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movie goers beware..Black Swan

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The restaurant scene in The Ugly Truth was the best. I literally laughed until I cried when I saw it. It was PRICELESS! It's one of only two movies I've seen at the theater in the last 3 or 4 years, and it was worth every penny. Not to mention that Gerard Butler is to DIE for! They had great chemistry.

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Nah, I don't think I could watch the bit that Mrs Mungo mentioned - I'm a total wimp with even mildly gory stuff (if somebody bleeds, it's too much for me!). I never understood the plot of Reservoir Dogs because I spent too much of the movie with my eyes shut during violent bits.


That interesting. I'm a TOTAL chicken when it comes to scary stuff (I rented The Ring 3 times before I actually watched it and that's only because dh made me), but violence doesn't really phase me. I *love* Reservoir Dogs!

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When it comes to female orgasm scenes how about the one in When Harry Met Sally when she demonstrates how easy it is to fake it? I love that one (and the old lady who says "I'll have what she's having").


I didn't see Black Swan mostly because I can't handle heavy psychological thrillers anymore. They creep me out too much. Plus I see most movies with my 16 year old daughter - she hates scary movies unless they are obviously fake monster-type movies. She hates the psychological - this could really happen - type movies.

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Here (spoiler):

It was the part where she peels some skin off of her finger and bleeds? I haven't seen the movie. I'm just describing what she said.


That was actually the only scene that made me want to cover my eyes. I think that says something about me. :D

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Didn't see it and don't want to see it, but thought it was extremely INAPPROPRIATE that a guy sitting in front of us on the airplane was watching it on his computer, where my CHILDREN could see, even if they could not hear, the movie. I finally went up to him and requested that either he cover himself and his computer with a blanket to hide that content from my kids and other very young children on the plane that were sitting behind him. He did not comply and it became necessary to involve the flight attendant.

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Didn't see it and don't want to see it, but thought it was extremely INAPPROPRIATE that a guy sitting in front of us on the airplane was watching it on his computer, where my CHILDREN could see, even if they could not hear, the movie. I finally went up to him and requested that either he cover himself and his computer with a blanket to hide that content from my kids and other very young children on the plane that were sitting behind him. He did not comply and it became necessary to involve the flight attendant.



That's sad that when politely asked, he didn't get it and you had to get a flight attendant. I would have done the same thing when my boys were younger. Usually, I was in the aisle seat though so they probably wouldn't have been able to see it. With two kids, it was easy to configure the seats that way.

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Didn't see it and don't want to see it, but thought it was extremely INAPPROPRIATE that a guy sitting in front of us on the airplane was watching it on his computer, where my CHILDREN could see, even if they could not hear, the movie. I finally went up to him and requested that either he cover himself and his computer with a blanket to hide that content from my kids and other very young children on the plane that were sitting behind him. He did not comply and it became necessary to involve the flight attendant.


Off topic:

I had a friend who was flying back to the US from Japan with her ds (a baby at the time) and her dd (4 at the time). She had reserved bulkhead seats ahead of time, but when they received their seat assignments she and her son had been moved. She asked the man sitting beside her dd if he would switch. When he refused she handed him an airsick bag and said "you're going to need this." He switched. :lol:

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Off topic:

I had a friend who was flying back to the US from Japan with her ds (a baby at the time) and her dd (4 at the time). She had reserved bulkhead seats ahead of time, but when they received their seat assignments she and her son had been moved. She asked the man sitting beside her dd if he would switch. When he refused she handed him an airsick bag and said "you're going to need this." He switched. :lol:



:lol: My husband did that a few times. Once, it didn't work, and ds threw up all over the guy. I wish I'd been there....

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Agreed, but who in here has shown bias against a person, as opposed to a point of view?


I think calling a sex scene explicit and disgusting because it is a lesbian scene indicates bias against a group of people.


If I said the movie "Monster's Ball" was disgusting because there is a love scene involving a black woman and a white man, how would that be perceived as opposed to saying that the movie was too explicit and disturbing for me?

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I think calling a sex scene explicit and disgusting because it is a lesbian scene indicates bias against a group of people.


If I said the movie "Monster's Ball" was disgusting because there is a love scene involving a black woman and a white man, how would that be perceived as opposed to saying that the movie was too explicit and disturbing for me?


hmmmm...I will ponder that.:D

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According to Webster:


bigot: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance


Standing against bigotry DOES NOT make you a bigot. It makes you a decent human being.

