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The homeschool wars: I need a break!

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i am a leo


i like pomegranate and raspberry sherbet


i love chick peas(hummus) but am highly allergic to them


im also allergic to xmas trees(real and fake they make me break out in hives so imagine how that felt when you are a little kid and can not decorate the tree lol)


im a muslim convert and i believe God created and controls everything


i am a future homeschooler for religious purposes/ educational purposes but mostly religious


i dont like chocolate or candy


my favorite scent is good food lol

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I didn't know the signs had changed -- I was a Leo and, trust me, I am STILL a Leo. Leo.Leo.Leo.Leo. You get the idea.;)


I love coffee or mocha flavored anything.


Except, I like my twizzlers in Strawberry -- not that antibiotic-tasting cherry! STRAWBERRY!


And....Coke Zero....which is a big contradiction to our family's whole food way of eating.....but the mink coat and Hummer confuse folks too. ;)


I don't know why I homeschool. :glare:

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Hey, I'm happy to talk about other things!


I'm the Scorpioest of Scorpios, regardless of any changes in the charts.


I like chocolate, period (including in wine form).


Rocky road is my favorite ice cream flavor, but I'm more of a savory girl. I'd rather have a big bowl of salty, buttery popcorn.


I don't believe in abiogenesis. I don't believe humans ever rode on dinosaurs.


I homeschool because my eldest dd was reading Stuart Little when the school wanted her to learn her alphabet.

I'm Cancer...... still. (Woohoo me!)


Have you had chocolate in vodka form? I wasn't impressed. Then, we mixed it with some whipped cream vodka... it was the best hot chocolate ever :lol:


I love Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream, but only the green kind. I KNOW it doesn't taste different, I just like the extra effort.


I'm a Christian. I teach the kids Genesis and I teach them science. I don't really care about the whole stupid argument. It's not that important to me. I never plan on time travel to the prehistoric ages so I don't really care who or what was where when ;)


I homeschool because SWB said I could :lol: No, it's because the local skool sisstem stinks and TWTM told me there was hope for my children yet!

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This is fun!!


I love God and believe He created the earth and everything in/on it. I don't know or care how long it took Him to do it.


I believe everyone should be free to worship/believe any way they want or not at all.


I love all things chocolate, except ice cream. I don't like ice cream at all. I know that's weird. Oh wait, I do like vanilla ice cream on hot apple pie. YUM! I especially love Nutella (bet that surprises you!) and even chocolate martinis. Double YUM!


I'm a Sagittarius. Fits me like a glove.


I freakin love SWB!!!!


I homeschool because I like flying my freak flag. :D

Edited by Nakia
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I'm a Capricorn, which means I'm a goat. In Chinese astrology I was born in year of the rat. I had an exchange student who was explaining this to me, and she said I was "Rat of the year."


Love chocolate cake and homemade frosting. Dunked in milk.


I homeschool for both religious and educational reasons. I can't separate the two any more than I can separate my heart from my head. They are both integral parts of me and are not in opposition; they work as a team.


I believe in creation by God. I don't much care how long it took, but I will fight for your right to your opinion, as much as I fight for my right to my opinion.


My kid turned 7 in December but I've been too lazy to change my sig.


I'm enjoying this thread. Thanks for starting it!

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I don't have a particular belief as to WHEN God created the earth, but I do believe he did. I'm open to hearing all sides of the YE/OE and other religious ideas/debates with the realization (imho) that we really are not meant to understand the exact answers because man has limits. I find it's safer to lurk in the controversial threads rather than risk being misinterpreted should I speak and not adequately express myself. :D





I forgot to add this to mine but you said it so much better. I don't think we'll know the whole story this side of heaven so why argue about it?


I have to remember about the chopsticks because I love Cheetos and I hate orange fingers.

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I have been very involved in the Homeschool Wars but I really can discuss Other Topics. I PROMISE!!


I am a Libra. At least I think I still am. I didn't know it had changed. I liked that I was a Libra because its sign is the scales of justice. I'm a lawyer, so that fits me well.


I believe that God created the Earth and everything in it, that He created us in His image and likeness, and as such we all have individual dignity and worth. That's what I try to focus on, though sometimes I need reminding.


I love to cook. I was so ticked when Melissa D'Arabian stole MY SHOW on Food Network. :D


I was raised by very uptight parents who had little money, but LOTS of education. My husband converted me to the "dark side" when he introduced me to Jimmy Buffett, four wheeling, and hockey. I love our laid-back life together.


