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?? For those who REALLY exercise everyday..

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For us, 2p is ideal, but sometimes (like today) we go at 1p. I like it because there are not a lot of people at the Y at that time of day, and also because it breaks up the day for me. Days just seem so incredibly long for me, so I when that time of day comes along, I can say good bye to the 1st shift and gear up for the 2nd ;). When we get home, I can clean up the house, prep things for dinner, decide what we'll do in the evening, etc. I like it.

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I guess I'm odd. I don't work out in the AM. I need that time to ready for school and get the kids fed. I can't workout without waking up the house. I do it after schoolwork is done. Usually after lunch between 1-2. I can sneak in some weights in the evening as the kids are winding down. If the school day runs long I can do it later in the evening around 8PM.

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I dearly wish I could workout in the morning--but the way life is right now, it's nights for me. I usually exercise around 9 or 10pm, when the kids are in bed and work is done (or I'm at a stopping point).


Last night I worked out at 10 and ate dinner at 11:30. Stinks, but there ya go! I think I'll just pretend I'm being fashionable.

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I used to exercise (weight lifting, yoga, pilates, etc.) in the mornings, before DH and the kids woke up. But I found that schedule hard to maintain. I seem to need a lot of sleep, and my kids and DH don't. So I was often tired from staying up late so that I could spend time with DH, and my kids were grumpy when I wasn't in bed for morning family snuggling.


More recently I've much better luck with mid-day and evening exercise, after the kids have gone to bed. I try to schedule my serious exercise for times when the kids are at drop-off activities or when DH is home on weekends. In a pinch, I exercise during our afternoon quiet time, when DD7 reads and DD5 plays alone quietly. Sometimes they talk me into letting them play together quietly, which is fine with me as long as they don't start fighting. I hate having my exercise interrupted by a squabble. :tongue_smilie:


And this is silly, but I'm totally excited about the couple of weeks my kids will be at day camp this summer, because it'll be so much easier to fit in peaceful and uninterrupted exercise time. :D

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I do triathlon, but I'm primarily a runner and a cyclist, and when I work out depends on daylight savings time. During the times of year where it's light early enough, I go before anyone else is up...around 6am. That gives me time for my long runs/rides on the weekends. I do group rides in the evenings about twice a week during the summer, but still run in the early mornings.


During the darker times of year (and now that I moved from CA to MN, during the winter), I usually go in the afternoons around 3pm, after schoolwork is done but before my husband comes home. If weather permits, I'll still run outside, but my bike is on the trainer in the basement all winter. :(

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Is everyone talking about exercise because spring is in the air?? :D Because bathing suit season is coming?? :001_smile:


Really, mornings are the only time that works out for me. When I do it late at night (which is easiest) then I am unable to fall asleep. I am SO not a morning person, but I do feel good when I am up before everyone else....it is AMAZING all that I can get done. :D


I feel best when I do it every day, but it seems to be more like 3-4 days most weeks.

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First thing in the morning. I have to get my exercise in before my morning shower or I become reluctant to sweat'). I have curly hair and I hate what sweat does to my hair. The exception is rock climbing (seeing that the climbing facility doesn't open early enough for me to wait to shower.) My shower is like my morning coffee - I just have so much trouble getting going without a shower. Also, I need to get it out of the way before we do school. I am a slug in the afternoons.

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mid afternoon for me. I teach dance fitness twice a week, and then enjoy going to other instructors during same time slot other days. I do fine when I sub teach for the morning class in terms of exercise, but it breaks up my school day too much to do it regularly at that slot. I learn new routines better in the late afternoon to early evening. and I just can't start with exercise before everyone is awake.



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Morning. If it doesn't get done in the morning, it doesn't get done.


:iagree:Same here. I have to do it in the morning before school. I don't exercise every single day. I shoot for M-F and with weekends off. For me I find that doing it before school keeps me on schedule best.

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The best time for me is right after lunch when 3yo has been put down for nap and 6 and 7 yo have been put in their rooms for quiet time, so that is when I usually do it. At this time of the day I need either coffee, a nap, or the treadmill--45 minutes on the treadmill is the better choice, of course. If I don't get to it right after lunch, I do it as soon as I can, and if dh gets home and I haven't done it yet, he is kind enough to make sure I get a chance in the evening. One way or another, I do get on the treadmill every single day.


P.S. For years I thought it had to get it done in the morning. I hate exercising in the morning, and thus it didn't get done at all. When I finally accepted that I was the type that wouldn't exercise in the morning, I found a way to get it done another time of the day.

Edited by Luann in ID
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Morning. If it doesn't get done in the morning, it doesn't get done.


:iagree:Same here. I have to do it in the morning before school. I don't exercise every single day. I shoot for M-F and with weekends off. For me I find that doing it before school keeps me on schedule best.

:iagree: I work best on a schedule. And, frankly, I'm nicer to dc when I've had my morning endorphin fix.:D

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If I'm going to run, first thing in the morning so I get outside before it warms up and don't put it off. But for weights somedays I lift during nap/rest time right after lunch (kids' lunch, I eat after lifting), or in the evening after they're in bed or while dh is getting them ready for bed. It works out. :)

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