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Healthy weight people - approx. how many calories do you eat?

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I really have no idea. I eat three meals a day, each fills a plate with no seconds, no snacks and no sweets. A lot of the plate is veg/fruit, but it's a mixture - generally pretty whole grain and low-saturated-fat. At weekends I allow myself the odd sweet treat.


If I eat like this, I maintain my weight or maybe lose a bit.


ETA: sorry - I'm 5'4" and am active but not a big exerciser: I walk or garden every day.



Edited by Laura Corin
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I don't count calories but tend to think I have a high calorie diet. However I get a lot of exercise (in the form of outdoor chores),drink coffee black, and water is my beverage of choice. I also don't care for sweets very much and I'm lucky that we don't live near fast-food places so that temptation is not there. All that together seems to work.

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I just looked this up yesterday... according to an online calculator, I need 1887 calories without exercise to maintain a weight of 130lbs. That seems high to me. However, I really think there is something wrong with me - I am actually gaining weight while training for a marathon! Seriously, I ran 20 miles on Friday. Today, I was 2 pounds heavier. This is SO not nice!

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About 1800/day keeps me at a healthy weight - at a BMI of about 24, so, the high side of normal for my height. Less than that and I weigh a bit less, more than that and I weigh a bit more. I routinely hang out here though.


But I do work out vigorously most days (weights, plyometrics, etc.) and have a high percentage of muscle-to-fat for a female (I have a build that likes adding muscle, always have, I'm your basic mesomorph), so I burn more calories than most women my height (5'3"). I guess I'm saying your mileage might vary. But it sounds from your OP that you know that. :)

Edited by Britomart
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I really think it varies from person to person, depending how active they are and how fast their matabolism is. I have been a healthy weight most of my life, but now have about 15 extra lbs from my last pregnancy that I will have to work at getting off. I have most often eaten what I wanted and eat sweets most days and do not gain weight. I am active and was blessed with a fast matabolism.


My dh on the other hand would gain weight like crazy if he ate what I do. He does weight watchers and eats 25-35 points. A few days I have counted and it was something like 45-50 points that I eat without gaining weight.


Sorry, I've never counted calories so I don't know.

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i have absolutely no idea. i do exercise though, so my calorie intake wouldn't be much help anyway. i can say though, that i am thinnest when i only drink water and cut sugar out of my diet. if i do that, i can eat whatever i want. when i don't do that, i tend to gain weight much easier & feel quite sluggish.

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I just looked this up yesterday... according to an online calculator, I need 1887 calories without exercise to maintain a weight of 130lbs. That seems high to me. However, I really think there is something wrong with me - I am actually gaining weight while training for a marathon! Seriously, I ran 20 miles on Friday. Today, I was 2 pounds heavier. This is SO not nice!


fwiw, you might be temporarily retaining water while your body repairs your muscles. No kidding. So expect it to go back down in a day or two, as long as you're eating normally.

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I just looked this up yesterday... according to an online calculator, I need 1887 calories without exercise to maintain a weight of 130lbs. That seems high to me. However, I really think there is something wrong with me - I am actually gaining weight while training for a marathon! Seriously, I ran 20 miles on Friday. Today, I was 2 pounds heavier. This is SO not nice!


If you're replacing fat with muscle, you will gain weight but look smaller. :001_smile:

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I'm 5ft 6in and maintain a weight of 138 lbs on about 1800 calories a day and moderate activity - gym about 4 times a week. When I weighed 126 lbs I ate about the same but was a lot more active (gym 6x/week plus long bike rides and weekend hiking). I don't follow any weird diet plans except I try to limit sweets.

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1200 is usually the *lowest* recommended calorie intake for an adult that I've seen so I can't imagine 100 calories less than that (or making such a huge difference)! Are you very short? Do you also exercise?


I'm 5'3 (and 3/4 - that's important:D). I am overweight but am exercising about 45 min. a day, 6 days a week, at a level that is difficult but is still doable for me (ie. I'm going to my limit for right now but that keeps changing as I gain stamina and muscle). I take in about 1500 - 1600 calories. I'm losing some and am gaining a whole lot of muscles. I was just wondering what would be "normal" once I get to a healthy weight (though that is still a long way off). I anticipate having exercise being a part of my life.

