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Census worker came yesterday

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I'm so bad. I conveniently lost our census form so a worker had to come by yesterday. I'm sorry to all of you. I am costing the taxpayer more money. But, DH "answered" the questions. He actually refused to answer most of them and she didn't push it. When she asked the race question he answered, "human race". (we are a multi-racial family due to adoption). She chuckled and put down "other".

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We also spent taxpayer money. I goofed up the first form and the second one hubby lost. Also, there wasn't enough room for all of our family anyhow, so I was glad that they showed. I answered all their questions, they understood my issue with the whole ethnicity/race thing and as a family researcher for our families, it can be both helpful and unhelpful. I co-operated to the government terms and they put down both Native American/Cherokee and White for all of us. Technically, hubby could have claimed hispanic, but I don't think the government is concerned about the development of the Black Irish from Spanish-Jewish immigrants in the 15th century.

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I'm so bad. I conveniently lost our census form so a worker had to come by yesterday. I'm sorry to all of you. I am costing the taxpayer more money. But, DH "answered" the questions. He actually refused to answer most of them and she didn't push it. When she asked the race question he answered, "human race". (we are a multi-racial family due to adoption). She chuckled and put down "other".



Which ones did he refuse? I haven't sent my form in yet and they haven't come to my door.

Call me ultra paranoid but I don't like all the questions. Can't I just put down...there are X amount of people living here? Why do they need names and birth dates? Shoot even race I'll give em...honkey :D Really though...does it matter how we are related and isn't putting the age of a person next to the birthday a bit redundant?

However aren't we "subject to applicable laws" (paraphrasing) if we refuse?

I plan on just avoiding the people....just shut my door and be done with it. I can see them coming so :D

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Which ones did he refuse? I haven't sent my form in yet and they haven't come to my door.

Call me ultra paranoid but I don't like all the questions. Can't I just put down...there are X amount of people living here? Why do they need names and birth dates? Shoot even race I'll give em...honkey :D Really though...does it matter how we are related and isn't putting the age of a person next to the birthday a bit redundant?

However aren't we "subject to applicable laws" (paraphrasing) if we refuse?

I plan on just avoiding the people....just shut my door and be done with it. I can see them coming so :D


I'm a census worker and what we really need is a head count. You can refuse by saying to the census worker that will be showing up that you have X amount of people living here, but you do not want to give any more information including names, birthdays, race etc. The CW will just close out your form with a refused and a head count. They may ask neighbors for your name or they may visit the tax office for your name also.


Many people tell me for race that they are human, martian, American, Italian American, etc. It won't be anything new for your census worker to hear. You can refuse any part of the survey. It is nice to have one name of the homeowner/renter and the number of people in the house and that will save time and money.


The more the time the CW has to take to get a count of your household, the more money it costs the American taxpayers. (but the more $$$ the CW will make! :w00t: )

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I haven't had a person come but I did return a call. Hung up on the first guy after telling him to take English classes so I could understand him and answer his questions. Next lady was great - laughed when I gave "human" as race and every one of my dc was a different origin (dh is adopted so we have no idea what his background is). I would not give birthdays, told her I already gave that information on the form. Told her that of course "Rebecca" is a boy and of course my 1yo is in the military (she knew I was joking). Stupid, stupid, stupid questions. Stupid waste of time and $.


Last thing I said to this lovely woman was that I wouldn't want her job for all the world and she deserved a vacation once she was done. She agreed, laughed and that was that.

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This reminds me of "O, Brother!"


"Poppa said I wuz to shoot whoever had papers, last week I nicked the census man."


"Now there's a good boy!"


Since a census worker was murdered this year, I'm not finding this funny :glare:



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This reminds me of "O, Brother!"


"Poppa said I wuz to shoot whoever had papers, last week I nicked the census man."


"Now there's a good boy!"


:iagree: but maybe not in a good way


Spycar-are you talking about the one in Kentucky? The FBI has found he committed suicide.