I homeschool because it fits our lifestyle and because I'm a rebel at heart.

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Both my astrological sign and my chinese zodiac animal have changed. (I'm confused!)

I was Capricorn, now I'm Sag

Chinese restaurant menus place me as a Hare (Rabbit), but because of the lunar calendar, I should be a Tiger. January birthdays are like that, I guess.

I love chocolate and cappuccinos.

I worry about whether I'm doing a good job homeschooling.

I'm a Christian that doesn't care how long it took God to create the earth, I'm just glad He did:)

And I rather like delving into controversial Bible studies that ask the hard questions and make me wrestle with my faith. I don't think AiG would like that!

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This is fun!!


I love God and believe He created the earth and everything in/on it. I don't know or care how long it took Him to do it.


I believe everyone should be free to worship/believe any way they want or not at all.


I love all things chocolate, except ice cream. I don't like ice cream at all. I know that's weird. Oh wait, I do like vanilla ice cream on hot apple pie. YUM! I especially love Nutella (bet that surprises you!) and even chocolate martinis. Double YUM!


I'm a Sagittarius. Fits me like a glove.


I freakin love SWB!!!!


I homeschool because I like flying my freak flag. :D


Ditto- except that I am a Gemini.

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I was born in the year of the Rabbit and that's about as zodiacal as I can get. That's the Chinese zodiac, though!


I have a salty tooth instead of a sweet tooth, though I love Lindt's "Touch of Salt" Dark Chocolate which combines both.


My favorite ice cream is peanut butter and chocolate.


I homeschool because I don't delegate well.


I will have to get the Lindt Touch of Salt, love sweet and salty and chocolate!!


I am homeschooling a teen and trying to remember why I homeschool, jk!

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Good idea!


I was born on April 15th. Now don't laugh...I have literally NEVER paid attention to astrology and my friends don't talk about it so I don't know what my "sign" is.


I believe in God the Father, Maker of heaven and earth. I am not old earth, but I'm not as young earth as most young earthers. So, is there a middle earth...something without orcs and cave trolls????


I cherish freedom of religion and I believe it should be extended to everyone, not just to the select few that have decided they have a corner on the faith department.


I love, adore, and obsess about chocolate as long as it doesn't have mint or cherries in it!


I like homemade french vanilla ice cream made with honey instead of sugar and Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla. By homemade, I mean dh's dreamy ice cream made with food grade liquid nitrogen so it freezes instantly - no ice crystals. It's like soft serve ice cream only solid.


If I ever grow up, I'd like to be just like SWB...I doubt I'll ever grow up that much!


I hate cooking, but I am good at it. I did tell dh that when the last one goes off to college, he'd better be prepared for nothing but sandwich and salads for a very, very long time. I might make soup once per week in the crock pot. But, it's possible that if ds 14, the never ending eating machine, says one more time, "What's for dinner? What's for lunch? What's for breakfast? What's for snacks? I'm hungryyyyyyyyy!", I may commit myself to an insane asylum.


We homeschool for lots of reasons and if we needed to fly a flag of identification at our house, it would have to be "Geek Squad."



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I don't like chocolate ice cream. :glare:


I was never confused about creation until I read too much on this board. :tongue_smilie:


I am a conservative Christian who accepts people where they are...unless they are mean. I reject mean. Mean hurts. I am also as close to apolitical as a person can get. I hate to debate.


I homeschool because public schools are poor, the private school wasn't much better, one of my kids has some learning disabilities, I am kind of a rebel, it is easier than taking them all to school, I happen to enjoy spending time with my kids, God called me to (speaking only for myself) and a bunch of other reasons. My oldest dd goes to private school half an hour away, and I wasn't going to commit to the time, money in gas, etc. that it would take to get all of my kids there. There are more reasons, but I will stop there.


I was on the cusp as a Capricorn but I don't know what I am now. Never put much stock in all that jazz.


I am the nicest sarcastic person you will ever meet, and I have a secret crush on Brad Pitt. (dh knows...no worries ;))

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I am a Gemini (well the last time I looked but that could have changed).

Chocolate is proof God loves us. I will take it in any form.

I homeschool because I can.

Last year my church split because of the YE/OE issue. The issue is painful for me so I try and stay out of the convention war stuff. Why go there :confused:?

