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Those of you who have only daughters, don't pine for a son, they eat too much!!!

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This is what I made for supper.


A five pound roasting chicken with ten huge potatoes, a pound of baby carrots, two onions, and a pound of green beans all slow baked together.


For sides, there was sour cream for the potatoes, cottage cheese, and a kiwi or banana for each person.


Dh and I ate small, reasonable amounts. DD ate a grandma and grandpa's because she was studying for a pharmacology exam in the peace and quiet over there.




There will be no soup, no chicken ala king, no yummy leftover potatoes for lunch....nothing, Were it not for the bones, it is possible they would have licked the sides of the pan.


The youngest, skinny as a rail and never gains a pound, wanted to know if there was anything else I could give him because he didn't think he'd had enough to eat! I told him he could have some of the ducks' cracked corn or possibly graze in the yard. He was not amused!


10, almost 12, and 13....it's only going to get worse from here. The midwife warned me after the last ds was born that there would be days like this. As I held the innocent, sweet, sleeping infant in my arms, I thought she was nuts!



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I'm right there with you!! My sons are 11 and 8. The 8 year old is as skinny as they come and is the biggest eater in the house.

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The youngest, skinny as a rail and never gains a pound, wanted to know if there was anything else I could give him because he didn't think he'd had enough to eat! I told him he could have some of the ducks' cracked corn or possibly graze in the yard. He was not amused!





He might not have been amused, but you are cracking me up!!!!!!! That is hilarious. I love your posts!!!

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I'm surprised that's all they ate. :lol: My boys (heading towards 14, heading towards 13, and heading towards 8) eat and eat and eat. Then complain they're still hungry! :svengo:


You have my sympathies, and a sincere wish we both have leftovers someday. :001_smile:

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My 19 year old son (almost 20) ate a BOX of cereal for breakfast every morning. Regularly. He could also polish off a bag of chips in one sitting. A half gallon of icecream lasted exactly 36 hours in my house.


He is now serving a mission for the LDS church for the next two years. My food bill has been cut in half. Although my almost 10 year old son is starting to crank up his appetite. :glare:


It's only going to get worse for you. And if they have friends over.......:lol:. If I was serving them dinner, I always made breakfast food. Two dozen eggs, two dozen sausage, a few pounds of potatoes and mountains of pancakes were waaaaaay cheaper than anything else I could serve them. And, they loved it!! Of course, they're all thin and in shape as well. :001_huh: As a woman....I truly resent that. :lol:


Diane W.

married for 22 years

homeschooling 3 kiddos for 16 years

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Lol! My younger complain that their oldest brother eats everything when he comes home from college. They begrudge him snacks! It really is true that the way to a boy's heart is through his stomach. I used to think that was just stupid but after raising 4 and dh thrown in the mix I can say that a well fed fella is a happy fella.


My boys are so excited to see what I've brought home from the grocery store. And homemade anything beats out store-bought or fast food any day.

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My dd is not a huge eater. She will make a nice salad with vegetables and just a little chopped chicken or ham for her lunch, eat a single piece of fruit for breakfast, and then have a nice serving a protein with vegetables plus a little dairy for supper. She's a very reasonable eater.


I have met one young lady that ate like a sumo wrestler. She ran track, played girls basketball, practiced pitching two hours every evening above her parents' garage, and ran five miles every morning plus 100 set-ups and 35 push-ups before school. The girl was an eating machine and painfully, scarily thin. But, once she was diagnosed with an overactive thyroid and put on meds, her eating came down to normal and she put on just enough weight to look really healthy but still thin. She is dd's best friend and before that diagnosis, her favorite thing to do was lay her head on my shoulder (I'm 5'4" and she's 6'1" - so try to imagine this please) and say in a little girl, wheedling voice, "Mom! Food???" I found that it was always important to have a lot of cheese and eggs in the house when A was around.


But, to the poster who said this is only going to get worse, I want you to know that you have driven me to the secret chocolate stash and I am eating a handful of m & m's while typing!!!!



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I keep telling dh that it might be a good thing if little bean is a girl ... we'll have 3 boys eating us out of house and home in a few short years (especially considering, at least at this point in time, ds#1 and ds#2 both swim and play baseball). I'm not sure we could afford if there was four of them eating all that food! Dh loves to tell the boys how much he ate when he was in middle school/high school and swimming. I don't think he's quite done the math and multiplied that by three! :lol:


We rarely have leftovers as it is because dh loves eating leftovers. (What little is left usually turns into dh's lunch - or a mid-day snack. ;) ). But any more, there is very little leftover unless we make extra for dinner.

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Well, let's just say I'm surprised you only cooked one bird for 3 teenage boys.




I had brothers, lots of guy friends and now boys. Oh yeah boys eat lots of food. :w00t:


Do you remember the Discover card commercial where the mom of boys looks in the fride, empty. Goes to store then repeat. :lol:

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Yes, my boys are 16 1/2, almost 18, and 19. The amount of food I prepare is astounding. I make about a 4.5 lb. pot roast with gravy, 8 huge potatoes (the Costco ones that are something like a lb. each), and 3 lbs. of green beans, and the food disappears. The problem in our house is that my girls (12 & 14) are overweight, but have learned really bad habits from the boys. I have to remind the girls that "no one can eat like a teenage boy, *except a teenage boy!*". :glare: We also go through 2 gallons of milk every 24 hrs, and when I make tacos I use 4 lbs. of ground beef and 2 lbs of cheese. :001_huh: Ds#1 is headed off to live in dorms in a month, and I'm wondering if the grocery bill will decrease enough to help offset the college expense. :D

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I just fed my boys a full meal, chicken pie, potatoes and gravy, they all had more than two servings on their plate and they all then had two helpings of cake afterwards and my 4 year old then had two bowls of cereal to top it off. My 4 and 7 year olds are SO thin but wow can they eat! Bottomless pits!

