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Would you take a pregnancy test?

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If your DH had a vasectomy 5 years ago, you have fibroids that cause you to have spotting before your period really gets going but you are pretty regular and you are now 8 days late? I keep feeling a little crampy/uncomfortable, and with DH's V I don't really think it's likely for me to be pregnant. I keep wondering if I should test, but then I feel crampy and think I'll start tomorrow, but that's been the past 5 days and I haven't started yet. WWYD?

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I would, but I'm not the best person to ask. My husband had a vasectomy 5 years ago as well. A couple of weeks ago, I dreamed several nights in a row that I was pregnant. I haven't had a period in probably 6 months, but that's not unusual for me. I went ahead and picked up two tests at the dollar store. Wish you lived closer, and I would bring the spare over. :D

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#1 - Birth Control Pill baby (taken as you are supposed to)

#2 - planned

#3 - planned

#4 - Natural Family Planning + Birth Control

#5 - Tandem nursing, never had a period + monitoring my temps

#6 - Copper IUD Baby (iud still in place properly....)


So if it were me, heck yeah I would test. Odds don't mean a whole lot to me at this point :lol: FTR, I got my tubes tied after this last one. If that fails, I give up :tongue_smilie:

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I think the answer lies in whether it's making you crazy or not:) Is it an all-consuming thought for you, wondering, waiting, secretly starting to daydream about having a baby or completely panicking at the mere thought and wanting to know one way or the other? Or is it just a vague "huh, thought that would be today" thing that just pops up briefly each day?


It really doesn't matter if the answer is yes and you wait another week to find out:) Or if the answer is no and you start within 5 minutes of testing (most likely scenario).

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I would, but I'm not the best person to ask. My husband had a vasectomy 5 years ago as well. A couple of weeks ago, I dreamed several nights in a row that I was pregnant. I haven't had a period in probably 6 months, but that's not unusual for me. I went ahead and picked up two tests at the dollar store. Wish you lived closer, and I would bring the spare over. :D


LOL This happened to me 5 years ago. I kept thinking I was pg even though I know I couldn't be. This went on for weeks and weeks. My brain would not let it go! Dh had a vasectomy and I had ablation so, it would take two miracles for me to get pg not just one and I had no signs of being pg.


What I didn't know, was that my niece was pg at the time with a baby that was going to be ours less than a year later. We had no intentions of a 3rd child, never even contemplated one, and adoption was the farthest thing from our mind. I had absolutely no idea she was pg, so it wasn't like I was coveting her little one. We were not approached about taking her until after she was born.



Strange but true. I always felt like it was God's little heads up on what was to come, just getting my brain in new-baby mode. lol





Any pg nieces near by? LOLOL:grouphug:

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I think the answer lies in whether it's making you crazy or not:) Is it an all-consuming thought for you, wondering, waiting, secretly starting to daydream about having a baby or completely panicking at the mere thought and wanting to know one way or the other? Or is it just a vague "huh, thought that would be today" thing that just pops up briefly each day?


It really doesn't matter if the answer is yes and you wait another week to find out:) Or if the answer is no and you start within 5 minutes of testing (most likely scenario).


:iagree: This was almost exactly what I was thinking. If it will bring you comfort to know, then test. If not, it doesn't hurt to wait it out.

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LOL This happened to me 5 years ago. I kept thinking I was pg even though I know I couldn't be. This went on for weeks and weeks. My brain would not let it go! Dh had a vasectomy and I had ablation so, it would take two miracles for me to get pg not just one and I had no signs of being pg.


What I didn't know, was that my niece was pg at the time with a baby that was going to be ours less than a year later. We had no intentions of a 3rd child, never even contemplated one, and adoption was the farthest thing from our mind. I had absolutely no idea she was pg, so it wasn't like I was coveting her little one. We were not approached about taking her until after she was born.



Strange but true. I always felt like it was God's little heads up on what was to come, just getting my brain in new-baby mode. lol





Any pg nieces near by? LOLOL:grouphug:


WOW! What a beautiful story. My only niece is 4 months old, so that's not it. Maybe someone else....I would love another baby. My husband would need some serious persuading though. I can handle him. :D

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yes, because a dear friend who is a NICU nurse in a huge hosp had a 'vasectomy' baby, and took a way the hell informal poll of 'vasectomy' babies and found out that most happened after 5 years-mostly around 10, but after 5.







