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As if turning 10 wasn't enough...


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Now my sweet girl has decided to grow breasts. We were coming home from a walk last night, and I looked back and these strange things were poking through her shirt. She has been wearing camisoles for about a year under certain thin shirts, but this is a whole new level of growing up. I guess we are going shopping for a training bra this weekend. She doesn't have any underarm or pubic hair, but the hair on her legs is thick and coarse. And she has had several little pimples on her face this summer. I also noticed her hair looking a bit greasy a couple of times so she is having to wash it more often. She has been wearing deodorant for a year or so. She is getting so tall and has been getting a cute little figure over the last 8-10 months or so.


This is so hard for me. I am sad and scared for my girls to grow up, even though I know that's how it is supposed to be.


So be honest, moms of girls, how long do I have before she gets her period? She knows all about puberty and periods and sex. I gave her the Care and Keeping book from American Girl today and told her to read through it whenever she wants to and ask me anything she wants to ask. We are very open with everything.


Just look at her! She is growing up! She used to be cute, but now she is beautiful!!



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I got my period at age 10 :glare: :grouphug: My DD just turned 8 and those days will be right around the corner for me :-(


I got mine at 13, but I swear I didn't really need a bra until I was probably 15 or so. I never made it out of a B cup until I got pregnant.

:grouphug: for you too.

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Oh, Nakia, she is stunning. She has SUCH a lovely smile! My girl is growing too, and has not had her period yet THANK GOD! But I know it's going to happen. *gulp* Just sending :grouphug: hugs because I'm walking this road with you.


Thank you. I can't believe how beautiful she is, though I know I am a bit biased. :D


We need to start a WTM "moms of preteen girls" group.

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Two down, two to go in my house. . . . ;)


You have about 12 months (give or take) after the first appearance of brea*t buds. It was about 15 mos. after my now 11yo started growing hers that she started her cycle.


Can I give a recommendation? Look into this series: Beautifully Made. It is without reservation the BEST series I've ever seen on dealing in a positive, godly manner with the changes happening in our girls. It's not puritanical or unrealistic - it's celebratory and gives our girls information, honest information, about the wonder of their bodies and how to embrace their womanhood.

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Mine is 10 too.. Argh!! Although she's not growing anything yet, but hair on her legs :-(


She's pretty tiny, underweight, and trains 20 hours a week. I'm assuming (hoping?) this will delay the start of menses. The older you are the better it is, or at least that's my take on it..


Anna weighs about 75 lbs or so. I have heard that 100 lbs is like the magic number or something. Anyone heard that?


shhhhh.... them be fightin' words! :lol:


I agree with Karyn, Imp! You better stop! :D BTW, Karyn, your dd is beautiful too! Love the pic!


Two down, two to go in my house. . . . ;)


You have about 12 months (give or take) after the first appearance of brea*t buds. It was about 15 mos. after my now 11yo started growing hers that she started her cycle.


Can I give a recommendation? Look into this series: Beautifully Made. It is without reservation the BEST series I've ever seen on dealing in a positive, godly manner with the changes happening in our girls. It's not puritanical or unrealistic - it's celebratory and gives our girls information, honest information, about the wonder of their bodies and how to embrace their womanhood.


Thank you, I will check into that series.

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Hey, just being honest.


But, if you prefer...


Your dd is NEVER going to have her period, not until 2, maybe 3 months before her wedding, perhaps not even until AFTER, when she and her dh are wanting their first child...which they'll conceive simply by sharing the same air, no actual touching involved.



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My daughter started wearing a bra at 11 because the other girls at school did. She can still go without a bra but insists on wearing one. She did not get her period till she was 13. She also just hit 100 pounds (so maybe it is the magic number).


She still has no underarm hair (kinda weird) and has not started shaving her legs yet (even though she is probably really close to that point).


Her period is so so light, lack of body hair and still growing like a weed that the doctor thinks her period has not "officially" started yet.

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I started wearing a bra around 11 or 12 but didn't get my period until 14 (but then, I have PCOS). I was already in high school.


Thanks for the book recommendations - I'll look into them. DD is 9 and is in a multi-age classroom (gr 4-6) and has been commenting with wide-eyed interest that some girls wear bras in her class. I'm not ready for any of this. All I can hope is that dd is late like me ;)

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LALALALALALALALALALAL....I'm not hearing you!!!!!!:D




Anna weighs about 75 lbs or so. I have heard that 100 lbs is like the magic number or something. Anyone heard that?



