book or how I educate my children. Of course. Do I have my own opinion and worldview that I will teach my children from? Yes. If I was not giving great thought to these issues, I would not be asking the questions I am asking. I would prefer if I have the opportunity, to speak to an author directly, in addition to reading the work myself. Dr. Bauer has authored many books which seem to be the standard when it comes to classical ed. So I would value her personal perspective on the other authors she publishes or supports. It gives the big picture. Reading what other people say about a person's worldview and opinion about a curriculum they publish isn't really the same as speaking directly to the person. That is what I attempted. Just to clarify. I have read WTM several times and all the samples of SOTW and other PHP curriculum. This is my first year homeschooling so I am sorry I have not had as much time to read everything and be as educated as all of you. Honestly, you have made me sorry I ever asked anything or joined this forum to begin with. You are quick to judge harshly KH for his actions (and you may be completely right in doing so), but you turn around and treat a person seeking understanding and clarification in a harsh, condescending, accusatory manner. (I do want to say that I saw a couple of posts that at least showed respect toward me and understanding about what I was seeking to find out. For those, thank you) I respectfully ask for an end to this. Blessings to all.

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Yes. I think the content of the review is relevant as this is what seems to have raised Mr. Ham's hackles in the first place. It is not as if the article is discussing the nocturnal habits of the piranha or something. The content is relevant. And challenging to the official "paradigm" of looking at scripture. In my opinion.


Obviously I don't condone Ham's response, but the book and its review could definitely ruffle some feathers, especially if one does not read the book/review in its entire context.



Team Susan! :party:


I think it is one of those things that because of the wording, if you don't read carefully, it might appear as if she is saying something she is not. Does that make sense? She is not questioning the authority of scripture. She...and I assume Enns...are questioning the way modern man interprets scripture which can be very *piecemeal* and out of context and, frankly, is how we end up with some very extreme viewpoints who *stand firmly upon the Word of God*. I hope that makes sense. (At least that is my take, not having read Dr. Enns' book. I would like to though...just to read for myself.)

Edited by MSPolly
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I think it is one of those things that because of the wording, if you don't read carefully, it might appear as if she is saying something she is not. Does that make sense? She is not questioning the authority of scripture. She...and I assume Enns...are questioning the way modern man interprets scripture which can be very *piecemeal* and out of context, frankly, is how we end up with some very extreme viewpoints who *stand firmly upon the Word of God*. I hope that makes sense.


Yes. Exactly.


And, her love of God and the bible also are apparent within the review, if you read it carefully.

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I thought it was fine to ask her a question about her review.


I would prefer if I have the opportunity, to speak to an author directly, in addition to reading the work myself.


So I would value her personal perspective on the other authors she publishes or supports.


It was fine to ask your questions; it's just that they won't always be directly answered. I just assume that's because she's busy like the rest of us. But if you read her various posts and articles, some of your questions may be answered. Have a look through her recent posts here on the boards, and you will find statements and links that might give you some of the insight you are looking for. Also read her blogs: http://www.susanwisebauer.com/susans-blogs/, and her public figure Facebook page for relevant posts.

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It was fine to ask your questions; it's just that they won't always be directly answered. I just assume that's because she's busy like the rest of us. But if you read her various posts and articles, some of your questions may be answered. Have a look through her recent posts here on the boards, and you will find statements and links that might give you some of the insight you are looking for. Also read her blogs: http://www.susanwisebauer.com/susans-blogs/, and her public figure Facebook page for relevant posts.


She's in NY today, according to her facebook page.

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The original poster to this thread was DR. Bauer. She asked that people read her entire review of I&I (which I did) and stated that Ken Ham distorted/ took her words out of context. Since she started the thread about the book review (and the misconceptions about it all over the web), I thought it was fine to ask her a question about her review. I had no hidden motives...


... Honestly, you have made me sorry I ever asked anything or joined this forum to begin with. You are quick to judge harshly KH for his actions (and you may be completely right in doing so), but you turn around and treat a person seeking understanding and clarification in a harsh, condescending, accusatory manner. (I do want to say that I saw a couple of posts that at least showed respect toward me and understanding about what I was seeking to find out. For those, thank you) I respectfully ask for an end to this. Blessings to all.