And I will confess that I actually like sucking the orange powder of Cheetos off my fingers. :D:D:D

When I was pregnant I loved pretzel omelets much to the DH's chagrin.

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I'm a Christian who leans toward OE, but I certainly wouldn't stake my life on it. God did it his way and that's cool by me. ;)


I am a Capricorn by old and new charts, but the description doesn't fit me at all. Even if it did, I don't buy into astrology anyway, so it wouldn't matter.


I love ice cream - pretty much any flavor that doesn't have hard chunks in it. No nuts or choc chips. But I can handle soft things like brownie bits. Ben and Jerry's Cinnabon is my guilty pleasure. I'm also a big chocolate freak. And coffee. Must be strong coffee.


I homeschool because I think it's the best education for my boys, and yeah, I like being different too.

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I am an Aquarius (although I don't pay attention to astrological signs...)


I (similar to another poster) used to neatly align fries side by side on a McDonald's cheeseburger before eating it. I stopped eating McDonald's burgers (and most hamburger meat) after watching Food Inc. about 1 year ago.


I (again, like another poster) love Magic Shell, but only on vanilla ice cream.


I found a new white wine I just LOVE. Opala from Portugal. Light, refreshing, CHEAP ($9 at my local Whole Foods), slightly effervescent, and perfect for warm weather. And, it has one of the loveliest labels ever! It is rare I find a wine under $20-30 that I really enjoy.


I am thankful for Susan Wise Bauer (and all she has done for homeschoolers!)


I have an inordinate fondness for parentheses (:::sigh::: I've had this problem since I was a kid ;))

Edited by Imprimis
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I am a Gemini too! They changed the charts?


The homeschool wars don't affect us over here in DownUnder land...plenty of other topics on the boards. Although I cant but help to click on the controversial links to see what all the fuss is about.

It will pass.

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I'm a Gemini :)


I accept chocolate in all forms---well, except white "chocolate" :D


Like a previous poster, I cherish freedom of religion. Dh and I are having some major problems with the Catholic Church now, mainly leadership. My mother was the family religion anchor but now that she's gone...


I'm homeschooling dd11 for academic reasons only. I afterschooled the older two in science and math for their middle school years and just couldn't face doing the same thing with her.


My dh is a homebrewer, the.best.hobby.ever :D


I am so thrilled that ds has decided which university to attend :party: His scholarship money plus the bits we've saved mean no loans and no changing of our lifestyle :party:

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I'm a Christian that doesn't care how long it took God to create the earth, I'm just glad He did:)


The next time I hear of this irritating topic, I'm quoting you, is that okay? As a matter of fact can I add you to my sig line?

Love chocolate cake and homemade frosting. Dunked in milk.


My kid turned 7 in December but I've been too lazy to change my sig.


The recipe on the side of the Hershey cocoa powder box is PRICELESS. Best chocolate cake and icing ever. It transformed how my dh saw me :lol: He now thinks I am heaven sent :D IOW, I agree with the cake/icing (and of course milk!).


I don't even know how far behind my sig is. Once Wee Pip gets back to me I'll edit it.

Good idea!


I was born on April 15th. Now don't laugh...I have literally NEVER paid attention to astrology and my friends don't talk about it so I don't know what my "sign" is.


Aries... but it changed to Pisces... but then they decided it didn't change at all. I only know this because you and my dh share your birthday :D How many tax jokes do you get? He gets them constantly and grew up thinking the whole country counted down to HIS birthday. Then he realized they were counting down in anxiety and fear, grew a complex and a few years later realized it wasn't his birthday they were scared of (when he had to file his own taxes).

I have an inordinate fondness for parentheses (:::sigh::: I've had this problem since I was a kid ;))

Me too (but I don't know when it started). They're very useful (in an aside sort of way).

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I love chocolate ice cream. Chocolate anything, really. Too much.


I don't know how old the earth is, but I suspect it is quite old. I believe God made it. I'm a Christian, don't really know what kind.


I homeschool because I'm a relaxed control freak. I don't really care what other people do, but I care very much what happens with my kids.


I'm a Leo. It really fits me.


