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Hobbies/interests that you've turned into money-making projects here and there.

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What are some hobbies or interests that you have turned into little businesses or just side money making ventures here and there?


I was talking with a new friend tonight, who is a musician/singer/songwriter from here and has moved to Nashville to pursue her music career there; and she was telling me about her background in architectural design and what she has done with her abilities and training in that. But she was also telling me about all sorts of other little things she has done and is trying to do, to make money in things besides her music. It was very fascinating! She is making bags from recycled materials, in hopes of selling them someday; she has done interior design consulting, organizing consulting, she's currently liquidating an estate of a mutual friend and said she knows of a TV show where a lady does this type of thing in 3 days, and she has bought thrift store items to sell on craigslist for huge profit. I just find that all very interesting, because my dh is self-employed (guitar teacher) and loves it. I did tutoring for a couple of years, and last November I sold 10 hats that I had crocheted, and was blown away that people would actually pay for these hats.


I just want to see what others do, to gather some more inspiration. And tell me how you decided to do what you are describing.



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Several years ago I wanted to earn money and save up for a ticket to go and visit my dying grandmother, with my daughter (who was her favorite great grandchild). I made and sold two things:


braided rag rugs (sold for $40 each)(made inexpensively with sheets in colors people preferred, occasionally I had to spend money on fabric)(they were actually 4 strand woven)(they were beautiful)


Raggedy Ann and Andy 36" doll sets. One was a "Holiday" Raggedy Ann and I sold her for $75. My sets sold for $100. I used new materials, doing my best to keep my prices down, shopping with coupons, buying in bulk.

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Well, I'm not a crafty person at all, but I do love music. I teach guitar on the side from time to time. :) Auto detailing is something I like to do also because I just love cars, I've also made some decent money on the side doing detailing jobs for people.

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I have been doing couponing as a hobby lately. Sounds funny, but it is something fun for me to do. It doesn't make $, but is saves $, so it is the same thing in my book :) And a lot of my friends are doing it too, so it is a social thing for me as well. We all talk and compare and help each other.

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I began learning photography when DD#1 was just a newborn. From there, I just studied, practiced, learned photo editing, and got better. I take occasional clients to make money sometimes, but I'm too busy right now to take on a full time business.


Also, I occasionally create things in Photoshop such as birthday party invitations, collages, etc and I've sold them here and there....mostly eBay sometimes.

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I do graphic arts. I LOVE doing blog layouts and I get pretty good biz doing that and making invitations, birth & grad announcements, biz cards etc.


I also teach pvt music lessons, I teach woodwinds, brass & percussion.. and wouldn't you know dd9 would go and pick violin which I can not teach at all :lol: I only have 1 potential (they have canceled on me twice I am bout to put them on contract) student right now (on saxophone) I don't like it to be a "job" once a week with one child is fine by me.


I also make hairbows sold locally I don't do much online sales with them anymore. I knit and sew some too but I just cant seem to generate much $$ for the amount of time it take me to do it.


graphic arts has been the best fit. I am a night owl I have been doing it for 15 years so I can do things relatively quickly its nice to work after the kids are in bed and I have no cost/low cost to do things which is also a big plus.

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My dh turned his love of sports into a successful business which is well on it's way to becoming our sole income. His business is providing referees/umpires to park districts, churches, travel teams, etc... whoever needs refs or umpires for their sport.


He LOVES it in a way I can't begin to understand. He lives for it, eats and breathes it. Sports has always been his total passion, even when he worked as a truck driver for 15 years, but now he's thrilled to have turned that passion into a job he loves, and the fact that he owns his own business and is free from the corporate nightmare he hated so much is the thick layer of icing on the cake. :tongue_smilie:


I've not managed anything nearly as successful but earned money getting a large house for sale by de-cluttering, organizing, simplifying, packing, and staging it. That was a 3-4 month job and was an intense amount of work.


I've also made money here and there making cakes. Most I do as favors for friends and for the practice it gives me. I've only done one wedding cake, which was the best paying, but I've made lesser amounts on lots of smaller cakes.

