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not being Christian enough or too much Christian..anybody have been accused for bot

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In light of all the blog posts and the attacks of SWB and other wonderful leaders in the homeschooling movement....how many of us regular folks get accused for both as well??


I get accused of being too Christian or not enough Christian in different circles in the homeschooling movement or groups. On both accusations they were very hurtful. Dresses only people in the homeschool group I used to belong to (not that I am bashing you ok) accused me of not being Christian because I wear jeans. Or if I am reading my Bible at Starbucks I get accused of trying to evangelize. LOL!!


I really do feel for SWB in her situation. What a rough road to walk on. That is why I feel at home here. I know we had rough spots/thread where it got heated but in the end we agreed to disagree!! ;)


Hugs to all of you!:grouphug:

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Yep! All the time. I don't understand why it has to be a contest. It reminds me too much of the 'Mommy Wars'.


And I thought Jesus -when He was on earth - had a lot of problems with the Pharisees and Sadducees putting God in a box - making 'rules' for holiness.


I'm either too conservative or not conservative enough depending on who you ask, what the topic is or what day of the week it is. :D

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Yup. When I lived in a more liberal part of the country I was too conservative, too Christian, too church-y etc... Now that I live in an ultra conservative area I get told I'm going to hell on a regular basis because I'm not church-y/Christian enough.


It gets really, really old :glare:

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Interesting. I spent the afternoon discussing two separate occurrences this past week, one being the Wile blog post, and the other an interview with Rob Bell and the aftermath.


I then listened to a radio program about controversy and how do Christians marry truth and unity.


The main thing that I came away with is:


1. I have not been given the power to judge who is or is not going to heaven. Thank goodness.


2. I can agree to disagree with people about various points of theology and walk away. It is okay to not agree. I do not have to attend church with them, but b/c I have not been given the power to judge, I have no business saying they are not a Christian.


3. Even if I disagree on major points of doctrine, I can still be civil and courteous. I don't think that is compromising.



As for these people, who have become our watchmen on the walls, idk, I get what they are trying to do, but honestly if someone is going to sway me away from my faith, then I didn't really have it in the first place now did I.


Them's my rambling $0.02. :D

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Goes right along with being accused of being "too liberal" by my Republican friends and "too conservative" by my Democratic friends. :rolleyes:


I have taken to refusing to identify myself.

Am I republican or democrat?

I'm American thank you very much.:tongue_smilie:

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Yep. I'm not Christian enough to fit in to many of the Christian homeschooling circles around here (because of things like (gasp) wearing shorts or allowing my daughter to take dance classes), and Christian enough that I don't fit in with the secular homeschoolers completely either.

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In light of all the blog posts and the attacks of SWB and other wonderful leaders in the homeschooling movement....how many of us regular folks get accused for both as well??


I get accused of being too Christian or not enough Christian in different circles in the homeschooling movement or groups. On both accusations they were very hurtful. Dresses only people in the homeschool group I used to belong to (not that I am bashing you ok) accused me of not being Christian because I wear jeans. Or if I am reading my Bible at Starbucks I get accused of trying to evangelize. LOL!!


I really do feel for SWB in her situation. What a rough road to walk on. That is why I feel at home here. I know we had rough spots/thread where it got heated but in the end we agreed to disagree!! ;)


Hugs to all of you!:grouphug:


Oh, boy have I been accused of that! I am always like :confused: HUH????


I just don't get it. it used to bug me...now...not so much.



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My favorite was I was chatting to this one lady while exercising. We both had a big weight loss journey ahead of us. We skirted the whole Christian question for a while and then discovered that we were both Christian. I was so happy. We talked for awhile about how prayer was really helping us through this time etc... she then asked me which Christian faith I was and I answered Episcopalian. She stopped exercising, looked at me and said "Just because your church has been around a long time doesn't mean you are right." and walked away. I was floored! The only strong opinion, the only opinion of any kind that I have given was that I could not imagine facing this challenge or any challenge in my life with out God. It hurt for awhile, I have had other comments about being Episcopalian, none quite that bad. I just hit my knees and gave it to God. If he is with me I will keep letting my light shine and following the path he lays before me.



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My favorite was I was chatting to this one lady while exercising. We both had a big weight loss journey ahead of us. We skirted the whole Christian question for a while and then discovered that we were both Christian. I was so happy. We talked for awhile about how prayer was really helping us through this time etc... she then asked me which Christian faith I was and I answered Episcopalian. She stopped exercising, looked at me and said "Just because your church has been around a long time doesn't mean you are right." and walked away. I was floored! The only strong opinion, the only opinion of any kind that I have given was that I could not imagine facing this challenge or any challenge in my life with out God. It hurt for awhile, I have had other comments about being Episcopalian, none quite that bad. I just hit my knees and gave it to God. If he is with me I will keep letting my light shine and following the path he lays before me.




