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Am I the only person who just doesn't want to leave the house in the summer?

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I feel horrible guilt about this, but July and August just make me depressed. This summer has been especially bad because I'm trying not to spend money, and all the free things are outdoors. I feel like we should be outdoors more, but I don't want to go outside. We're only in NJ, but this summer has been particularly nasty and humid. We can hardly even open the windows at night :( We had a very nice, cool day last week, and I couldn't believe the change in my mood!


Am I the only person locked in her house until September?

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I HATE summer. I don't want to leave the house and I don't want to stay at home. I want to move to a cooler climate!


Hubby gets NO paycheck in the summer months and it is 105+ degrees outside. Blech.


I just count down the days to autumn.

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I hate the summer. The heat and humidity this summer has been bad and I try not to go out unless I have to. I feel guilty too about the missing out on fun free stuff, but I can't bring myself to go out for any extended period of time. Today was cooler, overcast and so much more livable for me and we went out to several places. Last week we went fall shopping for my dd5. The amount of excitement I felt buying sweaters, jeans and hats was ridiculous.

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I'm with Daisy - I HATE summer! Even with window fans running and an enormously loud floor fan, it is unbearably hot. We do have a window air conditioner but because of overwhelming financial concerns we have not been running it. It really only helps in the room it's in anyway.


Like the OP, I tend to be indoors more, but I make myself go outside. Doing errands is very nice these day because other people/businesses have air conditioning on!:D


And, again like Daisy, I am waiting for autumn, although fall where we live can be just like summer.:glare: When there is snow on the ground, I will not be complaining! I would far rather be bundling up in layers than wiping this confounded, non-ending sweat continuously.:001_smile:

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I HATE summer with a passion.

Thankfully my dad bought us one of those easy set pools. Its not even that deep, like 3 feet, but we sit in it everyday. We go out about 10 am and the kids ride their bikes while I runa round and tend to all the animals and weed really quick, all in our swimsuits. Then we jump in the pool for about 1/2 hour. Its great to enjoy the sunshine. Its stinks to be doing work out there when its so hot, but the pool is our reward.

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We dislike the hot humid and sticky summer months here too!! Our ac can't keep up and the fans running constantly do help but the min. we step outside it's like breathing in a muggy dishwasher! LOL!! HORRIBLE


My poor littles have been wanting to go out and play and I'll find the best times between the yucky weather so they can get out atleast 30min every couple of days..even if it's after dinner before it starts getting dark...


I'm counting down the days til it's autumn too! I want homemade breads, soups, stews and crockpot meals..I'm tired of heavy meals on hot summer days...and I can't stand salads all week long either!!

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I'm in full agreement. I will be very thankful when summer is over. I don't do heat very well. But I also have found that summers are not relaxing at all. We are always running around doing "fun things" because I don't make our home time sacred like I do during the school year. I was just commenting to a friend that I can't wait for winter because then we stay home so much more.

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I feel horrible guilt about this, but July and August just make me depressed. This summer has been especially bad because I'm trying not to spend money, and all the free things are outdoors. I feel like we should be outdoors more, but I don't want to go outside. We're only in NJ, but this summer has been particularly nasty and humid. We can hardly even open the windows at night :( We had a very nice, cool day last week, and I couldn't believe the change in my mood!


Am I the only person locked in her house until September?


NJ here too and this summer has been the worst. Usually I'm okay with the summer - don't love it but don't hate it. This year I can't even breathe when I'm outside, we've had numerous air quality warnings (pretty unusual) and I'm using my asthma inhaler more than I have in the last 10 years.


I feel so bad for the little guys but I just can't handle being outside much. Inside with the central air is where I want to be.

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Guest janainaz

I'm in AZ, we spend 99.9% of our time indoors and go to CA for ten days a month. I rarely leave the house - our big outing is to walk around the mall and Wal-Mart, Target, etc. I just ride it out.

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I very much prefer winter to summer. I *hate* being hot. With an intense passion.


And I feel bad, because DD wants to go out and play and stuff.... and all I want to do is sit inside my nice cool house, or the cool library, or a friend's cool house, or... see the pattern here? :lol:


I'm really bad. I'm paying 30 bucks a month for access to an indoor play area. That way I can take the kids there to run around and burn their energy and I don't have to go outside. lol. The only problem is that it never burns of quite as much energy as actual fresh air does. But monthly passes to the local pools are much more expensive.

