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Who else is getting soaked?

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It's been absolutely horrible here all summer long. It started with Hurricane Agatha--mudslides, sinkholes, lots of death and destruction--and is continuing with one tropical storm after another either off the carribean coast or the Pacific coast. It's been raining now for about 3 days straight and again there are mudslides and sinkholes and flooding. I'm ready for it to be over.

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Thanks for the tornado info--I'm in Fairfax County like Marianne, and I'm going to turn the radio on! It's currently pouring here in Lorton.


I drove dd to school today. At 8:15, the water had risen under the bridge (little bridge, 25-30 feet long and not high) we go over every day. I would not be surprised to find it flooded--I'll have to remember to go around if I pick her up today.

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Yep, flood warnings til 8 PM tonight here in PA.


PLEASE cross your fingers that tomorrow turns out to be a nice day! It's calling for a 50 percent chance of rain in the morning and saying "mostly sunny" in the afternoon-


tomorrow is my daughter's 10th birthday and for the first time EVER I have an outdoor party planned- a carnival type theme with a bounce house, face painting and so on, starting late in the afternoon. It's already probably going to be muddy which stinks. But man please don't let it rain!!!

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Buckets here in central Va. too. We needed it though too.


I'm spending my birthday cleaning water out of my basement while juggling an infant (who is currently nursing). It's forecasted to rain until 8:00pm. :glare:


Aw! That stinks, I hope manage to have a decent time on your birthday later in the evening:grouphug:.

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I'm spending my birthday cleaning water out of my basement while juggling an infant (who is currently nursing). It's forecasted to rain until 8:00pm. :glare:


I once spent my birthday in the ER with my youngest ds (he was 3) when he fell running up the stairs and 2 of his bottom teeth went right through his bottom lip.


He was still hungry afterwards though and had no problem eating a BBQ ham sandwich. Kids! :glare:

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We're in Lancaster County, PA. It has been raining buckets with lots of wind. Several schools in the county let out at 1pm. I had to drive to a dr appt this morning through the worst of it, on a 2 lane country road with lots of flooding from pastures right into the road. Not fun.


I think it is supposed to let up by this evening.

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I'm not sure it's every going to stop raining here. I haven't seen anything like this since Hurricane Floyd in 99. We're on a hill/slope but the roads are awful.


And even though DH didn't have to go to work today he did. I guess if I had the choice of a deserted office or home with a sick grumpy wife and three boys who haven't been able to get out since Monday I'd chose the office too. :tongue_smilie:


Can you tell the constant rain is helping my mood?;)

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we ended up getting about 7 in in 2 days. Wilmington and beaches around there got 13-14 inches and there was severe flooding, some main roads are still closed. Fortunately we didn't get a lot of flooding but we do have standing water in our yard. When that happens to us we know we've had a lot of water. It rarely happens and usually only during hurricanes etc. Glad it's over but we did need it. I'd just have preferred a more gentler version over several days.

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I live in southern MN and we had 10.5 inches of rain in 36 hours. Our sump pump failed and the insurance adjuster was here today. We spent 3 days tearing out soaked carpet pad and still have fans on. In case you're wondering, 10.5 inches is what a hurricane dumps in its duration. It's sunny and we're drying off!


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