:grouphug:'s. I'm sorry.

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We get loads of flack as a family. People always ask if we are in a cult because I head cover and my dd's have long hair and wear skirts. Lot's of times I want to be like are you in a cult with the 1,000 people in walmart wearing jeans? :lol: I am not at all saying Christians have to wear skirts but personal conviction is personal conviction kwim? honestly if we want to go totally biblical men wore robes/skirts back then and I cant imagine men dress that part these days. I don't have much association outside of my church so I face more public obscurities than anything else. I am way to Christian/Church-y/Republican for my extended family.


I am not really in any big homeschool circles and have no idea what blogs you are speaking of though I would love to read them if you can pm me some links that would be super :D

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My favorite was I was chatting to this one lady while exercising. We both had a big weight loss journey ahead of us. We skirted the whole Christian question for a while and then discovered that we were both Christian. I was so happy. We talked for awhile about how prayer was really helping us through this time etc... she then asked me which Christian faith I was and I answered Episcopalian. She stopped exercising, looked at me and said "Just because your church has been around a long time doesn't mean you are right." and walked away. I was floored! The only strong opinion, the only opinion of any kind that I have given was that I could not imagine facing this challenge or any challenge in my life with out God. It hurt for awhile, I have had other comments about being Episcopalian, none quite that bad. I just hit my knees and gave it to God. If he is with me I will keep letting my light shine and following the path he lays before me.



Ugh. I'm so sorry you had that experience. :( I've had somewhat similar situations, where a newly-made-Christian-aquaintance will be just fine chatting up the blessings of a relationship with Jesus and the power of prayer, etc. etc. and then when I say I'm LDS it's "You're part of a cult, not Christianity" or "You're worshipping the wrong Jesus" or some other such tripe.


Can't we all just get along? :tongue_smilie:

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dh is in the ministry.


This makes everything I say and do a statement of dh's beliefs:001_huh:...which is a very strange dynamic that exaggerates this phenomina of too Christian/not Christian enough.


The most ridiculous things are thought of...really it all boils down to "Your words/actions do not validate my views." If a person thinks that good Christians have perfect kids, and one of mine picks their nose...I'm flying in the face of Christianity as *they* see it. If a person has had a terrible experience with Christians, then even mentioning my dh's profession will close that door...it's too bad b/c sometimes I would really like to have a friend outside of dh's profession. kwim (but that in and of itself would set tongues to wagging LOL)

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Goes right along with being accused of being "too liberal" by my Republican friends and "too conservative" by my Democratic friends. :rolleyes:


Exactly. Being a military wife, a non-legalistic Christian, a stay-at-home homeschool mom and moderate Democrat is a sort of lonely demographic. ;)

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dh is in the ministry.


This makes everything I say and do a statement of dh's beliefs:001_huh:...which is a very strange dynamic that exaggerates this phenomina of too Christian/not Christian enough.


The most ridiculous things are thought of...really it all boils down to "Your words/actions do not validate my views." If a person thinks that good Christians have perfect kids, and one of mine picks their nose...I'm flying in the face of Christianity as *they* see it. If a person has had a terrible experience with Christians, then even mentioning my dh's profession will close that door...it's too bad b/c sometimes I would really like to have a friend outside of dh's profession. kwim (but that in and of itself would set tongues to wagging LOL)

That's tough. I always feel it for pastor's wives. That has to be one of the hardest jobs on the planet. I was friends with a pastor's wife that I met at AWANA. She was such a WONDERFUL woman! Funny, smart, kind, generous.... She and I would talk sometimes and I was amazed at how burdened she was by other people's perceptions of her. Poor thing lived in a fish bowl and was judged for every. single. thing. she did. That and she lived always in her husband's shadow. It was like she had no identity of her own as just a woman, but rather she was Pastor So and So's wife! That is tough! That has to be a calling because I know I couldn't do it. I would crack under the pressure. You gals have to be some of the strongest women on the planet! And I mean that sincerely and with the utmost admiration. You gals have got true grit! :grouphug::grouphug:


Exactly. Being a military wife, a non-legalistic Christian, a stay-at-home homeschool mom and moderate Democrat is a sort of lonely demographic. ;)

With the exception of the military wife I'm right there with you Mrs. Mungo! :cheers2:

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I'm either too conservative or not conservative enough depending on who you ask, what the topic is or what day of the week it is. :D


Yup. When I lived in a more liberal part of the country I was too conservative, too Christian, too church-y etc... Now that I live in an ultra conservative area I get told I'm going to hell on a regular basis because I'm not church-y/Christian enough.