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I am writing. I'm getting paid here and there, not much yet, but I am learning. My dh pointed out that last year I was writing for free, this year I'm making more than that :001_smile: with a couple of possiblities for more than almost nothing coming up.

Joining a writing group has been invalueable.

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I am writing. I'm getting paid here and there, not much yet, but I am learning. My dh pointed out that last year I was writing for free, this year I'm making more than that :001_smile: with a couple of possiblities for more than almost nothing coming up.

Joining a writing group has been invalueable.


Yay for a supportive hubby!

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I am also loving this thread. My dad does photography and travels the craft show circuit. He's trying to get me to find my niche and travel the circuit as well for supplemental income. I like making crafts but I just don't know what would be a good thing to do. I'm liking the hairbow idea. Or crocheted hats? How fun is that.

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Not me, but my mil made moss gardens and sold them, and my dd sold cookies with her cousin at a farmer's market.

I'd like to make nature bags out of old jeans (the kind with pockets on the legs)--can't sew, tho! (I did one by hand and with help for dd's birthday last year.)

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Mine is sewing as well. I do alterations for friends, and have been commissioned to make items like nursing covers, prom dresses, & flower girl dresses. I also take commissions of historical clothing for museums & reenactments.


It is very, very part time, but I could probably do a lot more if I had the time & desire to make a real business go of it :).

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I used to be involved in opera production (college, summer internships), and I've gotten a few side gigs running supertitles (the translations that are projected over the stage). It is a little trickier than it seems, especially during recitative sections when the tempo can vary. And just because I was a perfectionist, I'd tweak translations and such. I haven't done it since moving two years ago, though.

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My dh turned his love of sports into a successful business which is well on it's way to becoming our sole income. His business is providing referees/umpires to park districts, churches, travel teams, etc... whoever needs refs or umpires for their sport.


He LOVES it in a way I can't begin to understand. He lives for it, eats and breathes it. Sports has always been his total passion, even when he worked as a truck driver for 15 years, but now he's thrilled to have turned that passion into a job he loves, and the fact that he owns his own business and is free from the corporate nightmare he hated so much is the thick layer of icing on the cake. :tongue_smilie:


I've not managed anything nearly as successful but earned money getting a large house for sale by de-cluttering, organizing, simplifying, packing, and staging it. That was a 3-4 month job and was an intense amount of work.


I've also made money here and there making cakes. Most I do as favors for friends and for the practice it gives me. I've only done one wedding cake, which was the best paying, but I've made lesser amounts on lots of smaller cakes.

Wow! This is awesome! Good for your dh!


I haven't sold anything, but I save money by not spending. It's my passion and my hobby. I coupon (and really do only get the things we'd normally eat!) and I set the difference aside in a separate account and we use that money for a vacation each year. I do Swagbucks (and get Amazon gift cards and get a lot of our homeschooling books that way). The kids and I are always finding new ways to save money. So, in a way, I'm earning money by not spending it.

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I haven't sold anything yet, but I'm planning on trying to sell some crocheted hats and scarves this fall. I'm also going to make some grapevine wreaths and try to sell them. I can get the grapevines for free and they're very simple to make plus I have some cool ideas for decorating them. I may also try my hand at making garden ornaments.

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This is all very interesting to read - thank you for sharing!


My friend who sparked me starting this thread told me that an artist friend of hers inspired her to do just one bag per week. She figured she could spend the 4-5 hours per week to make a bag, and now she is building up her bag stock. She uses recycled materials from thrift stores, which is something I also LOVE to do. But I never thought in terms of having a weekly goal like that.