I've been waking in the middle of the night thinking I've forgotten to take a bc pill.....which I haven't taken in about 15 years. My husband's v. was 5 years ago, too.

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Well, if we can give birth more than once, they can be snipped more than once. Right? :lol:


Well, I actually know someone who was snipped twice... and still fathered another child. :001_huh: One after the first V and another after the 2nd. Some kids were just meant to be, I guess. :tongue_smilie:

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#1 - Birth Control Pill baby (taken as you are supposed to)

#2 - planned

#3 - planned

#4 - Natural Family Planning + Birth Control

#5 - Tandem nursing, never had a period + monitoring my temps

#6 - Copper IUD Baby (iud still in place properly....)


So if it were me, heck yeah I would test. Odds don't mean a whole lot to me at this point :lol: FTR, I got my tubes tied after this last one. If that fails, I give up :tongue_smilie:


This sounds like my tract record. The BC methods for the last three were slightly different but same results. My hubby never got an all clear either but it's been 12 years and I am perimenopausal now.

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About vasectomies...there are several different types. My dh had the one in which a portion of the vas deferens was removed (cut out and saved in little tubes), the ends of the vas were burned closed and then tiny clamps were placed on each of the four ends permanently. I call this the "super duper" V. :D I was present during the entire operation and witnessed those steps. I was not taking any chances. If we get pg after all of that, I will consider it divine intervention.:tongue_smilie:

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Actually, although stress can delay ovulation, once you have ovulated your period is set in stone....stressing past ovulation will not make you start your period later.




You probably ovulated later than usual.



Funny, my dh never went to the post V check either. I wonder how common that is.



I remember my mom mentioning once that perhaps she was pg (I was a young teen) and looked at her like :confused:. Not only did my dad have a vasectomy but my mom had had a hysterectomy. I just told her it was very not likely.

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Funny, my dh never went to the post V check either. I wonder how common that is.



I remember my mom mentioning once that perhaps she was pg (I was a young teen) and looked at her like :confused:. Not only did my dad have a vasectomy but my mom had had a hysterectomy. I just told her it was very not likely.


:lol: at your mom! Fear is not rational. lol I sometimes fear pg even when I know how very unlikely it would be.


My dh went to the post V check. We were not taking ANY chances. I know many people who didn't, though.

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Well, I actually know someone who was snipped twice... and still fathered another child. :001_huh: One after the first V and another after the 2nd. Some kids were just meant to be, I guess. :tongue_smilie:


That's the way I look at it. If you are doing everything possible to *not* get pregnant, and you get pregnant? That baby is supposed to be here.


Says me who recently had her tubes tied. I'm hoping God doesn't take that as a challenge...:tongue_smilie:

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I remember my mom mentioning once that perhaps she was pg (I was a young teen) and looked at her like :confused:. Not only did my dad have a vasectomy but my mom had had a hysterectomy. I just told her it was very not likely.

:lol: So she had the hysterectomy but kept the hysteria? J/K

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yes, because a dear friend who is a NICU nurse in a huge hosp had a 'vasectomy' baby, and took a way the hell informal poll of 'vasectomy' babies and found out that most happened after 5 years-mostly around 10, but after 5.


What are her statistics on tubal failure??? :confused::confused::confused:

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...it was positive. :tongue_smilie:


ETA: I would NOT be able to face a positive test today, 17 years later. I knew that particular test was going to be positive anyway, because I was 4 days late, and back then, I was NEVER more than 2 days late. And besides, something just told me I was pregnant. I just knew, even without the test.

Edited by ereks mom
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Can you and hubby find some time to be alone? If my period is on its way, that usually does it for me. :)


Nothing like dh kick starting things to get going. ;)




just turned 34, so it's possible I suppose.


When does menopause usually start? I thought late 40's on average.




:lol: So she had the hysterectomy but kept the hysteria? J/K


Oh, she most certainly kept the hysteria.

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