I have been told 120 lbs, but my 12 1/2 year old is 146 and 5'7 3/4 and still has not started yet- she still has not grown breasts yet thank the Lord. I am not ready but I know she is old enough. She does shave her legs, she is growing hair under hear arms (I dont know about elsewhere) she does have acne and oily hair so I know its coming. They have to grow up. I am just glad she was later than I, I was only 9 :crying:

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Hey, just being honest.


But, if you prefer...


Your dd is NEVER going to have her period, not until 2, maybe 3 months before her wedding, perhaps not even until AFTER, when she and her dh are wanting their first child...which they'll conceive simply by sharing the same air, no actual touching involved.





LOL!!!! I love it! Yes, I think that's how I'd like it with my girls.


Gosh, girls grow up so fast! I didn't get my period or breasts until 13 years old. My DD is 6. Please don't tell me there's only 4 years left!

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Your daughter is beautiful.


My dd is 11 and just on the line between wearing a bra sometimes and having to wear it all the time. I also have heard it said about a year between when the breasts come and when the period comes. She has a few skin problems too.


I feel your pain. I am the mom who discovered her dd was looking at internet porn. I am already in grieving....


It's weird the conflicting emotions though. Sometimes I look at her and can see the woman she will be, and I am just so in awe how beautiful and special she is...then other times I am terrified!

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My nine year old just got her first bras. I didn't notice till my husband pointed out that she was starting to poke out a bit. She wears them most of the time. I don't expect her to get her period real soon just because I didn't get mine till I was on the verge of turning 13, but who knows. I explained the whole process but I need to talk about sex more. It's very awkward for me. My mother never explained anything to me, and I never felt like I could ask her questions.

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LOL!!!! I love it! Yes, I think that's how I'd like it with my girls.


Gosh, girls grow up so fast! I didn't get my period or breasts until 13 years old. My DD is 6. Please don't tell me there's only 4 years left!

I knew someone would appreciate it.


Diva won't be 12 til Nov, and is taller than I am (I'm 5"4). Its horrid. :crying:

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My dd got her first cycle at age 10...bless her heart...and it wasn't light, has NEVER been light. It was quite a shock for her.


It all came WAY too fast. She had no desire to grow up, cried on her 10th birthday because she thought she was too old.


All that is long gone now. She's turning 23 in December. Seems like yesterday all that stuff happened!

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I don't think weight has anything to do with then you start unless you are malnourished. I started at 11 and I weighed about 75 lbs and was 5' 2".

I give her about a year.

My oldest dd started at 11 aslo. Actually, all the women on my side of the family started at 11. I would go more based on when you or your dh mom started.


She is very beautiful!

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Now my sweet girl has decided to grow breasts. We were coming home from a walk last night, and I looked back and these strange things were poking through her shirt. She has been wearing camisoles for about a year under certain thin shirts, but this is a whole new level of growing up. I guess we are going shopping for a training bra this weekend. She doesn't have any underarm or pubic hair, but the hair on her legs is thick and coarse. And she has had several little pimples on her face this summer. I also noticed her hair looking a bit greasy a couple of times so she is having to wash it more often. She has been wearing deodorant for a year or so. She is getting so tall and has been getting a cute little figure over the last 8-10 months or so.


This is so hard for me. I am sad and scared for my girls to grow up, even though I know that's how it is supposed to be.


So be honest, moms of girls, how long do I have before she gets her period? She knows all about puberty and periods and sex. I gave her the Care and Keeping book from American Girl today and told her to read through it whenever she wants to and ask me anything she wants to ask. We are very open with everything.


Just look at her! She is growing up! She used to be cute, but now she is beautiful!!



I definitely empathize! Your daughter is lovely! I was amazed this summer at how beautiful my 11 year old daughter has become and how shapely...... ugh! She is not little anymore! :crying:


I understand the fear about them growing up. For me, it is a joy to watch my daughter grow and develop into a young woman. The hardship is in not being able to protect her from the ugliness of a world that objectifies females. How do we protect their innocence and beauty in such a pornographic world?

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Just a quick chiming in. . . . .