I also remembered something else. I think I mentioned earlier that I crocheted a bunch of hats last year and sold them at a craft fair in November (first time I've ever done that - it was really neat to see people ooohing and aaahing over something *I* made, and paying for them!!). Well, my 80yo former neighbour, who is also very crafty but was having a hard time seeing fine work, had bought some yarn with which she wanted to make herself a hat. But she mentioned that she couldn't do the work. So I told her I'd take the yarn and crochet it for her. I had it back to her by the next day, and it was fun for me to do - a chance to practice this new pattern I was working on. Next thing I know, my dh comes home with $5 from her - she wanted to pay me for doing it! I asked her son about that (she was living with him) and he said, "no, keep it - she appreciated what you did." I felt rather bad about taking the money, but figured I'd insult her if I refused. But it was so nice to know that someone liked something I made.


And a few weeks ago, I was knitting the last of four dishcloths for a friend's birthday, while sitting in the dental cubicle with my son at the dental school. A hygienist walked by, noticed my knitting, and said, "If you finish that before you leave, I'll buy it from you!!" So I did, and she gave me $5! That was fun.


I've been paid in the past for babysitting, checking Moto-x races, food service, waitressing, office work upon office work upon endlessly boring office work. And I did tutoring. But it has been SO nice this past year to be paid (small amounts though they were) for things I ENJOYED making.


Some of you posted things I would never have thought of: sky diving and opera backstage work. Cool! And everything everyone wrote sounds interesting, too!


Any more? Even if your story is similar to others here, I'd still like to hear individual stories. Thanks!

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Before my injury, I was taking out private trail rides for two by appointment only. I advertized on the internet and got plenty of calls. I use my two best horses for my guests and took them on a lovely 1 hour ride through wooded trails, creeks, past the pond and along the river, up and down hills and through hay fields. I charge $40. So, basically, I can make $40 an hour going for a horse back ride on my own property and at the same time, get two of my horses exercised. Best deal around!!!



(Don't worry, I'm protected three ways - Arkansas has a no fault equine activity law, I have them sign a contract and we also have insurance.)

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Another seamstress checking in. I haven't been able to accomplish much this school year, though.


I primarily make children's clothing, from boring, everyday basics to boutique sets. Doing that for other people has been scarce this year. Most of the work I've done lately has been for a local guy who sells professional sports jerseys. I sew on patches for him, and occasionally move patches they came with, too.

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I've sold some photography at art shows and was hired to shoot two performances of The Nutcracker this winter.


This summer, I will be selling my photos at a local farmers market and also trying my hand at selling gluten-free/ dairy-free baked goods. I had to learn to make them for my dh over the past year, and received some compliments from people that they tasted like "real food" :lol: so I decided to try to sell some and see what happens.

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I've started teaching classes in the after-school program at my kids' charter school. I had to pay $15 for a background check, but then I can set my own fee for whatever classes I want to teach...and I bring home all of it! I've done a few science clubs, an art class, ASL, and jump-rope class. I love doing it...it is fun for me to come up with creative ideas of things to offer, I enjoy the planning part of it, and it is fun to work with my kids and their friends.


Last time I did the jump-rope class, I had 20 students sign up, pay $35 for 8 weeks (one hour a week)...that's pretty good money! This next session of activities, I'm offering another jump-rope class, a babysitter's club (where we will make an activity bag, learn about how to diaper a baby, create an ad to give to friends, etc), and Multiplication Rocks! (where we will play games and spend time working on math facts).


Also, during the summer months, I've planned fun weeks around a theme for preschoolers/school-age kids to come learn & play. My kids help me with these and it's a great way for them to earn some money, too!

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Before my injury, I was taking out private trail rides for two by appointment only. I advertized on the internet and got plenty of calls. I use my two best horses for my guests and took them on a lovely 1 hour ride through wooded trails, creeks, past the pond and along the river, up and down hills and through hay fields. I charge $40. So, basically, I can make $40 an hour going for a horse back ride on my own property and at the same time, get two of my horses exercised. Best deal around!!!
:lol: That IS a great deal!!! I would love to do something like that!



