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Too much info on bumper stickers!

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I got behind an SUV today with stickers all over the back of it. Just from reading the stickers, I knew their children's names, what school they go to, what sport they played, and what number was on their jersey. I kept thinking how easily a stranger could find them. I see stuff like this all the time, even stickers that tell the children's name and age. :001_huh:


One sticker here and there to show support of your church, Scouting, school, etc., is not a big deal; but when you have so many on one car, it's easy to put the info together. I know things can happen at any place at any time, even without any info out there... but it seems like some people make it too easy for someone to find and grab their kids....


I just think it's a bad idea...

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I got behind an SUV today with stickers all over the back of it. Just from reading the stickers, I knew their children's names, what school they go to, what sport they played, and what number was on their jersey. I kept thinking how easily a stranger could find them. I see stuff like this all the time, even stickers that tell the children's name and age. :001_huh:


One sticker here and there to show support of your church, Scouting, school, etc., is not a big deal; but when you have so many on one car, it's easy to put the info together. I know things can happen at any place at any time, even without any info out there... but it seems like some people make it too easy for someone to find and grab their kids....


I just think it's a bad idea...


I know exactly the ones you are talking about and agree completely. Someone could totally approach those kids and know enough to make them seem completely harmless.


"Hi Kelsey. Aren't you on the drill team at Center High? So's my daughter!"



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I know exactly the ones you are talking about and agree completely. Someone could totally approach those kids and know enough to make them seem completely harmless.


"Hi Kelsey. Aren't you on the drill team at Center High? So's my daughter!"




I completely agree. I don't even have our kids' names on our answering machine, much less plastered on the back of the van. *shudder*

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I love cars with lots of bumper stickers, but I've never seen a bumper sticker that identifies people by name. Weird.


Yep, they're out there. I see a lot of those stickers that look like little stick people of various genders and ages and the child's name is written above the figure. People put their whole family on there, even the pets. There are stickers that look like jerseys with the child's number on them and the name above it. Those are just a few examples...


When you put them together with the other stickers that show support of your church or child's school, and the ones in the shape of a football helmet or baseball bat... it's just too much.

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I know exactly the ones you are talking about and agree completely. Someone could totally approach those kids and know enough to make them seem completely harmless.


"Hi Kelsey. Aren't you on the drill team at Center High? So's my daughter!"




Whoa. I've seen those kinds of bumper stickers, and honestly, it never occurred to me before that they could be dangerous. Annoying, yes, but that dangerous? Wow, though, you are absolutely right. Very scary.

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I completely agree. I don't even have our kids' names on our answering machine, much less plastered on the back of the van. *shudder*



A self-defense teacher at our old church says these are the biggest danger points. You never want to advertise where your kids are when you aren't! And no stranger should have casual access to their names. He advised against any item of clothing or backpacks being embroidered with their names, too

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Those stick figures are cute, but they always make me nervous. Especially the ones showing a single mom, or on obviously military cars (because the husband is possibly deployed and therefore not around to get in the way). Creeps me out. All someone would have to do is follow the family home, note the address, and come back that night. They know exactly how many people are in the house, the husband isn't at home (or not in the picture), etc. Yikes.

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I got behind an SUV today with stickers all over the back of it. Just from reading the stickers, I knew their children's names, what school they go to, what sport they played, and what number was on their jersey. I kept thinking how easily a stranger could find them. I see stuff like this all the time, even stickers that tell the children's name and age. :001_huh:


One sticker here and there to show support of your church, Scouting, school, etc., is not a big deal; but when you have so many on one car, it's easy to put the info together. I know things can happen at any place at any time, even without any info out there... but it seems like some people make it too easy for someone to find and grab their kids....


I just think it's a bad idea...


I see those all the time here and have thought the same thing as you! Way to much info about their kids.

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I'm so paranoid that if I have to call my kids' over from a distance in public, I don't use their names. For ds(almost 13) I will call out "Son!" For dd8 I call out "Little One!" I know that I need a new name for her but "Daughter!" sounds weird. Any suggestions?


- Jean (who self identifies as a free range parent on other threads but is really cautious about names)

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I don't like lots of bumper stickers because I get distracted reading them and end up driving poorly, especially since my eye sight is not good and I have to get awfully close to make some of them out.

I have two:


I'm not that kind of car




Sorry for driving so close

infront of you.


