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In this economy, I am grateful for...

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my husband's job

the dollar movie theater

coupons & BOGO grocery sales

my garden

friends who could care less about socio-economic status


I know there are more things, but I can't think of them right now...


For what are you grateful? In times such as these, it's easy to dwell on the negative, so I thought I'd open it up to everyone to think of something positive right now. Kind of like a little Hive reality check... :)

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my husband's job

the dollar movie theater

coupons & BOGO grocery sales

my garden

friends who could care less about socio-economic status


I know there are more things, but I can't think of them right now...


For what are you grateful? In times such as these, it's easy to dwell on the negative, so I thought I'd open it up to everyone to think of something positive right now. Kind of like a little Hive reality check... :)


1. ditto

2. ditto

3. commissary

4. dont' have one myself but my neighbor shares :D when I help weed

5. ditto

6. kids that dont' care if their clothes have designer labels on them

7. no car payment or house payment

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Heinz ketchup's 'roll back' price of $1 per 40oz bottle :) (we use a lot of ketchup)


Living in a state with no sales tax on food


children that are easy to please


cooking skills


at home entertainment so we don't 'need' to leave the house for it


free online recipes


the library


frugal living websites


getting 'back to the basics'

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My husband;s job

The GI Bill which will pay for our dd's college along with the yellow ribbon plan

low cost sports like swim, dive, and soccer

great choir at my church which gives my dds chance to perform great music at no cost

low cost medical care

the security of knowing we have retirement waiting

libraries and parks

free museums

wonderful free educational programs at National Parks and Historic Sites

the ability to finance my adult son's recovery from illness

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God's amazing ways of providing for our family:



  • hand me downs (over the past week I have been weeding through the bins of kid's clothes in the basement; I have given away 18 garbage bags full and we still have plenty.) We have paid next to nothing to clothe all our kids.
  • the library
  • yard sales, thrift stores
  • all the lovely free educational things floating around online (MEP, Baldwin project, etc.)
  • and that my mother loves me and her grandchildren so much that she allowed me to print out all of next year's math for three children at her house with her printer and her ink. Now that's love.


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We received an amazing blessing last week. My oldest dd loves horses and takes horseback riding lessons weekly. She has also gone to horseback riding camp every summer for about 4-5 years. The instructor is just this amazing woman we have grown to love dearly. This year we could just not swing the $225 for the week long camp. I talked to dd about it, and she was so sweet and understanding. Then I called the instructor, Mary Grace, and she said, "Oh no, Anna is coming. I am planning to have her here and I won't have it any other way. Don't worry about the money. She is one of my special girls and I want her to come." I tried to argue and explain that I had already talked to Anna and she accepted it, but Mary Grace wouldn't hear of it. She told me how much she loves us and how Anna is so precious to her. I just cried and cried. Then I told Anna and she cried too. That was such a blessing during this time.


Also I am thankful for a husband who works his butt off and a job that I can pick up extra hours during this hard time. And also for sweet children who are perfectly content to stay at home and jump on the trampoline and eat popsicles all summer. :D


ETA: Hand-me-downs! I only had to buy a few things like shoes for my girls for the spring and summer. And I'm pretty sure my youngest two will need jeans and that's it for the fall and winter. We LOVE hand-me-downs!!

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We received an amazing blessing last week. My oldest dd loves horses and takes horseback riding lessons weekly. She has also gone to horseback riding camp every summer for about 4-5 years. The instructor is just this amazing woman we have grown to love dearly. This year we could just not swing the $225 for the week long camp. I talked to dd about it, and she was so sweet and understanding. Then I called the instructor, Mary Grace, and she said, "Oh no, Anna is coming. I am planning to have her here and I won't have it any other way. Don't worry about the money. She is one of my special girls and I want her to come." I tried to argue and explain that I had already talked to Anna and she accepted it, but Mary Grace wouldn't hear of it. She told me how much she loves us and how Anna is so precious to her. I just cried and cried. Then I told Anna and she cried too. That was such a blessing during this time.


Also I am thankful for a husband who works his butt off and a job that I can pick up extra hours during this hard time. And also for sweet children who are perfectly content to stay at home and jump on the trampoline and eat popsicles all summer. :D


What a beautiful story! Thanks for sharing it! Stories like this are another thing for which I am grateful.

