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Sometimes I need these threads, lol.


Today the girls were fighting and I heard, "She's blocking my veins!!!" :lol::lol:


And dd3's new ETC books showed up today. I just think it's hilarious to see this tiny (27lbs at last count) girl jumping up & down & shrieking, "My new workbooks!!!! I have new workbooks!!! I'm so excited!! I'm laughing because I'm so EXCITED!!" :lol::lol::lol:

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My son was reading aloud from Homer's Odyssey. Nestor is addressing his guests.


"Now is a better time to interrogate our guests and ask them who they are, now they have had the pleasure of eating strangers. Who are you?"


[slight pause]


"I think I got the period in the wrong place. That would be, 'pleasure of eating. Strangers, who are you?'"

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My favorite was when dd told ds she locked him up in her imagination and she was never going to let him out. He got really worked up about it, and for several weeks I was frequently overhearing odd little remarks about things like time off for good behavior and how he was only imagining walking around free because she was imagining that he was imagining that in her imagination. One time ds thought he had her for sure and declared that he had staged a jailbreak and escaped--in an exultant tone clearly intended to rile her. She just shrugged her shoulders and without missing a single beat said, "That's ok. I cloned you. I have a million inflatable yous in my imagination that I can do whateeeever I want to." He said, "Oh yeah, well at least the REAL me is out!" She smiled mysteriously and said, "Are you sure?" and sauntered off, leaving him with his mouth open looking quite flabberghasted. After that she spent some time insinuating that if he played with his bellybutton he might deflate. It was really funny and went on for quite a long time before ds realized that if he just ignored her she would forget the whole thing. The truly hilarious part about it is that he is twice as big as she is, and she really had him going.


More recently, though.....let's see....the other day I asked ds what kind of cereal he wanted for breakfast and he answered, "No-school-today-ohs?" with a twinkle in his eye.



Buncha jokers I live with.

Edited by MamaSheep
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My son (6) was talking with dh and said "yeah, so when we were in Sears we couldn't find that tool we were looking for for you..." DH stopped him and said "Let me stop you right there. If this is about Christmas you'd better not tell me." So a long pause and ds says "Wadya say we just forget we had this little conversation?" <eyes slit and nodding slightly>

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DD8 plays Irish music so hangs around lots of people with Irish accents. She often complains about not being able to understand everything they say to her. At a recent gig, we were talking to a girlfriend of one of her adult Irish fiddle friends about the accent problem and the different ways they have of saying certain phrases. Our Irish friend walked over and said to dd in his thick accent, "Yeah, but you understand me perfectly, don't ya?"


Without missing a beat, she looked at him confused and said, "Huh?" Her giggling a second later let us know she was teasing him.

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The most recent one that had DH and I laughing happened as we were riding down the road yesterday. Out of the blue, DS states, "Did you know that an ox is called a steer until he is three years old?" DH and I just looked at each other and starting laughing - where had that little gem come from? :confused:

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My son was reading aloud from Homer's Odyssey. Nestor is addressing his guests.


"Now is a better time to interrogate our guests and ask them who they are, now they have had the pleasure of eating strangers. Who are you?"


[slight pause]


"I think I got the period in the wrong place. That would be, 'pleasure of eating. Strangers, who are you?'"



That's pretty funny! It reminds me of the book Eats, Shoots and Leaves. It's all about correct grammar.

Edited by cdgni
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My favorite was when dd told ds she locked him up in her imagination and she was never going to let him out. He got really worked up about it, and for several weeks I was frequently overhearing odd little remarks about things like time off for good behavior and how he was only imagining walking around free because she was imagining that he was imagining that in her imagination. One time ds thought he had her for sure and declared that he had staged a jailbreak and escaped--in an exultant tone clearly intended to rile her. She just shrugged her shoulders and without missing a single beat said, "That's ok. I cloned you. I have a million inflatable yous in my imagination that I can do whateeeever I want to." He said, "Oh yeah, well at least the REAL me is out!" She smiled mysteriously and said, "Are you sure?" and sauntered off, leaving him with his mouth open looking quite flabberghasted. After that she spent some time insinuating that if he played with his bellybutton he might deflate. It was really funny and went on for quite a long time before ds realized that if he just ignored her she would forget the whole thing. The truly hilarious part about it is that he is twice as big as she is, and she really had him going.