Your questions are not unreasonable and I hope Susan will answer them for you when she has time.

Unfortunately, you are not seeing the board at its best right now.

It can be a great source of information.

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I have been following the exchange between you and the forum. I hope to help with understanding, not "stir the pot."


There was a time I would have asked the question you did and been upset with the response you got. (The question being what do people disagree with in the book, or what does SWB disagree with). The problem with that is that there will be one item someone disagrees with, while others agree. It is very individual. There is no cut and dry answer. There are many denominations represented on this board with a great variance of beliefs. This board is very much about doing your own research and coming up with your own opinion. It is a classical education forum. I have been greatly enriched hanging out here, and been challenged a lot and have learned to think for myself and exchange opinions with those who both agree and disagree with me.


Also, I don't think it is fair to make an author tell their own personal beliefs. SWB has shared quite a bit, and I'm grateful, but she didn't have to do it.


I am thinking of getting Dr. Enn's book, and I encourage you to get it as well. It is always good to challenge our faith. Whether you agree or disagree, you will be enriched. There will probably be a little of both.

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I have been following the exchange between you and the forum. I hope to help with understanding, not "stir the pot."


There was a time I would have asked the question you did and been upset with the response you got. (The question being what do people disagree with in the book, or what does SWB disagree with). The problem with that is that there will be one item someone disagrees with, while others agree. It is very individual. There is no cut and dry answer. There are many denominations represented on this board with a great variance of beliefs. This board is very much about doing your own research and coming up with your own opinion. It is a classical education forum. I have been greatly enriched hanging out here, and been challenged a lot and have learned to think for myself and exchange opinions with those who both agree and disagree with me.


Also, I don't think it is fair to make an author tell their own personal beliefs. SWB has shared quite a bit, and I'm grateful, but she didn't have to do it.


I am thinking of getting Dr. Enn's book, and I encourage you to get it as well. It is always good to challenge our faith. Whether you agree or disagree, you will be enriched. There will probably be a little of both.


Susan, this was a very gracious and wise post. I can relate to the process you described above. It is a difficult journey, but well worth it!!!

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Thank you for sharing this beautiful and insightful review. I honestly do not understand how it could be so misconstrued, especially as illustrated (and reiterated) in the quote, " It means, in the end, that we must take incarnation seriously." How true that many of us erect life boats of our own making, when the truth of the mysteries of God are more than we could ever dream or imagine.




This was precisely what I got from your review and I could not understand what in the world was wrong with anything you said?! This man is a closed-minded lunatic!


And my family had been interested in seeing the Creation Museum. Now I am rethinking that.:glare: Anyone been?



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It can't be expected that a public figure will answer all and any questions anyone ever has about anything they have ever said. When would they get any work done? !! And in Susan's case, she's got a couple of thousand people here to nag her if she doesn't! :tongue_smilie:



This thread was giving me visions today. I was picturing poor Susan, aged 112, unable to tell her Goths apart anymore and blogsofthefuture posts slamming her for refusing to comment!


(Btw, that was not a jab at Ange or anyone else. I just think I'm funny.)


My theory is that this kerfuffle is aimed to stimulate your economy; to get everyone out sympathy shopping.




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It's still up on his blog right now. http://blogs.answersingenesis.org/blogs/ken-ham/2011/04/02/susan-wise-bauer-%e2%80%9cwhy-paul-would-have-flunked-hermeneutics%e2%80%9d/


I clicked the facebook link but I don't see any mention of SWB in the article? It seems to be mostly about "Diane Waring"…. I guess something was removed then?


Yeah! It's a completely different post! ;) Hmmmmm.....wonder what that is about.

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Just. Wow.


The entire Facebook post has been edited to remove all mention of me. (I do have screenshots and copies of the original, by the way.)


