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Public Service Announcement: Embarrassing Tourist

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We went to a restaurant in Gettysburg searching for some decent fish and chips on Friday. While there, a Tourist came in.


Tourist was otherwise an attractive man, except for the camera strapped about his neck and the two, yes two, fanny packs cinched tight around his waist.


A backpack would have been much better.


His wife was very pretty and she looked lovely, but she had to sit at dinner with her Fanny Pack Tourist man. And he never took off the camera or fanny packs during his entire dinner. He looked uncomfortable.


My advice: Next time you're a tourist, bring a backpack and not a fanny pack. Fanny packs just look silly.

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When my children were smaller I started carrying a fanny pack (a really nice one with an area for cc's and change and a zippered pocket). I found that I could reach down and grab a hand and not have the purse fall off my shoulder and whack a child in the head. I still only use a fanny pack. Love 'em.



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Just be careful saying fanny pack around an British person. Whilst we know what they are, fanny has a completely different meaning in the UK.



That is not the only word or phrase that has a double meaning and can lead to severe embarassment.

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Ohdear. I see a can of whoopa$$ being unleashed the likes of which have not been seen around these parts since the shopping cart/crockpot/shoes in house threads of 2009/2010.












On one side we have the Fanny Packers (which does sound dirty now that you mention it) and on the other side we have the Anti-Fanny Packers.

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On one side we have the Fanny Packers (which does sound dirty now that you mention it) and on the other side we have the Anti-Fanny Packers.

Knowing what I do now, Fanny Packers does sound really horribly dirty. :lol: And as for the other side...... well, I'm not Anti-Fanny Packing, I think at the right times done by the right people it's fine :lol::lol:

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Knowing what I do now, Fanny Packers does sound really horribly dirty. :lol: And as for the other side...... well, I'm not Anti-Fanny Packing, I think at the right times done by the right people it's fine :lol::lol:


That made me ACTUALLY LOL.


That's right....I L'd.....OL.



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I don't care how ridiculous I look sporting my fanny pack. It keeps my hands free. No matter how silly I look I still look better then the guy in the speedo.


I was wishing for my fanny pack earlier today. I don't need to carry around a whole backpack worth of stuff, just my wallet and car keys. I can't carry them in my pocket because stuff comes out of my pocket. I hate carrying a purse; it always slips. A messenger bag is a pain to take off and put back on. Seriously, are there any other solutions before I go dig out my... er... bum bag? I guess I could get an extra large passport holder.

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I can handle you wearing a fanny pack, as long as it is not accompanied by black socks and sandals. :D


Tsk! Now there's something wrong with black socks and sandals? You know I took this thread seriously at first but shame on me, 'cause now I see that you guys are just out to make me feel bad about my summer wardrobe plans. And shame on you for it too.

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Tsk! Now there's something wrong with black socks and sandals? You know I took this thread seriously at first but shame on me, 'cause now I see that you guys are just out to make me feel bad about my summer wardrobe plans. And shame on you for it too.


As long as you don't wear the two on the same day you'll be fine. (says me who will not divulge what I wear during the heat of summer)

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Just be careful saying fanny pack around an British person. Whilst we know what they are, fanny has a completely different meaning in the UK.


This from the people who say they're going to "knock you up" when you'd just prefer they stop by for a visit? :001_huh:






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One of the best things about being a tourist is that by definition, you're not at home. You probably won't see a single person you know, so you can be as ridiculous as you like. I say bring on the fanny pack, the camera, the tourist map, and the blinding white tennis shoes!

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Whatever. When I was in Paris, I ate at a cafe across from some guy in his 30s or so (whom I assumed was French) whose dining companion was a very old woman. She spent lunch eating. He spent it taking her picture. One boring shot after the next for 20+ minutes of her eating. It was one of the weirdest moments ever.


One of the funniest was when a girl (obviously American) thought it would be slick to talk to her mom in Spanish while sitting next to my group. She must have assumed we were Japanese and therefore clueless. Unfortunately, almost everyone in my group was fluent and quite enjoyed her accent.

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Tsk! Now there's something wrong with black socks and sandals? You know I took this thread seriously at first but shame on me, 'cause now I see that you guys are just out to make me feel bad about my summer wardrobe plans. And shame on you for it too.



I'm so sorry! Please don't be hurt. I suffer from GFD* myself, so I feel your pain. (GFD or 'Genetic Fashion Deficit' is a very real disorder. I don't suffer from it nearly as much as my friends and family do!)