More recently, though.....let's see....the other day I asked ds what kind of cereal he wanted for breakfast and he answered, "No-school-today-ohs?" with a twinkle in his eye.



Buncha jokers I live with.


Oh my gosh that had me in stitches. :lol::lol::lol: What creative minds you have there in your house. :) I like how my son calls french fries "french frogs". :)

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My favorite was when dd told ds she locked him up in her imagination and she was never going to let him out. He got really worked up about it, and for several weeks I was frequently overhearing odd little remarks about things like time off for good behavior and how he was only imagining walking around free because she was imagining that he was imagining that in her imagination. One time ds thought he had her for sure and declared that he had staged a jailbreak and escaped--in an exultant tone clearly intended to rile her. She just shrugged her shoulders and without missing a single beat said, "That's ok. I cloned you. I have a million inflatable yous in my imagination that I can do whateeeever I want to." He said, "Oh yeah, well at least the REAL me is out!" She smiled mysteriously and said, "Are you sure?" and sauntered off, leaving him with his mouth open looking quite flabberghasted. After that she spent some time insinuating that if he played with his bellybutton he might deflate. It was really funny and went on for quite a long time before ds realized that if he just ignored her she would forget the whole thing. The truly hilarious part about it is that he is twice as big as she is, and she really had him going.




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Oh my gosh that had me in stitches. :lol::lol::lol: What creative minds you have there in your house. :) I like how my son calls french fries "french frogs". :)


French frogs! Love it!


Dd is the really creative one. She's always coming up with something new and interesting. Ds is a very literal, structured guy and imaginary things drive him NUTS.

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Ds7 was looking over my shoulder while I was on the boards earlier today and he saw the thread on the general board about buying half a cow. He asked in a shocked voice 'She's putting half a cow in her freezer?' I explained that it would be butchered first and would be in little packages like we get at the store. He paused for a moment, then said 'Yeah, that makes more sense.' :D

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Ds7 was looking over my shoulder while I was on the boards earlier today and he saw the thread on the general board about buying half a cow. He asked in a shocked voice 'She's putting half a cow in her freezer?' I explained that it would be butchered first and would be in little packages like we get at the store. He paused for a moment, then said 'Yeah, that makes more sense.' :D




Police: "Ma'am, there seems to be a body in your freezer. Would you care to explain that?"

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  • 2 weeks later...
French frogs! Love it!


Dd is the really creative one. She's always coming up with something new and interesting. Ds is a very literal, structured guy and imaginary things drive him NUTS.


I hope she writes her ideas down, even if just to flesh out at a later date. She really sounds like a budding writer. :)


My dd is very creative too. I bought her a little notebook to write her ideas in and tell her all the time to write them down now because when she gets to be my age she won't have them anymore. Or at least not like she has them now. :) :lol:

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DH was having lunch with a friend who is professor of mathematics at a prestigious university in another state and DD 4.5 accompanied him. At one point DD whispered shyly to DH that she would like to ask J about science so after a bit of encouragement she asked him how a star is formed. He started to explain in that babyish "talking to a small child" way that only a childless middle-aged man can. He said something about gases swirling around and getting heavier. "yes,"' she said, "and if it gets really heavy it turns into a blackhole and then nothing can get out, not even light."

Professor J took more than a few minutes to pick his jaw up off the floor lol.

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DH was having lunch with a friend who is professor of mathematics at a prestigious university in another state and DD 4.5 accompanied him. At one point DD whispered shyly to DH that she would like to ask J about science so after a bit of encouragement she asked him how a star is formed. He started to explain in that babyish "talking to a small child" way that only a childless middle-aged man can. He said something about gases swirling around and getting heavier. "yes,"' she said, "and if it gets really heavy it turns into a blackhole and then nothing can get out, not even light."

Professor J took more than a few minutes to pick his jaw up off the floor lol.

:lol::lol: Awesome!