It gets really, really old :glare:



:iagree::iagree::iagree: Old doesn't even begin to describe it. people need to grow up and realize God is strong enough and big enough to protect them from those not Christian enough for their standards. He might even give them a new spiritual fighter on their side if they overlook their prejudices. Funny thing is when one of them who's denounced you calls you for help in your area of expertise. They not only condemn you and "pray for your soul" but then use you for whatever you can give them. Leaving you :001_huh:

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:iagree::iagree::iagree: Old doesn't even begin to describe it. people need to grow up and realize God is strong enough and big enough to protect them from those not Christian enough for their standards. He might even give them a new spiritual fighter on their side if they overlook their prejudices. Funny thing is when one of them who's denounced you calls you for help in your area of expertise. They not only condemn you and "pray for your soul" but then use you for whatever you can give them. Leaving you :001_huh:


Oh my gosh this drops my jaw!! I just cannot imagine Christians behaving this way toward other Christians! I guess I'm fortunate to have never encountered anyone as bad as what you describe. I would even seriously doubt their own Christianity though if I did! They sound more like the Pharisees that Jesus continually took to task and warned to not be like. I think they need to have the verse, "They will know you as my disciples by the love you have for one another." stapled to their foreheads! Sheesh! That's just awful! I"m so sorry for you and for any of you that have experienced this. That's shameful and a mockery of Jesus's name! :mad:

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Dh made sun tea today. We're having beautiful, warm weather with a mild sea breeze and clear skies. Come have some tea and relax. All are accepted and welcomed. No judgemental attitudes allowed! :001_smile:




Okay Denise I'll come, but only if the sun tea is on the level. If it's a euphemism for a nude-y colony I'd have to ask my dh first. ;) :D :tongue_smilie:

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Now that's funny! A nude-y colony? :lol: I'm too chubby for that!


We do have a nice pool in my community. We can go to the pool. That might be racy enough for us all to get a new condemnation!




After some of the replies here I thought we were in need of some comic relief (but when do I not eh? ;) ) And you did mention teA. ;) :D:tongue_smilie: hehehehehe

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Dh made sun tea today. We're having beautiful, warm weather with a mild sea breeze and clear skies. Come have some tea and relax. All are accepted and welcomed. No judgemental attitudes allowed! :001_smile:




Well, I don't drink tea for religious reasons. If I bring my own beverage can I come too, or does abstinence from tea make me too un-Christian for that sort of gathering? ;)

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Well, I don't drink tea for religious reasons. If I bring my own beverage can I come too, or does abstinence from tea make me too un-Christian for that sort of gathering? ;)


Hmmm, tough to say. I for one only drink organic tea with raw sugar freshly culled [no idea the proper terminology there] from the cane. :D

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I needed that - it's great! Tell your dh that if we do the teA he has to stay home with the rest of the dhs. Otherwise, he's invited.


It's late and I should get to bed before I get too slap happy.


Take care.



ROFL! GACK!! This is starting to sound like a swinger's club! hehehehehehe How very un-Christian of you! :lol::lol::lol:

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Ok, let's make it a byod party. Then Ibbygirls dh will let her come and everyone can drink what they want.


We may have to disguise our tea, water, etc. so the neighbors won't see. Can't invite gossip!


hehehehehe I'll bring some Cuban food with me! :)

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Ok, let's make it a byod party. Then Ibbygirls dh will let her come and everyone can drink what they want.


We may have to disguise our tea, water, etc. so the neighbors won't see. Can't invite gossip!


Cool! I shall bring my mystery beverage in the purple gorilla drink bottle ds picked up at the zoo. Nobody could possibly gossip about THAT!


Or possibly I will bring dd's pink elephant drink bottle and sing, "

" at the top of my lungs. That won't make anybody wonder what it is I'm drinking...
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Sorry. I'm actually pretty straight laced. I will have a beer or margarita once in a while but that's as wild as I get.


I do love to laugh though. Oh please bring the Cuban food. Yum!


Maybe we'll have some lemonade too.


Ok, I really am off to bed. :auto:


I've had insomnia for the last month so I need to at least try to get some sleep.




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Sorry. I'm actually pretty straight laced. I will have a beer or margarita once in a while but that's as wild as I get.


I do love to laugh though. Oh please bring the Cuban food. Yum!


Maybe we'll have some lemonade too.


Ok, I really am off to bed. :auto:


I've had insomnia for the last month so I need to at least try to get some sleep.




You bet! :) Nighty night sweetie. It was fun having a laugh with you. :) You're a good sport! :grouphug:

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Sorry. I'm actually pretty straight laced. I will have a beer or margarita once in a while but that's as wild as I get.


I do love to laugh though. Oh please bring the Cuban food. Yum!


Maybe we'll have some lemonade too.


