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Pics of Possum

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Oh wow, Amber. What a beautiful, growing, healthy little boy. :001_wub: And you mama- you're gorgeous!!


Your family has endured so much these past few months. I'm so thrilled for you all that you're able to be home together as a family. I wish you many continued blessings this coming first year of your little man's life.


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Wow. Almost cried when I compared the two pics where he is lying next to his blue doggie and how small he was on the first pic and now he is bigger than the stuffed animal. Precious pictures! Thank you for posting them.

Didn't remember that he was born on September 30th, it's been a long way home but now he is HOME.

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If I were you, I think I'd claim him as my miracle baby..... forever!! I can't imagine the medical progress that has happened to allow such a little one to live what seems like will be an incredibly normal life!! I'm so happy for you and your whole family!!! He really is just the picture of what could be for so many others... as advances get even better.

What a great start to the New Year!!


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He looks so huge in the more recent pictures compared with the ones where he's snuggling you and your dh. Glad he is home and doing well! :grouphug:


He has really come on over the last 4-6 weeks! I can't believe how quickly he has grown over that time. He does seem big now but is only just over 6lb at 3kg. It is just huge compared to where he has come from.


Thanks to everyone for your kind words :001_smile:

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