Before I had kids and when they were little, I did different types of crafts: Tole Painting, wreaths, swags, etc. I would do late summer and fall in-home shows and give the host 20% of the sales. Many times they'd use that 20% to buy something from what I'd brought for their show! :)


I've dabbled with photography, and was actually asked to to be the photographer for 2 weddings! One was about 15 years ago, and that lady still every now and then thanks me for it, and tells me how much she loves the pictures! I think they paid me $25, but it was really fun and my first time to do that, so I felt bad taking even that much! I'm just so thankful she liked the pictures!


The 2nd wedding I drove 1 1/2 hours to get to. The bride was very demanding, which really didn't bother me--it IS her day. However, she had one picture she really wanted to get, and told me to make sure I got it. I tried numerous (5, but who's counting) to get her to do that picture. The last time I reminded her how much she wanted it, and she said she was tired and just not ready for it then. I even talked with her mom, who talked with her. Not long after that the bride went and changed to her going away clothes. Anyway, they never paid me for it. It was okay, it was a learning experience. The groom's mom went to our church and watched my kids now and then, and asked if they'd paid me. I told her no, but that it was okay, I didn't need them to. Well, two days later the groom knocked on the door. "My mom said I should pay you for letting you take our wedding pictures" handed me $20 and left. :001_huh: The groom is ONLY doing this because mom says he has to. He made sure I realized what a privilege it was that they allowed me to be their photographer. I think he overpaid, yes??? :lol: Oh, when I went over the pictures with the bride and groom, she was livid that I hadn't gotten that one picture I had promised to get. I told her I had tried (5 times), but that she hadn't been ready. "You did not!" But her parents and the groom's parents backed me up.... Anyway, I haven't done a wedding since. I wouldn't want to be the cause of someone regretting a part of their wedding time! :001_unsure: I actually WOULD do another wedding, but I don't have the equipment........ and nobody else has asked. :001_smile:


But, I still enjoy photography! I keep forgetting deadlines for local fairs and a magazine that has photo contests, though! :tongue_smilie:


I've done Calligraphy for things, but most people are just using computer fonts for that now.


I traded 5 scrapbook pages completely done for a pair of felted slippers! Loved that deal!


I did daycare/homeschooling for a year for a family who wanted me to help get their dd ready for 1st grade. That was fun! She went from not recognizing ANY letters or numbers by sight, to reading at K-1 level in the 8 months I watched her! Didn't make a whole lot of $$ with that, but seeing her "get it" was worth it! I love those moments!


I'm trying to think of what I could do now, since dd is older now, and I'd love to help supplement the income. I'm not sure what to do, so I'm reading this thread with interest! I don't sew, knit, crochet or needlepoint, so that cuts out some stuff that might be interesting...


Thanks everyone for sharing!

Edited by Brindee
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Also, during the summer months, I've planned fun weeks around a theme for preschoolers/school-age kids to come learn & play. My kids help me with these and it's a great way for them to earn some money, too!
My dd and I have talked about this. Do you get the kids from the charter school? Or how do you get the kids to come to these things?
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Great thread- especially as I am looking for ideas for how to make a little more cash.


I cook a vegetarian lunch with dessert and drinks twice a week for clients of my husband- they are in the house anyway so they come upstairs for a meal. I get about 12-15 people, they pay $12 a head. Its great to be able to work from home.


I would like to be able to do more cooking work- now that I am gluten free I might go in that direction too. I have good kitchen equipment- it's just finding the market.


My artistic dd16 has done face painting and still does that on and off when her friend who runs a face painting business calls her. She has also been paid to write a poem in calligraphy for a homeschooling mum. She could easily sell her art, and her photography is excellent too, and she is learning web design now- I am happy for her that she is multi talented because I think it is so great for a woman, once she has kids, to be able to earn some money from home while still being there for her kids. Its great for self esteem and also helps bring in some income.

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My dd and I have talked about this. Do you get the kids from the charter school? Or how do you get the kids to come to these things?


I just get kids from my neighborhood and church...or friends of theirs. We make up a flier and pass it around. Lots of moms are looking for things for their kiddos to do during the summer...so if you make it reasonably priced, it fills up pretty fast!

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This thread has been so fun to read!


