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s/o: Friendly roll call(started by a newbie herself)

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Hi! I have been away for so long, I should probably do another intro anyway.


I'm Beth. I have 3 children: 2 girls and 1 boy (see sig for ages). We are in our 5th year of homeschooling and just moved from one place in NC to another.


I have been married for 15 years this month! I have 4 cats. I am a headbanger at heart. I spend too much time on the boards which is why I was missing for so long. :D I love to read too and have been devouring books that all qualify as brain candy since the move, and loving every single minute of it! I also like to knit, cross stitch and scrapbook.


I keep reading other's posts and editing mine! I started homeschooling when I couldn't face sending my oldest to K for a full day and another mom introduced me to WTM. I've gradually changed to more of a CM approach but get the best homeschooling info and advice here!

Edited by 3lilreds in NC
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I'm Scout and I'm also very new here and learning lots.

I'm a SAHM and loving it. Before DD arrived, I worked in children's ministry for 20 years.

I love to read, garden, cook and organize.


My accomplishment of the day: made homemade granola for the first time.

Yummy! Why didn't I do this long ago?

Board etiquette dictates you mailing out samples with recipes...



Ok, I can't pull that off, but a link to a recipe would be nice :D

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I am Christina, married in September for 25 years. Dh is USAF so that is why we are transients. I have homeschooled for 16 years, I think and have 4 more to go. I love to read mysteries, like gardening, and love to plan and go on vacations. This year we will be doing the Northern Rockies. Next year will be a vacation to a Spanish speaking place- Spain again, COsta Rica, CHile and Argentina, somewhere else? Haven't decided yet. I like homeschooling but am also looking forward to my new life in a few years.

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I just spent the past 20 minutes typing my memoir only to have Internet Explorer encounter a problem and have to close my browser window.


Oy vay.


Guess that's God telling me to keep it short and sweet.


I'm Cindy, married to dh for 13 years, two boys a(12) and c(10).


Dh=entrepreneur. Me=SO. NOT.


We've been homeschooling since the beginning, though I was not an easy convert. I love it, now.


I'm an aspiring writer - mostly humor but also love to write political opinion and religion essays. I've got my 2009 NaNoWriMo winner's icon and a 60,000 word mss which hasn't seen the light of day since I typed "The End" at midnight, November 30, 2009.


Well, that wasn't so short, but I'll shut up now. I did read and enjoy every one of your posts ahead of mine. I feel I could have taken snippets from many of yours and pieced together my life story.


Thanks for being such a neat group of fellow homeschoolers!

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I go by Faith on the board. DH and I have been married almost 22 years. We homeschooled our nearly 19 year old daughter for 1st-4th grade, and 8th-12th. During those off years, I taught music and science at a private school and also subbed in other classrooms. Our next oldest is 13 year old ds who attended private school for kindergarten and has been homeschooled every since. Ds 11 and ds almost 10 have only been homeschooled.


DD is in paramedic training and then will go off to nursing school after a couple of years of work.


We live in a renovated brick and stone church with stained glass windows. It is the same church that I and my siblings were baptized in as well as the place where my parents were married. When the church family could no longer afford the building, dh and I purchased it and dh renovated and restored the 4000 square feet himself. He did 90% of the work while I stood around handing him tools and fetching things. That was my role - gopher!


I was a professional pianist before the children came along. Dh is a computer geek with many scientific pursuits on the side.


We are trying our hand at a little homesteading. So, we garden quite a bit and have five ducks and co-raise three pigs with another family who has a farm. We'll be adding a few hens to the menagerie as well.

We also own a horse which is boarded at a nearby farm where I do chores in exchange for board. We don't have enough land here to keep her on our property.


Our whole family is a bunch of science freak-a-sauruses and so most any day of the week there is something bizarre going on; usually flammables are involved! This has made us quite popular with our 4-H club.



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We live in a renovated brick and stone church with stained glass windows. It is the same church that I and my siblings were baptized in as well as the place where my parents were married. When the church family could no longer afford the building, dh and I purchased it and dh renovated and restored the 4000 square feet himself. He did 90% of the work while I stood around handing him tools and fetching things. That was my role - gopher!




That is neat!

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Hi everyone!


I'm Tammy, married to my dh for 28 years. I am a SAHM and dh is self-employed. We have several small shipping stores. He also just started a new business with several friends that is geared toward helping small business owners become more profitable.