Although this feeling has taken me by surprise, I LOVE my daughters growing up. I love our relationship, that we can talk about womanly things. . . I feel very blessed.


It doesn't have to be all scary and bad.


(OH, and btw Imp - your comment CRACKED ME UP. "Share the same air" - ha! And I needed it today!)



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Hi Nakia,

Mine is 10, too--April b-day. She got her first bra right after. We went to Walmart and got a bunch of bras--have your dd try them on in the store. I had no idea how big dd was, so we just went with the sports-type you pull on, and they give enough support. She has the little "hill" and now the surrounding tissue is definitely growing. She's about 4'10" and 80 lbs, and has some body hair.


My doctor told me that armpit hair is the *final* step before the period. Weight doesn't really matter because we all vary so much in size. I used Care and Keeping of You with dd, also, and I went thru some of it with her instead of handing it to her. We both acknowledged the awkwardness, and the wonderful-ness, too! Reading it with her gave her the chance to ask questions right then, and we only went thru parts of it at a time.


You might give her some small pads to keep in her drawer just in case. It made my dd feel better and less fearful of being embarrassed.

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Just a quick chiming in. . . . .


Although this feeling has taken me by surprise, I LOVE my daughters growing up. I love our relationship, that we can talk about womanly things. . . I feel very blessed.


It doesn't have to be all scary and bad.





That is so true! I treasure the conversations we are able to have.

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Anna weighs about 75 lbs or so. I have heard that 100 lbs is like the magic number or something. Anyone heard that?




Well, considering that I don't weigh 100lbs and I'm 34, I'd say that's there is no magic number. I managed to conceive three babies and I was never over 100 lbs until after I was pg with each. ;)

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Dd is heavy she weighs about 130 now. She is 5'1 or 2". She has had to have a bra since she was 9.5. She will be 11 in 3 weeks. No sign yet of greasy hair or acne, pubic or underarm hair. Her leg hair is still thin. I'm thinking she is simply carrying some of the extra weight a little high.

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Thank you all so much for the information!! Gotta address a few of these!


Hey, just being honest.


But, if you prefer...


Your dd is NEVER going to have her period, not until 2, maybe 3 months before her wedding, perhaps not even until AFTER, when she and her dh are wanting their first child...which they'll conceive simply by sharing the same air, no actual touching involved.




So much better, thank you!




Your daughter is beautiful.


My dd is 11 and just on the line between wearing a bra sometimes and having to wear it all the time. I also have heard it said about a year between when the breasts come and when the period comes. She has a few skin problems too.


I feel your pain. I am the mom who discovered her dd was looking at internet porn. I am already in grieving....


It's weird the conflicting emotions though. Sometimes I look at her and can see the woman she will be, and I am just so in awe how beautiful and special she is...then other times I am terrified!



I know what you mean about conflicting emotions. I love having more grown up talks with her. And her sense of humor is amazing. I posted when she turned 10 a couple of wks ago about her security and independence. She is such an amazing girl that I know she is going to grow up to be an amazing woman!


My nine year old just got her first bras. I didn't notice till my husband pointed out that she was starting to poke out a bit. She wears them most of the time. I don't expect her to get her period real soon just because I didn't get mine till I was on the verge of turning 13, but who knows. I explained the whole process but I need to talk about sex more. It's very awkward for me. My mother never explained anything to me, and I never felt like I could ask her questions.


My mother only told me briefly about periods and showed me a tampon and then I was on my own. That's one reason I have been so open with my girls.

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I don't know if it's weight so much as estrogen levels. A shorter girl is going to have enough estrogen at 80 pounds. My third girl started her period around 80 pounds and has stopped growing at 4 feet 11. She has yet to reach 100 pounds. My second girl was 12 and a flat-chested tiny gynmnast with only 10-12% body fat, so she shocked us all when she started. My oldest is from a slightly different gene pool and she was 13, weighed 145 and wore a size 34D bra when she started (and had had breasts since she was 9). Obviously we have outliers in our family, but I think the 100pounds/1 year after breasts thing is more of an average rule of thumb, top of the bell curve thing. There seem to be long tails on either side.