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The restaurant scene in The Ugly Truth was the best. I literally laughed until I cried when I saw it. It was PRICELESS! It's one of only two movies I've seen at the theater in the last 3 or 4 years, and it was worth every penny. Not to mention that Gerard Butler is to DIE for! They had great chemistry.


:iagree: To all.


:drool5::001_tt1: Gerard Butler

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Saw the movie ...thought it was BORING.


The lesbian sex scene? Really? Give me a break. Completely gratuitous. Not because it was lesbian but because I don't want to watch ANYONE have oral sex in full close up shot... ESPECIALLY when it did NOTHING to enhance the movie.


My dh watched it with me and at the end of this long, brain-numbingly boring movie, he said "Seriously? It's dancing. All that for dancing? It's not like they're out there saving lives. What a stupid movie."


He calls 'em as he sees 'em. :D

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Just an FYI, I know a couple of "Satanists". I've never heard a reference to Black Swans from them. Ever. And Satanists aren't what they make them out to be on TV, either. Sure there are some crazies who claim to be and do stupid things, but so do people of all religions. ;) So let's not make claims about other peoples' religions.


Black swan refers to a rare event.




I have not seen this movie and have no intentions to. I have no problems with lesbians or lesbian sex scenes. I have ethical quandaries with how dancers are forced to be so thin and overworked (as a former dancer). I also dislike movies selling sex to sell their movie, which I'm sure was at least most of the movie's appeal to some people.


I grew up in a Satanic Cult and black swans have nothing to do with satanism at all. I am a Christian now but my whole family still serve Satan. I don't think I would see the movie but it has nothing to do with satanism.

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Saw the movie ...thought it was BORING.


My dh watched it with me and at the end of this long, brain-numbingly boring movie, he said "Seriously? It's dancing. All that for dancing? It's not like they're out there saving lives. What a stupid movie."


He calls 'em as he sees 'em. :D


Boring? Really? I've heard it called a lot of things but boring has never been one of them. Interesting.

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My dh watched it with me and at the end of this long, brain-numbingly boring movie, he said "Seriously? It's dancing. All that for dancing? It's not like they're out there saving lives. What a stupid movie."




Well, people outside the dance world really have no clue how dancers put their lives and souls into the art. Which was sort of the whole point of the movie. Maybe your dh should stick to movies about brain surgeons. Saving lives one scalpel at a time - that would make for an action-packed flick. ;)

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There are seriously some things you don't want to know. But knowing that doesn't help.


We had friends over for dinner a couple months ago, and someone mentioned "The Human Centipede." *I* knew what it was, having marvelled at the fact the filmakers thought they could get it cut for an "R" rating in the US. :lol: The husband of one of the guests knew what it was and tried to warn his wife from asking. She insisted, and regrets it to this day, but he *knew* she would.... he warned her. There's just some innocence that cannot be regained, but we don't get any deeper understanding of anything by losing. :tongue_smilie:


You know I had to google that, right? :lol:



I think calling a sex scene explicit and disgusting because it is a lesbian scene indicates bias against a group of people.


If I said the movie "Monster's Ball" was disgusting because there is a love scene involving a black woman and a white man, how would that be perceived as opposed to saying that the movie was too explicit and disturbing for me?




According to Webster:


bigot: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance


Standing against bigotry DOES NOT make you a bigot. It makes you a decent human being.


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Well, people outside the dance world really have no clue how dancers put their lives and souls into the art. Which was sort of the whole point of the movie. Maybe your dh should stick to movies about brain surgeons. Saving lives one scalpel at a time - that would make for an action-packed flick. ;)


Now, now. Don't get all upset just because my hubby thinks a movie about a ballet dancer who goes schizo over a part in Swan Lake is boring. He's entitled to his opinion. And yes, he probably would find a movie about someone saving someone else's life through brain surgery more interesting. To each his own.

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Boring? Really? I've heard it called a lot of things but boring has never been one of them. Interesting.




Yes, boring. Way too long. And honestly, much of it was pretty predictable... dancer who's anorexic, hyper-controlling mother... daughter cuts loose, does drugs, has a one night stand (or does she? oohhh spooky)... in the end she dances perfectly (like we all knew she would)... and the whole glass shard in her stomach at the end? Sure it was surprising... surprising that she danced all that time with a serious abdominal wound.