We live out in the country in the beautiful mountains of NC. I spend my time homeschooling and driving to gym, dance, guitar, baseball, etc. I love to read and cook. We have homeschooled since 1995 and I have graduated my two oldest.


We homeschool ala WTM with a little bit of CM sprinkled in. I have never been able to use a boxed curriculum, but I drool over them every year. I end up purchasing them and then doing my own thing the way I've always done it anyway. You would think I would learn.

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HI! I'm Donna, mom of an asynchronous 5 yr old who will finish parochial school K next week and will be homeschooled for 1st grade starting...well...based on what DD says, starting immediately afterwards (I'd planned on deschooling for awhile, but she has other ideas in mind). DH is a software engineer/architect. I'm an adjunct professor in early childhood music education Birth-7 at a state university.

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I just love to read these! I'm Michele - Scubamama here b/c we owned a scuba business in PA before we moved to So Cal. I miss rural PA intensly and wish I was there a few times a day. Dh and I have been married 12 years and have 3 kids - 8, 5, almost 3. He's a "rocket scientist" for a new company called Spacex and I'm a former critical care RN. I've hsed these poor, overworked kids since the start and I frequently come here to get my spirits up when I feel like I'll make my kids "unable to function in society" I love to hear all the great ideas and I'm inspired by the families on this board! My dh was a college prof before this job and he is a big HS supporter mostly b/c the students were pathetic...and they were ok with their level of patheticness!


welcome, newbie!

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Just a friendly reminder:


If you live in a low population state and that info is available here, and


If you post the real first names of you and your husband here, and


If your names are unusual (ie., not Tom or Beth),


Then it is not very difficult to find out your home address and phone number on Google.




As a precaution, I Googled Kymberly in NC - all of the women were much smarter and more interesting than me! I don't think I will do that again soon. :lol: Anyway, since I didn't appear on the first page of results, I will share that life took a long time to bring me the perfect man. We've been married for 17 years and have two boys 11 and soon to be 8.


I love all things home and cozy; reading, crafting, cooking, and I can barely ever turn away from an old book. Finding time to accomplish much in those areas has been a challenge since homeschooling has replaced free time. I'm active in our church and co-op with nine other amazing women. I love this life so much, I barely remember my former one.


Thank you for sharing your wisdom and humor on these boards. I come away blessed, educated and amused every day.

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I'm pretty new & I'm not here as much as I thought I'd be. Since joining I'm pregnant with number 4 & life has suddenly turned more crazy than it was before.


About me: Married for 13 years, have 3 boys & am expecting a 4th in July. My oldest started K & I pulled him out after Christmas to homeschool. We're about to finish our first full year of homeschooling & it's going well.


I'm out of sorts today because my 5 yr-old has chicken pox & I think I've gotten it as well. :eek:

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I'm Hana. I've been around since quite a while before the old boards moved to this format, but I mostly read, rarely post. My partner and I have five grown children (three homeschooled) and two littles, a 9-year-old girl and 6-year-old boy. We both teach (children's literature, writing) at a university here in Michigan, though we also reside part-time in Canada.

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Just a friendly reminder:


If you live in a low population state and that info is available here, and


If you post the real first names of you and your husband here, and


If your names are unusual (ie., not Tom or Beth),


Then it is not very difficult to find out your home address and phone number on Google.




If you google my husbands first and last name, you'll get at least 5 others in our state with his exact name - 2 in our county. I don't come up at all with both first and last name. It's a little comforting to live in a state with a huge population. ;)

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HI. I'm Emerald. mmm...let's see. I have been around for awhile (couple years) but come and go a lot!! Sometimes months go by and I don't check in, other times I just lurk...and yet other times I post (usually, it seems in a controverserial thread that then gets shut down).

I am passionate about human rights issues and I am passionate about justice. I am one of those sort of wierd christian ultra left mostly, but ultra right a little sort of person.

4 amazing children who put up with a lot who range in age from 11 down to 1. They are amazing and every.single.day astonish me in some way or another. The first book I ever read about hmschooling was WTM...and was hooked, but follow it pretty loosely.

Married for 10 years to same man....all of the children are his too.

ok enough.

Welcome everyone.


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Hi! I've been married to my high school sweetheart for 16 years. We have a 14yo ds who entered public school 8th grade for the 1st time this year and homeschool 12yo ds and 7yo dd.