Also, I have been around the boards for a long time, but don't post often because I worry about sounding stupid. I'm trying to overcome that because I know it is ridiculous. Not that I won't sound stupid, but who really cares if I do?! :D

Edited by AmyP
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Also, I have been around the boards for a long time, but don't post often because I worry about sounding stupid. I'm trying to overcome that because I know it is ridiculous. Not that I won't sound stupid, but who really cares if I do?! :D


:iagree:Such knowledge exists in this collective group of people that I know I sound stupid sometimes. That doesn't seem to keep me from posting, though.:D

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This is fun!!


I love God and believe He created the earth and everything in/on it. I don't know or care how long it took Him to do it.


I believe everyone should be free to worship/believe any way they want or not at all.


I love all things chocolate, except ice cream. I don't like ice cream at all. I know that's weird. Oh wait, I do like vanilla ice cream on hot apple pie. YUM! I especially love Nutella (bet that surprises you!) and even chocolate martinis. Double YUM!


I'm a Sagittarius. Fits me like a glove.


I freakin love SWB!!!!


I homeschool because I like flying my freak flag. :D



Nakia, I love love love everything that you wrote and totally agree!!!! Except that I am a Virgo (I think). I did not know that they changed things, but then again, I do not follow all that.


Here is one wierd and strange thing about me (Nobody knows this about me except for my family and my brother)............


I love ketchup and butter sandwiches and toast. I know, gross right??? My kids tell me all the time. This is something my brother and I ate as kids and I guess it stuck. :D

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Had to pipe in because I didn't see too many Aries! (Although I don't follow this, I am told I fit the personality, lol.)


Chocolate. Mmmmm. But, I don't care for chocolate cake.


Ice Cream. Yeah, I'll take that any day of the week. (Could probably pass on cherry, though.)


Literal, YEC.


Coffee - only piping hot.

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I'm so sad. No Cheetos (of any flavor) here. Only this sorry excuse for a Cheeto-wanna -be called "Cheezles". I can't even look at them. It's just too sad.


Try go for imitations, go for something different. When we lived in Europe they had chips similar to Pringles that were paprika flavored. They were delicious. I miss them. :( Find a new snack there that you will miss when you move back to the US.

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I'm thinking about just taking a week or two off of this forum until a new topic can come up. I just want to talk about school, kids, and maybe tea every now and then. I don't want to argue or shut out someone who believes differently from me. Honestly, if all my friends were the same, what would we talk about? I love talking to all kinds of people. For what it's worth, I'm one of those Christians that believes in a literal 7-day creation and the inerrancy of scripture. I homeschool for educational rather than religious reasons, and I used to be a gemini until they changed the charts, now I don't know what I am. And I love chocolate cake, but not chocolate ice cream. That is all.


Separation of life, education and religion does not exist.

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The next time I hear of this irritating topic, I'm quoting you, is that okay? As a matter of fact can I add you to my sig line?



Absolutely, you have my permission:) I'd love to put it on my regular email sig line, but I think I'd become an outcast (you know, one of those people).

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The next time I hear of this irritating topic, I'm quoting you, is that okay? As a matter of fact can I add you to my sig line?



Absolutely, you have my permission:) I'd love to put it on my regular email sig line, but I think I'd become an outcast (you know, one of those people).

:lol: There's a lot of those people round these parts.

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I'm still a Gemini. I don't care a bit what that new chart says!


I love mint chocolate chip ice cream.


OK, that's just bizarre... same for both for me!!!


I homeschool because I was bored out of my goard in school and whenever they would put me ahead in one subject, I'd get all excited and then the next year they would just place me back again. (Not just me either, there was a whole lot of us who never had homework because we could finish assigned work long before the teacher finished explaining everything... at... laborious... length...) I knew my ds would be just like me and I hated the idea of him hating school too.

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Oooh, can I play?


I'm LDS and I lean toward theistic evolution, but I don't stake my faith or my life on it. :D I don't know how exactly God created the Earth, but I know He did and I'm grateful for it!


I'm an aquarius, and I don't really have any clue what that means other than I was born in February and it has something to do with water.


I love chocolate in many, many forms.


I homeschool for a myriad of reasons, which you may or may not get out of me depending on who you are and why you are asking. But the short answer is that we felt led to it.

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I've read that April is the least common month for births in the US, so maybe there is a shortage of Aries.


Ha! Not in my family. My sister and both my kids are in April, also.

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Try go for imitations, go for something different. When we lived in Europe they had chips similar to Pringles that were paprika flavored. They were delicious. I miss them. :( Find a new snack there that you will miss when you move back to the US.


Walkers Paprika Max? One of my favorites. :drool:

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