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Cigarettes in the U.S.???

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So it has only been a 1.5 years since I moved out of the U.S. but can you tell me if this is happening there yet....


I am standing at the cash register here in a store in Malaysia. I glance over to the cigarettes for sale. My eyes almost fell out of my head!!! Instead of the usual "don't smoke because it's bad for you" labels, there were VERY GRAPHIC pictures of all the things smoking can do to you...HORRIFYING, GRAPHIC images.


I don't smoke...never have. But I would definitely have a hard time pulling a cigarette out of THAT box and smoking it. Wow. I have no idea if it is having any effect here as A LOT of Malaysians smoke.


Are these boxes in the states yet? Are they planning on doing something similar?

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I'm not sure scare tactics like that are effective. My uncle died a horrific death from lung cancer after smoking all his life. At his funeral, his friends and family who had cared for him spent more time outside smoking than they did inside. People see what they want to see.

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I'm not sure scare tactics like that are effective. My uncle died a horrific death from lung cancer after smoking all his life. At his funeral, his friends and family who had cared for him spent more time outside smoking than they did inside. People see what they want to see.

I would love to see some research on this. My guess is it won't do much for people that are already smokers, but it may prevent people from starting the habit.

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I would love to see some research on this. My guess is it won't do much for people that are already smokers, but it may prevent people from starting the habit.


I doubt it.


Does anyone in this nation not know about the dangers of crystal meth and yet people still take it? People still take it for the first time, knowing what it can do.


The same can be said for crack.

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I'm not sure scare tactics like that are effective. My uncle died a horrific death from lung cancer after smoking all his life. At his funeral, his friends and family who had cared for him spent more time outside smoking than they did inside. People see what they want to see.


I just don't get it. My grandpa died from emphysema, my uncle died after getting lung cancer twice (one lung out and kept smoking), and my aunt died of lung cancer, too. Emphysema is a particularly horrible way to die. I have never been remotely tempted to smoke cigarettes because of what I saw my grandpa go through.


I haven't seen any graphic images on cigarettes around here. They tend to only be sold at a specific register or at the customer service counter in the grocery store. I'm not sure the images would change anybody's mind about smoking.

Edited by Veritaserum
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I doubt it.


Does anyone in this nation not know about the dangers of crystal meth and yet people still take it? People still take it for the first time, knowing what it can do.


The same can be said for crack.

In general, research has suggested that scare tactics don't work. This is a little different, in that the message will be in your face every time someone reaches for a cigarette.

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In general, research has suggested that scare tactics don't work. This is a little different, in that the message will be in your face every time someone reaches for a cigarette.


I still see no real effect. We have brown bags for booze a smmker who does not like the picture will simply wrap the package in a piece of paper.


This is, it seems, another feel good "Look I am dealing with the issue" tactic used by some politician or someone angling for a promotion in whatever gov't agency they work for.


People start to smoke because they want to, it is as simple as that.

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I agree, nothing is going to stop a smoker until they want to stop.


DH sat by his grandfather's side as he died at home from lung cancer (end stages, nothing could be done). DH was a teenager and his grandfather was his most important male in his life (icky step father, bio father no where to be seen). DH literally heard Grandfather choking on his mucus and gasping for breath in the last days. Grandfather never smoked, but lived with chain-smoking Grandmother.


DH watched his grandmother, who doted and idolized DH, struggled with COPD.


DH's bio father, who we now have contact with, had one lung removed from lung cancer a few years ago. Doing better now, but still had to alter life drastically.


So besides the fact that you WILL get cancer from smoking, DH had the lung cancer gene on both sides of his genes.


I mean, could you get any more graphic than that story regarding your future of health to come? Yet, still you smoke? Pictures won't mean a thing.


As far as detering youth, I don't see it either. Youth have that "I'll never die, it won't happen to me" mentality. If they want to smoke, they will.

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So besides the fact that you WILL get cancer from smoking, DH had the lung cancer gene on both sides of his genes.


I mean, could you get any more graphic than that story regarding your future of health to come? Yet, still you smoke? Pictures won't mean a thing.


After years of watching and treating smokers, I believe there are some people (just as with alcohol) who have an enhanced effect from smoking. People who would rather die than give it up. I don't understand the lure of alcohol (makes me sick), nor the lure of smoking. If, however, the smoking "let something go in me, that ends all the misery of my life for a good 15 minutes", I might be tempted. I'm mighty happy I don't have that result from it.


However, many people get addicted who DON'T have that profound response. Remember the US in the 50s? A heck of a lot of people smoked. Environment has something to do with incidence of smoking.

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What I think is funny is that research has shown that scare tactics like graphic pictures on the packages actually cause people who already smoke to smoke more often.


That's the kind of research I'm interested in. Do you have a link? I know that some scare tactics do actually backfire. Seems that for some risk takers, it's almost like a challenge, and it increases the behavior. But I haven't seen anything specifically about the graphic images on cigarette packages.


One lesson that is clear from Evidence Based Medicine, is that you can't necessarily infer conclusions from "similar" studies. Results don't translate the way it seems they should. To know what the effect is from graphic images on cigarette packs, you have to study the effects of graphic images on cigarette packs. Smokers aren't the same as drinkers or meth users. Graphic images on tv aren't the same as graphic images on a pack of cigarettes.