Brindee, what a spoiled bride!!!!!!! Maybe you could spread the word around to friends or friends' children, and YOU can pick and choose whom you do photography for. Make yourself out to be hard to get. :D


Peela, I forgot about your cooking business! Thanks for sharing the details.



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I just get kids from my neighborhood and church...or friends of theirs. We make up a flier and pass it around. Lots of moms are looking for things for their kiddos to do during the summer...so if you make it reasonably priced, it fills up pretty fast!
Do you have to worry about legalities when you do those? Have them sign a waiver or something?
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Also, during the summer months, I've planned fun weeks around a theme for preschoolers/school-age kids to come learn & play. My kids help me with these and it's a great way for them to earn some money, too!




I would love to learn more details about how you run this. Could you tell me the days, hours you do it. Also, could you tell me how much your charged and what kind of themes & activities you did? I am in desperate need of money and this sounds like a lot of fun!

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I've painted portraits in the past, but haven't done so in years...


This is an inspiring thread! I'd love to do calligraphy, or address wedding invitations, etc. I knit and spin, but I'm not sure I could make any money with it... I think it'd be fun to bake, too. Do you bakers out there usually sell at a farmer's market?


Great thread!

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I turned my overly tidy nature into organizing, mostly for hoarders. I also clean houses which isn't really a hobby but it's something I make good money doing. My dh and I recently liquidated an estate and made a nice little profit off the estate sale and fees for cleaning, etc. It's not something I think I would do on a regular basis but we really needed the extra money and we ended up really enjoying the work. It's like treasure hunting! :) (It does help that we didn't know the deceased. I still got emotional several times during the process just knowing that no family wanted her things.)

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Do you have to worry about legalities when you do those? Have them sign a waiver or something?


You'd want to check into the child care license regulations in your state. In mine, as long as it is less than 30 days a year or fewer than five children at a time, it doesn't necessarily require you to get licensed. As far as a waiver...you know, I didn't do that. I probably should have. The kids were all children of my friends and I just didn't really think ahead about that! I did make sure we had cell phone numbers & contact info in order to reach parents immediately if there was a problem.

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I would love to learn more details about how you run this. Could you tell me the days, hours you do it. Also, could you tell me how much your charged and what kind of themes & activities you did? I am in desperate need of money and this sounds like a lot of fun!


I was trying to find a copy of the flier to email you, but I can't find it. We did it two different times last summer--although we are planning to do it again this summer, too. It was primarily for my ds13 and dd11 to earn money last year--they were in charge of running the activities; I was right there and heavily involved, but they earned the money.


We set it to be Monday through Thursday, from 10:00 a.m. to noon. We kept the price pretty low because we wanted to be sure to get enough kids to make it worth it (plus the 'teachers' were kids themselves)...so charged $10 for the week per child. One week we had 4 kids, the second we had 6. ($100 total for the 2 weeks...16 hours of work + planning...split between the two...pretty good 'job' for them). We have a local preschool teacher who does this several weeks a summer and charges $35 for the week (although I think it was M-F for perhaps longer each day)...she fills up, too. (So as an adult, you could certainly charge more, I'd imagine!)


One of our weeks was a Pirate/Treasure Hunt theme...we read stories about pirates, made a pirate ship out of a huge box, dressed up, did a pirate dance, went on a treasure hunt, did pirate crafts, etc. The other we did Summertime Fun...played water games outside, read stories, built sandcastles, etc. Really the possibilities are ENDLESS! There are so many ideas online about preschool themes and you can just pick a few & run with them. Dinosaurs, Space, Castles & Princesses, Nature Fun, Animals, Oceans, 4th of July, etc.


I'd recommend checking your state licensing regulations--for our state as long as we did for less than 30 days a year or had fewer than five kids, we were okay. I hadn't thought about a waiver form, although I was friends with all of the parents, but that might be a good idea to consider, too!


Good luck! If you want help brainstorming any ideas for the themes and activities, let me know. I love doing that kind of thing!

