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Silly poll: Can YOU work all of your tv remotes?

Can you turn on your TV?  

  1. 1. Can you turn on your TV?

    • Of course I can, I can do anything!
    • Sometimes, depends.
    • No, I'm a technological idiot (and I've probably never texted)
    • Mandatory other.

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I just commented on another thread that I still have no idea how to turn on our tv. It's connected to cable, a DVD player, a Wii, and I have no idea what else.


After four months of this set up, I still can't turn on anything. I don't watch tv that much, but when I do, I have to get help. So I'm curious--who else is stuck in the 90s. Or 80s. lol

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I set everything up, I program everything, I know how to work it all. Dh is another story. ;)

This would be me two years ago. I didn't set it all up this time, I was sick in bed the day the satellite guy came and set up the system.


I can turn on the TV, the surround sound and the Wii. I can do anything I want with the TV and the Wii. The sound system is a bit foreign to me though.

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We only have one t.v., but it now has three remotes (and we don't have cable). Oldest ds finally wrote out what was for what on masking tape on each one. I guess he was tired of my asking how to turn the t.v. on.


So I can use them, but they come with cheat sheets. The very last thing he wrote was, "If you still can't figure these out, Pray!"


Funny guy.

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I had to press other since I am very familiar with the remote of the tv in the living room and all the other remotes for that room. On the other hand, the family room, not so much. Mainly because I don't go down there very much especially since I broke my leg. It takes me a while to set things up and I don't know how to watch movies with the WII.

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I wanted to add that I could figure this stuff out either by sitting down and trying stuff out or by looking at the manuals. But I've gotten to the place where I would much rather delegate that to the munchkins. Then because I have delegated it to them, I end up having to keep asking them because I don't have it figured out for myself.

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My dh is the only one who can't always figure out the remotes. He watches tv only during football season and at the start of the season he has to relearn how to work the remotes. He learns pretty quickly. We always try to make sure that he doesn't have either of the remotes that control volume when we're all watching something together. He likes to turn the volume up to the 45-50 range (50 is the max) while the rest of us prefer to watch with the volume in the 20-25 range for most shows or 25-30 at the most.

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I have to regularly ask my kids to remind me how the 3 separate remotes we have for the TV work together. They are all for different things. DH knows too. My excuse is that I dont watch TV often enough to learn and I forget between times because its so long. :lol:

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We have 3 different remotes - one for the TV (to change the channel of the actual TV), one for the cable (to change the channel of what you are watching, & for volume), & one for the DVD player. I actually labeled the backs of each of them - and wrote down which channels of the TV do what (cable, dvd, or wii). This was a year ago - my husband still flips over the remotes to check for directions! :lol:

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No. I have a universal but just recently we had to buy a new DVD player because the old one died and obviously it is not hooked up properly. We have to use all three remotes to get anything to work and no one knows exactly how to do it. We just push buttons until something happens. When I want to watch something on TV (House, Bones & Fringe) I have to make sure that it is set up hours ahead of time so that I don't miss anything. It is a real pain because I just figured out the old set up right before it died. My phone is several generations old and I don't want to replace it because I have barely mastered this one. When I computer died, I paid to have a new hard drive installed rather than buy a new computer because I didn't want anything to change and then have to learn a new system.

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I can work all the video remotes. The only one that confuses me is the stereo receiver. :confused: There are way toooooo many options on that baby.



I can make it work for what I want it to do, but I don't use any other functions.

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