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My dd turned 10 this summer. She's 92 lbs I think, and 4'9". So she is quite tall but not slim. Not chubby, but definitely has that pudge that some girls get. She has been wearing deodorant since K :001_huh: and I noticed her leg hair getting courser but no other hair. She does have a spot or two of acne and has had greasy hair for a while too. I think the breast buds are there, but some of it might be her anti-skinnyness too.;) She is uber-modest so I don't get to see her nekkid. We've had the talk about body changes and even periods but her modesty and embarrassment got in the way of me telling her more. I will soon. DH thinks its time.


It's SUCH an awkward age isn't it? They go between being so childish one minute to completely mature the next. She will play and play with her brother and then shut him down and want to go to her room and put on makeup and high heels.:glare:


Here's my girl:



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I understand the fear about them growing up. For me, it is a joy to watch my daughter grow and develop into a young woman. The hardship is in not being able to protect her from the ugliness of a world that objectifies females. How do we protect their innocence and beauty in such a pornographic world?


Oh, it is a joy to watch her grow up! She is so amazing. It is bittersweet. I am also scared of what the world is like for women.

Just a quick chiming in. . . . .


Although this feeling has taken me by surprise, I LOVE my daughters growing up. I love our relationship, that we can talk about womanly things. . . I feel very blessed.


It doesn't have to be all scary and bad.






It's not all scary and bad, I know. It's just that I have moments when I am overwhelmed at the thought.


Hi Nakia,

Mine is 10, too--April b-day. She got her first bra right after. We went to Walmart and got a bunch of bras--have your dd try them on in the store. I had no idea how big dd was, so we just went with the sports-type you pull on, and they give enough support. She has the little "hill" and now the surrounding tissue is definitely growing. She's about 4'10" and 80 lbs, and has some body hair.


My doctor told me that armpit hair is the *final* step before the period. Weight doesn't really matter because we all vary so much in size. I used Care and Keeping of You with dd, also, and I went thru some of it with her instead of handing it to her. We both acknowledged the awkwardness, and the wonderful-ness, too! Reading it with her gave her the chance to ask questions right then, and we only went thru parts of it at a time.


You might give her some small pads to keep in her drawer just in case. It made my dd feel better and less fearful of being embarrassed.


Thanks Christ. My bff just got her seven year old some of those sports-type bras. Anna and I will go shopping this weekend and see what we can find. We have had many talks about growing up and puberty, and I didn't want anyone to think I just handed her the book and said good luck, lol. We read through the part about breasts, and I went through and pointed out the different chapters. I think for her, she appreciates being able to read about it privately, and then let me know what she thinks and any questions she has. I will talk to her some more tonight when the little girls aren't hot on our trail to find out what we are talking about. Nosey little girls! :lol:




Well, considering that I don't weigh 100lbs and I'm 34, I'd say that's there is no magic number. I managed to conceive three babies and I was never over 100 lbs until after I was pg with each. ;)


I'm sure there is no magic number. That's probably some old wives' tale or something.

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I don't know if it's weight so much as estrogen levels. A shorter girl is going to have enough estrogen at 80 pounds. My third girl started her period around 80 pounds and has stopped growing at 4 feet 11. She has yet to reach 100 pounds. My second girl was 12 and a flat-chested tiny gynmnast with only 10-12% body fat, so she shocked us all when she started. My oldest is from a slightly different gene pool and she was 13, weighed 145 and wore a size 34D bra when she started (and had had breasts since she was 9). Obviously we have outliers in our family, but I think the 100pounds/1 year after breasts thing is more of an average rule of thumb, top of the bell curve thing. There seem to be long tails on either side.






My dd turned 10 this summer. She's 92 lbs I think, and 4'9". So she is quite tall but not slim. Not chubby, but definitely has that pudge that some girls get. She has been wearing deodorant since K :001_huh: and I noticed her leg hair getting courser but no other hair. She does have a spot or two of acne and has had greasy hair for a while too. I think the breast buds are there, but some of it might be her anti-skinnyness too.;) She is uber-modest so I don't get to see her nekkid. We've had the talk about body changes and even periods but her modesty and embarrassment got in the way of me telling her more. I will soon. DH thinks its time.


It's SUCH an awkward age isn't it? They go between being so childish one minute to completely mature the next. She will play and play with her brother and then shut him down and want to go to her room and put on makeup and high heels.:glare:


Here's my girl:


Your dd is beautiful! I so agree with the bolded above, except with Anna it's her sisters that drive her nuts.

