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The shoe thread has me wondering, what do you call the type of shoes

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you wear when playing sports or being active? Do you call them athletic shoes, tennis shoes, sneakers, something else? I'm just curious. Also, where are you from? I wonder if there are typical names for them in different geographical regions.



I grew up in Ohio, and my family always called them tennis shoes. But when I got older I started thinking about the fact that none of us played tennis and maybe athletic shoes would be a better name! Old habits die hard, though. I still call them tennis shoes. Actually in the region where I grew up, it was pronounced more like "tenna" shoes than tennis shoes.

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Sneaks. As in "sneakers." But for a really weird reason.


A former pro baseball player moved into our town when he retired years ago and became friends with a friend of ours. Our friend told us a hilarious story of how his sweaty workout shoes made their way under his wife's car seat, where they were the source of a mysterious and apparently awful smell for awhile (think Georgia in the summertime). When they were finally discovered, she gave him the what-for about his stinky "sneaks" and our friend's mimicking of her had us rolling.


It tickled DH and me so much that we kept joking around about our "sneaks," and the name just stuck.


Before that, I called them tennis shoes. I grew up in Georgia and my folks are from this area as well, and that's what we called them growing up.

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We call them tennis shoes as well. In Australia they are called "runners" - neither fits what we do when wearing them :)


And we're not Australian, rather Canadian. (And they're runners regardless of whether running is the actual activity taking place or not.)

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I usually call them tennis shoes or sneakers or tennies. (VA to OH to RI to PA to TX to GA to TX).


I wish I could remember where I heard the term "trainers" - might have been a travel book (where someone was saying, wear your trainers for walking on vacation there).

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Actually in the region where I grew up, it was pronounced more like "tenna" shoes than tennis shoes.


We called them something similar - "tenny" shoes. My dh is from a totally different background and also calls them that. Of course, that's what my dc call them as well. My guess is it is from people being lazy about pronouncing the "s" sound.

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When I was a kid, we called them tennis shoes. Running hadn't come into vogue yet, and most people I knew called them Keds, sneakers, or tennis shoes.


When I was a runner, I called them running shoes.


Now I call them sneakers, no matter what they are used for. Mostly I call them missing because the darned dog keeps taking them outside whenever I leave them under my desk.

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Sneakers. I call tennis shoes something very specific: those white canvas Keds things that were popular in the 80's. They got dirty so quickly and then looked awful! Nike, Reebok, New Balance, etc type shoes are sneakers to me.

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I think athletic shoe is the best description. It wasn't until my dd started playing tennis that I discovered regular "tennis" shoes aren't what's needed for tennis. They don't provide enough protection or support. We have to buy "court" shoes for her tennis playing, and "trainers" for her running. Nowadays I think of "tennis shoes" as just white cloth shoes with no support or protection that don't mark up gyms or courts.

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if they are plain and simple shoes to wear for casual walking/loafing. For example, Reebok Princess shoes are "sneakers."


We call the shoes we use for serious walking our "walking shoes." These have to be sturdier and specifically designed for walking/supporting the foot through repeated shock. These are reserved only for long periods of walking, hiking, lawn mowing (which I am NOT going to do this summer, no I am NOT). :glare:


If we ran, we would probably call the shoes "running shoes." But, alas, if I ran, in the shape I am in, I would probably hurt something.


Hubby is from California, I am from (and in) New Jersey. I don't think I've ever called sneakers "tennis shoes," but my mother does. Actually, she uses these terms interchangeably, so far as I can discern. She grew up in New Jersey, but 70-odd years ago, and in the country.

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