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I feel your pain, but I have to tell you that on many days my dd13 can out-eat her 13 &15yo brothers! But she is still a slimby! (Where's the envious not-so-smiley-face icon???)


Truly, our grocery bill has escalated beyond our expectation. Those of you with little kids, plan ahead. Way ahead....

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I used to think that was just stupid but after raising 4 and dh thrown in the mix I can say that a well fed fella is a happy fella.


My boys are so excited to see what I've brought home from the grocery store. And homemade anything beats out store-bought or fast food any day.


This is SOOOO very true!!! Food = love, no doubt!

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My dd can eat just as much as her brothers can. My boys were never huge eaters like some of my friends sons were but then comes along my petite dd and man, can she put it away! I am always astonished. She is also the milk drinker in the house. She was on a one week missions trip this summer and part of the gallon of milk we bought the day she left was still in the fridge on the day she came home. She drinks several glasses of milk a day and so consequently we go through a gallon every other day or so. She is our most athletic child so far so that may have something to do with the amount of food she eats.

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I am definitely not looking forward to having 3 teenage sons. We don't have leftover chicken as it is and they are only 4 and 6 (x2). I know at least one of the 6 yos will have a heavy appetite because he always has. I am hoping his bird like appetite twin helps offset the cost.

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I had a boy (now 27yo) that ate 40 fishsticks at a shot as a snack. He had to stack them on his plate...pyramid style. I used to buy him those big bags of 128 from Super Walmart on a weekly basis.He was thin too, grew to 6' 6'' and 230lbs. I still over cook to this day, just out of habit.



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My boys are only 4 and 5. They ALREADY eat more than me. (and yes, they are bone thin, you can see every rib on my 5 year old :glare:) Dh and I were talking a few months ago (during a growth spurt ofcourse) and we think when we have 2 teenage boys in the house I am going to have to go back to work just to afford their food :lol:

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Several years ago my dh worked at a private school. The art teacher there had 3 teenage boys. She said her grocery bill was $450-$500 a week.


We only have one boy, so maybe we'll survive financial ruin!


A story that my in-laws LOVE to tell is about a time when my dh was a teenager. His mom had brought home a bucket of chicken from KFC. My dh got into it in the afternoon and ate the whole thing. It was supposed to be supper.

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Not to hijack, but are you all telling me that teenage girls don't eat like that? I'm hopeful!


Sorry. My girls eat like this too. I'm not noticing a huge difference in gender eating at my house. I THINK I am seeing one difference, two of the three girls have slacked off a little at 15. I have a feeling that the boy will just be picking up speed at that point. He did come into his large eating a little later than the girls did.

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oh man, it's my girls eating me out of house and home right now. :001_huh:


One of my daughters cleans out the fridge--absolutely no leftovers ever.


My boys are still young and hopefully by the time they start eating the paint off the walls the girls will have become more conservative.

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I can so relate to boys eating you out of house and home. Yes, my girls are right there with them. My 17yo son has friends over several times a week. I start adding things to dinner when I'm sure they're coming. There is one friend who is 16yo and almost 300 lbs. of solid muscle. He is an athlete. When he is coming, I almost panic because he eats so much. When everyone is finished eating, he says "Are you guys finished?" and then proceeds to eat everything that is left. I wish I was kidding. :001_smile:


My dds eat as much as the boys, especially my 11yo gymnast. She trains for 4 hours a day and comes home ready to eat the house down.


I have started having to buy two roasts, two chickens, etc. to cook at each meal. When I cook potatoes I use 5 lbs. at the time.

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My 9 year old son eats twice what I eat when he likes the food I am serving (he's got picky issues). And I'm currently eating a bit more than normal because I'm nursing a future linebacker and find myself slightly hungrier these days.


I've got three boys. I keep telling the oldest it's going to be chicken thighs and white rice for them.

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Not to hijack, but are you all telling me that teenage girls don't eat like that? I'm hopeful!


I think girls that are really active or have an unusually high metabolism will eat a lot of food, but in general they don't eat nearly as much as teenage boys.

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My ds will be 14 months next week. He already eats more than I do (unless he's teething). He's always been a big eater, and he seems to have inherited my DH's disgustingly high metabolism. My DS has been up for an hour and 20 minutes(ish) so far he has nursed and had a breakfast of 1 scrambled egg, 1/2 cup of bite size honeydew chunks, 1 of those fruit/cereal bars, 4 oz of whole milk, and a most of a piece of toast. In about an hour,hour and a half I'll have to give him a snack (probably cheese, graham crackers, and grapes), and then he'll want to nurse and take a nap, and then have 1 1/2 pb&j sandwhiches with fruit, milk and ? for lunch...



I'm kind of dreading what he's going to be like as a teenager...

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What a funny thread! I have 6 boys and only 1 girl, so I FEEL YOUR PAIN! :D Now my oldest is only 14 and he does eat more than his daddy, but the rest of them are not heavy eaters....yet. I know my future is HUGE in the grocery budget and kitchen. Maybe I should have an eating fund rather than a vacation fund???? :D

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