Preliminary studies indicate that, while GFD IS genetic there is also an environmental component to it as well. My mother used to dress me in peasant shirts and terry cloth polo shirts. It was, unfortunately, a double whammy. :001_huh:

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Preliminary studies indicate that, while GFD IS genetic there is also an environmental component to it as well. My mother used to dress me in peasant shirts and terry cloth polo shirts. It was, unfortunately, a double whammy. :001_huh:


Oh no.... my poor kids are so doomed! :tongue_smilie:

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I love my money belt . . . er, whispers: fanny pack. I wear it on nature hikes all the time. We have nice slim field guides for butterflies and birds and will soon get one for local botanical identification. I also like to cary my pocket knife and one or two ther things. It's so much less cumbersome than a backpack. And . . . for the birdies and butterflies, ***I wear my binoculars!***


Are you shocked?

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I love my money belt . . . er, whispers: fanny pack. I wear it on nature hikes all the time. We have nice slim field guides for butterflies and birds and will soon get one for local botanical identification. I also like to cary my pocket knife and one or two ther things. It's so much less cumbersome than a backpack. And . . . for the birdies and butterflies, ***I wear my binoculars!***


Are you shocked?



::::speaking in calm, hushed tones:::::


No one is here to judge you, MomofOneFunOne. You are among friends. ;)

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One of the best things about being a tourist is that by definition, you're not at home. You probably won't see a single person you know, so you can be as ridiculous as you like. I say bring on the fanny pack, the camera, the tourist map, and the blinding white tennis shoes!

This is true. However, you arrive home and show people your snaps, and the odd one might just have you in it looking hideous. For this reason I try to stay respectable on holiday. :D


I can think of nothing other than colostomy bag.


And I don't understand a fanny being....... well, you know....;)

Well it is, and if you used it in any other phrase than "fanny pack" which we all get, ludicrous though it is, you might just get drop jawed shock right back atcha.:tongue_smilie:

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Aaaaaaand now we are going to have a spin-off thread:


S/O: Should homeschooling Dads wear Speedos?


My vote is a Big Fat NO!

FINALLY, a thread on men's modesty.


How are we not the closest of friends?!?

This from the people who say they're going to "knock you up" when you'd just prefer they stop by for a visit? :001_huh:






Just so long as they don't bring up fanny packing, it's fine. :lol:

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Just be careful saying fanny pack around an British person. Whilst we know what they are, fanny has a completely different meaning in the UK.


Ohdear. I see a can of whoopa$$ being unleashed the likes of which have not been seen around these parts since the shopping cart/crockpot/shoes in house threads of 2009/2010.












On one side we have the Fanny Packers (which does sound dirty now that you mention it) and on the other side we have the Anti-Fanny Packers.


Knowing what I do now, Fanny Packers does sound really horribly dirty. :lol: And as for the other side...... well, I'm not Anti-Fanny Packing, I think at the right times done by the right people it's fine :lol::lol:



This thread REALLY needs a warning not to drink hot coffee while reading it!! I'm not sure my nasal passages will recover. :lol: :lol:

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My only comment is never insult someone in person when they have a fanny pack.


That pack can serves double duty as a holster. My father (a special agent) and my of his friends carry their trusty handguns in fanny packs. This way it's not obvious they are carrying a weapon. So don't insult them in person - they might just pull it out on you!

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My only comment is never insult someone in person when they have a fanny pack.


That pack can serves double duty as a holster. My father (a special agent) and my of his friends carry their trusty handguns in fanny packs. This way it's not obvious they are carrying a weapon. So don't insult them in person - they might just pull it out on you!

:lol: You're killing me *snort* Please, no one whip out their fanny packs :lol:

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My dd is convinced she can make fanny packs trendy. She has this one and wears it all the time.



Oh man! They are sold out! I was going to buy one, seriously. My dh showed our dd the Charlie video and she would love that...thing you wear around your waist to hold stuff, yet makes you look like a tourist. Wow saying fannypack is much easier.


I think they only look silly on men. On women they just look practical! I would have so worn the charlie one too!

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My only comment is never insult someone in person when they have a fanny pack.


That pack can serves double duty as a holster. My father (a special agent) and my of his friends carry their trusty handguns in fanny packs. This way it's not obvious they are carrying a weapon. So don't insult them in person - they might just pull it out on you!


I think they call it, "fanny packing."


(as in packing heat . . . :blink:, I feel inclined to add)

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