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I take it b/n 2000-2300 calories per day, but! I run 5mi per day 3-4x per week. And, I've been nursing for more than 3 years now! I gain weight if I don't eat that much!!!! My metabolism suffers harshly if I consume lots of sugar, or soft drinks. I've switched over to stevia (in the raw!)-sweetened tea & water only and have felt SO much better! I'm currently loosing about 1-2lbs per week, on average of 6lbs per month...Slow & Steady wins the race!!! :D

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I'm 5'4" (but at my last dr's appt, it said I was 5'3 1/4" , but I refuse to believe I'm shrinking :glare:) and while I don't usually keep track, I kind of added it up in my head and it comes to around 1200-1400 cal per day. I walk several days a week, and that's about the extent of my purposeful exercise.

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I went to www.myfitnesspal.com and began logging what I eat in a day. I am trying to stay around 1300 cal./day. Somedays I feel full on that and others I could eat the rug I am standing on:) But, it has been fun to see how the calories add up - as long as you are honest about what you eat and size. I lost weight using the website and its free. I also logged my exercise and it will add the extra calories you burned to what you can eat. It's a tool that helps.....

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1200 is usually the *lowest* recommended calorie intake for an adult that I've seen so I can't imagine 100 calories less than that (or making such a huge difference)! Are you very short? Do you also exercise?

Not sure if you were referring to me. I am 5'5" and exercise for 30 minutes per day. If I eat 1200 calories a day, I slowly put on weight. at 1100 I slowly decreases. Pre homeschooling I was way more active, and could eat whatever and however much I wanted. NOW I am homeschooling apart form my 30 minutes pr day the only other exercise I get is going from desk to desk helping them all with their work.


According to my online calorie counter, for a sedentary person, 1200 calories is about what you need to maintain weight, after that you put it on.

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A friend of mine is in LOVE with www.sparkpeople.com and has managed to reach her goal weight.


I used LoseIt! App on Iphone and to lose a pound a week over 7 weeks I could have 1660 calories a day. I would enter what I ate then subtract what I exercised. It's not fully scientific (haha) but it helped me lose about 6 pounds.


So, I think when I'm maintaining I consume around 1800 calories (or up to 2000) a day. I'm sure age and height are very relevant here.

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I just looked this up yesterday... according to an online calculator, I need 1887 calories without exercise to maintain a weight of 130lbs. That seems high to me. However, I really think there is something wrong with me - I am actually gaining weight while training for a marathon! Seriously, I ran 20 miles on Friday. Today, I was 2 pounds heavier. This is SO not nice!


NOOOOOOO!!!! That CAN'T be right! Ack. I'm just going in to my marathon training. I have a 16 mile run on Saturday. I cannot. Absolutely cannot gain weight while training!!!! Ugh.


LOL I'm sort of kidding. I've been running HARD and been able to lose inches, so I'm happy!!!


BTW - congrats on your 20 mile run!!!! I'm nervous about mine.


I'm 5'3 and 3/4 too. I maintain at 1800 calories/day and will lose slowly if I'm down around 1500-1600 calories/day. My exercise is 1/2 hour fast walking on the treadmill, 5 days/week.


I'm jealous! I'm 5'10", training for a marathon. I GAIN weight at 1800 calories. Grrrrrr. I can eat around 1500 calories and maintain 145 pounds. The day after a long run (10 miles or more) I can (and need to) eat a LOT!!!!


So, to answer the OP - I maintain a weight of 145 at 5'10" eating 1500 calories a day (approx). And, I run 4 − 5 times/week. One time is at least 10 miles.

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I'm 5' 3" and weigh 117. I don't have any idea how many calories a day I eat. But, when I was pregnant and on a diet for gestational diabetes, I was to eat 1800 or 1900 calories a day (can't remember which). I could hardly stuff that much food into my mouth. You are supposed to add 300 calories to your regular intake when pregnant. So...that puts me at needing 1500-1600 a day?


I just found this website. It says I need 1345 calories a day to maintain. I think that is more like what I eat.

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I noticed my weight creeping up over the last year and I had reached the upper limit of my healthy weight for height. 2 weeks ago (after reading soemthing here) I decided to join weight watchers. I am on 18 points a day which is apparently approximately 900 calories- plus I get a bit more for any exercise I do. It is making me realise how much I was overeating. I was probably eating twice that. I am feeling pretty hungry on Weight Watchers but it is nice to watch the weight go down again.

I seem to gain and lose weight pretty easily. Probably about 1500 calories would maintain me at a healthy weight.

Edited by Peela
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I really have no idea. I eat three meals a day, each fills a plate with no seconds, no snacks and no sweets. A lot of the plate is veg/fruit, but it's a mixture - generally pretty whole grain and low-saturated-fat. At weekends I allow myself the odd sweet treat.


If I eat like this, I maintain my weight or maybe lose a bit.