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Since a census worker was murdered this year, I'm not finding this funny :glare:




Actually Bill, I believe that it was determined to have been a suicide that the man staged to look like it was a murder of a census worker so his children could collect his life insurance and sue the government. I will see if I can find a link.

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I haven't had a person come but I did return a call. Hung up on the first guy after telling him to take English classes so I could understand him and answer his questions. Next lady was great - laughed when I gave "human" as race and every one of my dc was a different origin (dh is adopted so we have no idea what his background is). I would not give birthdays, told her I already gave that information on the form. Told her that of course "Rebecca" is a boy and of course my 1yo is in the military (she knew I was joking). Stupid, stupid, stupid questions. Stupid waste of time and $.


Last thing I said to this lovely woman was that I wouldn't want her job for all the world and she deserved a vacation once she was done. She agreed, laughed and that was that.


The questions are stupid and, of course, it always gets a laugh about gender, where you spend other time (ie. "jail" hahaha) and also human race is a very common answer. 2nd only to "American" when the respondent won't pick a race from list D.


If I go to a house or call someone, I try to keep it light and I realize that the questions are stupid and in training they told us to kind of laugh and confirm "so Joseph is a boy, right? hahahah".


Actually, the person you spoke with is NOT suppose to read the list for each person on where you spend most of your time. She was suppose to say "Do you (person 1) spend any time at: military, prison, child custody, seasonal home etc." and then for person 2, 3, 4+ you say does person 2 live somewhere else for any reason? "Yes, child custody" or "no" or "could you read the list again?" to avoid asking if a 1 year old is in prison.


Everyone I've met with/spoken to has been very pleasant, even when giving silly answers so that makes my job fun. Only one person closed the door on me so far, but whatever... it is nothing personal.

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Census worker came down our street Monday. I was in the yard and my boys plus some of the neighborhood children were riding their bikes. She got out of her car and started flagging down the kids to ask them "What do you know about the people who live there?" Direct quote (according to the two 13 year old boys and corroborated by the other children)...she then pointed across the street. I saw her wave at the kids and start flagging them down. I was clear across the yard so she had started questioning them before I could get there.


Oh boy, did she land in a hornet's nest! The neighbor lady made it out her door about the time I did as well - she was the mother of the five year old in the group. We READ HER THE RIOT ACT! I told her she was very, very lucky that I didn't call the police and then calmly reminded all of the children that just because someone says they are from the government, that doesn't mean you talk to them. They are still strangers and they could be dangerous strangers who are lieing. The census worker did show us a badge and an employee identification number that the neighbor wrote down. We lodged a formal complaint.


I bet our little town is now on some anti-government watch list! Oh well, one does not mess with my kids. I am usually a sweet and gentle person but my inner mamma bear makes velociraptors seem like house cats!

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Spycar-are you talking about the one in Kentucky? The FBI has found he committed suicide.


Actually Bill, I believe that it was determined to have been a suicide that the man staged to look like it was a murder of a census worker so his children could collect his life insurance and sue the government. I will see if I can find a link.


That does appear to be the case.


I still don't think it is even slightly funny to suggest shooting at people who are helping to fulfill a Constitutionally mandated service.


I know it provokes Woo Haws, but it is not harmless, and it is not decent.



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That does appear to be the case.


I still don't think it is even slightly funny to suggest shooting at people who are helping to fulfill an Constitutionally mandated service.


I know it provokes Woo Haws, but it is not harmless, and it is not decent.




I don't think I can clarify my point without getting offensive (not toward you).

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That does appear to be the case.


I still don't think it is even slightly funny to suggest shooting at people who are helping to fulfill an Constitutionally mandated service.


I know it provokes Woo Haws, but it is not harmless, and it is not decent.




Sorry Bill I was shown too much HeeHaw as a child. :blushing:

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I was asked to verify something that another neighbour said about the people next door to me. They are both deaf. I knew that there are teenagers about that can sign and the husband is able to read lips. It gave them a chance to prepare for coming back and how to appropriately, not offensively and with out frustration, approach the couple.