I work two days a week as a physical therapist for kids under 3yo while my husband stays home and he works while I school the kids the other days of the week and run them to sports and music activities.


We live in the garden part of the Garden State (NJ)...very southern NJ and recently moved into a house with enough land to plant a garden and fruit trees which we are very excited about.


It's nice to read these and "get to know" everyone.

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I'm very new here. My name is Emily, and I've been married to the love of my life for 8 years next month. We have three kids as seen in my signature. I have done 2 years of preschool with C at home, and he starts kindergarten in the fall. I also teach English classes one day a week.


I love to read, bake, coupon, talk, teach, and waste time on the internet.

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Neat roll call thread. :)


I am Rebecca, married for almost 8 years to my wonderful husband. I have an almost 11 year old son from my first marriage (married too young!) and my husband and I have an almost 7 year old son together.


We have just completed our second year of "real" homeschooling. However, I have homeschooled my ds6 since birth and we did homeschool for preschool too. I guess I have been practicing for about 4 years then. LOL


I am a writer by nature - love to write, love to talk (as one might presume from my post count). I am a curriculum junkie in recovery as well. I love everything about schooling my children and I do not miss my career as a technical writer at all anymore. This is my 8th year being a stay at home mom and I thank God that my husband works so hard and affords me this opportunity. I am very blessed. :)

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I'm Kelli, 40 years old, aspiring to sustainable living in a big old rambling farmhouse by the sea. I'm Pagan, have been married to my college sweetheart for 18 years this October; two kids- boy and girl on the cusp of adolescence (hard to believe!), two cats, one dog, one turtle, seven hens, 10 brand new chicks and a beehive. Hoping to acquire a couple of sheep by summer's end.


In my previous life I worked as a therapist, now enjoying life as a SAHM... knitting, gardening, cooking, reading, and making my own herbal remedies and other products. I'm also a bona fide sci-fi geek (Firefly was one of my all-time favorite series, hence the username).


Oh, and I just wanted to say I'm thrilled to know there is another gardener out there who just can't keep a houseplant alive! :D

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I'm Lucy. I have been with my DH for over 10 years and we have a son (age 3) and a daughter (under 1). We always knew we would not send the children to school. I found the WTM while reading Macrina's blog, and I am enjoying Susan's book very much. Before that I read a lot of John Holt.


I love to knit. My first project was a sweater like this one for DD, and it turned out pretty well. I am now into knitting socks, and I hope to learn to spin when the babies are older.


I am still waiting for the newest book in George RR Martin's latest series. Sigh.


We own a small business and we do not own a car. We have one of these instead.


We are hard to define... hmmmm... generally "crunchy" I guess, attend the Orthodox church,


I love your avatar; we are Byzantine catholic.

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I'm Rachelle and my husband and I have been married for 15 years. Prior to being a stay at home mom I taught high school for 10 years.


I have two six year old boys who are fraternal and as different as they could possibly be. One has some complicated special needs. I'm great with and enjoy research and planning and yet stink with follow through. This is my biggest challenge so far in homeschooling. I need to keep my mind challenged and homeschooling is providing that right now. I also digital scrapbook and love to read almost anything.


I've found lots of wonderful information and help already via this board and I'm thankful it's here.

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Allrecipes.com - it's listed as "Megan's granola". Enjoy!

Thank you! I was just wondering if this was even possible the other day.

I just spent the past 20 minutes typing my memoir only to have Internet Explorer encounter a problem and have to close my browser window.


Oy vay.

I feeeeeeeel your pain.

I'm out of sorts today because my 5 yr-old has chicken pox & I think I've gotten it as well. :eek:

Egads! I hope not :grouphug:

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I'm Wyndie, mom to three, wife to one. I have always homeschooled b/c of the kids extreme food allergies but this year we've really found our groove and are enjoying it much more than before. My husband has been in the Air Force for 22 years and will retire next year so life is going to change. We recently bought a house and are setting down roots. We never moved much b/c of the special needs issues but it's nice to have a place to call home although I do miss living on base. I have started learning how to garden. I have a jungle inside already (LOVE plants) and have moved on to veggie gardening. We'll see how that goes! ;)

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Hi! I'm Kymmie, mostly a lurker but here I am posting...