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I haven't done anything yet, but my neighbor in Virginia began cooking classes for kids from her home. She put up flyers at the grocery store, bakery and local schools. I advertised for her in the homeschool groups so she let my son take the classes for free.


Anyway, she taught healthy cooking. She grew herbs in her back yard and taught them how to identify herbs, kitchen utensils, etc. They made yummy foods kids really like. For instance, they made mango smoothies the first class.


During the school year, the classes were once a week for 6-8 weeks (I don't remember exactly) for about 1 hour each.


During the summer she ran camps. Week long, all day for each age group with a theme each week. She took them to the local farmers market for a scavenger hunt, toured the local bakery and so forth. They then came back and used what they learned that day to cook something.


It was really neat and the kids loved it. She made a good salary from it too.


I hope this helps spark some ideas for some of you too.


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I am a clown, face-painter and balloon artist in my "spare time". :D Started about 9 years ago when some friends asked dh and I if we wanted to learn how to twist balloons (they owned an entertainment business). I was hooked from that day on. Then, I was introduced to face painting and I LOVE it. I don't clown so much anymore. Anyway, it is a lucrative business during the warmer weather months (about now - the Fall) and it's fun! I used to twist balloons and face paint regularly in restaurants one night a week. I do miss that.

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I sell baked goods and I'm hoping to sell some of our extra veggies from the garden this year. I'm also thinking of trying to sell some of the crocheted hats I make.


Here's my baked goods blog.


Your baked goods look so yummy!!! I've thought about selling baked goods, too. My kids made cookies to sell at the craft fair last Nov. and made a really good profit!!! I think they invested a total of $5 into ingredients (they bought from me, who buys in bulk, and I calculated it all out), and reaped $63! Sure, we had to do the work of baking, but I mainly wanted them to see that they could take $5 from their savings, and make it grow.


I've painted portraits in the past, but haven't done so in years...


This is an inspiring thread! I'd love to do calligraphy, or address wedding invitations, etc.


Wow, neat about the portrait painting! Did people ask you to do that? Or did you advertise your services?


My dh and I recently liquidated an estate and made a nice little profit off the estate sale and fees for cleaning, etc. It's not something I think I would do on a regular basis but we really needed the extra money and we ended up really enjoying the work. It's like treasure hunting! :) (It does help that we didn't know the deceased. I still got emotional several times during the process just knowing that no family wanted her things.)


That's what my friend is now coming to the end of. She has spent about a month on getting things ready (although the owner is still alive; he recently moved to a nursing home), and had the public sale this past weekend, after getting friends, neighbours, and family in there to buy. It's actually our neighbour, and it was strange seeing strangers going through his house, rummaging through his stuff. But my friend and my neighbour are really good friends, so she's happy to do it for him. Neighbour is only 43, but he probably doesn't have much longer, and wanted to see it all done before his time.


($100 total for the 2 weeks...16 hours of work + planning...split between the two...pretty good 'job' for them). We have a local preschool teacher who does this several weeks a summer and charges $35 for the week (although I think it was M-F for perhaps longer each day)...she fills up, too. (So as an adult, you could certainly charge more, I'd imagine!)


Sounds like fun! It makes me also think that when my kids get older, they might be able to advertise for tutoring services - Latin or math, anyone? :D


It was really neat and the kids loved it. She made a good salary from it too.


I hope this helps spark some ideas for some of you too.



Hmm....another idea to think about, too! I could do baking/cooking/frugality classes.


I am a clown


Ha! I just remembered I did this once, too, when I was about 15. Can't remember how much I got paid, but it was one of my first paying jobs. All I had to do was dress up like a clown and stand outside an ice cream shop to attract attention on the Grand Opening. Fun!

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I recently closed an online scrapbooking kit club where I sold scrapbooking kits, but it was more like a full time and a half job, so we closed it...but I make scrapbook items and sell them on Etsy and also teach classes locally. It gives me that outlet that I need to keep my sanity, and if something sells then that's a bonus! I usually take stuff to a craft show in November and also have made lots of custom scrapbooks. :)

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