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Do you have a food that you can't stop eating?

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Is there any food that once you get in on your plate, you can't stop eating even if you are full? I have this thing with those potatoes you do with the Lipton soup mix and also have it with sweet potato fries (homemade ones -not the frozen kind). WIth both, I will eat and eat and eat until we run out no matter how full I am. I just can't stop. When I cook those dishes, I have to make sure to make "just enough" so we don't have leftovers (because leftovers won't make it to the fridge).

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Is there any food that once you get in on your plate, you can't stop eating even if you are full? I have this thing with those potatoes you do with the Lipton soup mix and also have it with sweet potato fries (homemade ones -not the frozen kind). WIth both, I will eat and eat and eat until we run out no matter how full I am. I just can't stop. When I cook those dishes, I have to make sure to make "just enough" so we don't have leftovers (because leftovers won't make it to the fridge).


Pretty much any kind of potato. Whether mashed, fried, scalloped, chipped, or in potato salad I can never get enough of the wonderful potato.

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Guest Dulcimeramy

I can't get enough of chickpeas, sugar snap peas, and red bell peppers this summer! I would even choose them over chocolate...

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I don't consider chocolate a food. It is a necessity of life, like air and water.


Yes! I'll eat chocolate until I can't stuff anymore in. Then I'm reaching for more a few minutes later...


Aside from that, I LOVE rice and meat - pork, chicken, roast, whatever. YUM YUM! I can eat plates and plates!

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I don't overeat a lot because I tend to get nauseous when I overeat. That pretty much kills any pleasure I may be getting.


Certain soups:


A good pot of potato soup with bacon

A homemade chicken soup

A homemade beef vegetable soup



I will keep going by and stealing bites or spoonfuls of broth long after I have already finished dinner and am full.


Certain potato chips, if left in the pantry are victims to indiscriminate nibbling even if I am not hungry but soups are one thing that I will eat until I am wayyyy past full.




On the one other time I will overeat is at a buffet where you can keep going back and getting 'just a little bit more' of dinner.....and then there is the dessert that you can't take with you. :D

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...and I see that it was just posted this morning!


I do have two things that I *will eat* until I'm beyond stuffed. They're both a mixture of carbs and cheese:


Warm cheese sandwiches on sourdough bread with lots of butter. Enough melted butter and cheese to make normal folks gag. :001_huh:


Also, I can't resist any kind of pasta with any kind of cheese sauce. Fettucine alfredo is tops, but I can't even keep that disgusting Noodle-Roni stuff in the house, because I'll eat the whole box (which is only two servings and over 1000 calories, right? :glare:). Kraft Mac & Cheese is not very good, but I'll eat that too if it's here. Even though as I'm eating it I'm disappointed with how unsatisfying it is, I still can't stop. :confused:


Oh, and I just remembered...black olives. I'll eat them till they're gone.

I've gotta problem...:001_huh:

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Oh, my! My pickiness is showing. Most of what ya'll are addicted to are :ack2:



Mine are baked potato soup, mashed potatoes with country gravy, chocolate strawberry shortcake, strawberry shortcake (the bisquick version), chocolate cream cheese pie, chocolate cake w/chocolate buttercream frosting, black-eyed pea soup, ice cream...


Now you know why I lose weight when forced on a dairy free diet; only one of those is dairy free.

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I don't overeat a lot because I tend to get nauseous when I overeat. That pretty much kills any pleasure I may be getting.


See, I don't seem to have whatever internal monitor it is that would tell me I'm getting full enough to barf. :tongue_smilie: I'm wondering at what point it may be useful to seek help from a mental health professional. Why on earth am I willing to eat until the point I feel sick, even though I know it's bad for me? :confused: I try not to keep trigger foods in the house, though it's hard with 5 kids to just not have bread/butter/cheese in the house...:glare:

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See, I don't seem to have whatever internal monitor it is that would tell me I'm getting full enough to barf. :tongue_smilie: I'm wondering at what point it may be useful to seek help from a mental health professional. Why on earth am I willing to eat until the point I feel sick, even though I know it's bad for me? :confused: I try not to keep trigger foods in the house, though it's hard with 5 kids to just not have bread/butter/cheese in the house...:glare:


I have it for most foods- but those two potato dishes that I mentioned, I will eat and eat until I am sick.

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I have it for most foods- but those two potato dishes that I mentioned, I will eat and eat until I am sick.

Well, you know, at least those two potato dishes take a fair amount of prep. and cooking time. I know that the bread/butter/melted cheese thing only takes 60 seconds to make, and it's way too easy to indulge. If my binge meals took 30-60 minutes to make, rather than 30-60 seconds, I'd probably be way better off. Less of an impulse thing, and I'd have to do it intentionally.

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Any kind of potato, but potatoes lyonnaise is the worst (I make extra just so I can eat more after we are done eating) with homemade french fries a clear and easy second place.

And taco dip - the kind with cream cheese/sour cream/taco seasoning, then topped with lettuce and cheese and veggies...oh. my. goodness.

Oh, and that really awful ccq in the jar. Can't step away from that (which is why I never buy it, but at parties where it's there, I have some troubles with self control.)

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