I'm 24, single mommy and full time college student. I'm majoring in history, finishing up my 2nd year now (finals this week and next!! :willy_nilly:) planning on going on for my PhD and hoping to be a college professor. I am on Dean's list every semester, on track to be invited to 1 honor society next year and another the year after, will *most likely* graduate at least Magna Cum Laude, if not Summa Cum Laude, and have just applied to my school's honors program.

In addition to all this... I homeschool my daughter, who is 4.5. She is my miracle baby. I have severe endometriosis and wasn't supposed to be able to have children. (I was also on birth control pills at the time and was using protection the one and only time I was with her father!). She plays soccer, does dance, and loves to do school.

We are Catholic, she was baptised in 2006 when she was a couple months old and I completed RCIA and was baptised at Easter 2008.

We both love to read, and probably spend more time reading than doing anything else.

I guess that's enough for now!

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Hello there!


I am Dawn (38) married to John (a 50-year old hard-working man of integrity) for 11 years. He owns a small lawn maintenance company. We are both Christians and met at a church we used to attend (a Vineyard church).


I am "step-mom" (though we don't use that phrase) to Aaron (20, whom I homeschooled from the 4th grade through highschool. I married his dad when he was 8). He's the best ever!


Also, mom to Nathan (10) and Ben (nearly 9) whom I am currently homeschooling.


I love scrapbooking, stamping, making cards, exercising, hiking, the mountains, flower gardening and gardens, and bird watching. Oh, and homeschooling. ;)

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I am the same way!


We homeschool ala WTM with a little bit of CM sprinkled in. I have never been able to use a boxed curriculum, but I drool over them every year. I end up purchasing them and then doing my own thing the way I've always done it anyway. You would think I would learn.
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I'm Michelle (38), married to my husband for 13 yrs in September. We have 3 kids (DSS turns 18 tomorrow, DS8 and DD4).


I never thought I would homeschool, but issues with the school system resulted in me bringing DS home in December '09. I like the idea of homeschooling but, because of all the turmoil in our house since January, I haven't found my groove yet. I will continue to re-evaluate our situation and determine what is best for our family. It appears we will continue to homeschool at least through next year. Honestly, after fighting with the school with regard to DSS (who may or may not graduate in June) and DS, I'm not sure I could in good conscience enroll my children in our local PS again.


I am a physical therapist and primarily work as a very part-time consultant right now. My husband retired from the Army, went to school, and started an IT business. I manage the business and he and the techs bring home the bacon.


I like to play the piano, read, surf the net, hike, camp, and be outside. I am a gym rat and my best days start with a good workout.

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I'm Jennifer, but I prefer Jen. I've been married to my college sweetheart for almost 13 years. We have 2 sons: 7 & 3. We're finishing our 2nd year of homeschooling, and I'm really starting to feel comfortable in this role. I'm a former 8th grade Language Arts teacher, so it's taken me a bit to release the teacher/student/classroom mindset.


I tend to ramble as some of you may have noticed in my posts! I also love to read, often having 2-3 books going at a time. I'm a Christian, and I was baptized earlier this year with Dh. I love my church family. I just joined a fitness boot camp through my church, and it's been a week of stepping FAR out of my comfort zone; however, I'm determined to become fit and healthier. I'm a soccer mom, a small group Bible study leader for 8th grade girls, and I teach Sunday school to 4 year olds.


I live in a subdivision, but I'm dying to move to more land with plenty of trees. I prefer to be outside, and taking nature walks or hiking makes me feel content. I love animals, but Dh isn't as much of a fan. We have 2 chubby cats, but I'd love to have more. I hope to own goats some day.


I was raised in the north, but now live south of the Mason-Dixon line, and this is where I feel I belong. We've been down south for 4 years, and moving was the best decision (aside from homeschooling) that we've ever made.


Welcome new members! I'm so grateful for these boards; I hope you find them to be a godsend as well! :)

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:seeya:Always late to the party. As a pp mentioned, I also lurked on the old boards, but never posted as the format was intimidating!


Dh and I have been married for 16 years TODAY! We got married on Friday the 13th and it has been nothing but good luck for us. We have 2 children, dd age 8 and ds age 10. They have always been homeschooled. Dh and I both worked for a major university for a decade and a half before we moved and took over a family business. We homeschool year 'round.


I love my family, traveling, reading, and I crochet a little bit. I'm going back to school in the fall to pursue my RN....knocking out those prerequisites one at a time.


One of my favorite homeschool quotes came from my dh: "Homeschooling is the most PR (punk rock) thing we've ever done." It is, indeed.