And what was the point of it all? Was I supposed to sympathize with her character? Was I supposed to feel angry at the world of dance? Because the fact that she was "perfect" in the end pretty much ruined that. The movie ends with this whole "the ends justfiy the means" kind of feel to it which, if they were trying to get all of us "non-dancers" to sympathize with their plight, wrecked it.

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Yes, boring. Way too long. And honestly, much of it was pretty predictable... dancer who's anorexic, hyper-controlling mother... daughter cuts loose, does drugs, has a one night stand (or does she? oohhh spooky)... in the end she dances perfectly (like we all knew she would)... and the whole glass shard in her stomach at the end? Sure it was surprising... surprising that she danced all that time with a serious abdominal wound.


And what was the point of it all? Was I supposed to sympathize with her character? Was I supposed to feel angry at the world of dance? Because the fact that she was "perfect" in the end pretty much ruined that. The movie ends with this whole "the ends justfiy the means" kind of feel to it which, if they were trying to get all of us "non-dancers" to sympathize with their plight, wrecked it.



I haven't seen the movie, but your review had me rolling. :lol:

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Now, now. Don't get all upset just because my hubby thinks a movie about a ballet dancer who goes schizo over a part in Swan Lake is boring. He's entitled to his opinion. And yes, he probably would find a movie about someone saving someone else's life through brain surgery more interesting. To each his own.

This is ultimately what the movie is about? Oy vey! Not that I wanted to see it in the first place, but now I really have no interest.

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Such as? Maybe people miss it? Have you posted about it?


How about stating that you wouldn't send your child to a school because it is "very white" and elaborating that maybe "redneck" would have been better?


Or how about saying that "crazy Catholic parents" go speeding down your street to get their kids to school?

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How about stating that you wouldn't send your child to a school because it is "very white" and elaborating that maybe "redneck" would have been better?


Or how about saying that "crazy Catholic parents" go speeding down your street to get their kids to school?


I must have missed those threads. For one, I tend to ignore 90% of threads that have to do with traditional schools.


However, in the first case? What was the poster trying to convey? Is the poster and/or the poster's child(ren?) a minority? Is there reason to think the child would face a difficult time in such a school? I agree that the wording is bad even if that is the case.


In the latter case? Why not just "crazy parents?" That is the sort of thing I *truly* don't understand why people continue to engage in.

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I think the mods should consider removing this thread.


I also disagree. I think for the first time in a long time, people are genuinely ignoring the totally snarky comments and trying to keep the mood light, while still discussing a somewhat iffy topic. I still see both sides piping up, so it hasn't turned all one-sided and inappropriate. It has actually been a great thread to read, especially if one does not typically expose themselves to opposite-type POVs (PsOV?).


I never had a desire to see Black Swan because it looked boring, but I at least went and watched the trailer last night, and saw that it looks at least mildly interesting. Like, if I were stuck on the couch and lost the remote, I would watch it without complaining too much... :tongue_smilie:


Also, FWIW, The Human Centipede does not really have that much gore, it's more the ideas that are gross. Wasn't the greatest movie (oh, you're shocked!:D).

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Also, female orgasm is something not often seen in R-rated films. For that matter, female pleasure is rarely focused on at all. With men of course, it's a whole other story. So, if you're not expecting to see it, it might seem explicit.

:iagree: If When Harry met Sally is the only time you witness female pleasure I imagine it might be. Probably wouldn't want to the The Guitar either. ;) There are at least three reasons there. ;)



:iagree: To all.


:drool5::001_tt1: Gerard Butler


I thought the Ugly Truth was a stupid movie, but I watched anyway. If you watch carefully there are several spots you can hear him slip into his Scottish accent. :svengo: I think he should quit playing Americans and just read like the phone book in his native accent. I would watch that.

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:iagree: If When Harry met Sally is the only time you witness female pleasure I imagine it might be. Probably wouldn't want to the The Guitar either. ;) There are at least three reasons there. ;)





I thought the Ugly Truth was a stupid movie, but I watched anyway. If you watch carefully there are several spots you can hear him slip into his Scottish accent. :svengo: I think he should quit playing Americans and just read like the phone book in his native accent. I would watch that.



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Like, if I were stuck on the couch and lost the remote, I would watch it without complaining too much... :tongue_smilie:



From Heather's description I'd have to be tied down to the couch without a book nearby.


No, I didn't get excited about Fame either time it came out either.

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