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Thankful for:


DH's lawn care business going well (he just started it)

DH has a job interview at the university next week

My job, which is secure and pays well

The house we just purchased at a great price and low interest rate

Dreyer's natural fruit pops are on sale for $3.00/box of 24 right now (less than half price)

That our church community values simplicity and contentment

Friends who come to visit me with their precious, sweet children

And they bring organic strawberries (YKWYA!) ;)

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free housing

the library

teh internets!

the garden, and friends who share the harvest of their gardens too

being debt free


I think I'm most thankful that my heart has changed in the last 10 years. I'm happy to be at home, I don't want a lot of things, and even though our income is considered poverty level, I really do feel that we are quite wealthy and wanting for nothing.

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Lovely thread, JenL.


I'm grateful for so many things. Those topping the list at the moment:


1) God's provision in a difficult economy

2) a hard-working dh who doesn't mind cost-cutting measures

3) a swimming pool -- lots of summer entertainment

4) good paying summer jobs for my three oldest

5) that we *underbought* in our current house and can stay here comfortably

6) the library!!



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We received an amazing blessing last week. My oldest dd loves horses and takes horseback riding lessons weekly. She has also gone to horseback riding camp every summer for about 4-5 years. The instructor is just this amazing woman we have grown to love dearly. This year we could just not swing the $225 for the week long camp. I talked to dd about it, and she was so sweet and understanding. Then I called the instructor, Mary Grace, and she said, "Oh no, Anna is coming. I am planning to have her here and I won't have it any other way. Don't worry about the money. She is one of my special girls and I want her to come." I tried to argue and explain that I had already talked to Anna and she accepted it, but Mary Grace wouldn't hear of it. She told me how much she loves us and how Anna is so precious to her. I just cried and cried. Then I told Anna and she cried too. That was such a blessing during this time!!


That is wonderful! Can you bless Mary Grace by making a special snack at the end of camp?

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That is wonderful! Can you bless Mary Grace by making a special snack at the end of camp?


Well, I have been on a jam making frenzy, so Anna and I decided we would make her a basket with each of the jams and maybe some homemade bread.

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Most importantly, my daughter. No matter what else is going on, my life is blessed by having her in it.


My parents who, even though they are struggling themselves, are helping DD and I get through a tough financial time.


My intelligence and work ethic that enable me to go to school and thrive, and will hopefully get a place in a top graduate program, and eventually a good job.


My daughter. <3


The library, which allows our homeschool to be wonderful and fun through all the books we read.


Free interlibrary loan, because we get out hundreds of books a month, many coming from other libraries!


My financial aid and scholarships, which allow me to go to school but otherwise be at home with my daughter.


That even in tough times, the money is found to keep my daughter in soccer and dance, two of her favorite things in the whole world.


So many things to be grateful for, but these are just some!

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This board to hold my hand through the curr choices and be my friend

A DH who doesn't give up through the hard times

A God who hasn't forsaken me (even though I deserve it sometimes)

A neighborhood the doesn't care that I haven't mowed or watered the lawn in three weeks.

My new church, that seems to appreciate me, and makes me feel loved




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Great idea!


Needs being met -- we have each other -- that is more important than material things. Amen!

Our medical needs also being met -- amen! :)

Son's birthday and his health!!

Homeschool Grant for curriculum

Free Driver's Ed program (from grant)

New 10th grade curriculum (not covered by grant) provided by the Book Samaritan

Fall Science class paid for by grandma

Son's haircut & supplies for school provided for by donors

No credit card bills

Car is paid for.

ALDI and Dollar Tree!

Homecooked meals taste really good... eating out doesn't compare. :D

Our local library -- books, summer reading program, & DVDs

Free entertainment - potlucks, BBQs, BUNCO, park games, swimming, and more.

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for Almighty God

for uninterrupted employment (so far!)

for Aldi's (any one mention them yet?)

for sweet children & wife that are so content with simpler, non-consumeristic life :grouphug:

for hand-me-down clothes

for home-made dresses

for being introverted - it's cheaper to stay home!

for the one remaining hubcap on the family van!

for living in a free country (liberty, not no-cost!)

for a freezer full of home-raised beef & chicken

for choices we made years ago without the full foresight to see their benefits

for library books

for garage sale books

for used curriculum

for dear friends and extended family

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God and all His wisdom and blessings

Our family and extended family

My best friend and her family

A great church



My dh's job (He is getting a pay cut, but at least he has a job and benefits.)

Paid off vehicles


Our garden

Washing machine and dryer that have been going for 18 years

Wonderful inlaws who have given us vacation money for more years than I can count


Great priced utility bills (compared to some I've heard about)

Free Interlibrary Loan

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Dh's job and benefits


Used but like new curriculum on Ebay


The farm job so that we can keep our horse


4-H, lots of fun, lots of education, not much money outlay


The garden


Friends that are just happy to visit and have tea/muffins instead of wanting to do expensive things together


Knowing how to can and preserve food


Wood heat

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