I guess that's an improvement. However, the damage has already been done. Some sort of acknowledgment of the impropriety would be nice.


But I dream.


I'm going to unstick this thread for two reasons: one, my original post now sounds odd; and two, this has occupied too much of my creative energy, my emotional energy, the attention that should be going to my family and my work. It has distressed my family, my employees, my friends, my supporters. It has STOLEN time which I can never get back. I'm not interested in letting the theft continue.


Word of mouth is still the strongest and most convincing method of spreading information. Tell your friends, your co-op group, your support group how you really feel about the matter. If you'll do that, I can go back to work.



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Will do Susan? I've already heavily consulted on this with our pastor and his wife, who have gone to the head deacon who is bringing it up Monday night the 11th at the next deacon meeting. They are pretty concerned about this.


Word of mouth works. Open, honest, discourse, in which the participants exhibit the Fruits of the Spirit, works! That's what we aim for.



:grouphug: I am so sorry. I'd like to virtually send you a Godiva Double Chocolate Cheesecake and my mil's heavenly Rum Cake with Rum icing! If I lived anywhere in Virigina, I'd actually, really send you some!!!!



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Just. Wow.


The entire Facebook post has been edited to remove all mention of me. (I do have screenshots and copies of the original, by the way.)


I guess that's an improvement. However, the damage has already been done. Some sort of acknowledgment of the impropriety would be nice.


But I dream.


I'm going to unstick this thread for two reasons: one, my original post now sounds odd; and two, this has occupied too much of my creative energy, my emotional energy, the attention that should be going to my family and my work. It has distressed my family, my employees, my friends, my supporters. It has STOLEN time which I can never get back. I'm not interested in letting the theft continue.


Word of mouth is still the strongest and most convincing method of spreading information. Tell your friends, your co-op group, your support group how you really feel about the matter. If you'll do that, I can go back to work.





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I'm sorry you got put on the defensive. This is kind of a rough time for all of us.


You have to understand that in an atmosphere where it seems that ANYTHING I can say might be copied and twisted, I'm growing increasingly wary about saying anything at all. (Until quotes of mine started appearing out of context, I had no idea how often I use rhetorical questions in my writing. Note to self...)


I fully stand behind everything in the Telling God's Story curriculum. I wouldn't have published it if I didn't. It is, as I've said before, completely orthodox, in line with every single part of the Nicene and Apostles' Creed. Much of what is being said about it is being said by people who have never even looked at it.


Dr. Enns' statement of faith is on the Olive Branch Books website.


Again, I'm sorry feathers got ruffled here. Kerfluffle has a ruffling effect.



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To SWB...


I get your note to self....


AND YET...it is your style of writing that teaches and encourages us to think for ourselves rather than just being Well Trained Sponges. I get your caution, but I hope you continue on as you are. :grouphug:

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To SWB...


I get your note to self....


AND YET...it is your style of writing that teaches and encourages us to think for ourselves rather than just being Well Trained Sponges. I get your caution, but I hope you continue on as you are. :grouphug:




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To SWB...


I get your note to self....


AND YET...it is your style of writing that teaches and encourages us to think for ourselves rather than just being Well Trained Sponges. I get your caution, but I hope you continue on as you are. :grouphug:




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In the beginning of this I supported the right for KH to give his opinion and disagreed with the convention people for uninviting him, inspite of disagreeing with his tone and approach. That said, this has evolved in to something else. He is going beyond his opinion now and seems to have an unhealthy obsession. He needs to let go and let God handle it all. What I don't understand is why more christians don't just "let go and let God" since He is the one with the power. You'd never know that though, the way people jump in to action all the time.


I have purchased AiG materials before, but I am not in lockstep on the views of everything they put out. I love SWB's materials and will continue to use and buy them. I plan on buying Telling God's Story - honestly simply because it starts with Jesus and not Genesis. If I come across anything in there I disagree with, then I will edit or explain just like I do with other materials I use.