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I hear you. It's been unbelievably hot. I have wanted to stay home at times, but to do so every day would be unhealthy for me and my family. Sometimes I have to put one foot in front of the other and go. People survived before AC and people are managing now. I remind myself that many people have to work in this heat or they and/or their families won't eat. I have animals that need care, and a garden (which makes a big difference in nutritional intake even through the winter as I do 'put up' some food.)


Staying home all the time would send the wrong message to my kids. "If it's too hard, sit on your bum". I personally have difficulty in the cold; my whole body aches in it, but I still go out in it; I laugh at myself...how many layers does one need to sled? lol I seriously could hibernate for three months, but I don't think it's good for me. It's easy. It's not even doable given that I don't live in a little house on the prarie. (Which I can't even imagine. The Long Winter could bring on panic attacks. I can't even go there, it's so depressing. Poor Mama).

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Yep, I hate summer, too. It's very hot and humid here. When you step outside, the humidity hits you as if you walked into a wall. It'll take your breath away. If I move an inch, I start to sweat. I can't stand for my clothes and hair to be sticking to me. Yuck. :glare:


We don't do outdoor things, but we don't stay in the house all the time. There is a bowling alley around the corner that lets the kids bowl free during the summer months. Our local science museum gives out free memberships during the summer, too. We go to the movies. My kids do things with friends of ours that like to be outdoors, so they can get out even when I want to stay in. My son is a Boy Scout, and they still do things in the summer. They have been to the water park a few times, too.


The heat is the reason that we school all year, though. We do a lot of school during the summer since we don't get out much. Then, we can take off school a lot during the fall and winter.

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I'm really bad. I'm paying 30 bucks a month for access to an indoor play area. That way I can take the kids there to run around and burn their energy and I don't have to go outside. lol. The only problem is that it never burns of quite as much energy as actual fresh air does. But monthly passes to the local pools are much more expensive.


LOL, If they had something like this here, I'd so do it.


What we do have is a best friend with a huge backyard and large glass sliding door, so the kids can play outside while the moms can sit right inside the glass and watch. :lol:

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I feel horrible guilt about this, but July and August just make me depressed. This summer has been especially bad because I'm trying not to spend money, and all the free things are outdoors. I feel like we should be outdoors more, but I don't want to go outside. We're only in NJ, but this summer has been particularly nasty and humid. We can hardly even open the windows at night :( We had a very nice, cool day last week, and I couldn't believe the change in my mood!


Am I the only person locked in her house until September?







Honestly, this is FUNNY. No, you are not alone. It was H O T here in Charlotte, NC this summer! I'm from the north originally and like the cooler side of weather. To be honest, I LOVE the snow and actually like the cold knowing I can rush inside and get all comfy.


I keep my shades drawn almost 24/7. I'll let them up a couple of inches in the morning in a few rooms to get LIGHT!! But, by afternoon they are down again to help keep out the heat. We have 4 ceiling fans, 2 stand fans, window ac, house ac and maybe I'm missing something.:lol:


This goes on each year and I've noticed I've gained weight so this year, I've tried to get out more, but still it's hard.

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I have seasonal affective disorder. It just happens to be that my season is summer instead of winter. :D Just kidding but seriously, I despise summers here.


12% humidity and 110 degrees. We make raisins here by just laying the grapes on paper in the sun. It probably takes 20 minutes. :lol:


I remember some science experiment we did once where we were supposed to measure the rate of evaporation of water on a plate, checking it every hour. Well, we came back in an hour and the plate was bone dry.

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I found the summers much easier in CA than in the east. Yup yup, I'm gonna say it: it's not the heat, it's the humidity. :D I didn't stick to anything in CA. I didn't sweat. Here, I can sometimes turn into a giant puddle in just a few short minutes.

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For me, the first part of summer isn't too bad (it's a dry heat!), but once monsoon season hits...ugh! It's hot, it's miserable, and I don't want to set foot outside during the day. Our yard looks like the desert (the actual desert, not "desert landscaping"--which means there are a LOT of weeds this time of year!), and since I work most mornings, there's no chance for me to get out there while temperatures are semi-reasonable to pull them.


I desperately want to buy a weed-wacker.


At least we now have a vehicle with A/C in it. Until last week we didn't.

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I hate summer, too.