Lately the girls have been playing doctor, which means we have had surgery with multiple amputations (including bellybutton and neck amputations--because it was green and therefore must be removed immediately before catastrophe struck, lol), vein removal, and body part reconstruction. And special anesthetic administered so that dd5 could perform her surgery painlessly while her little sister was awake so they could discourse during surgery, lol.

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The brother of a girl we used to babysit was in the Christmas play. He forgot his lines and had to think for a moment, and finally came out with,


"And Mary was great with children."



Today I was doing math with dd3. She said the answer was 5, and showed me on her hand. Then I asked if she could write 5 as her answer--and she drew her hand with five fingers :lol::lol::lol:

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DD did the mapwork for this week's SOTW chapter today, where she had to outline the Persian Empire and color in various parts of it. I asked her "Why do you think they called this body of water the Persial Gulf?" Her answer: "Because it had a lot of golf balls?"

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My 8 year old had a really nasty cold this weekend. I don't usually treat colds with meds but he couldn't sleep for the stuffiness. I gave him some Children's Mucinex. The next dose time came and I called for him to come and take it.


He said, 'Why don't you just make me kiss a toilet seat?'


I doubt we'll be doing commercials hawking the great taste of Mucinex.:tongue_smilie:

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My favorite was when dd told ds she locked him up in her imagination and she was never going to let him out. He got really worked up about it, and for several weeks I was frequently overhearing odd little remarks about things like time off for good behavior and how he was only imagining walking around free because she was imagining that he was imagining that in her imagination. One time ds thought he had her for sure and declared that he had staged a jailbreak and escaped--in an exultant tone clearly intended to rile her. She just shrugged her shoulders and without missing a single beat said, "That's ok. I cloned you. I have a million inflatable yous in my imagination that I can do whateeeever I want to." He said, "Oh yeah, well at least the REAL me is out!" She smiled mysteriously and said, "Are you sure?" and sauntered off, leaving him with his mouth open looking quite flabberghasted. After that she spent some time insinuating that if he played with his bellybutton he might deflate. It was really funny and went on for quite a long time before ds realized that if he just ignored her she would forget the whole thing. The truly hilarious part about it is that he is twice as big as she is, and she really had him going.


More recently, though.....let's see....the other day I asked ds what kind of cereal he wanted for breakfast and he answered, "No-school-today-ohs?" with a twinkle in his eye.



Buncha jokers I live with.


:lol: :lol: :lol:


I once spent several weeks convincing my little brother he was a figment of my imagination. I'd totally forgotten about it until I read this. Hilarious!

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Yesterday dd was begging for a field trip to the aquarium or dino museum. I think we're all suffering a little from cabin fever. But in checking the road report I find that they are doing emergency pothole repair along the part of the freeway between here and there that is already suffering from chronic construction and it would be down to one lane, with delays of an hour or more. I don't want to sit in traffic, so I nixed the field trip, but thought I'd try to come up with something else fun to do this afternoon. One option I considered out loud was tie dying some shirts purple, since we just studied the Phonecians and their purple dye. So of course dd pipes up (very dramatically) with, "BUT I'M TOO YOUNG TO DYE!"


ETA: I just went out to check everyone's progress (they're working independently--YAY!) Dd had instructions to make a science notebook page about earthquakes, which we read about on Tuesday. She decided to make it on earthquake safety. The frame is split in two, one showing indoor earthquake safety, with two people hiding under a table with their hands over their eyes. The outdoor scene shows children at a park standing in an open space away from trees and power lines, and looking nervous. Underground, several terror-stricken earthworms are screaming.

Edited by MamaSheep
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My six year old daughter fell off the couch while sleeping. She stood up very fast and screamed "that was cool". I layed her back down where she started whining at me, I wanna go again mommy please... I am thinking she was dreaming about the fair as we were looking at pics before she fell asleep. That was funny though. All the kids talk in their sleep I have heard some good ones over the years. My oldest daughter constantly dreamt of Tommy Pickles and his adventures. I would hear her hold whole conversations with him lol.