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My youngest started to need at least a cami about one year ago. She doesn't have underarm hair. She grew a LOT over the summer (outgrew two swimsuits in three months) and grew through several bra sizes as well. Her period started last month at 12y3m. She weighs 85 pounds.


My other girls started at 11y8m (100 pounds) and 12y4m (90 pounds).


All three of them were close to 5' when they started their periods. My oldest is 5'3.5" and is done growing. My middle dd is 5'0.5" and I'm pretty sure she's done growing too. I expect my youngest to be the tallest.

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Well, speakings as a peds nurse.....she could get it any day. Girls are extremely variable as to when that happens. The short answer is....when your hormones say so. I've seen girls of all shapes, weights, sizes, breast development, secondary sign development come into the practice starting their periods at all different ages. It's so individual, there really is no definite marker that could tell you when it will happen. As long as she's prepared, it'll be fine.


Oh, and hold on to your hat. The years between 10 and 15 FLY BY!!! It seems like one day they're little girls.....the next day, they're most definitely not! Enjoy...it's a fun ride!!


Diane W.

married for 22 years

homeschooling 3 kiddos for 16 years (ds-20, dd-17, ds-9)

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Mine is 10 too.. Argh!! Although she's not growing anything yet, but hair on her legs :-(


She's pretty tiny, underweight, and trains 20 hours a week. I'm assuming (hoping?) this will delay the start of menses. The older you are the better it is, or at least that's my take on it..


I keep hoping that my tiny, underweight girl (also 10) will similarly have a delay in menarche.

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Well, speakings as a peds nurse.....she could get it any day. Girls are extremely variable as to when that happens. The short answer is....when your hormones say so. I've seen girls of all shapes, weights, sizes, breast development, secondary sign development come into the practice starting their periods at all different ages. It's so individual, there really is no definite marker that could tell you when it will happen. As long as she's prepared, it'll be fine.


Oh, and hold on to your hat. The years between 10 and 15 FLY BY!!! It seems like one day they're little girls.....the next day, they're most definitely not! Enjoy...it's a fun ride!!


Diane W.

married for 22 years

homeschooling 3 kiddos for 16 years (ds-20, dd-17, ds-9)


Thank you for responding Diane. I was hoping you would. I am actually taking her to the doctor next week for her Tdap booster and well visit (since she hasn't been to the doctor in 3 years, lol), and I am planning to to talk to her pediatrician about it. But I expect her to say exactly you said. She will get it when her hormones say so. :001_smile:

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Don't y'all know your girls would be mortified to know what we are discussing online. ;)


I don't remember weights.

1 - pre-adolescent hormones kicked in at 10 1/2, period at 13?

2 - pre-adolescent hormones kicked in a 9, period at 11 1/2 (me :sad:)

3 - pre-adolescent hormones kicked in at 10, 1st period at 11 1/2 (only a couple in the past nine months)


Periods seemed to be timed more closely to pubic hair than breast buds.

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I have been told that the period usually shows up about 6 months after underarm hair develops. I don't know how true it is.


My 10 year old is wearing the sports cami bras but will soon need to move into an official training bra. I am avoiding. She also suffers from the greasy hair problem. I highly recommend Aussie cleanse and mend. It seems to keep the greasiness under control. My hair stylist recommends alternating the Aussie shampoo with Pantene Daily Clarifying shampoo. As one bottle is finished replace it with the other. She also suggested my dd start washing her hair in the morning rather then at night. This way her hair stays looking grease free for most of the day.

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I have been told that the period usually shows up about 6 months after underarm hair develops. I don't know how true it is.


My 10 year old is wearing the sports cami bras but will soon need to move into an official training bra. I am avoiding. She also suffers from the greasy hair problem. I highly recommend Aussie cleanse and mend. It seems to keep the greasiness under control. My hair stylist recommends alternating the Aussie shampoo with Pantene Daily Clarifying shampoo. As one bottle is finished replace it with the other. She also suggested my dd start washing her hair in the morning rather then at night. This way her hair stays looking grease free for most of the day.


I checked her armpits today, and she doesn't have hair there. :D


As far as greasy hair, she has never had to wash her hair more than a couple of times a week, but what I am noticing is that after two days or so, it looks greasy and needs to be washed. So she still isn't having to do it daily. Of course, I only wash my hair every 2-3 days because it is curly and tends to be dry.

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