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Where did you go to college?

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Not where I *wanted* to go -- but IMO, it was better than the other two choices my folks gave me.


My mom conveniently chooses to forget that I was accepted at Auburn and Vanderbilt -- with scholarships. Seems to think I could only get in to LU because I was homeschooled last 2 years of HS :glare:


OTOH, if I hadn't gone to LU, I wouldn't have met my DH on the steps of the US Naval Academy the first Friday in February of 1988 during the intercollegiate debate tournament there.

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I'm kinda jealous, in that I still haven't been able to get the wild rock 'n roll days out of my system.


My niece wants to attend Full Sail when she's out of high school. My brother asked me to talk her out of it. I told him that I am not the one he should turn to!


Funny about the driving, though. I think I toured the campus in '91 or '92, and actually enrolled in '92, but was not able to swing it.

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I'm kinda jealous, in that I still haven't been able to get the wild rock 'n roll days out of my system.


Aw, it's not all it's cracked up to be. It became very hard for me to enjoy concerts after a while. Kind of like when you learn the ins and outs of a magic trick, it loses its, well, magic. The only concert I've been able to go to and just lose myself in the moment was over ten years ago on KISS's reunion tour. That was magic. :coolgleamA:


I also can't stand how for the last several years concerts have gone almost completely to moving lights. Maybe I'm just getting too old, but I prefer the old PAR cans and gels over today's seizure-inducing light shows. DH knows it's a bee in my bonnet, so he sent me a link yesterday to an article about Lenny Kravitz's upcoming tour. He is going back to an "old school" lighting style, not using all the moving lights. That has me excited. :hurray:



I think I toured the campus in '91 or '92, and actually enrolled in '92, but was not able to swing it.


Well that bites. The school has changed SO much since I went. I have no idea what it would be like now. It was still very small back then. Everyone knew everyone; it was very personalized.


I hope things work out for your niece. I don't think I would be able to talk anyone out of attending. The one and only big concern would be that if she were to want to continue her education later, the credits would not transfer. And since it's a two-year program now, that's a lot of time and money to invest in education that won't transfer.

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