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A complete distortion of my words

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This post (

) is a complete and total distortion of my review. Read the whole review here: http://www.susanwisebauer.com/blog/inspiration-and-incarnation-review/


Mr. Ham is free to disagree with my review. But please note that in no way did I "endorse" any theory of evolution or any theory about Adam.


I praised the book for asking difficult questions and suggested that we should all do the same.


I have tried to contact AiG directly, since Mr. Ham has made such a point of talking about Biblical confrontation. I have so far been unable to even leave a message. I am posting this clarification publicly because this was a public attack. I will address other issues involved with this post privately to Mr. Ham, if I am given an opportunity, before speaking further on them.





Edited April 5: Since it doesn't look as though I will be able to talk to anyone at AiG anytime soon, I want to add one more thing. I think it is absolutely unacceptable that my views were mischaracterized, AND that this distortion was then used to tell people to 1) not buy my history materials (which start with the Sumerians and have NOTHING to do with the creation account), and 2) buy materials produced by AiG instead. That is a direct attack on my business and livelihood.


Second edit, April 6: As of this morning, the original FB post (of which I have screenshots) seems to have been edited to remove all mention of me. I will take this as an acknowledgment of the complete inaccuracy and impropriety of the original post.

Edited by Susan Wise Bauer
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I'm sorry you've been caught up in this, but it's looking more like you've been the target all along.

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Ughhhh! This whole thing is so disgusting. It's really becoming clear what this is all about. I'm so sorry you're being drug through this through no fault of your own. It just stinks and I hope it's able to be resolved soon.

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I'm sorry you've been caught up in this, but it's looking more like you've been the target all along.


:iagree:It's looking like purposeful libel with the intent of damaging your business. One homeschool author has already won a case like that.

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I am very sorry that you are plagued by this man. :grouphug:


Gosh, Susan, in addition to what the others have mentioned, I am sorry you are being forced to spend your time in such a manner. I'd rather be able to read your next book sooner.

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Gosh, Susan, in addition to what the others have mentioned, I am sorry you are being forced to spend your time in such a manner. I'd rather be able to read your next book sooner.


Me too! I'm anxiously awaiting its publication so I can continue with my self-education, inspired by you and your books!


This whole thing has just sickened me.

Edited by Hopscotch67
Can't do gooder grammar when my back is a hurtin
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My stomach hurts after seeing the way this man is trying to drag you through the mud (and profit from it). You have responded with more graciousness than I ever could. I hope they decide to speak to you and set the record straight.


I also hope that the effect this whole kerfluffle will have on your business is the complete opposite of what he is expecting. And I don't trust myself to say anymore without becoming very ungracious. :D

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You are in good company with our Saviour, who was put through much more than this! Thank you for providing the review. I have learned so much from all of this, this is my first time to follow something of this nature, and I have decided to learn more of my own faith through it.


Hang in there!

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Gosh, Susan, in addition to what the others have mentioned, I am sorry you are being forced to spend your time in such a manner. I'd rather be able to read your next book sooner.


:iagree: I am so sorry you have been the target of such ugliness. My daddy would have said you must be doing something right.

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This post (
) is a complete and total distortion of my review. ...in no way did I "endorse" any theory of evolution or any theory about Adam.


I read his FB page and his article earlier today and picked right up on his use of "endorse." Anyone who reads your review critically will realize you were not endorsing anything. Made me mad to read his article.


Good luck to you in trying to privately communicate with him.

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I am so sorry. It is quite obvious what he is doing after reading the first paragraph and 1/2 of the next. This sickens me.

Someone on here posted about "you must be doing something right" if you are being attacked like this. I believe so. The Lord sees all.

Keep trying to get through to them. This is so wrong.

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Is there anything any one of us *outsiders* (people outside of this issue) can do to support you, Susan?


(anything legal, that is......:D)


I mean, I am so disgusted by this whole *issue* (including how Christianity is being represented) at this point that I feel I want to do.....something......although it seems that perhaps waiting it out is the best I can do. Please advise if otherwise!



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Is there anything any one of us *outsiders* (people outside of this issue) can do to support you, Susan?


