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movie goers beware..Black Swan

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No kidding! Oh, I looked up the spoilers on the Human Caterpillar a few months ago (I couldn't stop myself either!) and found this absolutely hilarious article that went through the movie and showed stills of the scenes where--if you absolutely could not stay away from the movie--you should walk out of the theater to get a soda refill or use the restroom.


And yes, even the spoilers on that one still haunt me! DH told me someone's making a sequel?!


Oh gosh!! My dh wanted to watch HUman Centipede one night and I kept getting annoyed about it. I finally made him turn it off. :lol:


He was cracking up but I was starting to find it not funny. Usually we will watch weird stuff

Edited by Sis
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Oh, but how can I not Google it after all this build-up?! I suspect it's something that should wait until the kids are asleep though :001_huh::D


Srsly, unless you have brain bleach nearby, this is one thing that you do NOT want to see.


Regarding the OP, I had no interest in seeing this film, as it really didn't look creepy enough for me. I am an avid fan of disturbing/scary/creepy movies. Having read some reviews online (and this thread) I can't wait to see it. I will wait for the DVD though, as I am not a fan of sex scenes (homosexual OR heterosexual) in general. I *get* the point behind THIS particular scene (again, because I've read some reviews), and don't believe it to be gratuitous sex, I would still feel more comfortable being able to fast-forward or skip that part.

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Oh gosh!! My dh wanted to watch HUman Centipede one night and I kept getting annoyed about it. I finally made him turn it off
Ooops. I got the wrong creepy crawly there. Now I'm thinking 'caterpillar' has potential, what with the potential for metamorphosis and all.
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I just threw up in my mouth a bit, thinking of THC. Thanks Moira!! :lol:


IMDB will answer that question, not what I thought though.


IMDB also has a parental advisory area. They list factual info in the movie taking no position of what standards are acceptable for your family, and most of the time spoilers are covered.

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Lol, I wondered what it was about. Right now there are probably 50 black swans near my house- I walked past them on my morning walk this morning. They are native to our state in Australia and there are no white swans.

So I wondered if the movie was a local one. Obviously not :) Lesbianism doesn't bother me but it doesn't sound like I would enjoy the movie anyway.

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Even if you feel homosexuality is immoral, consider what it's like to go through life being called disgusting.


A warning that there is lesbian content that some may find problematic is one thing, but the "disgusting" isn't really necessary.


Unless you're talking along the lines of two girls one cup. Then I suppose it's valid. Don't google that.



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Even if you feel homosexuality is immoral, consider what it's like to go through life being called disgusting.


A warning that there is lesbian content that some may find problematic is one thing, but the "disgusting" isn't really necessary.


Unless you're talking along the lines of two girls one cup. Then I suppose it's valid. Don't google that.




You know that's like telling someone in a high place to not look down!

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Not by a long shot! I can name 15 scenes more explicit without even trying.
Saves me the trouble. :D
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My understanding it is the most explicit sex scene in an R movie ever. Much more than usual.




I haven't seen the movie. However, from what I've read online, the sex scene, while intense, shows no nudity. It is highly symbolic.


But again, I haven't seen it for myself, so I'm only going on what I've read. And given the plot, it seems entirely plausible.

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Not by a long shot! I can name 15 scenes more explicit without even trying.
Tangentially related, but not more OT than anything else in this thread, but I recently read that Donald Sutherland is still adamantly insisting there was no actual sex between him and Julie Christie in Don't Look Now.
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There are seriously some things you don't want to know. But knowing that doesn't help.


We had friends over for dinner a couple months ago, and someone mentioned "The Human Centipede." *I* knew what it was, having marvelled at the fact the filmakers thought they could get it cut for an "R" rating in the US. :lol: The husband of one of the guests knew what it was and tried to warn his wife from asking. She insisted, and regrets it to this day, but he *knew* she would.... he warned her. There's just some innocence that cannot be regained, but we don't get any deeper understanding of anything by losing. :tongue_smilie:


Now that I have googled both (yes, I'm one of those people, I just can't resist) I am happy to report that yahoo answers has a summary of the first, so no need to actually watch, and IMDB has a summary of the second.


Not by a long shot! I can name 15 scenes more explicit without even trying.





Now off to google Don't Look Now. And since I just started watching 24, I have to comment that Kiefer really looks like his father.

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I am a huge Natalie Portman fan, but I don't plan on seeing this. Just doesn't look interesting.