It's funny -- you hear about people who are depressed in the winter but who love summer. I'm the opposite. While I have the typical winter doldrums after Christmas and before spring, it's summer when I really feel down. I don't like the heat and humidity; I don't care for cooking dinner on the grill (except for the relative ease of it); I don't like going to the lake or the beach when it's like a sauna outside and there are crowds. Summer in general is just oppressive, and everything seems like a chore. I think I'd much rather take a month or six weeks off during the fall, when it's so pleasant to be outside, than take a "summer" break when I'm not going to enjoy myself no matter what I'm doing. It's like slogging through quicksand.


There's something about fall, when the world returns to some semblance of order, that makes me snap to attention, helps me think more clearly and focus.


Weird, I guess, what a little cool air will do for you. ;)

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Good grief - you guys have serious heat!


I love summer here - mostly 20-30C & I love going out to the beach & swimming in the ocean, or just going to the dog beach & wading in the tide pools while dogs run.


I love our summers! So long as water is close by, I'm all good.


Our summer just came to an abrupt end the last few days. At this moment it's 14C & I'm hearing the light pitter patter of rain just starting on the skylights. I've had to pull out my fleece jackets for morning dog walks.....

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:iagree: It's different by the water. Even when it's humid, the ocean is gorgeous and refreshing. My bike loop goes past bobbing sailboats...is this really my home? It's so beautiful that sometimes I have to pinch myself. The summers are supposed to be lazy. Fall often makes me want to clean the house. lol Summer makes me go "ahhhh...." even in the heat. Such a short season we have, and I love it. The garden is gorgeous, and I can't think of a better morning than one spent listening to the the soft music at the farmer's maket and chatting about the latest tomato season.


To everything there is a season. :001_smile:



We have family in FL and my SIL is having a hard time...she loves to be busy and the humidity is wiping her out.


Good grief - you guys have serious heat!


I love summer here - mostly 20-30C & I love going out to the beach & swimming in the ocean, or just going to the dog beach & wading in the tide pools while dogs run.


I love our summers! So long as water is close by, I'm all good.


Our summer just came to an abrupt end the last few days. At this moment it's 14C & I'm hearing the light pitter patter of rain just starting on the skylights. I've had to pull out my fleece jackets for morning dog walks.....

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Sounds like perfect summer weather.


Good grief - you guys have serious heat!


I love summer here - mostly 20-30C & I love going out to the beach & swimming in the ocean, or just going to the dog beach & wading in the tide pools while dogs run.


I love our summers! So long as water is close by, I'm all good.


Our summer just came to an abrupt end the last few days. At this moment it's 14C & I'm hearing the light pitter patter of rain just starting on the skylights. I've had to pull out my fleece jackets for morning dog walks.....

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I can't stand summer either although not so much for the weather. In the south it was hot, humid and horrible but here it is so much better and it doesn't hurt having AC. :D


My problem is 1) the sun. Some people get depressed if they don't get enough sunshine; I am the opposite. I need cool days, and grey and gloominess to be happy.


And 2) It seems the warmer it is, the more stupid people come out in droves. Public school kids are out and about, crowds are everywhere, and the lovely neighbors are blasting thier music. I like the gloomy, wet weather because it drives people back into thier houses and keeps them quiet. :tongue_smilie: I am a freak, I know.

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Good grief - you guys have serious heat!


I love summer here - mostly 20-30C & I love going out to the beach & swimming in the ocean, or just going to the dog beach & wading in the tide pools while dogs run.


I love our summers! So long as water is close by, I'm all good.


Our summer just came to an abrupt end the last few days. At this moment it's 14C & I'm hearing the light pitter patter of rain just starting on the skylights. I've had to pull out my fleece jackets for morning dog walks.....


That's it. We're moving to Canada.

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It seems the warmer it is, the more stupid people come out in droves. Public school kids are out and about, crowds are everywhere, and the lovely neighbors are blasting thier music. I like the gloomy, wet weather because it drives people back into thier houses and keeps them quiet. :tongue_smilie: I am a freak, I know.


:lol: :lol: :lol:




Not about you being a freak, although if you are, I must be, too. :D


But seriously, when warm weather arrives and I can finally open the windows wide to let in the breeze ... I find I want to close them immediately to shut out the noise -- the booming car stereos, the four-wheelers that go up and down and up and down and up and down the street, the serial lawn-mowers (the owners, not their machines) that must cut their grass three times a week...