This may or may not be effective. I'm interested in research if you have any links.

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What I think is funny is that research has shown that scare tactics like graphic pictures on the packages actually cause people who already smoke to smoke more often.


I'd believe it. I haven't smoked in years but every time I hear about one of these anti-smoking campaigns it makes me want to smoke a pack in defiance.

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I'd believe it. I haven't smoked in years but every time I hear about one of these anti-smoking campaigns it makes me want to smoke a pack in defiance.


Maybe that is the goal. :001_smile:

Smokers eat up less money as seniors, so for non-smokers in the US, it is actually to their advantage. Plus, you can tax them, and also sue the companies, periodically, to milk a little more out it.

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I'd believe it. I haven't smoked in years but every time I hear about one of these anti-smoking campaigns it makes me want to smoke a pack in defiance.


Me too--and I've never been a smoker!


Smoking is not a rational choice based on a logical or fact-based assessment, so "look at these horrifying facts about smoking!!!" methods like this to deter it seem silly to me. Then again, I suppose it could be and I'm just assuming that there could be no logical reason to smoke because I tried it, hated it, and personally don't get the appeal.

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I've seen news articles about it. The plan is to make the warnings much more graphic and include various images. I believe other people posted links to news stories already, and I can't remember where I read the stories, unfortunately.


I think the idea is to keep people from starting to smoke. I don't think it's likely to have much impact on current smokers.

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I remember wanting to have a billboard with the effects of HIV up in the subways of New York.


I remember thinking that the movie Silverlake Life should be required viewing in health classes. Actually, that reminds me--we're going to be starting a health class at the end of the month...

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Yep, we have them in Canada. They have made some horrifying commercials to go along with it. I haven't seen anyone quit because of these but the commercials have made my dd6 the smoking police to dh. She spouts out statistical information and writes him a ticket anytime he comes home smelling like smoke (he has never smoked in front of her).

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I'm not a smoker - never have been - but I do work in a tobacco store. So far, we don't have any packaging or signage with graphic photos; and I haven't heard anything about it. That doesn't mean it's not going to happen; I just haven't heard anything about it.


The major changes that happened in 2010 (that I know of) were that no tobacco products could be self-serve (all have to be behind the counter); they are no longer allowed to use the words "light" or "ultra-light" on their packaging or signage; there are large, bold warnings about the effects of using these products on the packages and signs; and they are still working hard on getting rid of the menthol cigarettes. These changes didn't apply to cigars because they are not regulated by our government.


I have customers come in every day and tell me that it's the last time I'll see them because they are quitting... and then they're right back in there again. They know what it's doing to them, and they complain about the prices constantly going up.... but it's a highly addictive drug. The graphic pictures may help some, but probably won't make much difference to most of the smokers.

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So it has only been a 1.5 years since I moved out of the U.S. but can you tell me if this is happening there yet....


I am standing at the cash register here in a store in Malaysia. I glance over to the cigarettes for sale. My eyes almost fell out of my head!!! Instead of the usual "don't smoke because it's bad for you" labels, there were VERY GRAPHIC pictures of all the things smoking can do to you...HORRIFYING, GRAPHIC images.


I don't smoke...never have. But I would definitely have a hard time pulling a cigarette out of THAT box and smoking it. Wow. I have no idea if it is having any effect here as A LOT of Malaysians smoke.


Are these boxes in the states yet? Are they planning on doing something similar?



In Canada, it is required that 50% of the package be warning label (including graphics, which I don't think are required currently, but graphic ones do appear on some packages). There was a radio news bit the other day about upping that requirement to 75%of the package with a mandatory graphic. Personally, I think it's ridiculous. It doesn't stop anyone from smoking. FTR, I do not smoke and I do not like smoking at all. My dh smokes and I wish like crazy he would stop. He doesn't smoke in the house, but still... He's an otherwise wonderful man, but smoking is disgusting.

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I didn't see any on the boxes/ads in the US when we were just there. But in Brazil, instead of gross graphics of what it can do to your insides, there are pics of a nude man, arms at his side in a "What in the world???" pose/expression on his face, and a giant hand in a thumbs down in front of him. The text (and the very obvious implication of the photo) is that smoking can cause impotence.


Honestly, I think I'd prefer the pics of gross innards, blackened lungs, mouth cancers, etc. Gross & graphic, sure, but way easier to explain to teen and preteen boys. (but, apparently, the impotence signs are more effective in this particular culture......)

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I didn't see any on the boxes/ads in the US when we were just there. But in Brazil, instead of gross graphics of what it can do to your insides, there are pics of a nude man, arms at his side in a "What in the world???" pose/expression on his face, and a giant hand in a thumbs down in front of him. The text (and the very obvious implication of the photo) is that smoking can cause impotence.


Honestly, I think I'd prefer the pics of gross innards, blackened lungs, mouth cancers, etc. Gross & graphic, sure, but way easier to explain to teen and preteen boys. (but, apparently, the impotence signs are more effective in this particular culture......)


Yeah those are on the boxes here too. :D And these pics are huge, like they take up most the box. ANd they are just sitting there out in the open at eye level with kids.


I have a feeling if they do start this in the U.S. the pics will be far less graphic. I have a hard time believing the U.S. would let anything THIS graphic be put on packages. The special interest groups will go nutso.

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