The census workers here did not ask any children and made it a point NOT to ask children ANYTHING. They stuck to the adults.


I was told that I had made their job easier than most people.

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Just to clairfy! I am not against any census worker :) Just the government (I know I have to be on a list somewhere) and not all government either but that is another thread! :)


I will never be rude to them, I will just avoid them or, since I can refuse I might as well say yup X amount of people and so on but no specifics :)


My husband looked into it as well but the thought of going door to door in our area stopped him in his tracks :D

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Just to clairfy! I am not against any census worker :) Just the government (I know I have to be on a list somewhere) and not all government either but that is another thread! :)


I will never be rude to them, I will just avoid them or, since I can refuse I might as well say yup X amount of people and so on but no specifics :)


My husband looked into it as well but the thought of going door to door in our area stopped him in his tracks :D


It just doesn't make sense to me to actively avoid something that the government is constitutionally mandated to do in order to insure that you have adequate representation in government. Do you want your state/congressional district to be under-represented in Congress?

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It just doesn't make sense to me to actively avoid something that the government is constitutionally mandated to do in order to insure that you have adequate representation in government. Do you want your state/congressional district to be under-represented in Congress?


I'm beginning to hope some of these areas are under-represented in Congress ;) :D



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First of all, in our case, this area is getting overrepresentation by 4 people since 4/5 of us are Floridians, not Virginians. ANd in the same respect, our Fl district is getting cheated by 4 people. Second of all, no one needs any other info except number of people to figure out how many people live in each district. They definitely do not need race, and not homeowner or renter status either. I filled out the form and no one has come by or called. I filled it out correctly including putting down that we are renters but I don't like it. I also put down that we are humans since scientists concur that races are a cultural construct and not a biological fact. If I wanted to be more exact, I would have put down homo sapiens but I figured human was clear enough for what I meant.

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First of all, in our case, this area is getting overrepresentation by 4 people since 4/5 of us are Floridians, not Virginians. ANd in the same respect, our Fl district is getting cheated by 4 people.


I figure that sort of thing is probably a wash, when it comes to military families. I don't vote in Hawaii, I vote in Oklahoma and dh votes in Texas.


Second of all, no one needs any other info except number of people to figure out how many people live in each district. They definitely do not need race, and not homeowner or renter status either. I filled out the form and no one has come by or called. I filled it out correctly including putting down that we are renters but I don't like it.


The reason for that is so that they can track down info (see the above post on the tax office). If the people who owned my home did not answer the census, they know not to come here because I *did* answer *and* I rent the home.


I also put down that we are humans since scientists concur that races are a cultural construct and not a biological fact. If I wanted to be more exact, I would have put down homo sapiens but I figured human was clear enough for what I meant.


I can sort of understand people who don't put race, I was specifically addressing people who refuse to give out basic information.

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That does appear to be the case.


I still don't think it is even slightly funny to suggest shooting at people who are helping to fulfill a Constitutionally mandated service.


I know it provokes Woo Haws, but it is not harmless, and it is not decent.






I was also amazed to see an an actual census form form the early 1800's at the Smithsonian having almost the same questions as the current form:D Some make it sound like the forms are more invasive than ever and I have to simply disagree especially after seeing firsthand for myself at the Smithsonian:D


I also like to remember that government workers are just fellow Americans and are someone's friends and family. I know for myself that I have many friends and and family who serve our government and they are all decent and honest folk:)

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It just doesn't make sense to me to actively avoid something that the government is constitutionally mandated to do in order to insure that you have adequate representation in government. Do you want your state/congressional district to be under-represented in Congress?


Mrs Mungo in my district it wouldn't matter :) The people here do not represent me no matter what crayola ;) sets the lines!


And as for adequate representation in government /snort....I want people to like me not hate me here! :D


Yes I know it is constitutionally mandated, doesn't mean I have to like it or the questions. It also doesn't mean I can't vent a little frustration about the whole things either :) Once I vent I am usually good to go! /grumble they still don't need to know my kids info...