I've heard that there are actually birds and crickets and treefrogs out there in warm weather. But all I can hear are the humans!!! ;)

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That's it. We're moving to Canada.



Hornblower, Remember to please calculate into the F range for your USA readers. And, for those of us not too up on the C scale.


Now, to cathmom, we were in Ontario in July and it.was.HOT. The Canadians are saying it was an unusually hot summer there this summer. At least in southern Ontario...can't speak for the rest of the country.


That was a BIG reason why we decided to cross borders and visit Canada after our family visits in Ohio and MI....we thought it would be cooler....NOT and no.ac in the older bed/breakfast homes! Ouch!!

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I am not a fan of summer. I hate being hot and I don't want to go anywhere or do anything. I pretty much drag us all down to the town pool (2 blocks away) and spend my days there. Unless it is one of those too hot to even go to the pool days. We had quite a few of them this summer.


Anxiously awaiting the cooler days of autumn.

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I lived in So CA and I found the summers much easier than in the east. Yup yup, I'm gonna say it: it's not the heat, it's the humidity. :D I didn't stick to anything in CA. I didn't sweat. Here, I can sometimes turn into a giant puddle in just a few short minutes.


Funny. I grew up on the East coast. I HATE the summers here in CA. At least in the East, you could breath. Here you are choking on dust (I'm in the valley). Everyone probably has their perfect place. I go visit my parents in AL and I ♥ it!

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Funny. I grew up on the East coast. I HATE the summers here in CA. At least in the East, you could breath. Here you are choking on dust (I'm in the valley). Everyone probably has their perfect place. I go visit my parents in AL and I ♥ it!



:iagree: I was very happy, weather-wise in CA.

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LOL I hear that. I am a homebody myself...but I have animals and some things growing outside. I am outside a few times each day, but getting into the car is difficult for me. ;) I love when there is no snow or ice because I can ride my bike.


I can't do that in winter, so that time is a terrible slog for me. Spinach under the snow saves me. And peas can go in March 15, about, as long as I can find some unfrozen ground and clear it of snow. :)


Summer, fall, winter, spring... I never want to leave the house. ;)
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Now, to cathmom, we were in Ontario in July and it.was.HOT. The Canadians are saying it was an unusually hot summer there this summer. At least in southern Ontario...can't speak for the rest of the country.


That was a BIG reason why we decided to cross borders and visit Canada after our family visits in Ohio and MI....we thought it would be cooler....NOT and no.ac in the older bed/breakfast homes! Ouch!!


Was it 105 with 115 heat index? When it's summer, I don't mind it being hot. I do mind not being able to breathe or move.

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I also loathe the summer. Going to the pool is complete and utter torture for me. I have to blast myself out of my nice cool house in the summer. One of my children also has outdoor allergy issues that trigger her asthma and it is easier to keep her comfortable if we stay inside as well although she is my child that would stay outdoors 24/7 if we let her. My oldest daughter is like me and doesn't want any part of the heat.

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I forgot to say before, that it wasn't that I don't think it gets hot in Canada. I'm sure it does. The part that I liked about what hornblower wrote was the part about needing a fleece jacket in the morning. Wow, that sounds heavenly! I'm looking at least 2 more months of no jacket!

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My problem is 1) the sun. Some people get depressed if they don't get enough sunshine; I am the opposite. I need cool days, and grey and gloominess to be happy.




It is so wonderful to hear someone else say this! I LOVE rainy, dreary, overcast days! I have so much more energy on those days and I just feel GOOD! Hot summer days absolutely drain me and, while I don't necessarily get depressed, it IS *depressing* to have no strength and energy. Also, if something is bothering me, it will bother me more than on a hot sunny day but seems like if it's raining or at least overcast, I can think it through and believe that things will work out, everything will be okay. On a sunny day, there's no hope. Weird, I know.

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Was it 105 with 115 heat index? When it's summer, I don't mind it being hot. I do mind not being able to breathe or move.


We had several brutal heat wave weeks where the humidex was as high as 116 (47 C). I have lived in Southern Ontario most my life and in no way was the heat unusual. It gets very hot and humid here during the summer months. If you move to Canada I recommend sticking to the east coast, west coast or the northern Territories because everything in between is usually hot during the summer.

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