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Hello! My name is Jenny and I am somewhat of a newbie as well! DH and I have been married almost 11 yrs (just over 3 weeks away! YEA!:)) and we have 4 wonderful (and very active:D) boys ages 6 1/2 to 2 yrs. old.


DH and I met at the college group at church (even though we went to different colleges) but didn't get married for a couple of years (had to get him to graduate first! LOL!) I was a CPA for 6+ yrs. before getting to stay home.


I am originally from AR but DH and I met in MO and since then have lived in AK, CO, NY, VA (short stint) and now GA ~ lets just say that each boy was born in a different state! :001_smile: DH is a PM for a company that does work on military bases ~ so even though we aren't military, we travel like we are. The Lord has provided for us in each and every move and we've met some wonderful people along the way!


This is our first year homeschooling and I am realizing that I have a lot to learn!:D I appreciate this forum so much and I'm really glad I stumbled upon it!

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My name is Cathy. I am a single mom to 4 wonderful children - 11, 8, 6, and 2. I built my family through adoption. I work part-time as a case coach for Safe Families for Children. I have been homeschooling my children for 7 years. I use an eclectic appraoch that is heavily influenced by TWTM.

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I'm Jodi, or Ravin or Hrefna (I have in the past answered to my online handle IRL, and it was a factor in choosing my SCA name). I'm a homeschooling mama to one, hopefully going to be mama to more than one in the next year. We're active in the SCA (medieval re-enactment group) where I dabble in fiber arts and archery and do volunteer work both with youth (youth minister for the College of Brymstonne, the group at ASU, and Youth Activities Coordinator for Estrella War next year, the 2nd biggest event in the Society) and in the first aid station at events (Chirurgeon). DD likes swimming, bike riding, painting, and all things pink, and has apparently already chosen her future husband. We also do Spiral Scouts.


We're Heathens by religion, poly by family composition. We've been married for 11 3/4 years and our other partner (often referred to as DW#2) has been with us for 2 1/2 years. DH was literally the first person I met when I got to my first duty station after getting out of Navy boot camp.


I work nights at Wal-Mart (maybe switching to some nights and some mornings soon, I hope!), which can be interesting. DH is a full time college student (freshman) and works a lousy job in a restaurant (until he can find a work-study gig). I plan on going to law school starting in Fall 2011, and we plan on homeschooling through all of it!

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I'm dawn. Jason & I have been married for since the end of 2000 (makes calculating easy [grin]) We had 3 children in 32 months. I'm a SAHM, happily "retired" from being a Human Resource specialist when M-girl came along. I've been a blogger for 9 years (sometimes more consistent than others) this month (which is kind of strange to me!) The two oldest are playing soccer for the first time this spring which is almost as much as I can think about sometimes!


We have two dogs, a yellow lab and a black golden retriever mix pup.


We're Reformed Christians, happily members at an OPC church. We love College Football, and if a game is on in the fall, we've probably seen some part of it. We're Buckeyes by birth and education (and good taste).


We discussed and agreed on homeschooling prior to being engaged, so are very excited to have started homeschooling (semi-officially) in January ... deciding to educate on a "calendar year" schedule.


I also love parenthetical asides and ellipses ... you probably already noticed that though ;)

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I'm Julie, married to DH for almost 11 years. DS is 6 and was adopted from Russia at 6 months, DD is 5 & our surprise bio baby. I like to read, decorate cakes, sew -- that sort of thing. I am also an unpaid, part-time taxi driver for the munchkins :auto:. We're secular homeschoolers & live in southern NH. Welcome, newbies!

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Hi everyone!


New here and learning as fast as I can, this is kinda addicting. My partner and I have been together for about 10.5 years. We have an 8yo daughter together who is our special blessing. Just before I turned 40 we discussed having a child together, I thought we decided against it, apparently God had other plans.


I think, I knew in my heart from the beginning that we would homeschool. We tried PS until midway through 2nd grade and finally took the plunge. I wish we had started sooner and saved ourselves and DD some pain and anxiety. I have to learn to listen and trust my heart.


I am really enjoying the board and have appreciated all of the advice and help to my questions.

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My name is Emily and I am doing home preschool with my dd5 while her two little brothers (almost 3 and 15 months) listen in. My husband and I will have our 8th anniversary this summer--my goodness how time flies.


