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Game: No matter how poor I get, I will never . . . (fill in the blank)

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Wash and make a big aluminum foil ball which you use the pieces off of when you need a piece of aluminum foil.


Tie little pieces of string (some of which are teensy) together and make a big string ball in order to reuse the string at a later date.

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Y'all are just silly. I would prefer not to use anything Northern tp, but anything will do in a pinch. I grew up on margarine and liked it. I'd have to be close to starving to eat bologna, but I could do it if it was fried enough to remove all "squishiness".


No, the first thing I thought of was, uh, work the streets. No illegal selling of any kind, and I don't think it could ever be bad enough for me to work in a strip club either.

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For me, my answer is:

. . . buy cheap toilet paper.


We are allowed to make comments, right?

Because I used to feel that way until my children started going through tp like it was popcorn and the extra soft kind I liked just didn't go as far. Also, our plumbing system is old, and the cheap kind works better for us. I was just thinking the other day that someday when they're gone, maybe I'll return to Angel Soft!


Okay, back to the game!

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I think ya'll are silly about the chickens too. Even though it is cheaper, cheapness is not the reason I do it.

Unless you're talking more about the "ick" factor, which I understand is major for some people.


Okay, margarine was already taken.

Red dye hot dogs were already taken.


I'll say that I'm not buying one of those gigantic tubs of "peanut butter" filled with high fructose corn syrup and transfats.

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No way! Pam, that's like a depression-era story... my grandmother from Alabama talks about catalog pages, but she's 91. You aren't secretly an octogenarian, are you?


It's true. I'm also a dude. :D


We didn't have indoor plumbing til I was 9. We almost always had tp, but very often Granny didn't have it in her outhouse. So I used catalogs.

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I would never give up my good coffee beans! That cheap, pre-ground coffee is just not worth it. We've been in that situation, and even though we were "poor," we didn't feel like it because we drank great coffee the whole time.:001_smile:


:iagree: That's a big one here, too. We like Archer Farms Organic Fair Trade Tierra Del Sol. Ohm my goodness, it is good. Sometimes I can't stop standing there smelling it when I am grinding it. Nothing like your nose in the coffee!:D

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wash out and reuse ziploc bags, there is something about that that just makes me feel poor!


I do this not for economy but because of my environmental principles. Too much plastic in the landfill, you know?


But I'm with the coffee crowd. And PG Tips tea. These are necessities of life for me.



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I will never make anything out of dryer lint. (I remember reading something in the Tightwad Gazette about that and I remember thinking I'll never be that poor)


I will never go back to dial-up!!


I make fire starters for the fireplace out of dryer lint. Dryer lint, peat pots, wax, and essential oils.

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Echoing WTMindy, no more dialup ever! We even got rid of our home phone, but don't touch my high speed internet!


No cutting up chickens, tried that once it was a travesty. I felt sorry for the poor chicken.


Save butter tubs. My grandmother did that for some reason, but they were always in the cabinets not being used.

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I do this not for economy but because of my environmental principles. Too much plastic in the landfill, you know?


But I'm with the coffee crowd. And PG Tips tea. These are necessities of life for me.




I rinse out bags too, only if they've had something like crackers, or something dry in them and only if they are heavier bags like freezer bags. My MIL has been doing this for years. Everyone in our family does it. It's more for the environment, not to really save a lot of money. I try and use containers to save things whenever I can.



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I will never dig through trash for food. I would die first. or lose weight ;-)


You would be surprised at all the really good food that gets tossed. I used to leave work each night with a small bakery from Mrs Fields in the Mall. The bagels and cookies had not yet hit the dumpster (they would give what they were to toss to mall employees leaving after closing) but most that were tossed were in bags, never to touch the other stuff. If I were really poor, I would dumpster dive in a heart beat. I find it so sad that the US is so litigious, places like bakeries, restaurants, and such can't give leftover food to food banks or shelters.


Ok, stepping off my stool... back to the game

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Hmm, I grew up in one of the wealthiest countries on earth (Denmark), but family is also from Syria where even wealthy people have to think twice about resources.


I re-use ziploc bags and barely used foil. I do not re-use breadbags (which a friend of mine did/does for her kids' lunches; she also came from the Middle east, but grew up in Canada and has more money then us now!). I can't stand pure waste!


I grew up on pure butter and use margarine now except for baking, of course. Hate the taste of butter!


I only use 1-ply toiletpaper for sewer-reasons, but it's a pretty decent kind. I will NOT skimp on the amount of paper, though, as I was asked to do as a kid!! However, in some cultures water and a washcloth for drying off is all they use (and everything ends up clean!!).


I usually resue my own teabags, but I drink Earl Grey. I would never do that to visitors, though, nor to my kids unless they want to!!


So, what would I not do in order to save money?? Hmmm. I won't wear shaggy clothes and do not buy used anymore. Have been there, done that, and I don't want to do that. We buy clearance and get a great wardrobe for amazing savings. Dh is better than me, though. He'll wait the whole season for his one coveted item to go on clearance. I won't do that....

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Never will I eat spam again. I was forced to as a child.

Never buy anything but Charmin ultra TP

I won't wash out plastic bags. I do all I can for the environment so I just don't use them unless I absolutely have to and a reusable container isn't an option.

I also won't give up my dial up.


Another thing that has nothing to do with the financial aspect is...

I will never buy bread again. I started baking my own at the start of the year and even though I don't grind my own flour (tried it but it wasn't for us) I still feel that the bread I make is better for us even if I use white bread flour. At least it doesn't have all the preservatives in it.

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I would never do the things my mom did when I was little.


Use the same tea bag 4 or 5 times.


Rinse and hang up paper towel, to be used again.


Use water instead of milk in my porridge.


Cut open the tube of toothpaste, just to make sure that you have used it all.


Those are the main ones that I can think of.

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What if no TP was available whatsover. Lots of people around the world deal with that - newspaper, brown paper bags, and big leaves becomes real valuable all of a sudden.


What about all of the women who do not have anything for menstruation? Pads and tampons are a real luxury for most women.


What if the only protein source available was SPAM. You'd eat it.


I know that this was more for fun, I just think it's only "Poverty American Style" that allows people to say they would absolutely never succumb to these things that for many are extravagances.


Sorry to be the Grim Reaper. I just kind of know this first hand.

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