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What if we ALL signed our posts like SpyCar?

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~Christine (who is feeling wonderful after a massage)


~Christine (who will win the Bad Mommy award for letting her son play with a plastic bag) NOTE: he's six, sitting right next to me, and is trying to figure out how to make a parachute for Spiderman


~Christine (who finally figured out how to make ringtones for her phone)


~Christine (who wishes someone would call her so she can hear her new ringtone) :tongue_smilie:

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You all are hilarious! :lol:


I can't think of anything funny. :001_huh:


Scout - who should have been chopping veggies for stir fry an hour ago

Scout - who spent 3+ hours talking to a friend on the phone today

Scout - whose kids are still asleep (first day in the last three with no T-storms at nap time!)


Have a lovely weekend!

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Cute thread!


Nance (who is anticipating the arrival of her MIL at any moment and hopes that you will all wish her luck that the several-day visit goes smoothly without ending in (too much of a) desire to kill anyone (husband or MIL) and also wonders whether parentheses within parentheses are a valid use of said parentheses).

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~Jen (who is sick with a nasty cold)

~Jen (who is :lol: after reading this post)

~Jen (who should be folding the pile of laundry in the laundry chair)

~Jen (who is wondering if everyone has a chair filled with unfolded laundry in their family room)

~Jen (who should be doing something productive, but is having too much fun on WTM board instead)


I could go on and on and on

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It does share a bit more of ourselves than simply replying and staying on topic.


Gin (who is pondering the aquatic ape theory while resting from disassembling furniture while contemplating yet another cross country move and tinkering with the idea of doing a seahorse/undersea crewel project and also thinking she is bugging others with this run-on 'sentence' which lacks punctuation and realizes she is thinking about TOO MANY THINGS)





Pam [who again, likes brackets better]

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Isn't it a form of flattery?


Pam[who really should do something other than read the boards]


True, but I needed to say SOMETHING in order to put a quote at the end of my post.


Kathryn ~ who has, for the first time today, found an autism troll amusing rather than evil.

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Mariann (who was walking by Tropical Smoothie Cafe with ds9.5 and bumped into a group of teachers from the private school her children attended prior to being homeschooled)


Mariann (who remained cool and composed when her ds9.5 was asked how he liked being homeschooled by the aforementiomed teachers, and he answered with a huge smile, 'It's the BEST! I love it! My mom is the BEST teacher in the world!')


Mariann (who treated her ds9.5 to a Tropical Smoothie of his choice and treated herself to a Mocha Smoothie)


Edited by MariannNOVA
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I'm frustrated. I tried to buy a car today. I don't have a new car.


Denise - who wants to use the heads of the salesmen as pool balls and play a game of pool


Denise - who wants to clang the heads of the salesmen together like cymbals


Denise - who is so used to riding her small Pilot that she almost fell getting out of the Yukon - and it's NOT because she's a small person (she's 5'9.5)


Denise - who is tired and should be in bed but is having too much fun on WTM


Denise - who would like to use the heads of the salesmen as golf balls and whack them with a club


Denise - who would like to take the two salesmen, fashion them to a wall and play Pin The Tail On The Car Salesmen Who Tried To Rip You Off


Denise - who wants to use the heads of the salesmen as bait and go fishing. For sharks.


Denise - who should be ASHAMED of herself for her sense of humor because It Is Just Wrong


(ok, please understand this all is a JOKE and a tension release!!!)


Denise - who doesn't want to get bashed for her ill sense of humor


Denise - who should just erase all of the above but is going to hit submit instead.

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Denise, Well, okay then.........................................:001_huh:



Mariann (who thinks that Denise did NOT have a positive car shopping experience today)




Denise - who got all her aggression out and feels MUCH better now


Denise - who just ate a bunch of jellybeans

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Mariann, since I KNOW you're checking this thread - any update on the hedge-trimming privacy-peepers?


Kathryn ~ who lost the aforementioned battle to control her temper.


Kathryn -- nothing new. dh will be travelling and fences and the like cannot be installed when he is not here - he must be home for that stuff.


this morning, though, the dog was snoozing on the front steps, and ds9.5 goes out on the porch and then comes back in with the half-asleep dog. I ask him what is going on. He responds, 'Those people are outside working on their lawn. The dog doesn't want to see that.'

:lol::lol::lol: Our dog is a hound - he SLEEPS.....with his eyes closed. He doesn't SEE anything! He can SMELL a squirrel three counties away, but he doesn't SEE anything if he's sleeping!:lol::lol::lol:


Of course, this is the same little boy who when we took the dog to the PetSmart Pet Hotel 4 weeks ago b/c we were going away for the weekend, ds was upset that in the 'standard' accomodations there were dogs barking.......you know, the way dogs bark......not for any reason......just barking. Well, our dog really doesn't bark.....at all. So ds goes over to the clerk who was checking us in and says to the clerk, 'Do you have other accomodations? Those dogs are going to be a very bad influence on our dog.' Clerk: :001_huh:. Me: 'What is the price of the private pet suite? OK - we'll put the dog in the private suite.':drool5:


Mariann (who probably has not told SproutMamaK that her avatar is beautiful)

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Michelle {who thinks braces are prettier than brackets or parentheses or ~}


Michelle {who can wholly relate to ThatCyndiGirl's angst regarding her dh's MIL, because her own exMIL is exactly. the. same}


Michelle {who was excited to see her box from OM arrived today!}


Michelle {who's hungry but can't eat anything because it's too close to bed time}


Michelle {who is delighted beyond all human comprehension that she has her own computer at her desk and no longer has to work at the computer bank and listen to the big mean woman yell at her kids on the phone while getting nothing accomplished}

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Amber (yes I am another Amber:001_smile:)~~ (who really has to stop laughing at all these posts and get to bed)


Amber~~ (who is listening to the quietness of the house and wonders why it is so easy staying on here til 12:30 am:D)


Amber~~(who went back and edited in all her parentheses)

Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
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~Sharon (who is delighted to find Amazon.uk only takes one day to deliver a book: hello, PLL!)