(anything legal, that is......:D)


I mean, I am so disgusted by this whole *issue* (including how Christianity is being represented) at this point that I feel I want to do.....something......although it seems that perhaps waiting it out is the best I can do. Please advise if otherwise!






I was just about to post the same thing. Really, if there is anything...*helpful*...I can do, please, please let me know. :001_smile:

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Is there anything any one of us *outsiders* (people outside of this issue) can do to support you, Susan?

(anything legal, that is......:D)


I mean, I am so disgusted by this whole *issue* (including how Christianity is being represented) at this point that I feel I want to do.....something......although it seems that perhaps waiting it out is the best I can do. Please advise if otherwise!




Party pooper (just kidding!) I'm interested in anything helpful we can do too! Even if it is legal. lol!

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You know, in looking around this afternoon, I found that Mr. Ham's views had been discussed at a Biologos forum more than a year ago:




I am wondering if Mr. Ham has been nursing a grudge since that time and looking for any excuse to attack someone associated in any way with Biologos....


Also, I would note that his organization has been asking at least since the beginning of this year for others to prayer partner with them and stand together "unashamed of God and His mighty Word.":




...which leads me to believe as I've already mentioned that these attacks have been gearing up for some time now....

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What you can do is...give your opinion of the matter when you see it discussed on other message boards; tell other parents what you honestly think of "warning emails" sent around; talk about it on your blogs.


I'm not telling you what to say. Say whatever is on your mind/heart/soul. But be vocal.



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What you can do is...give your opinion of the matter when you see it discussed on other message boards; tell other parents what you honestly think of "warning emails" sent around; talk about it on your blogs.


I'm not telling you what to say. Say whatever is on your mind/heart/soul. But be vocal.




Please--as if there are any other message boards!


Will do what I can in my small world. I'm afraid, though, that these boards are most of that world.

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I'm sorry you've been caught up in this, but it's looking more like you've been the target all along.


And I hate to add this, but I have had this percolating in the back of my mind.... I think there is a certain amount of anger that you are a woman. A successful, articulate, educated, well-respected woman.


Some people, and some certain types of men, get that all up in their craw.

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The man is looking more and more foolish. I pray he sees the err of his ways and stops sooner than later.


Much love and hugs to you, Susan. Thank you for all you do for us here and for the homeschooling community as a whole. You are one classy lady!

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What you can do is...give your opinion of the matter when you see it discussed on other message boards; tell other parents what you honestly think of "warning emails" sent around; talk about it on your blogs.


I'm not telling you what to say. Say whatever is on your mind/heart/soul. But be vocal.




Susan, do you have a "public figure" facebook presence like Ken Ham does? I don't have a blog, and I don't visit other message boards, but I can post a supportive note on facebook.

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I appreciate you making a public statement pointing us to the original articles so that we can better understand them. I so admire the grace with which you are handling this. Thanks for being a source of inspiration in your conduct in difficult circumstances, as well as in your books.


I agree. You are always an inspiration to me. You and your family are in our prayers. :grouphug:


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Susan, do you have a "public figure" facebook presence like Ken Ham does? I don't have a blog, and I don't visit other message boards, but I can post a supportive note on facebook.


:iagree:It may not be a bad idea. People can freely see what the other side is discussing, but you are able moderate it a bit.


Not, that you don't have enough going on!!!!

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Susan, do you have a "public figure" facebook presence like Ken Ham does? I don't have a blog, and I don't visit other message boards, but I can post a supportive note on facebook.


Oh that's a great idea! If not, maybe someone could start one, only with Susan's blessings, of course. It would have to be heavily moderated!

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What you can do is...give your opinion of the matter when you see it discussed on other message boards; tell other parents what you honestly think of "warning emails" sent around; talk about it on your blogs.


I'm not telling you what to say. Say whatever is on your mind/heart/soul. But be vocal.




I posted about it on my blog but mostly just my IRL friends see it. I think I'll go through it tonight and make sure it's stalker proofed enough to let the world see.

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And I hate to add this, but I have had this percolating in the back of my mind.... I think there is a certain amount of anger that you are a woman. A successful, articulate, educated, well-respected woman.


Some people, and some certain types of men, get that all up in their craw.


This. This is what I've been thinking today. There are so many things that you are, that they preach against.


I will speak up elsewhere, definitely.

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