I am praying that KH gets convicted (spiritually) of his inappopriate words and just stops the insanity. I use a wide range of materials and I am wary of anyone who says, "My materials are the best and you'll be sorry if you use anything else." I am insulted by the assumption that if I don't heed warnings that I will be deceived and fall vicitim to the devil's schemes. The frenzy with which KH seems to be promoting just makes me wonder which side really is doing the devil's work.:glare:

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Wow. I'm slack-jawed over the continued ridiculousness appearing on *that* Facebook page. I haven't read through the entire thread, so I don't know everything that's been suggested, but perhaps a well-crafted letter from your attorney will take care of the nonsense.


As for me....I'll just buy more of your materials. Having my out of control shopping habit buoyed up by the need to support a moral cause and stand up for truth and righteousness......well that is a gift I can't afford to let pass by. :lol: I'll be at Amazon if anyone wants me.

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I'm sorry you got put on the defensive. This is kind of a rough time for all of us.


You have to understand that in an atmosphere where it seems that ANYTHING I can say might be copied and twisted, I'm growing increasingly wary about saying anything at all. (Until quotes of mine started appearing out of context, I had no idea how often I use rhetorical questions in my writing. Note to self...)


I fully stand behind everything in the Telling God's Story curriculum. I wouldn't have published it if I didn't. It is, as I've said before, completely orthodox, in line with every single part of the Nicene and Apostles' Creed. Much of what is being said about it is being said by people who have never even looked at it.


Dr. Enns' statement of faith is on the Olive Branch Books website.


Again, I'm sorry feathers got ruffled here. Kerfluffle has a ruffling effect.




Dr. Bauer,


Thank you for your helpful response. I understand that all of this has taken a toll, and I appreciate that you took additional time to address my question. I am sorry that you and your family have had to endure the stress of this controversy and I pray these issues with Mr. Ham can be resolved in a Christian manner soon. Blessings and grace to you and your family.



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To SWB...


I get your note to self....


AND YET...it is your style of writing that teaches and encourages us to think for ourselves rather than just being Well Trained Sponges. I get your caution, but I hope you continue on as you are. :grouphug:




Susan, it makes me want to cry to think of you being more wary of how you write. I know you are a Mom and an author who just wants to support your fellow homeschoolers. Praying that you and those in your immediate circle will have some calmer weeks ahead so you all can get on with living out your callings.

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Wow. I'm slack-jawed over the continued ridiculousness appearing on *that* Facebook page. I haven't read through the entire thread, so I don't know everything that's been suggested, but perhaps a well-crafted letter from your attorney will take care of the nonsense.


As for me....I'll just buy more of your materials. Having my out of control shopping habit buoyed up by the need to support a moral cause and stand up for truth and righteousness......well that is a gift I can't afford to let pass by. :lol: I'll be at Amazon if anyone wants me.


I'm right there with ya. I was reading Telling God's Story last night and I was completely enamored. What a beautiful, gentle--honey for the child's heart way to bring a child up in relationship with Jesus.


(As far as KH, he's after Pat Robertson today. Hey, at least he understands the concept of punching up.)

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Word of mouth is still the strongest and most convincing method of spreading information. Tell your friends, your co-op group, your support group how you really feel about the matter. If you'll do that, I can go back to work.




Will do!:001_smile:


I think natural consequences will prevail. A thing is what it is...and can't hide what it is for long. HS moms are an intelligent and curious bunch!

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Dr. Bauer,


Thank you for your helpful response. I understand that all of this has taken a toll, and I appreciate that you took additional time to address my question. I am sorry that you and your family have had to endure the stress of this controversy and I pray these issues with Mr. Ham can be resolved in a Christian manner soon. Blessings and grace to you and your family.





I'm glad you're still here. I'm sorry if my response sounded snarky or condescending. Sometimes I get an idea and have to get it in print and forget that there's a living, breathing, sincere human on the other end. These forums are great for information on such a wide range of subjects. I hope you stick around and make yourself at home. I think you ask good questions and make great comments. I hope to learn from all the people here. I've already learned so much already. Plus, some threads are just plain fun and funny, not to mention you can get Nutella recipes!