Just :lol: thinking that they may encourage people to drive too close, oops!

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A self-defense teacher at our old church says these are the biggest danger points.


Of course there are bumper stickers that possibly do offer some protection. A police friend of mine suggested an NRA sticker. The trick is to make yourself a less attractive target and that particular sticker may give the bad guy a little pause for thought.


As to the stick figures with family names, I agree a very bad idea.

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Of course there are bumper stickers that possibly do offer some protection. A police friend of mine suggested an NRA sticker. The trick is to make yourself a less attractive target and that particular sticker may give the bad guy a little pause for thought.


As to the stick figures with family names, I agree a very bad idea.



I'm trying to think of what a good, safe, intimidating bumper sticker might be:


"CAUTION: Rabid Attack Dog is My Co-Pilot....oh, and he's an NRA member." :driving:

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I saw a car in a parking lot today with a stick figure family on the back window. The dad had a red "X" taped over the top of it. :001_huh:




That's even worse, because someone might see that and conclude that the dad is not in the picture or living in the house, follow them home to see where they live, then go back later ... :glare:

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I actually think that military identification is a deterrent just as is NRA, hunting logos, and any identification with the police (not FOP or something but real police ID). Burglars avoid houses that are known to be defended with arms.



I agree, wholeheartedly, the issue with military bumper stickers is that with so many servicemen deployed there have been cases where these have been seen as an opportunity for the scum in our society.

Edited by pqr
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I completely agree. I don't even have our kids' names on our answering machine, much less plastered on the back of the van. *shudder*


I've seen the stick figures a lot, but yesterday was the first time I noticed the names on them. And yes, it was apparently a single mom. Not a good idea at all.

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A self-defense teacher at our old church says these are the biggest danger points. You never want to advertise where your kids are when you aren't! And no stranger should have casual access to their names. He advised against any item of clothing or backpacks being embroidered with their names, too




My sister once brought back a t-shirt from her vacation one year with my dd's name on it. It sits in her drawer to this day because I never felt comfortable with her wearing it, even around here since she's outside a lot. It's also why I've never gotten her an embroidered bag from her dance studio.


Just my FYI, we don't have any stickers on our car at all.

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I'm so paranoid that if I have to call my kids' over from a distance in public, I don't use their names. For ds(almost 13) I will call out "Son!" For dd8 I call out "Little One!" I know that I need a new name for her but "Daughter!" sounds weird. Any suggestions?


- Jean (who self identifies as a free range parent on other threads but is really cautious about names)



I know what you mean. It really freaked me out when ds was a toddler to have a strange man address him by name at a garage sale after hearing me use it, and ds acted like the man was a friend. Since then, I try to use "Son" or some term of affection instead of names. Is there anything you often call your dd, such as "Honey," "Sweetie," etc.?

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I've seen the stick figures a lot, but yesterday was the first time I noticed the names on them. And yes, it was apparently a single mom. Not a good idea at all.


There is only one that I've ever seen that didn't make me nervous -- it's the mom's van of one of our karate instructors. Having it on there that my teenage boy is a high degree black belt karate instructor... that I wouldn't mind having out there. :D

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I have had the fundraising members, from the kids sports teams, get snippy with me when I refused to buy a team logo sticker. I don't want people knowing that much about my kids, that easily. The team didn't just use them for fun, (it is neat when your driving around and know there is a team mate in the car ahead of you)....they used them for advertising to get new swimmers. It was a 'flood the market with brand identification' project.


I also have a freind of a friend who had a car get vandalized due to a high school team sticker. A couple of teens from a rival team were drunk, lost a game, and took it out on her car.


I have never, and would never, put stickers like these on my car.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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I know what you mean. It really freaked me out when ds was a toddler to have a strange man address him by name at a garage sale after hearing me use it, and ds acted like the man was a friend. Since then, I try to use "Son" or some term of affection instead of names. Is there anything you often call your dd, such as "Honey," "Sweetie," etc.?


I don't think she'd like me calling out "Boo-boo!"


Jean - (who needs to come up with a better term of affection for her daughter:D)

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Nah. Honestly, those don't concern me much. I don't have a single sticker on my car, but I don't "worry" about other people with school and sports and other affiliations listed on their car. I've yet to see any real evidence that those sorts of things (or t-shirts with names on them, etc) are dangerous.

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