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Yesterday dd was begging for a field trip to the aquarium or dino museum. I think we're all suffering a little from cabin fever. But in checking the road report I find that they are doing emergency pothole repair along the part of the freeway between here and there that is already suffering from chronic construction and it would be down to one lane, with delays of an hour or more. I don't want to sit in traffic, so I nixed the field trip, but thought I'd try to come up with something else fun to do this afternoon. One option I considered out loud was tie dying some shirts purple, since we just studied the Phonecians and their purple dye. So of course dd pipes up (very dramatically) with, "BUT I'M TOO YOUNG TO DYE!"


ETA: I just went out to check everyone's progress (they're working independently--YAY!) Dd had instructions to make a science notebook page about earthquakes, which we read about on Tuesday. She decided to make it on earthquake safety. The frame is split in two, one showing indoor earthquake safety, with two people hiding under a table with their hands over their eyes. The outdoor scene shows children at a park standing in an open space away from trees and power lines, and looking nervous. Underground, several terror-stricken earthworms are screaming.



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I enjoyed reading this topic so much! :D


We had 2 today:


- 'You really have to go sleep now. Come on, be a good Daddy to your doggy (stuffed animal), and go sleep, so that he can sleep as well. You keep him awake'

'First of all: I am way to young to be a Daddy. Second: Human beings can not be the daddy of a dog! I'm the BOSS.


- I try narration with my boy every now and then, but he is not liking it one bit.

'So, what did we read?'.

'A book'

'What was the book about?'

'You were the one reading it to me, if anyone knows, it would be you!'

'I do know what the book is about, but I want you to tell it to me, so that I know, if you understand it as well'

'Well why don't you just ask?'

'....did you?'

'Oh yes I did, it was so interesting. It was about thunderstorms, hail, water vapour, weather forecasting......and of he goes explaining :001_huh:

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My big girl declared her undying love for her CWP book last night. I am NEVER allowed to throw it out and must keep it forever and ever no matter how old she gets! :D


This is CWP 1 too, I didn't even think to tell her that there are a bunch more in the series!

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Tonight in the bath tub, while I was rinsing dd's hair (7 year old), she asked me, "Mom, do you want to know why the sun sets at night?"


I said, "Okay, why does the sun set at night?"


She said, "Because the sun is so tired at night because gravity has been pulling on it so hard all day."


I had to laugh!:001_smile:

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I love all of these stories!


My younger, DS 10, the other day came and asked me if I had already assigned cleaning the kitchen counters to his brother. I told him I hadn't and of course it wasn't any of his business who got assigned what chores for the day (assuming that he was trying to assign something to this brother!) He said "Oh mom, I was only asking because I am feeling stressed out and sometimes it is cathartic to me to be able to clean".....*Pause*....."and I really hope you know what cathartic means because I get really tired of explaining my words to adults!"




Needless to say, he got to clean the kitchen!

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Had to add one that just happened with my dd. She's sitting on the landing upstairs within ear shot of me sitting downstairs so I call to her.


Me: "Gabriela?"

dd: "yes?"

Me: "I love you."

dd: grunts

Me: "Gabriela?"

dd: "what?"

Me: "you're special"

dd: grunts again

Me: "Gabriela?"

dd: "what?"

Me: "you're a good girl."

dd: "Mom?"

Me: "yeah?"

dd: "You're annoying me."


:lol: :lol: :lol: Needless to say I stopped after that.:tongue_smilie:

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My 5 yr old just loves listening to his older sister's history read alouds. Older brother is studying the same topics, so there's usually some discussion or arguing about the facts. :tongue_smilie:


Today the 5 year old put on a mask with horns that he pulled out of the dress up box (old Halloween costumes) and announced, "I am the Minotaur. I'm going to eat Theseus."


Later, at lunch, he covered a meatball in mashed sweet potatoes and connected it to a pile of spaghetti by more spaghetti strands: "This is the ship from Athens sailing to Knossos. Theseus is going to kill the Minotaur. You know (as an aside to me) -- Theseus should have put up the white sail so his father didn't jump off the cliff and kill himself."


Me: "Ummm... Yeah... That would have been nice. Remember -- it's just a myth."


I think he likes history (or maybe he's just really into man-eating bull-men and parents jumping to their death). :lol:

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