We follow a rather eclectic approach--TWTM, Montessori, Charlotte Mason, Suzuki. This site has been invaluable in helping me develop confidence as a newbie homeschooler, find and assess curriculum, and troubleshoot teaching and parenting challenges.


When I'm not reading, reading, reading about homeschooling and education, I enjoy gardening, baking bread, taking nature walks, and learning about whatever catches my fancy.


I love that this forum is full of eclectic personalities who have given a great deal of thought to their philosophy of education and life in general. Makes for interesting reading. This has been a fun thread to read!

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Better late than never, right? LOL!:D


Dh and I will be married 13 years in August, together 15 years in November. We have 3 wonderful kids, 2 very special boys (10yo down syndrome and 8.5yo high-functioning autism) and 1 precious girl (21 mos, our little suprise). We withdrew our oldest from public school Nov. 2009. Our younger son is still in public school, he'll start this summer. We always wanted to homeschool but didn't think we could when the boys were diagnosed with their conditions. We have since learned how wrong we were.:001_smile:


Dh works as a support staff (NAR, nurse assistant registered) for developmentally disabled adults and is pursing his degree to get his minister's license. I am a full-time mom and part-time work from home as a product packager for a local baby product company.


We're Pentecostal christians and "met" during a youth group event, although we'd known each other for many years before that (he was in the same class as my brother, I was in the same class with his brother).


I don't post very often, still finding my way in the homeschool community. We're pretty much doing a mix of classical and Charlotte Mason.


We're an outdoors family, love to be out in the woods more than anywhere else. We just don't get the time to get out there as much as we would like. I like to crochet, sew and cross-stich, sometimes scrapbook. I love to read! My Mother's Day gift was a gift card to my favorite bookstore, lol! I will also admit that I enjoy playing video games, too. My username is a tribute to our favorite game. ;)

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Hi, I typically go by Wulfie or Wulfbourne on forums. I have a 3 year old and a 1 1/2 year old so we're not technically homeschooling yet. I'm just a crazy person who has been planning and researching like crazy since I made the decision to homeschool my kids. At first I was really scared of the idea and sure I would be damaging them somehow, but now I'm really confident in my decision. I love the discussions in the General Board and the K-8 board help feed my insane need to read and plan many years in the future :)

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Guest Virginia Dawn

Hi, I live in Virginia. Dawn is my middle name. I've been homeschooling for about 18 years. I was born and married into the Navy, but am now getting used to living long-term in a small country town.


I'm an eclectic homeschooler who does a history cycle with good books but does not do latin. :-) I just realized I've been on these boards for about 5 years, off and on.


I'm an extreme introvert in real life. The boards have been an education in socialization for me.

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Hi Everyone! Let's see... I'm married to my High School sweetheart (Middle School, actually) and we have 4 kids (ages below), so we've been a couple for 20+ years now. He is on staff at a large church, and I am a "retired" school teacher getting to do what I love with my 4 favorite kids in the world. :001_smile:


We never really intended to homeschool, but felt like it was our only option when my highly gifted son reached the end of first grade in the PS and they told me that "there is nothing more they can do for him because he is just too far advanced for (them) to handle." It was the best thing that ever happened to him/us, because it changed everything and now I'm homeschooling with a passion :) I love that I can challenge him to go "beyond" and that he can go at his own pace. I love that they are no longer influenced by the "attitudes" of the school children and that I get to basically choose my children's friends for them at this early stage in life. The homeschooling way-of-life is exactly what I never knew I always wanted!


I coach two soccer teams (u5 and u10 (with dh) and serve on the soccer board of directors) and I teach chess and co-lead a tournament team with my dh. I'm an extended breastfeeding mom (until about 4 or whenever my babies call it quits). I love math, and thankfully, so do my kids :) Most of all, I love Jesus, and love to fellowship with my sisters in Christ! So that's me in a nutshell!!! Welcome to all of the newbies!!!

Edited by babysparkler
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Hi! We're entering into our 5th years (minus a half year in a private MOntessori). We are on the east coast of FL but looking to move. Just NO IDEA where. Have any suggestions???:001_huh:

My dh and I have been married for 10 years. I'm the fair, freckled person on the beach covered in SPF 40 under an umbrella.

My daughter thinks she is the 13th Dancing Princess, my little guy thinks he should be renamed Clutch Indiana Stormtrooper Jones and my water-loving 9yo thinks he is Percy Jackson (he is so peace in the water).