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I was also amazed to see an an actual census form form the early 1800's at the Smithsonian having almost the same questions as the current form:D Some make it sound like the forms are more invasive than ever and I have to simply disagree especially after seeing firsthand for myself at the Smithsonian:D


You can even see them online!


Index of historical census questions


You can download historical census forms here

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I totally confused the worker who came the other day. I returned my form in VA where we were living on 4/1. I can't respond for here in TX or we will be double counted. I have no idea who lived here before us,if anyone. Poor thing didn't know what to do with us.

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I totally confused the worker who came the other day. I returned my form in VA where we were living on 4/1. I can't respond for here in TX or we will be double counted. I have no idea who lived here before us,if anyone. Poor thing didn't know what to do with us.


She was not trained properly. ;)


You are an in-mover and we practiced scenarios like this in training class.

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I'm so bad. I conveniently lost our census form so a worker had to come by yesterday. I'm sorry to all of you. I am costing the taxpayer more money. But, DH "answered" the questions. He actually refused to answer most of them and she didn't push it. When she asked the race question he answered, "human race". (we are a multi-racial family due to adoption). She chuckled and put down "other".


Whatever. :001_rolleyes:

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Every question on the form is public record information. I do not understand the big flap about responding to the census form. Were I to leave the form blank, the government would waste far more money culling the information from the extant public info sources.

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A census worker came by on Wednesday. He was very pleasant. He actually seemed nervous, and said that it was his second day. I gave him a head count. He asked for birthdays, and I told him that I wasn't really comfortable giving that information out. He asked if I would want to answer any of the other things, such as race. I told him that I really didn't. So, he did not waste time going through any of the questions, since he realized my viewpoint. He asked if he could have my name, which I did give. So, my name and a head count is what he filled out. He was very polite, and didn't pressure me in any way. He told me that he understood my feelings, and that was the end of it.

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Well, in our opinion, the only thing the govt. needs to know on the census form is how many are in our household - adults and children. They don't need to know how much $$ we make (although they know it anyway) and what race and whatever else they asked.

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Every question on the form is public record information. I do not understand the big flap about responding to the census form. Were I to leave the form blank, the government would waste far more money culling the information from the extant public info sources.


Yeah, I guess I just don't get the point in being so opposed to the census. I mean, in my family, we pay our income taxes, we all have social security numbers, birth certificates, and passports, and two of us have state-issued identification (driver licenses). So it's not like by filling out the census, we've suddenly revealed to the government the great secret of our existence. :confused: What's the big deal?

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Well, in our opinion, the only thing the govt. needs to know on the census form is how many are in our household - adults and children. They don't need to know how much $$ we make (although they know it anyway) and what race and whatever else they asked.


Are there differing census forms ? Our form requested only number of residents, then for each one, name, b-day, whether he or she occasionally lived elsewhere, and the silly "race" question. Not one question more. That is why I alleged that only "public information" was requested. It took about 1 minute to print in the answers.

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Are there differing census forms ? Our form requested only number of residents, then for each one, name, b-day, whether he or she occasionally lived elsewhere, and the silly "race" question. Not one question more. That is why I alleged that only "public information" was requested. It took about 1 minute to print in the answers.


Yes, the long version and the short version --


the long version asks you how much you spent on heating your home, how you heat your home, who your last employer was (don't even get me started on the fact that raising and teaching my children leaves me as "unemployed" I'm still fuming!!!!). Where your employer is located. How much you pay in property taxes... umm... a bunch of other questions about how many rooms in your home, phone hookups etc.

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Yes, the long version and the short version --


the long version asks you how much you spent on heating your home, how you heat your home, who your last employer was (don't even get me started on the fact that raising and teaching my children leaves me as "unemployed" I'm still fuming!!!!). Where your employer is located. How much you pay in property taxes... umm... a bunch of other questions about how many rooms in your home, phone hookups etc.


There is no long form anymore. There is something called the American Family Survey (or something like that) and it is separate from the actual Census.