However, many of my friends and co-workers have seen it (male and female) and really enjoyed it. They report there isn't any nudity, so I am not really sure what the OP meant by "explicit."

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I am a huge Natalie Portman fan, but I don't plan on seeing this. Just doesn't look interesting.

However, many of my friends and co-workers have seen it (male and female) and really enjoyed it. They report there isn't any nudity, so I am not really sure what the OP meant by "explicit."


I'm pretty sure she meant "lesbian."

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Actually it was the op, but she wasn't the only one to use the word "disgusting".


This is just a FYI post...and to let you know just how disgusting this movie is. A few friends and I went to see this movie this weekend and we ended up leaving. Yes, I know it's rated R but we didn't read anything in the review about it having explicit lesbian sexual content.
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Actually it was the op, but she wasn't the only one to use the word "disgusting".


*I* didn't take it to mean that scene was the disgusting part. I took at as sort of two warnings. 1. disgusting and 2. explicit lesbianism. In one interview Natalie Portman talks about a non-sexual part that made her "blood curdle." So, that's why I didn't automatically connect them. But, I can see how someone might take it that way.

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*I* didn't take it to mean that scene was the disgusting part. I took at as sort of two warnings. 1. disgusting and 2. explicit lesbianism. In one interview Natalie Portman talks about a non-sexual part that made her "blood curdle." So, that's why I didn't automatically connect them. But, I can see how someone might take it that way.


Oh, okay, I gotcha. I wonder what scene NP was talking about.

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I'm pretty sure she meant "lesbian."
Also, female orgasm is something not often seen in R-rated films. For that matter, female pleasure is rarely focused on at all. With men of course, it's a whole other story. So, if you're not expecting to see it, it might seem explicit. Edited by nmoira
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Funniest sex scene I ever saw in a movie was in Forgetting Sarah Marshall.
Mine is The Tall Guy with Emma Thompson and Jeff Goldblum.
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Funniest sex scene I ever saw in a movie was in Forgetting Sarah Marshall.


Mine is The Tall Guy with Emma Thompson and Jeff Goldblum.


Serial Mom.


I must be living under a rock or something. Are these old movies? Off to google more...

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I am late coming into this thread, but only clicked because I saw this movie and I enjoyed it. It was a bit out there and different, but it wasn't your typical movie that you would see in the theatre everyday. DH and I go to the movies every weekend....sometimes more then once and it was a nice change.


Some on this board really need to lighten up a bit! This isn't the first movie to have lesbian sex in it, won't be the last, and there were much mire disturbing parts to this movie then that scene.


To have just seen it and had not heard anything about it is to say you definitely don't spend much time on the internet or research a movie before seeing it. This movie has even been preveiously discussed on this board.

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Hmmm, I'm developing a sudden interest in seeing this film, which I hadn't even heard of until today (yeah, I do live under a rock). I wanna see it because it's Shocking. Which, undoubtedly, is the effect that they have aimed for. What a dilemma: do I see it because lots of people think it's inappropriate, or avoid it because I don't want to be taken in by the shock factor?:tongue_smilie: Nah, I don't think I could watch the bit that Mrs Mungo mentioned - I'm a total wimp with even mildly gory stuff (if somebody bleeds, it's too much for me!). I never understood the plot of Reservoir Dogs because I spent too much of the movie with my eyes shut during violent bits.

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Not just the pastor but deacons, bishops and elders circulate in the community and hold us accountable for how we interact. We do not want to have to answer to misdeeds on Sunday mornings.

I'm an extremely conservative Christian, and I would never ever see the movie. I'm not surprised at all that what's trash in my opinion would be art & self-expression in the opinion of someone else. The part that freaks me out, quite honestly, is the phrase above! Seriously? If you don't mind sharing, what denomination are you a part of that requires the complete sacrifice of autonomy in personal decisions? I'm trying to picture what answering to deacons, bishops, and elders for misdeeds such as movie selection would look like...:001_huh:


ETA: Please know that there is *no* snark intended in my question. It's sincere.

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because I rarely watch movies. I do really like NP, and was glad to see her win an Oscar. Did this seem out of the box for her? Yes. I guess I always picture her as this sweet, innocent thing - she's just so darn cute! So yeah, I guess some of what I had heard about the movie surprised me.


Anyway, to get to my main reason for posting; I have read through this entire thread, and I just hafta say that sometimes it blows my mind the things that get discussed on here! You ladies r nuts!! :tongue_smilie: (and I am definitely resisting any urge to check the aforementioned you tube vids)

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