Oh and I just turned 40 on Mother's Day. :glare:


Come to Dallas, Texas!!!! :001_smile: Our kids would love each other!

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My name is Tammy, I have been a member since the old boards but I don't think I ever posted on them. I still don't post very often because most of what I would have said has been said all ready. This board is both my inspiration and my shoulder to cry on. Sometimes the message comes in a harsh way but always in love and support.


I have been married to my dh Chris 18 years, mother to 3 teens and 1 almost teen. Hubby is a manufacturing engineer, and I run a small photography business. My kids are all as tall or taller than me and I don't like it. We have been on the homeschool journey since my oldest was in K. My youngest has never been to ps. We live in Houston, Texas and love it.


I have ADHD when it comes to hobbies. I enjoy anything from quilting to playinig an online games; just knitted my first scarf. I have 7 dogs, and just yesterday I decided I needed to add a cat to that mix.:001_smile:


What a fun thread.

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I'm dawn. Jason & I have been married for since the end of 2000 (makes calculating easy [grin]) We had 3 children in 32 months. I'm a SAHM, happily "retired" from being a Human Resource specialist when M-girl came along. I've been a blogger for 9 years (sometimes more consistent than others) this month (which is kind of strange to me!) The two oldest are playing soccer for the first time this spring which is almost as much as I can think about sometimes!


We have two dogs, a yellow lab and a black golden retriever mix pup.


We're Reformed Christians, happily members at an OPC church. We love College Football, and if a game is on in the fall, we've probably seen some part of it. We're Buckeyes by birth and education (and good taste).


We discussed and agreed on homeschooling prior to being engaged, so are very excited to have started homeschooling (semi-officially) in January ... deciding to educate on a "calendar year" schedule.


I also love parenthetical asides and ellipses ... you probably already noticed that though ;)


We go to an OPC church as well!

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My name is Sheila and I am the very blessed 44 year old mother of six children and wife of one husband. My husband is a landscaper/groundkeeper for a local college. He is patient, dedicated, supportive and wonderful (also very easy on the eyes). He never gets upset if the house is in disaray or supper is late because I am distracted by homeschooling projects or ideas. He comes home from work and pitches in with the housework, cooking and the kids wherever is needed. The man is truely a saint, I don't deserve him (but I'll keep him anyway <smile>).


Two of my children are grown and living on their own. My oldest son (public schooled) is 26 and living in South Carolina and working as a chef at a large beach resort. My oldest daughter (graduated from homeschooling) is 22, married and is just finishing her junior year of college for Early Elementary Education.


My youngest four children are 11 y.o boy, 9 y.o girl, 7 y.o boy and 5 y.o boy. They have always been homeschooled. We are using TWTM curriculum pretty exclusively.


I have been homeschooling now for 13 years. I intend to continue homeschooling until they are all off to college and I can then partake in my fishing retirement plan. :lol:


We live on an 11 acre farm in PA and I enjoy gardening, reading, baking/cooking, simple living, thrift store/yard sale and used book sale shopping .


We follow Dave Ramsey and The Lord (not in that order) :001_smile:

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Yes, it sounds like he could go on record as a saint. ;) Your family sounds delightful.


My name is Sheila and I am the very blessed 44 year old mother of six children and wife of one husband. My husband is a landscaper/groundkeeper for a local college. He is patient, dedicated, supportive and wonderful (also very easy on the eyes). He never gets upset if the house is in disaray or supper is late because I am distracted by homeschooling projects or ideas. He comes home from work and pitches in with the housework, cooking and the kids wherever is needed. The man is truely a saint, I don't deserve him (but I'll keep him anyway <smile>).



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I'm Tutor. Married to dh for 16 years. Homeschooling our 4 (ages 13, 11, 9, and 6) for 8 years. My dh is a full-time PhD student and picks up tutoring and other jobs as he can. I am a non-fiction writer professionally and a fiction writer non-professionally. I also babysit two kids (ages 4 and 2), sell photography, and am working on some gluten-free/ dairy-free snacks to sell at our local farmers market. I love working with power tools outside (it's cathartic, and it blocks out all the little voices yelling "Mommy! Mommy!" when I need alone time, and I am addicted to our local bookstore and rapidly becoming a locavore.


DD13 shoots rifle, dd11 fences, ds9 is a Webelo Scout, and ds6 is learning not to drown and wants to be a weather man when he grows up. :D

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