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A census worker came by on Wednesday. He was very pleasant. He actually seemed nervous, and said that it was his second day. I gave him a head count. He asked for birthdays, and I told him that I wasn't really comfortable giving that information out. He asked if I would want to answer any of the other things, such as race. I told him that I really didn't. So, he did not waste time going through any of the questions, since he realized my viewpoint. He asked if he could have my name, which I did give. So, my name and a head count is what he filled out. He was very polite, and didn't pressure me in any way. He told me that he understood my feelings, and that was the end of it.

The thing is, at least I know it has been in the past, that if you do not fill in the "race", then the census worker may do so based on his best guess/judgment. At least my telling the CW what to put gave me the right to declare myself, rather than being presumed upon based on my colouring.

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I had to help out our census worker. There are so many summer homes/weekend homes here, not to mention new houses and houses that are no longer there :p I ended up taking her down our street and the ones on either side pointing out where houses used to be, where vacant houses are, where weekend houses are...


I actually felt really sorry for her having this job. None of the street numbers here make sense (things like one house having 75, the next having 285, the next having 295 &tc) and really, there are a LOT of vacant houses.

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I had to help out our census worker. There are so many summer homes/weekend homes here, not to mention new houses and houses that are no longer there :p I ended up taking her down our street and the ones on either side pointing out where houses used to be, where vacant houses are, where weekend houses are...


I actually felt really sorry for her having this job. None of the street numbers here make sense (things like one house having 75, the next having 285, the next having 295 &tc) and really, there are a LOT of vacant houses.


I'm nominating you for good-citizen of the week!



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I'm so bad. I conveniently lost our census form so a worker had to come by yesterday. I'm sorry to all of you. I am costing the taxpayer more money. But, DH "answered" the questions. He actually refused to answer most of them and she didn't push it. When she asked the race question he answered, "human race". (we are a multi-racial family due to adoption). She chuckled and put down "other".



That's fine. I actually don't like "disclosing" personal info. for people to whom I do not choose. As my friend said, "The gov't. already has all that info, but I'm not going to make it any easie to give it to them knowing more strangers will be reading/tallying the data".

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Wow, I would hate to be a census worker just trying to do my job if I had to deal with some of the stuff I am reading here.


I'm not a fan of the census but I was getting this same feeling too. Even though I am not crazy about answering the questions, we sent in the form. If a worker had to come to our home because we failed to send in the form I would at least be courteous. I'm guessing being a census worker could be a dangerous job these days. But with the economy there are a lot of people doing it to make ends meet. They don't need more trouble IMO.

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I hear you 2cents, but have to say... they should have known what they were getting into. My brother was a telemarketer for a very short while. He knew it would be rough, but needed the money. Whenever he'd start to complain about the way people treated him, he would remind himself that he felt the same way about people in his profession.


I do, though, feel for the starry eyed patriots that imagine they're doing the work of the country, only to have the cold water of reality splashed in their face (or the humid wave of reality, as the case was for our worker).

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I have visited hundreds of homes in my community and everyone (but one refusal) was pleasant and respectful. Not at all like being a telemarketer! I'm paid well, I can go to work when my dh gets home and it is very temporary. Short and sweet. :D I don't know if you need to be a patriot to be a census worker, but I'm in it for the money. ;) By my estimate, I will have made about $5,000 in two months. If I lived somewhere where I was treated with disrespect, I would just pack it in and be done.


Maybe it depends on where you live in the country, but reading this thread makes me proud of my little northwest corner of NJ! I was invited in to sit and cool off, cold drinks, and even dinner at one house (I said no, but is smelled soooo good, lol!). :hurray: NJ!!

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Some of the older forms asked far more questions. I can read historic returns and determine which of my ancestors could read and write, what their state and country of birth was, if they spoke English, if they attended school, how many children a woman had had and how many were still living, and on at least one census if the men had fought for the South in the Civil War.


The family historian in me is glad that my ancestors didn't run off the census taker.

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