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How do you refer to interstate highways?

How do you refer to interstate highways? Examples below  

  1. 1. How do you refer to interstate highways? Examples below

    • The traffic on Interstate 5 was terrible.
    • The traffic on The 5 was terrible.
    • The traffic on I-5 was terrible.

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I say "the" 405 or "the" 22 ... but then again, I'm in SoCal, and most everyone says it here (I think even the traffic reporters on the news say it that way!). My friends in college from NoCal said it was only a SoCal thing. ;)

Los Angeles or San Diego area? Because in San Diego, we didn't say "the." I've only heard that in the LA area.

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I didn't read any other replies.



It depends on where I'm at. In your poll example, I live close to "the 5", it is "the 5 freeway", "the 405", the "the 101", etc.


I grew up in Nebraska, and lived in Missouri and Kansas. There it would be "I-29", "I-80", "I-70".


There is a difference between the way people talk about highways in Nebraska and Missouri/Kansas. In Nebraska, it is "Highway 30", "Highway 77", in Missouri/Kansas, it is "29 Highway", "71 Highway" etc.

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I say "the," but most people around here would say, "The traffic on 5 was terrible."


I grew up in SoCal.


:iagree: I'm with you, I would say "the 5."


However, I'm old enough that I frequently refer to the freeways by their names.


So the 5 is "the Golden State" freeway.


Bill (dinosaur)

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I need an "other" vote. Around here you'll mostly here "Route" as in "Traffic on Route 80 going west is obnoxious every afternoon."


If giving directions, we'll say Route before the first highway but then just numbers as in: "Take Route 80 East, to 287 South, to 24 West to the Parkway South."

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My first trip to West Virginia my co-worker and I got lost. He asked for directions and the sweet guy told us to get back on the "interstate" and then get on the "4 lane." First time either of us heard those expressions.

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Los Angeles or San Diego area? Because in San Diego, we didn't say "the." I've only heard that in the LA area.

Mostly LA area. I lived in SD for five years, and I was more of an anomaly down there with the whole "the" thing.


Oh, and Bill, I might not refer to myself as a dinosaur, and I don't tend to refer to the freeways by their proper name, but I do know a lot of their names and sometimes use them (usually for the Ventura Freeway - not sure why as I don't even ever drive it ;) ).

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However, in the midwest, it was always " 70", as in "I took 70 to Denver, and it hailed on me twice". I didn't meet I-5 until I came out here.



I knew there was a reason none of the options looked right!!! I would say this too. I'm from the midwest.

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I also needed an other. I voted the middle option. However, it depends on where I am at the time. In Oklahoma we use I-35 or I-40 or whatever. When we lived in California it was just "the 5" as in "it was raining, so traffic was all backed up on the 5." Here in Hawaii it's just the number. There are only 3 interstates (don't ask me how we can have interstate highways in Hawaii) and a handful of state highways, so it's "the church is just off of 99, you'll see it on your right."

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I had a feeling I should have put more options!


Yep :)

I fall into that midwestern category, I never say interstate or "I" before the number. I just call it by the number. I'm currently in VA so I would say something like

"Traffic on 64 was a bear today." I grew up in SE Wisconsin. I will say that here where I am, I really don't notice anyone saying the "I" or the word Interstate or "The" in front of the number either, now I'll have to keep an ear out to see what they do say.:bigear:

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