~Sharon (who just woke up to another beautiful Scottish morning, and wonders if the UK version of La Migra would notice if she just never went back to Texas)

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Nakia (who is at work and feeling really sleepy)


Nakia (who is supposed to be on her way to the beach this morning but isn't because her FIL got very sick and her daughter broke her clavicle and vacation has been postponed)


Nakia (who is very much looking forward to Girl's Night Out tonight with my BFF!)

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Stephanie J ~ who should be fake cleaning the home to look good for the rental management company to come in and take pictures tomorrow morning at 10 am


~Lynn (who was wondering what "fake cleaning" is until I realized that's what I do all the time!)


~Lynn (who rarely imitates Bill, but thinks of him fondly anyway)


~Lynn (who never figured out Bill's signature, missed the thread and wonders if there is a make-up tutorial session)


~Lynn (who's thankful Mariann's dog was spared from watching those dirty-birdy neighbors work in their yard)


ETA: ~Lynn (who possibly just killed the thread)

Edited by Another Lynn
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Denise - who slept too long but was more tired than she thought and is feeling SO much better today


Denise - who finds this thread hysterical and realizes it's the little things in life she finds amusing, which makes her realize she's a simple person, and wonders exactly what that means, and worries if she's TOO simple, but then accepts she is who she is, but wonders if she should change, and is stuck in this everlasting quandry


Denise - who is happy to start painting the house again today (dh keeps telling me it's STAIN not paint, but to me it's paint, it's colored, and so I say paint, because when I refer to stain, I'm thinking transparent stain, and I'm thinking laundry, which makes me get the bottle of Oxyclean, a company which we should buy stock in because we are, I'm sure, their biggest customer) because she loves the new color, but would rather go to the beach and read her first downloaded book on her Kindle, and perhaps she could stop at Portsmouth Chevy on the way to see if they have a car that will fit her needs, but doesn't want to have to deal with car salesmen and doesn't want to vent to WTM about another bad experience, but was glad to vent here instead of to dh or my IRL friends, and this run on sentence has turned into a book, so I must................

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Mariann (who probably has not told SproutMamaK that her avatar is beautiful)


Aw, thanks! That's my youngest when he was a baby. Gosh, I want another one. Now. Right now. C'mere, DH.




Kathryn ~ who promised herself that she would get back to a healthier weight before trying to have another baby, and is now getting very annoyed about that promise.


Kathryn ~ who planted her first vegetable garden today, and is pretty excited about it!

Edited by SproutMamaK
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It is a picture of Cuisenare rods.




~Lynn (who started with MUS and didn't recognize the Cuisenare colors)


~Lynn (who feels really silly now)


~Lynn (who should be doing something besides sitting at the computer and waiting for dd's nap time)

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I am so glad that you all have had such fun with this thread!


~Cyndi {who is stressing out over going from ONE kid to THREE kids to homeschool (and oldest going into high school) and thought she didn't have enough to stress out over, so thought she would apply to GRAD SCHOOL?!} :w00t:

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Wow, I just wasted a bunch of time reading ALL of this thread! :lol: Too fun!


Darla - who is putting off weeding a 24' flower bed that has no flowers yet. I guess I could just mow it...

Darla - who dropped a piece of the salad spinner on her toe (:blink:), and is using that as an excuse not to run today (Hey, it is that BIG family sized OXO one!)

Darla - who needs to go clean up after lunch

Darla - who WILL go make coffee first. :D

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it was a beautiful day here today!


Denise - who got MUCH progress done on the house. Can't wait to start the trim!


Denise - who is enjoying a glass of Reisling, watching our taped Idol, and is quite sleepy


Denise - who is trying to buy baby chicks so we can have our own chickens

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Moira (whose weekend is so far indistinguishable from her week *sigh*)


Moira (who promises to stop whinging... eventually)

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~Laura (who felt really good about blurting out what I had originally written, but then decided it probably broke some work related privacy law or something)

Edited by LauraGB
think I had to change it ;-)
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This thread is FABULOUS! Just what I needed after a long day. . .


~Heather, who's procrastinating pricing books for the used curriculum sale

~Heather, who should never have put her sugar-addicted kid in charge of the lemonade/Sprite/cookie table at her yard sale

~Heather, who will never ever EVER have another yard sale again

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Erika~( praying that her new ceiling fan in her bedroom that her WONDERFUL DH finally put up doesn't fall on me in my sleep!)
HAHAHA I was really worried right after DH put ours up too!:) Make sure you update me so I know it didn't fall on you!


Carmen (who should be cleaning up this pig sty after having a migraine for 3 days)

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