Take care, and thanks for your graciousness.


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I'm glad you're still here. I'm sorry if my response sounded snarky or condescending. Sometimes I get an idea and have to get it in print and forget that there's a living, breathing, sincere human on the other end. These forums are great for information on such a wide range of subjects. I hope you stick around and make yourself at home. I think you ask good questions and make great comments. I hope to learn from all the people here. I've already learned so much already. Plus, some threads are just plain fun and funny, not to mention you can get Nutella recipes!

Take care, and thanks for your graciousness.



:iagree:(and we are having Nutella sandwiches for Lunch!!!)

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I'm glad you're still here. I'm sorry if my response sounded snarky or condescending. Sometimes I get an idea and have to get it in print and forget that there's a living, breathing, sincere human on the other end. These forums are great for information on such a wide range of subjects. I hope you stick around and make yourself at home. I think you ask good questions and make great comments. I hope to learn from all the people here. I've already learned so much already. Plus, some threads are just plain fun and funny, not to mention you can get Nutella recipes!

Take care, and thanks for your graciousness.



Oh man, you gave away my whole reason for being on this forum, Joann! :lol::lol::lol:


Seriously, though, this is an awesome place to hang out. This too shall pass, and then we can move on to something else to fight...er...I mean...talk about. ;)


And to SWB, please please please don't change the way you write! We love your writing and teaching!

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I'm glad you're still here. I'm sorry if my response sounded snarky or condescending. Sometimes I get an idea and have to get it in print and forget that there's a living, breathing, sincere human on the other end. These forums are great for information on such a wide range of subjects. I hope you stick around and make yourself at home. I think you ask good questions and make great comments. I hope to learn from all the people here. I've already learned so much already. Plus, some threads are just plain fun and funny, not to mention you can get Nutella recipes!

Take care, and thanks for your graciousness.



Thank you Joann. I appreciate the kind remarks and encouragement to hang in w/ everyone. We're all human, and given everyone here is homeschooling, I'd guess we're all pretty passionate about our issues, so our emotions can get the best of us. I know I have to "talk out" my thoughts and that's not always so great for those on the other side of the conversation! :D What is that great saying, "To err is human, to forgive divine." I err much, and have been forgiven much. Thanks again for you note. Blessings ~Angie


p.s. - I'm allergic to nutella (I know tragic!) but I can eat chocolate & always interested in gluten free and other allergy free recipes.

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I am glad you are still with us. This is a great place, we are all pretty curious, well-read, thoughtful..but sometimes flippant and silly. There will be times when we all get our feathers ruffled, the hive gets stirred ( historically around February for some reason) -election time can get pretty heated! But we kiss and make up, forgive and forget and learn from each other. These forums have helped me, in a big way, to see that my life is more than my pet personal beliefs- that I have room to grow and learn and that that I am not always right- that there are other thoughtful, sincere, faith-living people that see the world differently than I do. I don't have to be threatened by another person's take on doctrine or faith- but I can think on it and grow from it and have my own faith deepened by surviving the challenge.


this is a good place- and we've probably all offended someone or had snark thrown at us...come back, it is forgotten quickly and we can all still be friends. :grouphug:

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Second edit, April 6: As of this morning, the original FB post (of which I have screenshots) seems to have been edited to remove all mention of me. I will take this as an acknowledgment of the complete inaccuracy and impropriety of the original post.


I would hope so.....Though I would think it most desirable to converse about it directly in light of other 'conversations' which were handled via the written word only.

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Here is the link to the AiG blog entry I found this morning as I wanted to do some more research on this issue. Is this essentially the same information as was posted on FB? Since it is alive and well this morning (4/9/11), I am concluding Dr. Ham hasn't changed his original opinion/position, Susan.



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Here is the link to the AiG blog entry I found this morning as I wanted to do some more research on this issue. Is this essentially the same information as was posted on FB? Since it is alive and well this morning (4/9/11), I am concluding Dr. Ham hasn't changed his original opinion/position, Susan.




I think you might be mistaken.

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