:iagree: No idea. I eat when I'm hungry and generally don't have sweets more than 1-2 times per week.

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Yes, I know it depends on how tall you are and how active you are. I just want a general idea.


(I hope this isn't one of those questions that it is impolite to ask.)


I'm on a food challenge for sensitivities, and have had to keep a detailed journal for the past six months. Prior to this, I didn't count calories. Or fat grams. Or anything, really.


I round up to 5'1" and my weight fluctuates from 120-130, just depending on the time of month and heck - time of year (I typically gain during winter months). I wear a size 2 or 4 in most clothing sizes, but am still on the higher end of BMI and weight for my height/build. Most people are surprised to hear how much I weigh, and assume I weigh less :confused: I guess my fat distributes evenly, rather than collecting in one problem area.


I'm completely sedentary, except for the normal chasing after kids thing.


According to my journal I average about 1800-2000 calories a day, but I'm selective about those calories. I don't buy the calories in, calories out thing; I aim for quality over quantity. I tend to hover around 2000 the weeks of ovulation and menstruation. The other weeks I'm closer to 1800.


I'm in my early thirties, and not perimenapausal (sp?) -- I think that's a worthy consideration, too.

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5'8" 135lbs. I don't know how many calories I consume but I would guess 1200-2000 as my diet varies greatly. There is a Starbucks where I work so one frappuccino is about 1/2 of that if I decide to treat myself.


I just added it up for today and I didn't even hit 1000 calories. No wonder I am sitting here at 11pm eating Thai noodles. LOL


The key for me isn't really how many calories it has to do more with how refined they are. I can eat all day and not gain weight if I cook at home. If I eat a lot of fast food or prepared food, then I slowly start to gain. If I stop, I go right back to 135.


The other important part is my working or activity outside the home. When I was off work and barely eating (medication induced nausea) I gained 10lbs in 6mths. Within a month or two of going back to work, I lost it all. Same thing happened 4 months later. Gained 10 and lost it almost immediately when I started back to work. I don't cook lowfat, but just 'low junk'. I use natural ingredients (ww flour, real butter, fruits/veggies, etc) and rarely add a 'can or box' of anything to my pots/pans.


I work in pharmacy and am on my feet for a sold 6-12 hours 3-5 days a week (I aim for 25ish). We aren't doing an aerobic workout but I know I walk miles each day at work. Also just being upright, as opposed to sitting/laying around, makes a difference for me. I am the type of person to take the stairs, and to park in the back of the parking lot. I don't work out or exercise, but am active in my daily life.

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Guest helen82

I am 5'3, 210 lbs and 22 y/o.


I am supposed to eat 1350 a day and usually end up between 1300-1500 with more on days I exercise.


I really want to try sticking to 1350 though!

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Guest CarolineUK

5' 8" and and have been around 138lbs for most of the past 11 years, when not pregnant, before babies I was around 126lbs and probably a bit on the skinny side. I couldn't exist on less than 1800 calories a day for more than four or five days without feeling physically and mentally terrible, and once I started eating more normally (for me) I would be ravenous. My appetite varies, on a less hungry day I'd probably eat about 1800 calories, on a hungry day it could be 2500 or more. I don't exercise, but keeping my rather large house and family well looked after does use up quite a lot of energy. Over the past couple of years I've had to give up eating sweets and chocolate, which at one time I ate a lot of, and I notice I have a lot more energy and stamina since doing so.

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5' 8" and and have been around 138lbs for most of the past 11 years, when not pregnant, before babies I was around 126lbs and probably a bit on the skinny side. I couldn't exist on less than 1800 calories a day for more than four or five days without feeling physically and mentally terrible, and once I started eating more normally (for me) I would be ravenous. My appetite varies, on a less hungry day I'd probably eat about 1800 calories, on a hungry day it could be 2500 or more. I don't exercise, but keeping my rather large house and family well looked after does use up quite a lot of energy. Over the past couple of years I've had to give up eating sweets and chocolate, which at one time I ate a lot of, and I notice I have a lot more energy and stamina since doing so.


Caroline, I could have written your post!

(Except I'm 5'8" and 130lbs, when not pregnant.)


I never count calories, I just eat when I'm hungry and I try to eat mostly

healthy food. Last year I counted calories for the first time ever, which

resulted in some interesting conversations with my eldest dd who had never

seen me do something so strange :lol:. I was breastfeeding *and* had started

to exercise (weight lifting) and I got way too skinny - and I'm not even going

to admit how many calories I was eating...it was a lot :tongue_smilie:.

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