Ok, I really am off to bed. :auto:


I've had insomnia for the last month so I need to at least try to get some sleep.





I'm pretty straight-laced too. Lemonade would be lovely, since I don't do alcohol either. I was joking about singing psychadelic Dumbo songs in public. Just for the record..hee hee...

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That's tough. I always feel it for pastor's wives. That has to be one of the hardest jobs on the planet. I was friends with a pastor's wife that I met at AWANA. She was such a WONDERFUL woman! Funny, smart, kind, generous.... She and I would talk sometimes and I was amazed at how burdened she was by other people's perceptions of her. Poor thing lived in a fish bowl and was judged for every. single. thing. she did. That and she lived always in her husband's shadow. It was like she had no identity of her own as just a woman, but rather she was Pastor So and So's wife! That is tough! That has to be a calling because I know I couldn't do it. I would crack under the pressure. You gals have to be some of the strongest women on the planet! And I mean that sincerely and with the utmost admiration. You gals have got true grit! :grouphug::grouphug:



With the exception of the military wife I'm right there with you Mrs. Mungo! :cheers2:


It helps to be borderline Aspie--then I don't notice so much! :lol:


I'm sorry for everyone's pain (or annoyance). I have judged, and I need to be more careful about that.

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Yes, I have. Some pretty clueless comments as well. However I am pretty certain I have made some dumb or hurtful comments before too. It wasn't out of malice or anger, but because I was uninformed, misinformed, or clueless myself. So when I get comments I can generally overlook them and continue the conversation. I've never had anyone be continually and purposefully hurtful though.

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It isn't just Christianity, it's pretty much anything you do - how you homeschool, how you parent, your marriage, etc.




Simply because people like quantitative results. If I can weigh and measure Sarah and find that Sarah is getting about a "C" and George is getting a "D" in his life, and we all know Sam, Sam's obviously getting an "A", then I'm doing okay because I'm "better" than a "C" even if I'm not doing quite as good as Sam. A "B" isn't half bad.


We have too much time in this life to think about ourselves and others and to no useful purpose. You will generally find those who have a feeling of true purpose and intentionalism to be a little less judgmental - because they are so busy working on themselves or in their own lives, they don't have time to sit around and gossip about others or think on others' lives all the time.


Ever met a missionary or read stories of this person or that person whom you admire? You'll note they didn't rise to excellency in that which they did by stepping on the heads of others. They simply served and did everything within their power (and God's) in their lives, where they were at. They were so busy SERVING they didn't have time to sit down and analyze everyone else's lives.


I was "raised" in a family that made themselves feel better, not by looking at OURSELVES, but to look at others who are "failing" more or are just different. I found that my children go a long way to keeping my eyes focused where they need to be - on Christ, in my home, raising my children. I don't have time to "evaluate" everyone else's house.

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Many of you may remember my post in which a homeschool group that I normally avoid asked me to help their kids dissect. I reluctantly agreed only to be "uninvited" later because they found out that I let my kids do yoga on the "Wii" and that would be allowing a pagan, Eastern, influence into their lives. They found someone else to teach the dissection, yet had the nerve to call and ask to use my equipment! So, yeah....I get this ALL the time. I have only three women I would consider my friends IRL and though all three homeschool, I'm the only classical homeschooler so even they occasionally, have issues with me because I refuse to implement "sanitized" history and we gasp, READ THE CLASSICS! What horror! Generally, though, these gals are pretty good at keeping their opinions to themselves and we genuinely enjoy each other's company.


We aren't republican and we aren't democrat either. Dh and I find that neither party actually seems to operate from any deeply held principles or convictions...it's all just political posturing. As I like to call it, being the opposite just for the sake of being opposite. So, we are independent and that's not popular. As I always say, every election for us is nothing more than attempting to choose the lesser amongst many evils! This is another box we don't fit into.


Additionally, we are E.O. leaning in our beliefs but live a horrible, impractical distance from an E.O. church, so we attend a Wesleyan leaning, but independent church will a lot of great, loving people, and make do. We just can't be pidgeonholed into any kind of neat stereotype. And the biggest horror of horrors, we also believe in living in love and grace in our community which also means, loving those who do not hold our religious beliefs and affording them the respect and grace God commands us to show the world. This isn't too popular either.


Sigh....not Christian enough, not secular enough, not republican or democratic or libertarian enough, and CLASSICAL HOMESCHOOLING TO BOOT! For our area, we couldn't possibly be more strange.



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This is why I don't belong to any homeschooling groups and never discuss religion or politics with my friends. I can't even join the Catholic homeschooling groups because I am not Catholic enough either. My closest friends send their kids to ps so we don't tend to talk about school too much either. I have found a couple of Moms at my girls' science club that I have forged a friendship with as they are both also loners.

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